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ships measurements-displacement and tonnage(ships size)

Displacement : refers to the weight of the ship which, according the Archimedeslaw, is equivalent to the
weight of displaced liquid. It is measure in metric tonnes.
- THE LOAD DISPLACEMENT ( deadweight) : is defined as the weight of the ship when fully
-THE LIGHT DISPLACEMENT (lightweight) : is defined as the weight of the unloaded ship
Tonnage ( registered tonnage) : refers to the measurement of the internal volume of the ship. Tonnage
is measured as capacity in terms of 100 ft3 equivalent to 2,832 m3.

GROSS TONNAGE : is equivalent to the volume of all the closed spaces on the ship. It includes
loading spaces such as the holds and the passengers cabins as well as the engine room and the
crews cabins, which are not earning spaces.
NET TONNAGE : is the volume of the earning spaces of the ship, such as the holds, the
Essential and nautical qualities

Essential qualities : ensure that the ship is capable of resisting the force of the sea and waves. They are
classified as follows:

buoyancy : which is the ships capability to float;

impermeability : this means that the ships structure is water-tight;
soundness: this is the capability to resist the force of the waves, even when sailing with a full
cargo in rough seas

Nautical qualities: refer to the navigational qualities of the craft. They are classified in :

stability : her capability to resist to the forces which tend to make the ship lean, and her
capability to right herself spontaneously;
manoeuvrability : the ships capability to readily respond to commands from the wheelhouse;
rolling : the ships rolling movement is slow and regular even in rough seas;
speed : the ships capability to cover long distance in relativity short times.

MUSTER LIST : It is an emergency plan, where are specified: emergency signals, the tasks of each
in various emergencies, boats or rafts assigned in case of abandonment.

GENERAL EMERGENCIES : Seven or more short blast followed by one long blast on the ship
ABANDON SHIP : Masters order by ships loudspeaker followed by a continuos ring of alarm ships
bell until abandon ship is completed.
FIRE ON BOARD : Two long blast on the ships whistle or siren followed bycontinuos sounds for not
less than 10 seconds by ships alarm bells followed with the inforrmations regarding the place of
fire by ship loudspeaker, if avaible.
MAN OVERBOARD One long blast on the ship whistle or siren.

Fires are divided into 5 classes, according to the type of fuel:

A class for solid combustibles;

B class for liquid combustibles;
C class for gaseous combustibles;
D class - metal combustibles;
E class fire in the electrical equipment.


The ship includes the Passive Fire Protection that is the installation of firewalls and fire
rated floor assemblies to form fire compartments intended to limit the spread of fire, high
temperatures, and smoke.

Active fire protection - manual and automatic detection and suppression of fires, such as fire
sprinkler systems and (fire alarm) systems.

The PASSIVE FIRE PROTECTION is an integral component of structural fire

protection and fire safety in a ship. This attemps to contain fires or slow the spread.
the PFP is made up boundaries, for example : decks, bulkheads ( thermal
structural), escape routes, fire-retarding doors . These boundaries must be A-60
class. It means that for 60 minutes no smoke and flames pass through for one
hour. It Be insulated such that the unexposed side will not rise in
temperature more than 139 nor at any one point more than 180 above
original temperature.
The Active fire protection is an integral part of fire protection. It is characterised by items
and/or systems, which require a certain amount of motion to work, contrary to passive fire
protection. Fire can be extinguished, or manually or automatically. Manual control includes the use
of a portable fire extinguisher . Automatic control means can include a fire sprinkler system, a
gaseous clean agent, or firefighting foam system.
- SPRINKER SYSTEM : that discharges water when the effects of a fire have been detected, such
as when a predetermined temperature has been exceeded. This system works when the Heat
Sensitive Glass Bulb breaks. A sprinkler system includes water supply ( that is a tank) and a
network of pipes to which are connected discharge nozzles closed by a heat-sensitive element. n
case of fire, the heat generated causes the opening of nozzles and consequently the leakage of water
droplets that allows the rapid fire control with minimal damage.

Carbon Dioxide System : It is made up in a series CARBON DYOXIDE

CYLINDERS connected in a pipe-system. Carbon Dyoxide cylinders are
arranged in a fire station called Carbon Dyoxide STATION, located outside. A
siren warns that the local is about to be flooded with carbon dioxide. Generally
is used in engine and pump rooms.
HI-FOG SYSTEM (water mist) : It is a plant in which a small amount of water
is sprayed on the fire creating a real cold fog.

*Drencher system : It is an rain extinguish system in special local: it is planned in

the engine rooms, roro decks, pump rooms ..A large tank of water which, in case of
fire,it floods the local to extinguish any flames.

FIRE PLAN : iT contain the information you need to a fire emergency action.

*Portable fire extinguisher : s an active fire protection device used to extinguish or control small fires,
often in emergency situations.

Fire is extinguished with :


CARBON DIOXIDE , in the machinery spaces and electrical installations;

High-expansion foam in enclosed spaces ( storerooms, lockers,roro decks)
Low-expansion foam on deck;
Sprinklers in accommodation spaces;
Water-sprays and HI-FOG on roro decks.

Any fireman must wear : A fire-suit; a breathing apparatus, a helmet, glaves, safety
boots and an axe.
*An inert gas is a gas which does not undergo chemical reactions.

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