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Comprehension & Summary

Section C
(25 marks)
Questions 26 31 are based on the following passage.
The following passage is about a professional hunter of wild animals such as tigers, wolves and leopards
that prey on livestock.

I have spent 20 years hunting wild animals in the Sarawak jungles. The leopard is one
of the most unpredictable animals I have ever come across. A cunning animal, it will change its
direction for no obvious reason. Although I had faced numerous encounters with ferocious
creatures, none scared me the way the leopard did, the day it attacked me
(On January 24, (a goat was killed at a nearby farm). (Two weeks earlier, (farmers had 5
reported missing livestock). A leopard had been around the area at dusk. On that very day,
fifteen experienced men volunteered to track it. Before the hunting party arrived, I went out to
(27b i)- change I He, my - his
look for the tracks Without a thought, (I left my rifle in the car) and that was the worst mistake
(27b ii) change I He
in my life. (Unarmed),/ (I was exposed to danger).
I stepped into the bushes where the goat was killed. Suddenly, I sensed danger from
behind. I looked around and there, under a tree, all set to strike, was an adult leopard. I
remembered my rifle and turned back to my car to get it.
(28 a) & Point 1 change my his/ I He, me - him)
Then it happened, (The leopard leapt on my back). / (I heard nothing when it hit me as it
(28 a) Point 2 change me - him
happened very fast).(The impact) was enough to set me off balance). For a moment I felt dizzy,
as if the surrounding was spinning. I could not make sense of the things around me. They
Point 3 change I He Point 4 change my-his
seemed to be blurring. Before I realized it, (I slumped onto the ground)(with the leopard clawing
at my back). I could faintly hear the grunting from the leopard. Although I could feel the sharp
Point 5 change I - He
pain all over my back. (I still managed to gather enough strength to roll over). My sudden action
took the creature by surprised I had caused it to let go of me and I was free for a short time.
Point 6 change I - He
That was the best chance I had to run away. However (before I could do anything, (the
change the creature it, my - his
creature had grabbed my right shoulder). This time the leopard became more aggressive. It was
Point 7 change me - him
certainly not going to let me escape and (started shaking me vigorously). The sheer strength of
the mighty animal was incredible. There was simply nothing I could do to stop it. At that instant,
I was sure I was going to die.
Point 8 change I-He, my-his, leopards - its
Without thinking, (I placed my hand on the leopards neck). I realised that to gain
control over the animal, I had to act swiftly before it could overpower me. This was something
Point 9 change I-He, my-his
I had learned from my past hunting experience. I never hesitated. (I wrestled with the leopards
head and neck over my chest). Knowing that it was either me or the leopard, I had to fight for





Comprehension & Summary

my life. There was no time to waste. With whatever strength that was left in me. (I wrapped my
Point 10 change I-He, my-his
left arm tightly around the leopards neck, trying to chocked it). Furious with my action, the
Point 11
animal let out a loud and deafening growl. In fighting back,(it struggled with such force)(that I
Point 12 change I-He
had to put more pressure on its neck)

A young man, who was a member of the hunting group, was scouting the area.
(Suddenly, (he heard a loud growl). (Sensing someone was in danger, he rushed towards the
scene). (He stood hesitatingly about three metres away from the leopard, not knowing whether
Point 13- change I He add to shot at the end
he could shoot accurately). Frantically, (I yelled at him to move nearer.) Bang! The first shot
went off target. Then the second shot hit the leopard in the spine. This time he did it. There was
a loud growl before it went limp. Seeing the lifeless animal next tome, I was overcome with




Looking back, I think the leopard had every reason to attack me. It was starving. When
I looked straight into its face, I felt sorry. This was the closest encounter I have ever had with
such a fierce animal.

(Adapted from Readers Digest, July 2003)

26 From paragraph 1, where does the writer hunt?
Sarawak jungles/Sarawak/jungles (no lifting)__________________________________________
[1 mark]
27 From paragraph 2,
(a) what had happened to the farmers livestock?
Missing/ killed (allow lifting Line 5: a goat was killed at a nearby farm/ (Two weeks earlier),__
farmers reported missing livestock.
[1 mark]
b) why was it a mistake?
No protection/ No weapon/ He was exposed to danger / unarmed (no lifting)_________________
[1 mark]
28 From paragraph 4,
(a) what threw the writer off balance?
The impact (of the attack)/ the attack/the animal/the leopard leapt on his back/the leopard hit him
[1 mark]

Comprehension & Summary

(b) which word means fell?

Slumped The word fell means slumped___________________________________________
[1 mark]
29 From paragraph 7,
a) what made the young man rush to the scene?
(He heard a loud) growl/ He sensed that someone was in danger (Line 35)___________________
[1 mark]
b) why did the young man hesitate to shoot?
Did not know if he could shoot accurately/ Not sure of his accuracy (Line 36)_______________
[1 mark]
30 In your own words, give two reasons why do you think the writer felt sorry for the leopard.
i) Because it was not the leopards fault/ the leopard had every reason to attack______________
ii) Because the leopard was strong/The leopard a) fighting for its survival b) protecting itself__
[2 marks]

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Comprehension & Summary

31 Based on the passage given, write a summary:

of how the leopard attacked the writer and

what he did to save himself

Credit will be given for use of own words but care must be taken not to change the original
Your summary must:

be in continuous writing form ( not in note form)

use materials from lines 13 37

not be longer than 130 words, including the 10 words given below.

Begin your summary as follows:

He realized he was being attacked by a leopard when

(15 marks)

1. It leapt onto his back/ It hit him_(ignore point 1, if candidate did not change the pronoun)________
2. (the impact was enough to) set him off balance__________________________________________
3. He slumped into the ground._________________________________________________________
4. the leopard clawed (at his back)/ him__________________________________________________
5. He managed to (gather enough strength) to roll over______________________________________
6. the creature had grabbed his (right) shoulder/ him________________________________________
7. Started shaking him (vigorously)_____________________________________________________
8. He placed his hand on the leopards neck_______________________________________________
9. He wrestled with the leopard.________________________________________________________
10. He wrapped his (left) arm around the leopards neck/ tried to choke it._______________________
11. It struggled (with such a force) ______________________________________________________
12. He had put more pressure on its neck._________________________________________________

Comprehension & Summary

13. He yelled at the young man (to move nearer) to shoot.____________________________________

1. The leopard leapt onto my back/ I heard nothing when it hit me as it happened very fast_________
2. The impact was enough to set me off balance___________________________________________
3. I slumped onto the ground__________________________________________________________
4. with the leopard clawing at my back.__________________________________________________
5. I still managed to gather enough strength to roll over._____________________________________
6. Before I could do anything, the creature had grabbed my right shoulder.______________________
7. It was certainly not going to let me escape and started shaking vigorously.____________________
8. Without thinking, I placed my hand on the leopards neck._________________________________
9. I never hesitated, I wrestled with the leopards head and neck over my chest.__________________
10. I wrapped my left arm tightly round the leopards neck, trying to choke it.____________________
11. It struggled with such force_________________________________________________________
12. that I had to put more pressure on its neck._____________________________________________
13. not knowing whether he could shoot accurately, Frantically I yelled at him to move nearer + to___
Point 12 is only awarded if there is point 11, but point 11 can stand by itself without point 12_____

Comprehension & Summary

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