Choose The Correct Answer.: Vocabulary, Unit 1

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1. Choose the correct answer.

1. My neighbour's dog spends hours running after / running into my cat.
2. Ethan said he would reply / share his cake with his friends, but in the end he ate it
all himself.
3. Jane managed to stay generous / calm when she saw the snake on her bed.
4. She is so skinny / chubby. She needs to eat more.
5. When I got off the train, I realised / reminded I was at the wrong station.
6. She is a very kind-hearted / short-tempered girl who loves to help people.
7. Hes very broad-shouldered / short-tempered so he needs a larger sweater.
8. Where did you get that gorgeous / impulsive coat? Id love to buy one like that.
9. He left his lunch at home, so his mother looked up / ran after him with the
10. I enjoy swimming when the sea is calm / plain.
11. I don't have a clue / disorder what to buy my sister for her birthday.
12. She has got such beautiful, slim / fair hair.
13. We ordered a big pizza and shared / pretended it among the six of us.
2. Complete the sentences with the words below.
injury generous clue
Open-minded acquaintance impulsive
big-headed reply share stubborn
Shoulder-length acquaintances remind
pretend muscular plain wavy
1. Connie is so ..................................... She acts first and thinks later.
2. Is there a .................................... to help us solve this puzzle?
3. Terry is an old ...................................... from my school days. I havent seen him for
4. .................................... people are ready to listen to different opinions.
5. It was very .................................. of you to give me so much money.
6. Tom survived the accident without an ....................................
7. Ill send you an invitation tonight, but please................................... as soon as you can

8. ................................... me to buy milk when I go shopping.

9. She goes to the gym every day. That's why she's so ...................................
10. They don't allow boys to have ................................... hair in our school. You'll have
to get it cut.
11. My sister and I ................................... a room .
12. He has got very few real friends but many....................................
13. I don't like ................................... people who think they know everything .
3. Match the words in I with their meanings in II.


1 . run off with

a . not straight

2. disorder

b . steal

3 . suit ..

c. very small and thin

4. wavy

d . deal with successfully

5. petite

e. a formal set of clothes

6. cope

f. an illness or abnormal condition

7. good-looking

g. stubborn

8. fair

h. unattractive

9. skinny

i. selfish

10. open-minded

j. dark

11. considerate

k. chubby

1. Choose the correct answer.

1. Johnny gets up very early every day to hesitate / deliver newspapers.
2. I was harmless / furious when the dog broke my favourite plate.
3. It was startled / startling to hear such a loud noise in the middle of the night.
4. Mother lions are very protective / frightened of their young.
5. Pour / Point yourself a drink.
6. He warned / arranged us about the dangers.

2. Replace each word or expression in bold with a suitable expression below. Make
any necessary changes.
make sure seriously injured arrange
risk your life live on the edge cheer up
1. Although he tried all night, he couldn't make his son feel happy
2. My friends and I are going to organise the party
3. Check that all the windows and doors are locked ..
4. Only the pilot was badly hurt when the plane crashed .
5. You put yourself in danger every time you t d rive carelessly
6. Some people need to be close to danger in order to feel good ..
3. Complete the sentences by adding a suitable suffix to the words in brackets to
form adjectives: Make any necessary changes.
1. This is a very .. (value) painting, so take good care of it.
2. She works as a .. (graph) designer.
3. That game is not .. (education), so the teacher doesn't want us
to play it.
4. I love to watch .. (romance) films late at night
5. I'd like to thank you for an .. (enjoy) experience.
4. Replace each word or expression in bold with a suitable word or expression
below. Make any necessary changes.
have a head start break the record take up seek
win the argument unfair
beat an opponent achieve willpower
1. The local ten n is club is trying to find a new coach for its youth team.
2. The aim of the game is to defeat the other player.
3. He succeeded in getting what he wanted.
4. Sheila started knitting last year.
5. Henry didn't give up until he convinced everyone that he was right.
6. It takes a lot of self-discipline for a chocoholic 'to give up chocolate.
7. I thought the decision was not justified.
8. I began before everyone else, so I was the first to finish the project.


1. Complete the sentences with a suitable collocation. Use the verbs set, raise or
win and the words below.
the issue the salaries a date
a precedent the competition
1. Mr Jones decided to .. of all his employees last year.
2. Although he tried his best, he didn't ..
3. Barack Obama .. when he became the first African-American
4. We want to .. of teenage drivers at the next council meeting .
5. They .. for the end-of-year party.

1. Write the words next to their meanings.

storey skyscraper shore bridge ruler resort
1. a structure across a river or road ..
2. an extremely tal l building ..
3. land at the edge of the sea or a lake ..
4. one floor or level of a building ..
5. a person who has power over a country..
6. a place where a lot of people go on holiday ..
2. Which noun cannot be described by the adjective in bold?
1 . huge responsibility country class mark
2. breathtaking smell view picture sight
3. ancient times custom person drawing
4. spare time money tyre question
3. Rewrite the sentences by changing the underlined words from British English to
American English, or from American English to British English.
1 . There are at least 1000 shops in the local shopping centre.
2. The sidewalk near our local movie theatre is always littered with ice-cream wrappers.

4. Choose the correct answer.

1. The teacher told the student, I want you to leave / to leave the classroom now,
please. "
2. Dan asked his father, I want to use / you to use the car tonight. Is that OK? "

1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the
Present Simple or Present Continuous.
1. How much .................................... those sandals (cost)?
2. Tessa .................................... (not think) it's a good idea .
3. Susan .................................... (study) Russian this year.
4. Sorry, I am always .................................... (forget) your name.
5. Why .................................... you .................................... (cry)?
6. Why .................................... you .................................... (look) so sad today?
2. Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets. Use the Present Simple or
Present Continuous. Make any necessary changes.
1. I have got a meeting with Janine at 6 o'clock. (am)
2. Do you see each other often? (tonight)
3. Our dog never barks at strangers (at the moment)
4. Are you watching that reality show again? (regularly)
5. The baby is crying again. (often)
3. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the
Simple or Present Continuous.
1. a .................................... this DVD ................................ .. (belong) to Jack?
b. No, I .................................... (think) it. (belong) to Debbie.

2. a. Bill usually .................................... (enjoy) his work.

b. Yes, but he .................................... (not enjoy) it now because he's got too much to do.
3. a. Why .................................... you .................................... (taste) the milk?
b. Because it .................................... (smell) strange. .................................... you (want)
to taste it?
4. a. Susan .................................... (talk) to her boyfriend on the phone at the moment.
b. I can tell. She ..................................... (look) very excited .
4. Complete the passage with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple or Present
Faye has got an unusual job - she 1.................................... (work) as a face painter. She
2.................................... (belong) to the UK Face Painting Association, and this month
she 3 .................................... (give) a course on basic face painting. It's amazing the
number of fantastic ways you can be creative, and you 4..................................... .. .. (not
need) to paint the whole face. A butterfly on one eye and cheek is enough. What Faye 5
.................................... (love) about her job is the travelling. She 6....................................
(get) to meet so many interesting people, who 7 ............................................(invite) her
into their homes. Today, she 8 .................................... (travel) north to Leeds, where
they 9 .................................... (have) a face painting festival. She is very excited
because she .................................... (know) there will be lots of happy faces to paint.
1. Choose the correct answer.
1. I d i d n 't hea r the phone beca use I worked I e worl had worked i n
the garden.
2 . The c h i l d ren played I were playing I had p layed basketball w h i le
their parents w ere talking w ith the new trainer.
3 . C h ris knocked on the door a n d entered I was entering I had entered
the office.
4. The thief escaped I was escaping I had escaped by the time the pol ice a

2. Complete the passage with the correct form of the verbs in

brackets. Use the Past Simple,
Past Continuous or Past Perfect Simple.
Nicola is a workaholic. She is obsessed with work. Last week, Nicola 1. . .. ...
... .... . .. . . ....... .. .. .. .. .. . . . .... .. . (decide) to finish the project she
2 .. . . .. .. ... .. . ....... (work) on. On Monday, she
3 . . ..... . . . .. . .... .. ... .... . ... . . . . . ... .. (leave) the house before she
4 ..... .. .... .. . . ..... (have) any breakfast. She 5 .. .. . ...... . .. ....... ... . .
(reach) the office at 6.30, an by 6.45 Nicola
6 .... ... .. .. .. . . . .. ... .. ... .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . (already I work). At 3.30,
Nicola's boss 7 . .. .. . ... .... .. . . .. .. . .. . .. . . . .. .... . . .. .. . (call) her into the
office. She was worried that Nicola 8 . . .. . .. .. . . . .. . . .. . . .... .. .... .. .... ... .
.. (not take) a lunch break. Her boss 9 ... ........ ....... . ... . ... .. (warn) Nicola of
the dangers of overworking. However, Nicola was determined to finish the
job and 10 . . . ... . . ... . . ... . (continue) to work when everyone else 11 . .....
. . ... .. .... .... .... .. .. . . . .. . ... .. .. (already I go) home. Finally, leaving the
building many hours later, Nicola was surprised to see that the sun 12 (rise).
It was already morning !

1. Complete the sentences with the correct fof the verbs i n brackets.
1 . I ......... . . .. ... .. (not get) my driving l ice yet.
2. J u l ia .. ............ .......... ..... . ..... ........... (buy) a new i Pod last yea r.
3 . .. . . ..... . . you ever ........................ .(take part) i n a real ity show?
4. Why .................................. they ..................... . ...... (leave) early last n i g ht?
2. Complete the passage with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Past
Simple or Present Perfect Simple.
Paula Radcliffe L . . :. ................ ..: .:.:-..: .... ::: . .. ... . (be) a runner all her life, but her
career 2 .. : ............ :.. ........ .. 1J ... : ... . . . S (not always go) well. On the one
hand, in 2008, Paula 3 ... ...... ....... ........... ..... ..... .... . ..... (become) the second woman
t win the New York Marathon three times. On the other hand, she 4 ...... :.'::. 9.\L (not
achieve) her ultimate goal yet. Paula 5 . ....... .. ... . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . .. ... ... (fail) t win

in the last two Olympics. She thought she could win in Athens in 2004, but she
6 . . .. .......... .. ... . . ....... . ..... . . . .. (not reach) the finish line. Then an injury
7 .............. . .. ... .... .. ........... . . ........ .... (prevent) her from preparing properly for the
Beijing Olympics, where she 8 ....... ..... . ......... ..... ..... ... .... . ........ . (come) 23rd.
However, she 9 .. hoc. .. . .......... . .. ..... ....... ..... (not give up). "The Olympics is
something that I 10 ....... . . .. .... . . . . ... ....... (dream) about since I was a little girl," she

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1 . Sally has to work late toni g ht. By the time the shop closes,
she ............................................................... (be) there for 1 2 hours.
2. By the time I a rrived, everyone ........................................................ ..... (leave) the
3 . That pizza smells good ! I think I ............................... ... .... ..................... (have) a p
4. I know you ' re not joggi n g today, but ............................................................... (jog)
5. I love those jeans ! Where ..... ....................................... .. .......... (you I buy) them?
6. I was so embarrassed yesterday. John arrived wh ile I .. ...... .........................................
. ..... (argue) with my
Complete the sentences with the correctform of the verbs in brackets. Use the Future
Perfect Simple or Future Continuous.
1 . By the end of the month, we.. .... ..... ...... .... . .......... .... .................. (fi n ish) our










Jimmy ................................ .. . .. ........ (pass) his d riving test?

3. We can go round there at three o'clock. He ....... (not work) then.
6. Complete the passage with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use future
tenses. There may be more than one correct answer.
When I finish school this year, I L (work) in my uncle's office. He is an architect and

that's what I want to be too. I 2 ....................... ............................ . (stay) there for a few









3 ..... .. . .... . ....... ... . ... .......... ..... (gain) some experience and
4 ...................................... .............. (be) read_ to start at the College of Architecture.
My only real problem is that the college hasn't accepted me yet because I haven't
completed my entrance project. I 5 ................................. ................... (stay) at home
most evenings until I get it done. I 6 ................ ........... .. ....................... (ask) Ian to
help me, since he was accepted last year and knows what is required. But that means
I've got very little time, as he 7 .......... .. ......................... (go) abroad soon. I hope I
8- ....................... ..................... ........ (manage) to present my
work before he leaves. I think I can do it !

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