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Name: Gabriel Ballestas





The protagonist was a robot

In a futuristic Kennel of a society of robots through the desert
When the two men arrived and ended with whole the anarchy
Yes, if we see more closer, the two strangers were robots too, but they
broke the chains of slavery and continued their own ideas, and after that
decided to release their brethren robots from the yoke of their oppressors
5- I would join rebellion to end the slavery of my species and live in a free
world and better living conditions
6- That the Sun has burnt everything and that living conditions are so
precarious that our human organisms could not survive properly


1- In the first scene we saw a woman tied to a stretcher without having any
idea's as I get there, clearly frightened and helpless, waiting at the entrance
of a strange shadow that appears in front of it, curtains that would be what
was behind those curtains?, because everyone already knew, until she
knew it... his murderer
2- The robot is going to fix her, because she don love him
3- He was programmed to love
4- the machines are very different to us since they almost always
misunderstand their schedules and are machines want fix the problem in
any way possible, e.g. killing, so we look like we humans crazy, for them
only in a way to fix a problem that hinders its main objective
1- He wanted to arrive on his home planet
2- He was using a device called time trap, taking a radius of land where I could
back the time of the situations that had occurred at the place where the
decided used the time trap

3- like I said before , taking a radius of land where I could back the time of the
situations that had occurred at the place where the decided used the time


1- post-apocalyptic future
2- the kidnapping of the White House
3- the capitan james gunner, the doc, the president, the squad and the bad

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