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Sunday Service

<Leviticus 7:37-38>

Meeting God with the Five Offerings

• A man cannot enter the kingdom of Heaven without being born again
• Born again means that we came to earth without being able to see and hear God. But
one day, through Jesus Christ, we restored God’s word and spirit and is able to see Him
and hear Him.
• Therefore, to be born again is most important.

• After we have been born again, the next most important is prayer. Use prayers to acquire
the heart and image of God.
• The degree of our sanctification is not based on other things but whether a person is able
to use prayer to acquire the heart and image.
• Successful prayer is when one is able to use the word of God to replace his weaknesses
and negativities through prayers.
• Many people pray but their prayers are outside the Tabernacle. They cannot meet God
outside the Tabernacle. Therefore, there are no differences before and after they pray.
• Many believers are no different from the gentiles, where no changes take place before
and after their worships. Therefore, their worships will make them face more problems.
And one day, they will meet some really disastrous things without knowing why.
• Therefore, if a person enters into religion and the subject they worship isn’t Jesus Christ,
they are going to face problems with great consequences. This is also true for a believer
who continuously go to the church without meeting Jesus Christ
• When we pray, we must do it inside the Tabernacle because we can only meet God in
• And when we pray, the demons must be driven out. Our fear, worries, greed, hatred,
uncertainties, inferiority, guilt must all be driven out!

Read <Leviticus 7:37-38>

The purpose God told us to pray inside the Tabernacle is to pray using the mysteries of the
tabernacle. And it is only through that we will meet God face to face and talk to Him.
Inside the tabernacle, there are 5 mysteries:
i) Five offerings (the content of prayers) → we must have the right heart and content in
our prayers.
ii) There must be a mediator (the channel of prayers), it is only through Jesus Christ we
can meet God.
iii) Structure of the Tabernacle (the depth of prayers): Courtyard, Holy Place, Most Holy
Place. We must go deep in our prayers, i.e. to pray by the Spirit.
iv) We must pray everyday, and once in the morning and once in the evening (continuity
of prayers)
v) And when we pray and worship, we must remember the 3 festive seasons: Passover,
Pentecost, the feast of Gathering, i.e. to acquire life, power and fruits (result of
• God asked the Israelites to come out from Egypt to give offering in a suitable place. The
suitable place is the Canaan Land. The reason God do that is to differentiate them as
Children of God, let them enjoy the power from above and bear eternal fruits. Therefore
the prayers of God’s people and the gentiles will be totally different. Those whom God
has chosen are different and most unique.
• God asked the Israelites to go to Mount Sinai. It is over there that they were given all the
regulations, the 10 Commandments (i.e. to love God and man) of God and they were told
by God to anoint the great priest, build the tabernacle and meet God daily inside it. This is
to tell the Israelites, that if they keep the glory and holiness of God in their hearts, they will
become exactly the image of God. God’s power, glory and holiness will be revealed
through them.
Therefore, the first mystery inside the tabernacle is the 5 offerings. The similarities of the 5
offerings are that all of them have the:

1. Sacrifice of blood
• In all the five offerings, there’s shedding of blood. Though there isn’t exact any
shedding of blood for the grain offering (thanksgiving offering), it cannot be done on
its own.
• If the grain offering is to be done alone, in the case of Cain; God will not be pleased.
There must be reason to give thanks. And the reason to give thanks must be found
from the other 4 sacrifices, where there is the shedding of blood.
• Therefore, when a person comes before God, His most concern is the state of his
hearts and mind.
• There are 3 significances of the sacrifice of blood. It tells us that:
1) Our life comes from God
• <Leviticus 17:11> There’s life in the blood

• Therefore, when we want to come before God, the first thing which God
require is that we come before Him with His life (i.e. to come before Him as
His child)
• Our lives come from God. The word, the glory of Jesus Christ and His spirit is
already in us
• Therefore, when a person wants to meet God, the most crucial thing is that
he understands his relationship with Him
• When we call God, are we calling Him like how we call any other person or
any other deities? If its like that, then there we’ll not meet God
• When we call up to God, we are calling Him as our Abba Father! He must be
the dearest to us
• Therefore, God says: With his blood (i.e. His life), we can cover all sins.
2) God give His entire life to us
• When Jesus Christ died on the Cross, all His blood was shed, followed by
water. It shows that He gave up His entire life for us
• Therefore, if a person truly wishes to meet God, he must come before Him
with His entire life.
• When we come before God, we cannot do it as if God is just only one out of
the many joyful things I have. We cannot crave for God as one out of the
many things I crave. If that’s the case, God to us is just another god out of the
many gods and we can never meet Him
• Though God will still have mercy on us for our ignorance and powerlessness,
but if one had not fully embrace Him as the only God, only Father, only Lord,
true strength will not come.
• The emphasis of the sacrifice of blood is not the act of shedding of blood
only. What is most important in the sacrifice of blood is the bringing of our
entire life before the only God.
• Look at the practice of the other religious people. They too make blood
sacrifice. However, they do it without knowing the real meaning behind. If we
were to sacrifice with blood without knowing the true meaning behind, we will
face more problems instead.
• Look at <Genesis 3:15, 21>. When God covers Adam after the latter had
fallen, He did it with the garment of skin. To have the garment of skin, there is
shedding of blood too. God uses his entire life to cover Adam and Eve after
they’ve fallen and only through that, they could be covered.
• And look at the sons of Adam – Cain and Abel. Cain does not know the
shedding of blood, but Abel does. Abel knows that to offer to God, he must do
it with his entire life. Therefore, God allows Abel to be martyred because Abel
already gave his entire life (i.e. sacrifice of blood) to God in his offering. Think
about it: Abel sacrifice of blood where he gave his entire life for God and the
Kingdom vs. Cain, where his bloodless sacrifice causes him to walk towards
the world and enjoy and love everything in it. Which would you choose? To
sacrifice or to have comfort in the world?
• When God calls Abraham, He wants the latter to leave all his household and
possessions. However, when Abraham haven’t done that, God had allowed
Abraham’s brother and father to die
• And finally, when Abraham has entered the Land of Canaan, God also wants
him to give up his only beloved son, Isaac. But when Abraham is about to kill
Isaac, God provided the lamb where he showed Abraham the giving up of His
entire life for him
• God wants us to give in our all. But He also knows that we are weak and
many times we are unable to do it. Therefore, since we know we are weak,
why are we still treating his words with contempt? Why are we doing worship
service anyhow?
• What God wants from us is simple. He does not care about our past
weaknesses. All He wants is when we face Him NOW, we do it with our all
3) The measuring device (standard) for determining/judging God
• How can I determine/judge God?
• Through faith, we become righteous. Similarly, we acquire everything by our
faith. Therefore, we judge everything by our faith on His promises. When we
do that, our judgment on God and ourselves and the world will then be right.
e.g. we will see our values based on His promises instead on our achievements
in this world.
e.g. we perceive all our problems through His promises than to give in to our flesh
and worldly judgments/motives.
• Therefore, judgment that was done without the blood offering will never be
• When our judgment is correct, we will see that Jehovah Jiren is our provider,
He is my protector. The protector of my life, my family, my relationship, my
career, my loved ones, my serving, etc.
• We must live our lives by acquiring His perfect plan in accordance to His
* Therefore, Jesus Christ told us not to pray like pagans for we have a Father in
heaven. And each time where we bring our entire life before Him, He will show us
His most perfect will.

2. The Five Offerings

• Burnt offering: Burn up everything → we will become new! For if anyone is in Christ,
the old has gone, and the new has come! i.e. New identity, belonging, goal,
inheritance, method, heart and mind. For anyone in Christ has ‘The new life, a new
life’. Each time we lose the ‘new’ perspective, we will suffer in our problems and life.
• Grain offering: Give thanks for all things. We give thanks because of Jehovah
because He and His promises never change. If we can give thanks because of
Jehovah (i.e. because of the new identity, belonging, goal, inheritance, method, heart
and mind that Jehovah gave us), we can give thanks in all things. And this is true
healing! True healing comes from being able to give thanks for all things (even
things/person that hurt us) because of the life that Jehovah has given me.
• Fellowship offering: Reconcile with God, ourselves and others. Also bringing men
before God to reconcile with Him. Therefore, through fellowship offering, all guilt,
distrust and disheartenment will all be resolved. And when a person enjoys such
happiness and liberty, he will naturally think of and pray for those beside him to be
able to know God. Such a person has received the very heart desire of God.
• Sin offering: Are we able to be completely upright when we stand in front of God?
Have we submitted to all His will? Can we receive full assurance that we are loved?
Usually, we can’t. This is due to Satan, who has been accusing us always, even
through small weakness and things that we can’t fully submit. God wants us to get rid
of the channels that allow Satan to accuse us. Therefore, God gave us the promises
at <1 Jn 1:9> where he will cleanse all our sins if we confess them before Him.
<1John 3:21> And when we are cleansed, our prayers for others will then be
• Guilt offering: Our God is a righteous God. He wants us to pay in full what we have
done wrong to others or have caused others to lose out. And on top of the amount
we’d owe others, we should give an additional 20%. Although as Children of God, we
will still have our sins forgiven and eternal lives even if we do not pay our debts; we
will lose out in our possessions, health, interpersonal relationships in our days on
earth. If we really cannot repay due to the great amount, God wants us to do our best
and pay throughout our whole lives.

3. The prayers of a person who understand the five offerings will bring forth the content of
life. A person who has grab hold of the five offerings will bring forth the content of prayers
• A lot of people do not enjoy prayers because:
(1) their prayers and daily living is separated. Their family living, career, relationships
are totally separated from their prayers. Therefore, when any problem occurs in
their lives, they’ll just resolve it by their own way. They will never think of prayers
(2) they do not have any prayer topics at all. They have nothing to confirm and
nothing to test & approve before God. They cannot see how God is His work in
their every step.
• The prayers of a person who had restored the five offerings will affect the people and
circumstances around him directly.
e.g. When we restored the blessed life and thanksgiving heart, our prayers (i.e.
hearts and mind) will naturally affect our families, our careers, interpersonal
relationships, etc.
e.g. When we are at peace with God and men, people who wish to bless us will
appear around us.
e.g. When we rid of accusations in our life, we will receive answers when we ask.
• Correspondingly, when a person has the content of the 5 offerings in his life, the place
where he stands is the heavenly Kingdom. His footsteps will be guided by the Holy
Spirit. Everything that happens around him happens for his sake.
• Therefore, this is where he receives his prayer content. The things that he sees, the
information that he heard, the people that he meet all becomes his prayer topics.
• He will know how to strive in his career, how to give blessings to his family, how to
serve in his designated ministries in his prayers. He will know when he will need to
put in more efforts, or in which area he must be more diligent and aware, he will know
what are the good things and good lifestyle he must maintain through prayers, etc. In
short, he will know what to pray for!
• A dead belief means when we come to work, we work and when we come to prayer,
we just pray. The two is separated. Many Christians failed in their daily living because
their living and prayer is separated. They can be very busy with work, with families,
with ministries, but their busyness doesn’t bring fruits and is always in vain.
• But true prayer is where one knows how God is working in his everyday lives, and
from there, he receive his prayer content. Therefore, true prayer is where one
receives the prefect will of God and submits to it.

Prayer & Sharing Topics

1. Determine if my prayer is in accordance to the grace that I’m called to receive. Did
my prayers consist of a new identity, belonging, heart and mind, goal, content,
inheritance? Is there any area that needs renewal?

2. Do I have the “secret of prayers” that allows me to resolve all my problems and
renewed my strength when I face situations like “being accused, ironical
relationship, discipline from the Lord, and fear for the future”? Do acquire the
‘secret of prayers’ using the five offerings.

3. Can my prayer affect my life practically? Ponder how my current prayer content is
related to my living content. Discover the concrete method of receiving the
‘content of living from prayer’ and acquiring the ‘content of prayers from living’.

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