Proposal For Orientation

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Proposal -Orientation for Batch of 2020

The Batch of 2020 of our university has needs to be given an orientation about the Legal Aid
Committee and its various activities.
I propose that orientation shall be 2 day affair. On first day a general introduction about the
committee, its activities etc. will be given which shall be followed by a Brief Session on
Right to Information whereby students will be made aware about the history of RTI, and
various provisions of Right to Information Act,2005.
On second day, we should conduct a RTI Drafting Competition where students will be
asked to draft RTIs on any social issue they deem fit. Further I propose that we can put a cash
prize of Rupees 1000, 600 and 400 for 1 st, 2nd and 3rd best RTIs which will work as an
incentive for them to take part. 1 If any RTI is exceptionally good and requires attention then
we can proceed officially with it.
Following are the reasons why I believe that we should work on this proposal1. It will create awareness among students about Right to Information and thus serving
our purpose of creating legal awareness.
2. Earlier we discussed that we can conduct orientation with a session by Justice
Upadhyay on 7th August. The said session by honourable judge can be a wonderful
exercise but it will not give much idea to students about our activities. And
honourable judge can come only around 7 th or 8th August which delays orientation
process as almost all major committees have completed their orientation process.
3. The RTIs drafted can give us a look into potentials of various students from point of
view of induction.
4. This kind of activity give us different standing from other committees and is
consistent with over all aims of our society.
5. Further this activity will not be a burdensome task for first year students because
drafting an RTI is no different from simply writing any official application say for
example leave application.
6. The proposal is cost-effective. We need no fund other than for cash prize. Not even
any stationery is required because we will ask students to come with their own piece
of paper for writing RTI.
Following are the requirements for Orientation1 Obviously subject to availability of funds and opinion of office holders.


Permission from Committee Chairman for conducting this event

Permission for room
Putting up notices
PPT presentation on Activities of the Committee
Sponsors for Cash Prize (Because taking university grant will require various

permission will delay the whole process unnecessarily). Help of alumni can be taken.
6. Required fund- Rupees 2000 only/-

Surbhi Karwa

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