3 InternalControl

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Internal Controls

Internal Controls

Steps performed to prevent, detect, and correct

Usually: policies, procedures, practices,

organizational structures

Two important aspect: What to be achieved,

what to be avoided

Controls Classification





Detect Problem before they arise

Attempt to predict potential error before it occurs

eg: create organizational structure to oversee a


eg 2: well documented flow to make sure task is

done properly


Detects error when it occurs

The worst error is when its not detected

eg: Checkpoints

eg 2: Duplicate checking

eg 3: Periodic Performance Reporting


Minimize impact of risk

Modify processing system to minimize future


Correct Errors immidiately to mitigate effect

eg: Contigency Plan

eg 2: Back up

IS Controls

Most common IS Controls must include these points:

1. safeguarding asset: avoid improper access
2. Ensuring integrity of OS Management
3. Ensuring integrity of Applications: input authorization/
validation, accuracy and completeness, transcation tracking,
security, etc
4. Identification, Authorization of User Access
5. Business Continiuity and Disaster Recovery Plan
6. Protection of Data


Pick 4 top risks from your online shop problem

(IT related risk)

For every risk listed on your task, define 2 step

to Prevent, Detect, and Correct your Risk

Create a checklist based on previous slide (IS

Controls) to make sure youve completed the

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