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AMV College of Accountancy

Accountancy Student Council
IDENTIFICATION: Write your answer before each number.

1. This latin term means to sound through and from which the term Personality
was derived.
2. This component of personality pertains to the image an individual has of himself.
3. It is the permanent pattern of behavior.
4. This personality type is characterized by strong reaction-sensitivity with
extensive reaction duration.
5. This personality type is characterized by predominance of blood.

6. This is described as being pre-occupied with fantasies of success.

7. Characterized by the inability to hold warm or caring feelings for others.
8. These kind of people are sober, prudent and thinks carefully before acting.
9. These kind of people loves contemplating and have a strong inclination to
10. He devised a system of classifying personalities according to body type.

11. These people tend to be socially inhibited, sensitive and prone to seek solitude
when troubled.
12. It is the conscience.
13. It is the pleasure principle.
14. It is the reality principle.
15. He believed that consciousness is at the center of personality development.

16. He theorized that personality is affected by culture.

17. He said that personality development is affected by the significant interplay of
race and growth.
18. This is the process from which a person learns the ways of his or her friends.
19. These are the typical ways in which the members of the society behave and
20. These are chosen freely.

21. Its goal is to understand the ultimate meaning of life.

22. It determines physical structures and sets broad limits within which environment
can operate.
23. It indicates a movement outward consequent in an inner need.
24. They tend to be mild and their bodily changes are not clearly noticeable.
25. This is a persons manner of relating with others.

26. This is the foundation of good personality.

27. This is not a question of money but rather of judgment and taste.
28. Totality of the individuals characteristics.
29. This is indicated by the way of behaving.
30. This is the expression of the mind.
31. This is indicative of ones level of intelligence.

32. It is the love of ones fellow men.

33. This approach to the study of personality focuses on the individuals subjective
experiences and self.
34. He stated that the innermost core of human nature is good, purposive and
35. This emphasizes the characteristics of the situation in which a person is placed.
36. They are characterized by a paranoid symptom.

37. They are characterized by a manic symptom.

38. This is the highest need of man according to Abraham Maslow.
39. These result from choice and are acquired through effort.
40. In this theory, the significance of both trait and situational determinants of
behavior are recognized.
41. This is the most basic type of learning which happens by making connection
between two stimuli.

42. In this type of learning, the person learns that some stimulus and response
leads to a consequence.
43. This type of learning results in finding a solution and finding out how that
solution works.
44. This type of learning is related with knowing and perceiving.
45. Positive reinforcements.
46. Negative reinforcements.

47. These are not just material rewards but could also be sincere praise or
constructive criticism.
48. This means that there is no such thing as 100% mastery until the exam.
49. Used to express a process of reasoning.
50. These are the sensations or images received by the ecternal senses.
51. Mental grouping of events and objects which represent categories.

52. Logical and well defined mental grouping of events and objects.
53. Mental groupings of events and objects which are not well defined.
54. 1st component of a problem
55. 2nd component of a problem
56. 3rd component of a problem
57. 1st Stage of Problem Solving

58. 2nd Stage of Problem Solving

59. 3rd Stage of Problem Solving
60. This type of thinking is associated with creativity and originality.
61. Ability to deal with new problems.
62. It is the store of information, skills and strategies.

63. This approach studies how people gather information to solve problems or
acquire information.
64. He proposed the theory of Intelligent Quotient.
65. Intelligence can be divided into three ways of gathering or processing
66. Focuses on measuring or quantifying cognitive abilities that make up intellectual

67. IQs of 50-70

68. IQs of 25-50
69. IQs of 0-25
70. People with IQ ranging from 0-75 are collectively called as _______ individuals.
71. They do not specify behavior but establish a range of probable responses to the

72. These are encountered as people perform their day to day work.
73. These are which the individual is unable to symbolize into thoughts and feelings.
74. It is the aspect geared toward the achievement of goal, reward or incentive.
75. End status at which sustained activity ceases.
76. This is the driving force, tension or purpose.
77. A type of behavior brought about by our need, drives, urges and desires.

78. It means active forgetting.

79. This is the early warning device.
80. This is the need to be appreciated.
81. The need to contro; and influence others.
82. This happens when goal achievement is blocked.
83. This is created when incompatible tendencies are aroused.

84. These incompatible tendencies take longer to resolve.

85. This is when an individual withdraws from a situation.
86. This is a detour behavior aimed at reaching the goal through an alternative
87. This theory states that that motives aquired during infancy proliferate into the
behavior in later life.
88. The need for beauty, symmetry and balance.

89. The need to help other actualize themselves.

90. They inhibit communication especially when they come in conflict with beliefs of
other people.
91. It states that if one treats the other with dignity and respect, the other will treat
him likewise.
92. 1st Component of a Communication System
93. 2nd Component of a Communication System

94. 3rd Component of a Communication System

95. The basic principle behind quality circles, performance teams and participative
96. Anyone who has a need and who can buy something.
97. 1st Stage of being a Customer
98. 2nd Stage of being a Customer

99. 4th Stage of being a Customer

100. This must be deftly developed to reach into the subconscious of the person.

1. Per Sonare

3. Traits

2. Self-Concept

4. Choleric

5. Sanguine

6. Narcissistic Personality
7. Schizoid
8. Phlegmatic
9. Melancholic
10. William Sheldon

11. Ectomorphic

17. Carl Jung

12. Superego

18. Imitation

13. Id

19. Culture

14. Ego

20. Values

15. Alfred Adler

21. Religious Attitude

16. Eric Fromm

22. Heredity

23. Emotus

29. Intelligence

34. Carl Rogers

24. Feelings

30. Language

35. Situationism

25. Social Aspect

31. Vocabulary

36. Introvert

26. Good Health

32. Social Attitude

37. Extrovert

27. Mode of Dressing

33. Phenomenological

38. Self Actualization

28. Personality

39. Good Habits

40. Interactionism

45. Rewards

41. Conditional/Associative 46.

42. Operant Conditioning
43. Discovery Learning
44. Cognitive Learning

51. Concepts


52. Formal Concepts


53. Natural Concepts


54. Original State


55. Goal State

Mental Images

56. Rules or Restrictions

57. Defining the Problem

62. Crystallized Intelligence 67. Morons

58. Generating Possible


63. Information Processing 68.

64. William Stern
65. Triarchic Theory
66. Psychometric Approach

59. Evaluating Solutions

60. Divergent Thinking
61. Fluid Intelligence

Complex Motives

73. Unconscious Motives

78. Repression

84. Multiple Conflict

74. Directional Aspect

79. Pain

85. Leaving the Field

75. Goal

80. Recognition

86. Compensation

76. Activating or Enegizing 82. Power Drive

82. Frustration
77. Motivated Behavior
83. Conflict

87. Behavior Theory

88. Aesthetic Needs
89. Transcendence

90. Prejudices

94. Receiver

99. Client

91. The Law of

Psychological Reciprocity

95. Involvement

100. Persuasiveness

92. Sender
93. Message

96. Customer
97. Suspect
98. Prospect

Prepared by:
Simmon Manalo

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