Already Got A Job

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When you have a job....

Hopefully you are reading this because you have found a part-time job if so, congratulations! If not,
please keep reading as the information is still relevant to you.
As you start work there are a few rights and responsibilities to be aware of, which will ensure that you
that have a good experience as a student employee. We have tried to summarise a few here, but you
can find much more detailed information on the More than Work website
( and please dont hesitate to contact us in the Student Jobshop if
you need any further help or information:
How many hours?
Your student status will dictate the number of hours you may work (see below), but the University
recommends 16 hrs as the maximum during semesters if you are studying a full-time degree course:
Sheffield International College students If the course is for 12 months, up to 10 hrs per week (working
is not permitted for courses of 6 months or less
International students most non-EEA students may work for up to 20 hrs per week during semesters
(more in vacations) but remember, the University would not advise more than 16 hrs. It is important if
you have more than one job you do not exceed the total number of hours even for one week.
Taught Postgraduates may work up to 20 hrs per week during semesters , and up to full-time during
Christmas and Easter vacations, but not during the summer vacation until all examinations completed
and dissertation submitted.
Research Postgraduates are allowed 8 weeks vacation each academic year during which you may
work full-time
Do I need a contract?
Your employer should give you a contract of employment within 8 weeks of starting work dont be
afraid to ask for a written statement outlining your duties, working hours and rate of pay as this may
help to avoid problems in the future.
Zero hours contracts (where an employer is not obliged to provide the worker with any minimum hours
and the worker is not obliged to accept any hours offered) can be quite popular for students as they
provide the flexibility often suitable when trying to fit work around your studies but an employer cannot
build in an exclusivity ban which would prevent you from working for another employer.
What will I be paid?

The UK has a National Minimum Wage (NMW) which must be paid to employees aged 18 yrs or over. It
is revised each October (5.13 per hr at 18 yrs and 6.50 per hr at 21 yrs in 2014-15). This is the
minimum rate although many employers pay a higher rate. Sometimes employers offer internships
which offer work experience on an unpaid basis please note that if you have a contract of employment
(whether written or spoken) and you are contributing to the business you are working for, you should be
paid the NMW, even if the post is termed an internship. Find out more at
How will I be paid?
You will be paid according to the number of hours you work and this may be on a weekly or monthly
basis. You may be asked to sign-in when you arrive and leave or you may be asked to record your hours
on a timesheet be sure to do this or you may not be paid for all the hours you work. Payment is
usually made into a bank account but you may be paid in cash your employer will be required to
deduct any tax and national insurance payments. You should receive a payslip with your wages which
shows the number of hours worked, the rate of pay and the amount of pay, both before and after
deductions. Dont forget, cash in hand (ie payment in cash without deductions) is illegal and both you
and your employer could get into trouble!
What about Tax and National Insurance (NI)?
All employees (including students with part-time jobs) are required to pay income tax and national
insurance, however the amount you pay will depend on the amount you earn. The threshold for paying
income tax is when you earn more than the personal allowance (10,000 in 2014-15) but your employer
may still deduct tax from your earnings - the good news is that you can reclaim any income tax paid at
the end of the financial year in April. Unfortunately, national insurance payments are non-refundable.
These two websites may help to answer your questions about tax and NI:
Do I need a National Insurance Number (NINO)?
Everyone who works in the UK needs a National Insurance Number (NINO), which is a unique number
which identifies you throughout your working career and is used to make deductions from your earnings
to contribute towards benefits, pensions and allowances that you may be eligible for in the future. If
you were brought up in the UK you should have received your NINO when you reached 16 yrs; if you
need to obtain a NINO you can do so by calling 0845 600 0643 or check with the Jobshop as we arrange
NINO registration days several times each semester.

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