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Reaper World Tourneys

Version 1

Reaper World Tourney Host Training Manual

This document is meant to provide a clear message regarding what we wish to see from
our hosts at Reaper World Tourneys, as well as how to run our events for those with little to no
prior tournament hosting experience. Lets get started with our mission.
At Reaper World Tourneys, our goal is to provide the most professionally hosted events
as possible. While we do have rules, and we are firm in their enforcement, we still wish to be
courteous and helpful to event attendants. Word of mouth from one player to his friends can
serve to increase our player base, and acts as free advertisement. Therefore it is very important to
impress players in our events, and get them to come back for future events.
Lets now get right into tourney hosting guidelines to help you manage your events.

1. We use for easy tourney bracket creation, however you may use
whatever system you desire, so long as it is easily viewable by your players.
2. You may not participate in your own events.
3. Be resolute in your event settings. Do not leave loopholes or wiggle room for teams to
argue over, or to use to try and falsely win. They will try, make sure to shut down those
4. Highest seed hosts first. If there are no seeds in your event, then the team on top of the
bracket hosts first. This solves team host bickering. Team hosts then switch after every
map played to remain fair.

5. Use proof to resolve debates or issues. Require proof of victory in order to pass a team
6. Allow 5 minutes for teams to show up for their match, AFTER a team announces that
their opponents are running late. After 5 minutes, disqualify the missing team and pass
the one who showed up.
7. For lag complaints, if the lag is bad, have them switch hosts and restart until complete. If
the match is in the second half of its run time, deny the switch and tell them to complete
their match. If they refuse and back out, disqualify them and advance the opposing team.
8. Ask for proof for almost every complaint or claim possible. This can only serve to help
you make a decision.
9. Be wary of tricks teams may attempt to use to get free wins.
10. While advertising on Twitter, be sure to post multiple advertisement tweets. Tag
retweeters if possible. However, be aware that most Twitter tourney players want the
event to happen that day. Twitter is not recommended for future planned events.
11. Be sure to read and understand the rules stated for players on our website
12. If you host a paid event, you should use a PERCENTAGE payout. For example, if you
guarantee an 85% payout, then the winning team will win 85% of the submitted pot
from the teams entry fees. (You will need a PayPal account to host paid events) The
percentage payout is much safer, because if you get teams who want refunds for
legitimate reasons, then the payout automatically adjusts. Whereas if you guarantee a
FIXED payout, you must pay the fixed payout number. Even if you lose several teams
and must refund them. Therefore you could stand to actually lose money with a fixed
payout. Always use PERCENTAGE.
13. Be aware of how much time events take to host. Bo3 events can take approximately 2-3
hours to complete. Therefore if youre tight on time, I heavily suggest 1nD events. Bo5

and Bo7s are very long, especially depending on the amount of teams attending, and can
take nearly all day. Plan wisely.
14. Include the teams hosts PSN/Gamertags in the brackets. This is a massive help to you,
as it allows players to reference the bracket, and immediately see who to add for their
next game. This removes you from having to tell each team/player who to add for the
next event which is a major headache you do not want. For example, instead of team
names, just say GTAmerc v. AZ-REDBEAR. That way, when I see the bracket, I
know immediately to add AZ-REDBEAR and set up the next match. You dont have to
do anything but advance teams and solve issues.
15. Do not be bullied by attendees. If youre right, youre right. If they persist, do not be
afraid of disqualifying them, and blocking them. However, if youre wrong, admit that
and fix the issue.
16. Practice. The best thing to do to improve your hosting skills, is to host more and more.
Youll learn through trial and error. However, do try and adhere to our rules and these
guidelines as best as you can.
17. Know and specify rule-sets. UMG, pub rules, CWL, etc. ALSO, do not use PUB RULES
on Twitter. Ever. People will get very irritated very quickly there if they join and find pub
rules. Twitter primarily sticks to CWL (COD World League) rules.
18. Try to identify a set and fixed schedule on which you can host events, and let your
Reaper World Tourneys Manager know this, so that he may adjust your schedule.
19. For paid events, our hosts (you) get to keep 80% of the profits made. For easy math, if
you made $10, send $2 to the Reaper Word Gaming PayPal account:
20. Have fun, and contact your Manager with any issues you have.

Term Definitions:
Seeds: Seeds are numbers assigned to players/teams. You can make the tourney first come, first
serve seeds, and highest seed hosts. This means that the first teams get the best seeds, which

grants them hosting rights against lower seeds that they are matched with. This makes first
come, first serve an excellent promotional tool to drum up business quickly, because those
players want the best seed possible in order to secure host advantage.
Team Host: These are players attending your event who will host for their team. You can put
their PSN/GT in the bracket instead of a team name, so attendees know immediately who to add
upon viewing the bracket instead of having to go through you.
Bo3, Bo5, Bo7, etc: Best of 3,5,7, etc.

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