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Sunday Service

<Leviticus 8:1-9, 9:22-24>

Meeting God through the “High Priest”

• Our Lord Jesus Christ has given us all His life. He has used His all to love us.
• Therefore, he understands all our feelings, our weaknesses, our
powerlessness. There is not one weakness he cannot help; there is not one
sadness he does not understand.
• God is the only One I can rely on. There are unlimited love, strength and
understanding in Him
• The most important thing is: we use our all to come to Him. If we use our all to
come to Him wholeheartedly, all that is left in us will be our full love, our trust,
our reliance in Him.
• When a person receives this, he will have answers in all things and will be
truly set free from all his problems.
• The problem is: Have Christ become my all? If he has not become my all, we
will not stand at all.
• If the word of God has not become my all, we will sin with our hearts, our lips,
our works, even straight after worship service. We will adulterate ourselves
with the world swiftly the moment we leave the house of God.
• If we haven’t place our heart completely on the altar, we will still not be able
to meet God no matter how hard we pray
• Remember: What God desires from us is not our faith, but our
wholeheartedness. By believing, we won’t solve problem. In fact, we will get
greater disheartenment when the problem remains. But by giving our
wholeheartedness to God, all our problems just cease in the midst of His glory.
• Today’s message is on Meeting God through the “High Priest”. In another
word: God is telling us to pray in Jesus Christ name. We can only meet God
when we pray in Jesus Christ name.
• Many people misunderstood that if their prayer don’t end with “in Jesus Christ
name we pray”, there is no power in it. Actually, “in Jesus Christ name” is not
a magical statement.
(1) In Jesus Christ name means: Jesus Christ has given His whole life to me on
His cross, therefore, I come to him with wholeheartedness.
(2) In Jesus Christ name also means: praying through the teaching, promises
and fulfillment of Christ. It is therefore not just verbally mentioning the
name of Jesus Christ, yet praying with ones’ own motives and disbelief.
• Today, we must know why we need to pray to God through Jesus Christ
• It is because:
(1) It is God’s Command that that we must pray through Jesus Christ, the only
(2) And there are great mysteries in Jesus Christ, which we must unravel.

Read <Leviticus 8:1-9>

<v.5> It is God’s Command.
<v.9> Most importantly for us is to do everything in accordance to what God has

Read <Leviticus 9:22-24>

• This is the type of worship that must be done through the High Priest. Can
you imagine how glorious it is then when the Israelites are worshipping?
• “they fell face down” → they laid down all their lives to worship.

• Prayer is also a type of worship. Therefore, it must be done through the High
• The likeness of the great priest (Aaron) is filled with glory. He was first given a
wash. Then ha have to wear the inner and outing garments.
• Then the ephod was worn on Aaron, which has 12 precious stone on it and it
represents the 12 tribes (i.e. the people of God). Therefore, Aaron is bringing
the people of God with him when he stands before the Lord.
• Then hr wore a breastplate where the Urim and Thummim was placed within
• The Urim and Thummim represents the Word of God, which means the word of
the Lord will come upon the heart of the great priest, and he shall preach forth
• Then we wore a crown with a gold plate on it.
• Why did God command Aaron to be dressed like that when he enters the Tent
of Meeting?
• It is because Aaron was presenting the true High Priest, Jesus Christ, to come
• God wants the High Priest to be distinguished from among the people
• The High Priest enters from the courtyard, to the Holy Place and then to the
Most Holy Place. It is at the Most Holy Priest that blood was shed
• As Aaron shed the blood on the altar, the forgiveness and glory of God will
bestow upon all the Israelites worshipping outside the Tent of Meeting.
• Since, only the High Priest can enter the Most Holy Place, all the Israelites are
waiting outside. Thus, symbolically, they enter the Most Holy Place together
with the High Priest. It is just like how we are worshipping God during the
Sunday service today. And God knows them & us by our names
• Jesus Christ is the eternal High Priest, which represents His people eternally.
• Aaron uses blood from the lamb, but Jesus Christ uses His own blood, which
once and for all, cleanse his people.
• Everything inside the Most Holy Place represents Jesus Christ
• The Ark of Covenant has 3 items:
1) Manna → Jesus Christ is the bread of life?
2) The staff of Aaron → The resurrected power = Jesus Christ
3) The tablet of the Ten Commandments → the laws and righteousness of
Jesus Christ
• Jesus Christ is the Word. He became flesh to bring God’s Word to us. It is just
like Aaron, who enters the Most Holy Place and bring the commandments of
God to the Israelites
• When Jesus Christ dead on the cross, “the curtain of the temple was torn into
two from top to bottom”. This symbolizes how the Holy Spirit (i.e. Spirit of
Jesus Christ) descends upon us from above when Jesus Christ sacrifices
Himself on the cross

1. Why do we need the Mediator, Jesus Christ?

1) Christ is the only one that bought us to God.
<John 14:6> Jesus answered, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No
one comes to the Father except through me.
• The word “the” means Jesus Christ is the ‘absolute’, the ‘only’
• He is the one where Word has become flesh
• We do not know anything if we do not know Jesus Christ. And we
definitely will not know God if we do not know Jesus Christ
• If we do not know Jesus Christ, our cleverness will become our
foolishness. All our calculations will be futile. We can continue to do lots
of calculations, but if God so desire, He just need to hold our breathe
for a few minutes and we will have to leave everything behind and go
to His side
• If we do not know Jesus Christ, we will know who we are. We do not
know where we come from and we are heading. We do not know the
how our lives are made and how are we related to the spiritual realms.
Thus, the ways we live and react to our surroundings/problems only
bring us more harm than good.
• If we do not know Jesus Christ, we won’t know the world (God’s
creation). The good that we’d planned for our children will cause them
harm instead. We also won’t understand money. We won’t know where
money comes from or how to use it. That is why little money also
bound us and brings us great misery.
• If we do not know Jesus Christ, we will not know anything or any of His
creation. We can be reading the newspaper and learning about this
world daily but the knowledge we acquire is wrong
• Thus, he is the Great Prophet that shows us the truth (i.e. who is God,
who are we, what is this world and everything in it). Without it, we
know nothing.

2) Christ is the only one that died and resurrected

• Man can never come before God through himself. How do we know
• The moment anyone thinks of God, he will be fearful. This shows that
he/she has not received the atonement that comes from God. He/she is
thinking of God without going through the Mediator, Jesus Christ. It is
only through the Mediator, Jesus Christ, that we can stand before God
with no fear
• Therefore, men fear for themselves when they heard of fatal accidents
that happen to others, men fear when they heard about fatal illness,
men fear for their own when they saw families and relationship broke
up. Things that happen in this world will continue to give them hints
and haunt them.
• This is how Satan can come and attack us. How easy it is for our hearts
to become fearful and under attack isn’t it?
• But when a person has gone through death and resurrection with Jesus
Christ, he will realize that he are actually not a sinner, but one who is
loved. He is actually a child of God.
• Do you still feel that you are dirty or too weak to do anything?
• You must know that your guilt and you groaning is not able to free you.
It is only through the Mediator that you can be set free. And the
moment where your heart truly needs Jesus Christ. You are already
freed. The forgiveness and atonement of God has come upon you.
• He is the Great Priest that atones for all our sins and takes away the
fear that follows.

3) Christ reigns on the throne

• Since Jesus Christ reigns on the throne, all your problems are already
resolved and you will emerged victoriously when you are able to trust
Him in any and every situation.
• Therefore, don’t look how others have failed in their lives. The truth
remains that He is the one that sits on the heavenly throne and had
overpowered all things. We must put our faith upon this truth (i.e.
already victorious in Christ).
• When you have such perspectives, your thinking, judgment and act in
all things will match those of the Great King, Lord Jesus Christ
• Satan cannot do anything to such a person. All his ploys and attacks on
such a person will only bring him more and more blessings.

• To worship through the mediator, Jesus Christ means to understand the 3

roles of Jesus Christ (i.e. Great Prophet, Great Priest and Great King).
Therefore, if we come before Him wholeheartedly, we can let go of all our
worries and problems will not be able to attack us any longer
• If you are always thinking of ways to get rid of your problems, you will
continue and always be suffering. But if our hearts are focus upon putting
our whole heart upon Christ, no problems will be able to overcome us.

2. Jesus Christ and the Spiritual Realms

• <Romans 8:34, Hebrews 8:1> He sits at the right side of the heavenly
• <John 14:20> He is with us, He is within us.
• <Ephesians 2:6> We are seated with Him in the heavenly realm
• <Matthew 16:19> We have the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven
• <Matthew 12:28> When we cast away evil spirits by relying on the Holy
Spirit, the heavenly kingdom has already entered us

• We are all living in the 3RD dimension, where we live our lives.
• The 1ST dimension is a line, the 2ND dimension is a plane
• While the 2ND dimension consists of many lines, the 3RD dimension consists
of many planes
• The 1ST dimension cannot understand or visualize the 2ND dimension and
the 2ND dimension cannot comprehend the 3RD
• Likewise, the spiritual realm is out of the 3rd dimension. Therefore, we
cannot comprehend the spiritual realm, which consists of unlimited 3RD
dimensions things. However, we must know that the things and workings
of the spiritual realm is always with us and affect everything around us.
• There are a lot of spiritual laws governing the spiritual realms. The laws of
sin and death, the laws of how angels and devils work, the laws of the
spirit (i.e. how the spirit work), etc. And they all directly affect things that
happen in the 3rd dimension.
• Therefore, Jesus Christ sits on the right side of the throne means: Jesus
Christ holds the highest authority in the spiritual realm and everything is
controlled by Him. His intercession, his promises, his teachings, etc, is
always with us! And they directly has impact upon us.
• E.g. when somebody set a will to leave a huge sum of money to his son.
Though that person is no longer around, the content of the will never
leaves his son and the impact of the will is always upon his son. His son
can use the richness of the will as and when he needs it.
• E.g. though the law of a country cannot be seen. But the law is always with
the country and moves everything within the country. Thousands of
policemen, even the judges of the country work and give their judgments
based upon these laws.
• Likewise, there are many invisible things left behind by Jesus Christ. This
includes Christ’s promises, teachings, examples, fulfillment, and victories
etc. Though these things cannot be seen, but they are always with us.
They affect things around us and give off great power.
• The reasons why a believer cannot resolve his problems are:
(1) he is ignorant about the spiritual things; or
(2) he does not believe it at all
• What will your first reaction be or where will your effort be if you know
about these spiritual truths?
• E.g. when you have interpersonal problems, will you react using your own
strength (e.g. debate for yourself) or will you go deeper into the strength
and love of Emmanuel?
• E.g. what will your first reaction be if you are facing a financial difficulty?
Will you start thinking about how to save money or earn more money, or
you will start with receiving the full contentment in Christ first?
• It all boils down to how much you have known Jesus Christ?
• If you have already understood that in Jesus Christ, everything is finished!
All problems is resolved! Your proclamation will be “What else do I need
besides the Lord?”
• If you don’t understand or believe this, you will definitely not stand at all.
The 3RD dimension is limited and it exists totally in the spiritual realm.
Therefore, Satan will definitely overpower you. There’s no way you can
overcome him unless through Jesus Christ
• Do not doubt any of these truths. The outcome will not be good if you
chose to disbelieve. But of course, God will always protect us against harm
but because of God’s love for you, He will allow you to be disciplined so
that your spirit can be awaken to these truths.
• And because Jesus Christ sits on the right side of the throne to pray for us
• <John 14:14, 16:20> says: ‘Ask for anything in Jesus’ name’
• Open your eyes today and do not discount God’s Word!

3. And because Christ dwells in us, He made us people of the Royal Priesthood
• Therefore, no matter what had happened to you or how weak you are, just
know one absolute truth about ourselves i.e. we are royals. Thus: (i) accept
this; and (ii) confirm this truth for your whole lives
• Do not evangelize first! See your royalty first! When you are able to do so,
you will see that all the people God placed beside you are all royals too.
They are all people placed around us to bless us. Only when we see that,
people around us will be able to hear the gospel though our lips.
• And when we see our royalty, we will see our career, our serving and all
the things we do as honorable. And when we see that, we will take pride in
our work and put our best effort in doing your work. And from there, we
will receive our due rewards. And people working with us will notice it and
this testimonies itself is evangelism.
• If there are still some weaknesses or sins in you that you still couldn’t get
rid of until now, do not keep getting troubled over it. We have put our focus
and effort at the wrong place, that’s why we failed to triumph over it.
• First, see your royalty, even in your weaknesses. And when you are
assured of the heavy price of your life, you will treat it with honor, and will
naturally want to set it apart from the world.
• If you continue to see yourself as dirty, you will be powerless and will
continue to dwell in it. It is useless. However, if you realize that you are
royals, you will begin to be very careful in what you do, say, love etc.
• You will realize your royalty after you had seen the surpassing greatness of
knowing Jesus Christ.
• It is only when you see Jesus Christ as your all, then you will be able to see
yourself as the most precious and honorable.

Prayer & Sharing Topics

1. “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father
except through me.” <John 14:6>
Examine: Are all my prayer contents built upon the foundation of the
High Priest, Jesus Christ where I meet God through it? Or do I just
rely on personal feelings, motives and needs?

2. “the eternal high priest Jesus Christ who sat at the right hand of the
throne in heaven is still interceding for me” <Hebrews 7:25, 8:1;
Romans 8:34>
What is the relationship between this sentence and “Jesus is still
living in my life now”? Is there any evidence in my heart and mind?
Do I really believe that Jesus Christ reigns and is victorious on the
throne in heaven? If so, what changes must there be in my heart and
mind when I pray? With what kind of heart should I use to face all my
problems now?

3. Christ has already livened in me and makes me the “royal

priesthood”. Do I accept and confirm the royalty of my life entirely?
Please examine in my daily fields, what sort of prayers, speeches,
dealings with people, actions, etc are considered the works of a
priest? Please also find out areas for renewal and in which can make
me a better high priest.

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