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Summary of the Topic

Title: The Vineyard

From Matthew 20:1-16
The three main points of the discussion are:
1. The Vineyard (verse 1 and 2) - It refers to the Kingdom of Heaven in which the landowner refers to God who
owns the land. As owner of the vineyard, he is willing to pay denarius whoever works for him. Denarius
refers as wages of laborers.
2. The Laborers (verse 3 to 8) - The landowner called laborers for his vineyard in different hour. He hired
laborers in 9:00 am, 12:00 noon, 3:00 pm and 5:00 pm which he promise to pay them what is right for their
work. This laborers refers to us, Christians called by God to work for his Kingdom of Heaven. As Christians,
we are doing the job of reading his word, sharing the gospel, growing spiritual with him and walk with him
according to his purpose. In Romans 8: 28, And we know that in all things God works for the good of those
who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. As God loved us, we must work
wholeheartedly for him because he is justice and merciful God. He will never unfair to us and he is always
listen to our needs.
3. The Reward (verse 9-16) In this verse revealed that the landowner equally pay the laborers regardless of
hour they are hired. This Reward refers to the Gift of Salvation, God gives us this reward as he sacrifices his
own son Jesus Christ - to save us from our sins. The Lord is not injustice in this reward to his laborer,
why? Because he is giving what is right to his faithful servant. We must faithful to him because God is
faithful to us. The Reward of Grace and Mercy is the best reward we can have to be with the Lord.
As I emphasize the verse 16, So the last will be first, and the first will be last. It is not about how long
Christians we are, it is about the fruit of our labors as Christians. We must act as faithful servant to him.
Read the Bible, Share the Gospel and be faithful to him in everything we are doing. Rely on Faith with Christ
not in our own self or other people. No matter how rough the road we are travelling or how hard the work as
laborers of God, the reward we will received is eternal and everlasting.
As Laborers of God in the Vineyard, we are given rewards of Grace and Mercy but we must faithfully work
for him.

Application: Are you willing to be laborers of the Vineyard?

God bless everyone.

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