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Marketing Design and Innovation

Department: Leadership and Management

Module Code: MOD001223

Level 7
Academic Year 2015/2016
Semester/Trimester/ Session: TRI2
SID #- 1565824/1

Reflective Essay
Word Count: 1000 words

Table of Contents

Task 2......................................................................................................................... 3
Reflective Essay...................................................................................................... 3


Task 2

Reflective Essay
The course, Marketing design and innovation was a very relevant course in respect to
the current scenario of the market around the world. In this paper, I have been asked to
select a contemporary consumer, industrial or commercial product or service that for
one reason or another inspired me to critique within the context of this module. By
Completing this Marketing Design and Innovation Report, it has been indeed a great
learning opportunity for the student in various levels. I gained knowledge about the
products main features and service design from the marketing perspective on both
practical level and theoretical level.
The main contents of this Module and the teaching style of the Lecturer has played a
major role in assisting me the student in completing this paper by allowing me to
understand the main difference of the key points of the designing process within the
settings of ever-changing product and the highly dynamic nature of style.
Also, this marketing design and Innovation module has taught me a lot of important
things and I do believe that all the organizational theories and business frameworks that
was taught will definitely be used as an application in the future to help contribute to the
achievement of my career aims and objectives.
This module, changed my mind with the word innovation. Before studying the full details
of this module my perspective of the word innovation was different. However I learned
there was more to it. Innovation can come in the forms of a variety of ways such as
business processes, advertising of products and also convincing customers to the
development of new products. This module brought a variety of challenges to me and
became even more challenging when it was understood that marketing design and
innovation is made up of different concepts.
By attending this Module and completing the given report, this has given me more ideas
about innovation and design and at the same time the pre conceived ideas that I had
has been changed as a result of completing the module and preparing for the report.I


did not fully appreciate the importance of introducing innovations in various aspects and
features of products and services in regular manner. However, towards the end of the
module I became convinced that introduction of regular innovations in various aspects
and features of products and services has become one of the basic survival
requirements in modern highly competitive marketplace. Similarly, a highly dynamic
nature of design can be specified as another point that I learned during the process of
completing the module and preparing the report.
The experience of evaluation of Technology as a product from various perspectives
within the scope of this report has changed my stance towards technology in a personal
level. Specifically, by the end of the report the level of my awareness about positive and
negative aspects of owing and using an athletic shoes has been significantly increased.
I must admit that the procedure of finishing the Marketing Design and Innovation
module and preparing the paper has involved in a set of problems. These complications
led to choosing the product to be discussed in the report and ensuring sufficient level of
objectivity of the report.
Everything learned is practical and applicable in the real life. It is all seen happening in
the real world. This course will be very useful in future and will be much more useful
compared to now since by then, demands will be too high and changing much faster
than now, innovation will be heavily required for companies to succeed and using this
knowledge, the different concepts involved in creating a marketing design- the
importance of information transparency, the different steps in designing process, the
importance of patenting etc., all will be used in future whether one will be working for a
company or starting ones own company in order to avoid failures and mistakes that
many companies make and to succeed like top innovative companies and personalities.

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