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Export Sales config also similar as Regular domestic sales upto PGI-

when creating Invoice- as per Copy control- Export data will be determined ( check in copy controls).

Once export data determined/activated foreign trade data-tab has to maintain before saving invoiceForeign trade data assigned to incompletion procedure without which invoice cant released to a/c'g.

Initial CHeck list:

- Material has to extend to rel sales org- dist channel ( if you maintain seperate DC:- Exports)
- Customer has to exist in this sales area
- Cond records for Price/Tax should be maintained .
- Commodity code - OVE1
- Business Transaction Type- OVE5
- Export Procedure - OVE6
- To create Exp Exc Invoice - Accounting doc number ranges should be maintianed for the a/c'g doc types.( To check
a/c'g doc type Goto- IMG-LG-Tax on Goods Movement- India-Basic settings - Maintain Comp Code settings - ) eg:
CENVAT doc type SA- & Utlization Doc type- SA
- FInd this doc type number ranges- OBA7-(IMG- FA-Global settings- Document- document types- Def. doc type for
Entry View)
-Maintain number ranges for Export Excise invoices & Exp Inv Intr no.ranges in J1I9
- Define Mode of Transport Border
- Domestic Mode of Transporter -OVE3
- Define Cusotms office - OVE2

Now follow the transaction-

VA01VL01NVF01- ( Maintain Foregin trade data- if data is complete- you will observe mssg in green -Header/Item level)
J1IINARE-1 - J1IA101-create/Post/Update/Close.

Thread 2
Select Country, say India.
Now, check with: J91:Export Sales under Bond
1. Maintain seperate distribution channel for exports.
2. Define Sales Area for Exports Sales org/dist channel/ Division
3. Define sales document type for exports
4. Assingn sales document type to sales Area.
5. Define pricing proceedure for exports
6. Maintain Pricing proceedure determination
7. Maintain proper G/l Accounts for condition types
8. Maintain copy control from order to delivery and delivery to billing
9. Decide the export type whether it is Export/export under bond/export under no bond/ deeemed
If it is export under bond you need to configure ARE 1 documents for the same.
If it is deemed export ARE 3 document must be configured.
Best Regards,
Note: In Export Sales no taxes are applicable as Excise & VAT are exempted in case of exports as
Generally in Exports and Deemed Exports, Excise duties will have exemption under UT1/CT3 bonds or
For information-sake:
[Export Sales - Accounting Entries|]

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Thread 3
The Prerequisites for Export Process is
1.Customer master and Material Master
3.Excise details of customer and material
4.Tax codes
5.Number Ranges
6.Exchange Rate
1. Create Sales order(VA01)
2.Create Delivery & Pgi(vl01n)
3.Create Invoice(VF01)
4. Create Excise Invoice(J1iin)
5.Create Bond(J1ibn01)
6.Create ARE1--(J1ia101)
7.Update ARE1(J1ia101)
8.Post ARE1(J1ia101)
9.Close ARE1(J1ia101)
If any quries revert back to me..

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