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Alameda Police Officers Association PO Box 2306 - Alameda - California - 94501 September 7, 2016 Chief Paul Rolleri Alameda Police Department 1555 Oak Street Alameda, CA 94501 Chief Rolleri — As a Labor Organization, we are disappointed by the media's portrayal of the hardworking men and women of the Law Enforcement profession. Closer to home, we are troubled by the Mayor of the City of Alameda inserting herself in matters outside of the scope of her elected position. In a September 1, 2016 article written by East Bay Express writer Steven Tavares entitled "The Meddlesome Mayor," Tavares referenced an exchange between you and Mayor Trish Herrera Spencer. Mayor Spencer took an interest in a citizen complaint made against one of our Association members. Rather than allow the Police Department to operate as the Law Enforcement agency in our city, Mayor Spencer tried to exert her power and investigate the matter. Email communications obtained through the Public Records Act showed your response to Mayor Spencer's request to meet regarding this matter. In part, you said, " would be premature to have a discussion about the incident. None of us know anything beyond what was included in [the citizen's} email, and | am certain there is more to the story." As Law Enforcement Officers, we are trained to seek the facts. As members of a Labor Organization, we expect the application of due process on all investigations. As employees of a Police Department, we demand a Chief who demonstrates leadership through advocacy. ‘Thank you for the courage you have demonstrated in addressing Mayor Spencer's deplorable actions. Your efforts are appreciated by the members of the Alameda Police Officers Association. Sincerely, 2 ED RECEW Lee sep -8 8 President wy OF ALAM ED oe Alameda Police Officers Asso

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