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Carrillo M, (2011) Growth, life cycle and Dynamic Modelling

This article by M.Carrilo is about growth diffusion processes that have received great
interest from investigators in many disciplines, like Biology, Demography or economics.
The authors analyzed by sigmodal growth curves that form a well-known theory of the
life cycle. The authors connect their research of Demography and Ecology with a T.R.
Malthus, B. Gompertz and P.F Verhulst. The authors provide a lot of graphs and visuals.
The authors combine their research with sigmodal growth curve and explain how its
related. The article lacked sigmodal growth curve graphs or some kind of visual and it
also lacked a lot of research resources for sigmodal growth curve. Overall, Carrillo did
really well combining sigmodal growth and also explaining his purpose for the life cycle.
Carrillo works the Mathematical and computer modelling of dynamical systems. He also
carries a PhD in Statistics and Mechanical engineering. He is an author of many other
books around.
Garbie, H. Ibrahim (2014) Assess sustainability development index production research
In this article by Ibrahim H. Garbie he writes that the study of sustainable development
involves the whole range of dimension and performance metric through dynamic
mechanism. The author goes into detail on that the study if sustainability of these
industrial organization is still unclear. The author should have gone into more depth if the
study of sustainability of these industrial organization was still unclear. The author
incorporates many different examples to inform us about the issue. The author did a great
job because he went out of place when Garbie added different types of sustainable
development, like social sustainability, economic sustainability, It would have been better
if she would just kept it vague because it was kind of confusing. Garbie did a good job

putting the concept in a form where it facts but then he explains it so we understand the
concept that he is trying to get at. Ibrahim is in industrial engineering and he has earned
his PhD.
Gee, Christopher, Teng, and Yap. (July 14, 2015) Singapore demographic transition, the labor
Force and Government policies: The last fifty years
This article written by Yap Mui Teng and Christopher Gee, is pointing out Singapores
population size. The authors research for population in Singapore by looking at high birth
and death rates and the low birth and death rates. They look at evidence from rapid
economic and social development that takes place 50 years ago. Teng and Gee find
population rates from different years and from that they knew birth rates, death rates and
fertility rates of women and men. The authors support a lot of their research on graphs.
The age pyramids graph show age groups of men and women in 1970 to 2015 and this
showed how much population has increased in Singapore. The authors focus too much on
engineering careers than other demanding jobs in Singapore. This is a good source for
graphs and finding out incline of Singapores population, the decline of Singapores
population and also for how jobs matter in the sense of demographic transition. These
authors have many experiences like, Dr. Yap and Christopher Gee are heads the
Demography and family research cluster at IPS.
Gheorghe, pribeanu (2013)the success in business in the context of sustainable development
This article by Gheorghe Pribeanu informs reader about how we as humans have a big
impact on our environment and because were are limited on our resources the
environment degradation became more obvious. Pribeanu defines sustainable
development as a transformation process having as objective the efficient usage of

natural resources. The author gives three main factors, but she never went to depth in
them, it would have helped if she explained each three in her article. Gheorghe goes into
depth of the problem concerning the environment and she also explains different methods
to help the environment. Wished that the author used more examples when explain facts
about the challenges. This article was easier to read because the author put head titles for
each topic, which made it easier. Overall the article was easy and interesting because of
the layout and length. Gheorghe Pribeanu is a proud chamber diplomat for Romania
Greenwood T. Daphne and Holt, P.F Holt (2016) Sustainable Development in Affluent countries
In this article written by Daphne T. Greenwood and Richard P.F Holt, they speak about
challenges that countries face today in shifting to a sustainable development path. The
authors say that these challenges include improving the quality of life, achieving
environmental path. The authors go into depth on the focus of growth because they think
that it is a necessary condition for an achievement of wide range about people and the
society. The authors lacked graphs or visual aid to give reader like visual learners an idea
of what they meant, they just many facts. Also the authors should of done more examples
with different countries instead of doing a few so it can give the reader different ideas for
different countries. Other than that they did good defining sustainable development and
what it does or how it affects other countries and how the United States handles the
challenges. Daphne T. Greenwood is a professor of economics at the University of
Colorado in Colorado Springs. She was the state representative. Richard P.F Holt is an
inspired award-winning and an author.
Guo, Hong, Cheng, and Kenneth Hsing. (2016) A Growth Curve Perspective

The article by Hong Guo, Hsing Kenneth Cheng and Ken Kelly explains the proposition
for a structural risk model to analyze inflection, rate and growth curve. Throughout the
article the authors do a well job explaining their proposition, ideas and research for it.
The authors lacked providing graphs or pictures of their proposition to give visual
learners something to look at. Although the authors provide many resources that they
used so the reader can go and find more in depth of their proposition. They add the risk of
what happens if they go through with the proposition but they add that they are trying to
fix the problem. Over all they did a good job with the research process and getting all the
answers need for this and provide data for the growth curve. Hong Guo is an author and
an assistant professor of information system at the Mendoza College of Business, and the
University of Notre Dame. Hsing Kenneth Cheng is A John B. Higdon Eminent Scholar
in the Department of Information Systems
Murtin, Fabrice. (2012) Long term determinants of the Demographic transition, 1870-2000
This article by Fabrice Murtin talks about how demographic transition swept the world in
the 19th and 20th centuries. Murtin talks about how demographic transition reduced
fertility rates, and population growth in almost all regions in the world but demographic
transition also played a role in the growth prices in higher concentration stocks of capital
and land, human capital health, and a temporary increase in labor forces. The author does
well by including all the phases in demographic transition and tells how that phase is
affecting countries. Murtin also looks at graphs for his information but he goes beyond
that and looks at records and data about population in the world. Murtin lacks explaining
which phase goes with which countries and doesnt really give clues to that matter. Also,
Murtin speaks too much on negativity on population instead of also mentioning about

growth in a country. Over all he does good with explaining how each thing like
education, labor, health, and income affects the population of a country. Fabrice Murtin is
currently working at the National Bureau of economic research.
Paolino D.S, Cavtorta M.P, (2012) Sigmodal crack growth rate curves: Statical modeling
And applications
In the article written by D.S Paolino, and M.P Cavtorta, It mentions statical
models for describing sigmodal crack growth rate curves. The authors state that
there informations comes from the NASGRO data base. The authors gives the
reader different hypothesis that they have come up with to help understand the
reader. They give many graphs that are useful when trying to understand the topic.
When speaking about sigmodal growth curves, the authors like to go way off
topic many times during the reading. Also, they dont explain what their database
organizations are or what they actually do. What makes this paper so great is the
connection from there research data to different algorithm formulas, and they
show a lot of examples of this formula. Davis S. Paolino has a PhD in mechanical
Engineering and in Statistics. Paolino has experience in statistical software, data
analysis and statistical modeling. M.P Cavtorta has a PhD in Mechanical
engineering and in statistics just like Paolino, and they have done many article
Soares R. Rodrigo.(2007) Demographic transition INS countries
In this article, Rodrigo R. Soares argues that the behavior of fertility today is closely due
to mortality and he discusses the history of the human population, he also studies recent
behavior of fertility across the country. When Soares was collecting his research, he

found that the world could be classified into three groups when looking at their
population behavior. He payed attention to their declining birth rates and death rates. The
author mentions a lot of statistics in mortality rates in different countries population.
Soares links his research to many scatter plot charts and the scatter plot charts show how
many people expect birth and income per capita. The author views mortality and fertility
rates before demographic transition and after demographic transition. The author lacks to
talk a lot about birth and death rates, He talks about it in his article but not as much as he
talks about mortality and fertility rates. Overall, Soares brings in a lot of facts,
information about Demographic transition. Soares has Ph.D. in Economics and a M.A in
Economics from University of Chicago.

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