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Business Plan

Teacher: Helena Croser

Done By: Raphael Atiyeh

Year: 10A Boys



• Description of the Idea..........................................................................................................1
• Why is there a Need?
• Why will it be Successful?
• Mission Statement
• Size of the Potential Market
• Results of Market Research
• The Competition
• Promoting the Business


• Description of the Business Location
• Benefits of the Location
• Description of Premises
• Special Features of the Premises
• Ownership Structure
• Permits Required
• Information about Suppliers
• Assets Required
• Job Descriptions
• Skills and Experiences Required
• Training of Staff
• Remuneration for Staff

• Capital Investment Required and its Source
• Start-up Costs
• List of Monthly Expenses
• Revenue Projections for the First Year on a Monthly Basis
Description of an idea

Sportax has been a plan for many years; this business will be the Bomb of the
Decade. Sportax is a Sport Club, but not any Sport Club that you see all around
you, Sportax will be a unique, specialized and dictated to help our costumer to
reach their dreams, get fit, feel much better of themselves and put them on the
right track of victory in Sports!!! Sportax will have a whole range of sports,
activities, and programs, and also have the best coaches to provide Sportax’s
customers their needs.
Let’s go back what we were talking about, Sportax is not only a Sport Club as many
people would think it is, it’s also a Hotel Resort. And Yes It’s the only business in
the UAE which is a Sport Club and a Hotel resort. Sportax is not a only a business
or a service for our costumers, see most Sports Club are just there for their
service and to provide their costumer’s needs , Sportax will still be a service for
the customers, but this time Sportax wants the costumers to feel like at home.

Sportax Hotel resort will be a 65 floors building with a nice view of the sea and
magnificent wonders of UAE. Everyone would think they can’t get their children to
a Hotel resort or a Sport club, and that’s where many businesses fail to do. One
big factors of feeling at home is your children, and YES Sportax will provide
activities, outdoor games or maybe sports for the children. Sportax is not only
encouraging the adults to live a healthy life, one of Sportax’s goals is to provide
the right knowledge for children and show them the right way to live a healthy and
longer life and to become their role models.
Why is there a Need?

Sportax has a purpose in the UAE, and that purpose is to provide the costumer’s
NEEDS. In the UAE slowly people are getting unhealthy, people intend to take the
wrong track and the worst thing people would do anything to feel better of
themselves which means they will take drugs, smoke and injections. As you see all
of the options that people take are harming them, Sportax is here to provide the
people with the right track to a longer and a healthy life. And that is why Sportax
is here to help people who NEED the right way for a better life, reach their
dreams also their goals.

Why will it be Successful?

Why will Sportax be successful? Sportax will be the new generation of health
facilities all over the UAE and soon the world. Sportax is bringing a new FACE into
Health and Care, because Sportax is looking for HOW to help the consumers in any
way possible and Sportax will have the best Employees for the job.

Consumers nowadays look up to the TOP health facilities such as Fitness First,
Dubai Sports etc. These health facilities don’t live up to the name, slowly their
services are just getting worse less, because there is no care or even effort being
involved. And that why Sportax care and offers a hand to reach the costumer’s

Sportax is bringing the future to present, showing the real face of health and care
in way people would accept as home. Sportax is welcoming all types of people and
that’s something all sport club does wrong these, nowadays sport clubs only accept
the people who are capable to do normal stuff normally without hesitation. But
Sportax is not any sport club you see around you it’s the new FACE of health and
care of the future. Sportax accepts all costumers even if they are different than
other people, Sportax accepts even the mentally and physically disabled people,
because Sportax wants to give a chance to everybody who are even disabled to
reach their dreams.
Mission Statement

Sportax would like to help out around the world and fight against drug use or
other harmful ways which is addictive. Slowly as Sportax grows and becomes a
well-known Sport club, Sportax will slowly expand to other countries such as
America, Canada, France and Australia. Sportax has big plans with Australia’s
obesity rate that all of a sudden beaten America’s Obesity population. Sportax will
be able to help out not only the addiction and obesity, soon as the business
popularity rises Sportax will have professional help for disabled people to
accomplish their goals in life or maybe their dreams.

If Sportax come out to be a very popular business, Sportax will be moving on to

Sponsoring professional Athletes around the world, especially when the Olympics
games starts. Sportax will also be participating in the Special Olympics (Disabled),
so this shows the world Sportax care about its people even if they are different
than others. One of Sportax biggest goals is to be a great place for people to
reach for help, if they have addiction, abused or maybe disabled in any sort
Sportax wants to be a home for them.

Sportax is also planning for a Healthy Restaurant providing the

best and healthiest food in the market, it will be a plan to stop
anything that involves or effect by obesity and giving out an idea
to people that eating healthy will improve you in everyway possible. Most people
will say that eating from healthy restaurants is expansive and it’s hard to take it
down (disgusting).

Sportax will provide all that fast food take away that you always take when
heading to a mall or a fast food restaurant, but Sportax will add a little twist with
the food and of course that means Sportax will have a new way of enjoying your
fast food breakfast, lunch and Dinner in a healthier way. The main goal for
Sportax’s restaurants to encourage people to choose a healthier lifestyle and to
slow the rate of obesity.

As Sportax becomes a well known Sport club, slowly Sportax will open a Children
Day care center for our costumer’s children. The day care center will be allowing
children experience sport games and a whole range of fun games.

Size of the Potential Market

Sportax is being settled in Dubai right next to the Burj Khalifa tower,
because Sportax will have a better reputation since it right next to
the Tallest Sky Scraper and Dubai Mall known as the Largest Mall in
the World. There is no place better than that area, because people
come every day to see the great Man-made structures and it’s the
most popular place in Dubai. Nowadays teenagers prefer to head to GYMs, rather
than staying home and working out. So that’s a good sign for Sportax potential
market, Sportax is looking at over 300 teenagers between 15-19 years of age a

As with young adults Sportax has provide a very large section for 20-40 years of
age, young adults are Sportax largest consumer target since young adults want to
start fresh with their upcoming life and appearance. Sportax is looking at 430 a
day between 20-35 years of age, ofcource people would say it’s almost impossible
to fit that much people in 1 day.

As we discussed Sportax is bring a new generation of health and care, fitting that
much people in one day it almost sounds impossible, but Sportax will be the largest
Sport club in the world and that brings a new challenge to the other Sport clubs
around the world. Sportax will prove to the world it’s here to help them and to
reach their goals.

As we discussed Sportax is bringing a new challenge on the table, and that

challenge is to help the Disable people reach their goals. Sportax will be excepting
over 70 disabled a day, Sportax understands there are varieties of disabilities and
that’s why Sportax is bringing a whole range of different activities for certain

As Sportax said that it will make the costumers feel as there are at their own
home, and ofcource that means they can bring their children for a day care or
maybe to train and that’s why Sportax has supplied a memberships for children
under the age of 7. The day care will be for the younger children under 4 years of
age, Sportax is expecting over 120 children a day.

Results of Market Research

Sportax has research the consumers that visit Dubai Mall and Burj Khalifa a day
and it estimate over 520,000 people visit. Since Sportax has chosen to settle the
business right next to Dubai Mall and Burj Khalifa, Sportax has chosen to research
the estimated costumers that visit Dubai Mall and Burj Khalifa. The area is a very
popular social place for teenagers and young adults to meet and hang out.

Our research says the obesity rate in getting higher each year that means
Sportax will have more costumers each year. All the variables give us great start
for Sportax. Sportax has also research the mentally and the physically disabled
population in the UAE,
The Competition

Sportax has a large number competitors, as usual when a New Business comes in
the game is on between businesses, Sportax competitors are mostly sport clubs,
GYMs, anything that involves with Sport services. Prive club, Hattrick Sport Club
and Fitness First are some of the competitors in Dubai.

All businesses has their Strengths & Weaknesses, and that is the most important
thing in a competition especially in Sport services. Prive club, Hattrick Sport Club
and Fitness first is a well known sport club worldwide, they all have great offers
for memberships and it offer good facilities. But slowing their lack of
performance and that come from monotony and dullness.

The competition will be a large one, since Sportax is looking at a very large scale of
people a day, if Sportax continue to be a well known business soon or later people
will call Sportax the City of Sports. Sportax is competing one of the most popular
sport club “Fitness First”. No worries since there were a rumor about Fitness First
services are lacking in performance and supplies of equipment and over 32% of
costumers decreased since last year. And that tells Sportax that people want to
see new service that cares. So that gives a good sign for Sportax business that
Fitness First are losing their customers. Sportax has won the most popular area in
the UAE and that gives Sportax a good reputation to start fresh.

As we said Sportax is bringing a new generation of Health and Care to the UAE, so
it will be a large challenge to live up to the name and show our customers that we
are ready to take care of them any way possible. Sportax will have new programs
that no sport clubs have ever done before, also new creative games for the
children under 7 years of age. Sportax is reaching beyond the sport club view and
that brings a really large competition to the other sport services

Promoting the Business

Sportax has chosen to advertise on movies, commercials, poster on the side walk
and the popular areas in Dubai. Concentrating on games in UAE best way to
advertise Sportax as a famous sport club, also sponsoring professional athletes in
the Olympics and the Special Olympics to encourage people to visit Sportax more
often and to send out a message to everyone that Sportax cares.

The Business Location

Description of the Business Location

Sportax has chosen the location of the service to be right between Dubai Mall and
Burj Khalifa with an area of area of 850,808 Sq. /Ft for Sportax Sport Club and
another 200,700 Sq. /Ft for Sportax Hotel resort. The location is very popular,
because its right next to the Largest Mall (Dubai Mall) in the world and the tallest
tower (Burj Khalifa) in the world, the location gives many advantages for Sportax’s
Hotel resort and the sport club. The location will have a new record for the
largest Sport club in the world and it belongs to Sportax.

Benefits of the Location

The location is very popular, thousands of people visit a day and it’s a fresh start
for Sportax. The location is also a tourism area since the location has the largest
mall and the tallest tower in the world at the same area. Dubai has change
dramatically through the years and also went through many changes, also Dubai is
very luxurious place and that means people are wealthy. The location has tons of
advantages and it’s a perfect spot for a business to start fresh.
For Raising Capital
1. For Bankers

✔ I’ll take a loan of $1,650,000 US from the Central Bank of the

United Arab Emirates.
✔ As the First step I’ll use $350,000.00 for the land in Dubai
right next to the Dubai Mall And the Burj Khalifa with a area of
850,808 Sq./Ft for our Sport Club and another 200,700 Sq./Ft
for our Hotel resort.
✔ Secondly I’ll use $700,000.00 for our construction supplies and
for the construction Company fees. This Plan will take a short
period of time of 2-3 years to be done since we have three
companies on the Job, the plans will start in 2 month time.
✔ Thirdly I’ll use $600,000.00 for the needs, wants and permits
Also to start advertising in Malls, Website and luxuries areas.
✔ This will accomplish a great start of my business, this business
is the only business in the UAE which is a Sport Club and a
Hotel resort. Which means that my business will be one of the
most popular areas in the UAE.
✔ As my business slowly builds up, I’ll save up to 20% of my
business’s Revenue each month so in one year and two I’ll be
able to back my loan of $1,650,000.00.

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