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AN COLAR 2016-2017
Numele si prenumele elevului:
Data susinerii testului:
*Pentru rezolvarea corecta a tuturor cerintelor din Partea I si din Partea a II-a se acorda 90
de puncte. Din oficiu se acorda 10 puncte.
*Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 50 de minute.
PARTEA I _______________________________________________________________(60 de puncte)

A. Use the Past Tense Simple, Past Tense Continuous or Past Perfect Simple of the verbs given in brackets
according to the meaning:

(go) to school yesterday when I
(see) a house on fire.
(meet) her as he
cross) the bridge.
The mouse
(hide) while the cat
(tell) him he should not read while he
(run) in the street when he
(fall) and
(break) his leg.
(explain) to him that I would help him with those exercises after I
(finish) my homework.
7. After the guests
(leave), we
(go) to bed.
8. Mw cousin
(not see) me for a long time when I
(meet) him three days ago.
9. She
(answer) my question after I
(repeat) it three times.
10. The fire
(spread) to the other houses, too, before the fireman
( 10x1p=10p)
B. Complete the sentences with these words: for, above, by, round, in, through, at, for, ago, across
1 Alex is interestedphotography.
2 Joe is goodplaying the guitar.
3 The vacuum cleaner was Englishman.
4 Miss Walker has lived here..twenty years.
5 She visited China ten years .
6 Thor Heyerdhal sailed.the Pacific.
7 Some people have sailed.the world.
8 John has been waitingages.
9. The bird flew..the open window.
10 The moon was shining..the mountain tops.
C. Make questions to match the answers.
1. ..ever.?

No, Ive never been to America.

2. ..?
She bought her necklace in Egypt.
3. ?
They play football twice a week.
4. .?
She was writing to her pen friend.
5. ..?
He wants a new camera because his old one is broken.
( 5x2p=10p)
D. Write the question tags:
1. You can come,..?
2. You are coming, .?
3. They are twins,.?
4. This is yours,.?
5. You are eleven,..?

E. Match the clauses to make sentences:

1) If you go to the concert early,

a) if its too expensive.

2) Youll get there faster

b) someone will steal it.

3) If you dont leave now,

c) youll get good seats.

4) I wont buy the CD

d) youll miss the bus.

5) If he leaves his bike outside,

e) if you go by car.
(5 x2p=10p)

PARTEA a II-a ____________________________________________________________( 30 de puncte)

Read the information. Then answer true, false or dont know.(10 points)
A. Ill be sixteen next month. Id like to have a party at home and invite all my friends, but I
dont want my parents to be at home then. Last night, I asked my parents about the party.
They said I could have a party but they would stay at home. Im really unhappy now. The
party will be a disaster if my parents are in the house. We wont do anything wrong at the
party, but we wont be able to relax and enjoy ourselves if they are at home. How can I
make my parents understand?
B. Ive got a problem at school and I dont know what to do about it. Im good at Maths and
always get high marks for my homework. Two of the other boys in the class wait for me

before school starts and take my homework book. Then they copy my Maths homework.
The worst thing is that they write and draw in my homework book and the teacher gets
angry with me because my book is dirty and untidy. I dont want to tell my parents because
itll be worse for me if they complain to the head teacher. What can I do?
C. My parents are very nice but they are quite old-fashioned. Im 13. I want to choose my own
clothes but my mother always goes shopping with me. She never lets me buy what I want.
My friends make fun of me because I dont wear fashionable clothes. They dont ask me to
go out with them at weekends and they never invite me to parties. Ive tried to talk to my
parents about this but they dont understand. What can I do?
1. Helen is sixteen years old.
2. Helen hasnt got any brothers or sister.
3. Helens parents will let her have a party.
4. Helens parents dont like her friends.
5. Andrews Maths homework is usually correct.
6. The two boys who take his book are bullies.
7. Andrew has told his parents about this.
8. Chriss parents are very old.
9. Chris doesnt wear fashionable clothes.
10. Chris hasnt told her parents about her problem.

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