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Lesson Reflection

In my lesson (What is informative writing?) with grade 7. I started the lesson with a
revision of previous lessons, which are about the informative writing features and the steps
that we follow while we are writing for information. After that, I started my lesson with
showing the students two pictures of frog and toad with labels that show facts and differences
between them. Then, I asked the students to give me the facts. Then I showed them real
pictures of salamander and lizard and from it, the students gave me the differences between
them. For the activity, I gave the students two pictures of salamander and lizard with labels
that show facts and differences between them, and from it the students had to write
informative writing based on differentiation and students level. At the end, the students had to
share their writing with peers.
I was proud of my students because they gave me information more than the label from
their experiences in real life. Moreover, some of them were explaining to the other the
differences that they found it difficult so they could understand for them.
If I have the chance to repeat this lesson I would do it the same in some parts and
different in other parts. I would do the introduction in the same way also, the facts between
frog and toad. After that, I would show the students the real pictures of salamander and lizard
and I would ask them to find the facts and write them down together, and then, I would show
the students two pictures of salamander and lizard with labels that show facts and differences.
As a whole class, we would write the informative writing and show the students how
to write formative writing and how to use the facts and apply them depends on the previous
lessons. From that, the students will be able to recognize the way to write informative
writing, and they will be able to write informative writing in the future.

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