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Janine Pearl G.



Pablo Picasso
Pablo Picasso was born in Mlaga, Spain in 1881. During his early age, he
was stubborn students and schoolwork do not interest him. He applied to
different school of arts in Spain but he later began skipping class to wander
the city and paint what he observed: gypsies, beggars and prostitutes,
because he again became frustrated with his school's singular focus on
classical subjects and techniques. During this time, he wrote to a friend:
"They just go on and on about the same old stuff: Velzquez for painting,
Michelangelo for sculpture." Once again, Picasso began skipping class to
wander the city and paint what he observed: gypsies, beggars and
prostitutes, among other things. Lonely and deeply depressed over the death
of his close friend, Carlos Casagemas, he painted scenes of poverty, isolation
and anguish, almost exclusively in shades of blue and green. His painting
during his Blue Period are "Blue Nude," "La Vie" and "The Old Guitarist,".
The artistic manifestation of Picasso's improved spirits because he overcame
his depression and inlove was the introduction of warmer colors including
beiges, pinks and reds in what is known as his "Rose Period". The painting
includes Two Nudes, Family at Saltimbanques, Gertrude Stein. He
became one of the greatest and most influential artists of the 20th century
and the creator (with Georges Braque) of Cubism. In a cubist artwork objects
are analyzed, broken up and reassembled in an abstracted forminstead of

depicting objects from a single viewpoint, the artist depicts the subject from
a multitude of viewpoints to represent the subject in a greater context.
Together with Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael makes up the
great trinity of the High Renaissance period. Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino (1483
April 6, 1520), was a great Italian painter and noted for his clarity of form
and ability to convey grandeur, beauty and perfection. Raphael does not
have the same brusqueness that got Michelangelo into trouble. His style was
also considered more refined. He didnt have the same inventive genius of
Michelangelo or Leonardo da Vinci, but he had a supreme grace of painting.
He concentrated on a more classical interpretation of perfection. He was
invited to Rome by Pope Julius II. The pope asked Raphael to paint some
rooms in the Vatican. This was at the same time as Michelangelo was
painting the Sistine Chapel, and although the Sistine chapel overshadowed
the work of Raphael, his paintings are still considered some of the finest of
European art. This work included some of masterpieces such as The School
of Athens, The Parnassus, and the Disputa. His Marriage to the Virgin was
derived from to Perugino's Christ Handing the Keys to Saint Peter. One can
note the same array of foreground figures, the same polygonal background
temple and the same intervening piazza. Even the colors of the painting are
derived from Perugino - the cloudless blue sky, the deep blues, roses and
yellows and the blue green of the hills. But the difference was the space and
unity of the graceful figures that is not found in Peruginos art. Raphael's

early artistic career coincided with the increase in use of oil paint in Italy, and
most of his early works on panel seem to use oil. In many of his earliest
paintings, egg tempera was also used.

Known for his self-portraits and biblical scenes, Dutch artist Rembrandt is
considered to be one of the greatest painters in European history. He wa born
in Leiden, Netherlands in 1606 as Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn. He took
his schooling in Latin School in Leiden but he was removed from school and
sent to be trained as a painter at his own request. Rembrandt's style soon
took an innovative turn involving his use of light. His new style left large
areas of his paintings obscured in shadow; through his interpretation,
illumination grew rapidly weaker as it extended into the painting, creating
spots of brightness and pockets of deep darkness. Rembrandt created his
distinctive portraits with a small palette of colors dominated by dark earth
tones and golden highlights. He was a master of chiaroscuro, an Italian term
for a style using strong lights and heavy shadows to create depth in a
painting and a center of interest. Rembrandt used it to emphasize the faces
and hands in his portraits; what his subjects were wearing and their setting
are of less importance, melding into a dark background. (Evans, 2002) His
famous works includes The Storm on the Sea of Galile and Night Watch.

The Weeping

Woman by
(example of his


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