Newsletter4 rs1 4 Ifyoumadeamillion

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Third Grade Parent Newsletter #4

Dear parents and guardiansEach week I will be sending home an ELA parent newsletter (current
page) and a copy of the Family Times, which can also be found in your
childs Reading Street practice workbook. These documents will keep you
informed about what were learning each week in ELA and allow you to
practice with your child at home.
This week we are reading If You Made a Million by David M.
Schwartz. We will focus on some vocabulary words in this story. It would
be helpful if you will reinforce the meaning of these words at home with
your child. Also, on this newsletter you will find our spelling words for the
week. Please practice these words at home as well. The words in italics are
our challenge spelling words. Finally, the words in the boxes contain the
phonics rules we are practicing. Please listen to your child read these words
Spelling Words: clean, agree, teeth, dream, grain, coach, display,
window, shadow, cheese, peach, braid, Sunday, float, thrown,
entertain, complain, bleachers, willow, wheat
Vocabulary Words: amount, worth, value, earned, interest,
expensive, check, thousand, million
Phonics Rule: Long a is sometimes spelled ai and ay: grain,
display. Long e is sometimes spelled ee and ea: clean, agree. Long
o is sometimes spelled oa and ow: coach, window.





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