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Model Cover Letter: Please adapt all information highlighted in yellow

Sherlock HOLMES

212, Bakers Street

London, The U.K.
23 May 2013

The Advisor
Make-It in Germany
B-5/1, Safdarjung Enclave
Africa Avenue
New Delhi 110 029 INDIA
Subject: Application for Employment in Germany
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am a University Graduate with a Bachelor / Master Degree in Mechanical
Engineering. I have n years of work experience in the industry. {Please mention
this only if you possess work experience.}
I am interested in working in Germany because .. . I hereby present my
candidature for your consideration. As you can see from the attached CV, I have
studied Engineering with specialization in area X and my work experience extends
to the area Y. I will be interested in engaging myself in area(s) X / Y / Z.
{Please mention whichever is relevant for you.}
<Please specify other qualities IF ANY that make you a suitable foreign professional
who can be recruited for the German industry. {Information to be found on the CV
need not be repeated here}.>
If selected for employment, I will be able to begin work at the earliest by
DD/MM/YYYY OR after n days from date of signing of the work contract.
Looking forward to hearing from you and
With best regards,
S. Holmes
Enclosure: CV

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