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Republic of the Philippines

Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

San Isidro Campus
San Isidro, Nueva Ecija
We discovered that in terms of civil status of the
respondents are single. Male respondents contained the
highest percentage of being single that comprises
almost 91 percent or 29 respondents while the remaining
9 percent or 3 of the respondents are married. It was
clearly stated that most of the respondents are still
single at the time of the research and still pursuing
in their chosen carrier and only 9 percent of the total
population was already married.
Most of the respondents was male comprised the 53
percent of the total population universe followed by
female respondents which comprised the 47 percent of
the total population in the research study that we
conducted. The graduated Mapeh major respondents are
male and others are female but also we discovered that
there is a little difference between the genders of our
In terms of educational background, we discovered
that the total population universe of our study
attained a degree in Bachelor of Secondary Education
and all of them was graduated in Nueva Ecija University
of Science and Technology. Only 1 or 3 percent of the
rating of respondents got an award specifically
Leadership award.
Our study revealed that 38 percent or 12 respondents
have passed the licensure exam for teachers. And 3
percent or 1 respondent took the national police
commission examination and passed it.
The 19 respondents or the 59 percent did not took any
examination, it shows that only 12 individuals took the
examination for teachers and only seven out of 12 got
the rating of 75-76 percent and three among them
attained the rating of 77-79 percent and only two have
the rating of 80 percent and above. Only one have taken
the examination from the national police commission.

The 19 respondents have not yet taken any exam but are
planning to take the exam in the near future.
We also discovered that most of the respondents
answered more than one for their reason in taking the
course or pursuing the degree. The top reason was
influence by parents or relatives, while the most
least reason was because of status of prestige
Specifically, the respondents have 46 answer in the
undergraduate AB/BS area and the 17 respondents
answered in graduate MS/MA/Phd area with the reason of
attaining high grades in the subject area. The thirteen
respondents in undergraduate area and 3 answered the
reason availability of the course offering.
Most answers of those individuals who chose the
reason availability of the courses offering was it is
the most affordable course in which the family could
support them financially.
It implies that most of the respondents believed that
their decision was greatly influenced by their family
and the reason for it was the most affordable in the
course that was offered during that time.
In the field of training and advance studies after
college we revealed that seven respondents took
different trainings and seminars and 25 respondents
which comprised the 25% of the total population was not
yet taken any exam but are planning in the near future.
The 79% of the respondents did not took any seminars
after graduation.
We discovered that 14 of the respondents pursued the
advanced studies. The four respondents for the
promotion and ten respondents for pursuing the
professional development program. The eighteen
respondents did not answer.
In short fourteen respondents have continued their
studies even after graduating because of their own
personal reason the eighteen respondents did not took
any further studies because of their own reasons.
The employment data that we have gathered showed that
at the time of the study most respondents were employed
while the others have not yet presently employed but

still finding the most suitable job at the best of

their knowledge.
The main reason why the MAPEH graduates are not yet
employed was because of the reason that most of them
have a strong bond to their family. That is why family
related issues matters the most. It concerns a lot in
terms of decision making which result why they are not
yet employed.
The present employment status of the respondents in
our study revealed that most of the graduates was
permanent in their present work while 1 of the
respondents are in temporary position.
Most of the graduates are working and some of them
were applying the degree that they earned..
Present occupation of the graduates in the data that
we have already gathered shows that most of the
graduates used their degree and worked as a
professional. While other respondents worked in
different fields because of their own whereabouts in
their own lives.
Most of graduates could be found in private sector
because of some respondents have not yet taken any
eligibility requirements which was the most important
thing which is needed to enter public sector.
This study revealed that the most of the graduates
are in the line of their degree.
Respondents choose to work in our own country. And
only four work abroad because they believe that abroad
offers better opportunities than in Philippines.
We discovered that that salary is the greatest factor
for staying in a job. In the data that we have gathered
most of the graduates chosen their work because of the
compensation that they have received.
Respondents used that the knowledge they have gained
to used at the first work they are in after graduating.
And some chose to have different paths after they
graduated because of their own reasons.

Salaries and benefits is the top reason for changing

their job .
We also implied that most of the respondents work for
a short period of the time, simply they can chose other
work after their finished the length of time which is
mandated to their work.
Most of the respondents find their first job by the
reason as walk-in applicant and job fair or public
employment service office. It signifies that finding
job is more effective if you invest time, attention,
and discipline.
It took less than a month to found a worked.
Respondents signifies that future graduates should work
In terms of job level position most of the graduates
are in professional position because of the degree they
had attained. It was a big challenge for the graduates
to found a work which is compatible in the curriculum
and course taken in order for them to be professionals.
Monthly earnings of our respondents clearly stated
that theyre income range in an average salary.
In our study showed the insights of graduates
regarding the curriculum they tackled in college. The
curriculum of education offered in Nueva Ecija
University of Science and Technology took by the MAPEH
graduates is still effective and relevant to their work
as well as the future graduate.
Good communication skills was the biggest factor that
is needed in our future profession.

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