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North East Region

Natives living in the Great Basin could

not grow large amounts of food and the
area did not have many fruits available.
People mostly ate small animals, and
made their homes out of bark, leaves,
and sticks.

Great Basin Region

This region had a dense forest and a colder

environment. Many natives from the North
East grew corn, squash, and beans. Much of
the Indians near the Great Lakes primarily
fished and made semi-permanent villages
out of wigwams.

Common Traits
- They all used the environment to build homes.

The environment in the Southwest Region

had many climate changes which made it
hard for the tribes to predict the weather.
To cope with the constant changes Native
Americans unique strategies guided by
their cultural beliefs and practices .

Pacific Coast Region

The environments of the Pacific

coast allowed the many native
American Tribes to fish, harvest and
hunt many different species. The
presence of the sea cause many of
the tribes to have ceremonies
based on the arrival of the first
salmon or other religious callings.

Southwest Region

Native Americans


Hand their land stolen

Much Rain

Were re-located away from

their homes

Transportation by motor

Transport by canoe



Frequent battles


Homes are made with natural sources

Homes are much like the

modern homes in the US

With this information I predict the refugee
group will use the surrounding forest to
make adjustments to their camp.

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