Literature Review Organization Development & Change

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Telecommuting is the act of working at a remote location, usually at home, rather than traveling to and from
workplace. Telecommuters generally telecommute one to three days a week and commute to the office for the
balance of the time. It gives a well-balanced life and higher satisfaction among employees.
B.Y.O.D. (Bring Your Own Device) or B.Y.O.T. (Bring your own technology) is a recent trend that has been
seen where employees bring personally-owned mobile devices to their workplace to access company resources
such as email, databases, file servers, as well as their personal data. The concept of Bring your Own Device is
gaining momentum at the workplace and extensively adopted worldwide including India especially with the
younger force coming in to organizations.
Hot desking is an act wherein practice in an office of allocating desks to workers when they are required by the
organization or on a Rota system, rather than giving each worker their own desk. It involves multiple employees
using single physical space station using at different periods during work hours. It is a way to save office space.
Paul C. Boyd, Ph.D. (1996). Six Organizational Benefits of Telecommuting. Paul discussed from an
organizational standpoint, how telecommuting is justified when the costs are balanced by the benefits. Since,
most often, the benefits exceed the costs, telecommuting should be actively promoted. He mentioned the there
are six benefits that should be considered: I mproved Employee Efficiency, Schedule flexibility,
Increased time available for work, Overhead reductions, Improved employee retention and
attraction, and Program continuity.

Alain Pinsonneault (McGill University, Canada) and Martin Boisvert (S.I.X., Inc., Canada). (2001). The
Impacts of Telecommuting on Organizations and Individuals. It identifies the impacts of telecommuting on
organizations and employees and gives recommendations which concern the management of telecommuting.
The positive and negative impacts of it on both organization as well as employees. Key success factors of
telecommuting programs are mentioned such as choosing the right jobs and employees, managerial attitude and
expertise, are picked and discussed. The benefits some mentioned are time and cost savings, reductions in stress
levels, more flexible working hours, and fewer interruptions, however, also leads to feelings of isolation and
loss of morale.
Elizabeth Hamilton, the Centre for Work & Family, Boston College. Advantages &
Challenges of Telecommuting. The author in this paper offers a comprehensive
explanation of the various issues that must be considered before an organization
formulates and implements the telecommuting arrangements. She suggests that, the
main factors that will amplify the popularity of the telecommuting are: Advances in
information technology, proliferation of a global workforce, and the increased desire to
balance work and family, who should benefit from higher employee commitment,
productivity and job satisfaction.
Kristen Shockley, Baruch College and the Graduate Center City University of New York. (2014). The
empirical studies that examine how telecommuting relates to personal as well as workplace outcomes.
Study was based on 100 companies listed in Working Mothers magazine. The study does not full prove that
telecommuting causes increased performance but a possible chance that high performing firms have the
resources available for offering telecommuting. Recommendations are cited for appropriate implementation of
telecommuting programs. (SIOP White Paper Series)
Prof. Pooja Ainapur, Prof. B. Vidyavathi, Prof. Keerti Kulkarni, Mamata P, (IJLTEMAS).
(2016). Work Life Balance Policies, Practices and Its Impact on Organizational

Performance. It talks about BYOD benefited everyone, gives quality time to family. It
makes us understand different work life balance practices followed in the organization.
Ms. Niharika Singh, pursuing M.Phil, University Of Pune, (JBM&SSR). (2012). B.Y.O.D. Genie Is Out
Of the Bottle Devil or Angel. It talks about Indian companies changing their policy and making it more
flexible by allowing employees to bring their devices which is beneficial in some ways. More productivity,
flexibility, freedom & choice. Employees seems happier as it brings about more
Arnab Ghosh, Prashant Kumar Gajar, Shashikant Rai, Journal of Global Research in Computer Science.
(2013). Security Risks and Mitigating Strategies. Increased mobile technology with availability of 3G/4G has
created new phenomenon for communication and do business through data processing. This provides various
mobility strategies, control aspect as well as defenses & measures to look forth when implementing BYOD in
any organization.
Lynne J. Millward, Organization Science. (2007). The impact of Hot Desking on
Organization & Team Identification. The author mentions about the measured levels of
work team and organizational identity for some employees for research who have been
assigned desks and not assigned. Also measure the perceptions of its use and
importance and the defectiveness of having a face-to face communication and
electronics as an indicator of participation in an organization. It suggests that there are
physical facts that are not required to form identification based attachments such as
colocation, interpersonal contact and interaction. Desk arrangement changes the active
participation of employees.


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