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Tender Work-2bid


(A Govt. of India Enterprise)


Heavy Duty Printing Solutions for Printing Telephone

Bills of BSNL, Pune. Offsite
Tender No. PTG/T-305/ Heavy Duty Printing Solutions for Printing
Telephone Bills/2012-14-15

Tender opening Date- 23/08 /2014



EMD Rs. 1,40,800/-/Bid price Rs. Rs 1,000/-+Rs.125/- =Rs 1125/-including Sales Tax@12.5 ( Non Refundable)


Name of Tenderer :
Signature: Stamp:

Internet copy

Tender Work-2bid

Table of contents
1. a. NIT in English
b. NIT in Hindi
2. Instructions to the Bidders
3. General Conditions of the contract
4. Technical Terms, Conditions and
5. Special Conditions
6. Schedule of Requirement

Section No.

Section I
Section II Part-I
Section II PartII

5 to14

Section III
Section IV-Part-I 22&23

Specifications & Technical


7. Schedule of Requirement

Section-IV -Part-II


8. Technical Specifications of printer

Section IV-Part-III


9. Price Bid

Section V



Section VI
Section VII-A
Section VII-B


Proforma for Declaration

Proforma for Agreement
Format of Non Discloser agreement

Bid Form
Questionnaire/Tenderers Profile
Proforma for Experience certificate

Check list.

Section VIII
Section IX
Section X
Section XI

Bank guarantee specimen for EMD

(Bid Security)

19. Authorisation letter.


Name of Tenderer :
Signature: Stamp:

Internet copy

Tender Work-2bid


(Government of India Enterprise)
NIT No. PTG/T-305/Printing Telephone Bills/2014-15
Dated at Pune
31/ 07/2014
Properly sealed (Wax/Tape) tenders are invited by the Principal General Manager, BSNL
Pune from reputed Agencies for Heavy Duty Printing Solutions for Printing Telephone Bills offsite of
BSNL Pune. It is proposed to award the whole tender quantity to a single bidder whose bid is
found to be technically and commercially acceptable.
Name of Tender

Cost of tender
documents Rs.


Last Date &

Time of
Submission of

Date & Time

of Opening of

Heavy Duty Printing

Solutions for Printing
Telephone Bills of BSNL
Pune. Offsite.

Rs 1,000/+Rs.125/- =Rs
23 / 08 /2014 23 /08 /2014
140800/Up to
15:00 hrs.
15:30 hrs.
2. Sale of Tender Document: - Tender document cost as mentioned above of Rs. 1,125/- is to be paid at
Accounts Officer (Cash), BSNL Pune, at Cash Counter, 3rd floor, Satara Road Admin Bldg., Parvati,
Pune 411 009 between 11:30 hrs. to 13:30 hrs on all working days. Tender documents containing
terms, conditions & specifications shall be available after producing cash receipt of Rs. 1,125/- on
all working days between 11:00hrs to 17:00hrs in the o/o. Assistant General Manager(MM-II), 3rd
floor, Telephone Bhavan, Bajirao Road, Pune-411002 upto one day in advance of last date of
opening of tender.
3. In case of Tender document down loaded from the Internet., a D.D. of both Tender document cost and
EMD in favour of AO (Cash) Pune, of amount mentioned above can be enclosed along with the technical bid.
4. EMD/Bid Security: - As mentioned above sum to be paid in Demand Draft from Nationalised/Scheduled
Bank payable in the name of Accounts Officer (Cash), BSNL Pune, at Cash Counter, 3rd floor, Satara Road
Admin Bldg., Parvati, Pune 411 009 between 13:30hrs on all working days. The receipt
obtained should be enclosed with tender in case of cash payment. EMD may also be paid in the form of Bank
Guarantee issued by a schedule /Nationalised Bank valid up to Six months from the date of opening of the
5. Submission of Tender: - Tender should be submitted on or before 15:00hrs.of Date / /2012 Tenders to be
dropped in the Tender box kept in the O/o Assistant General Manager(MM-II), 3rd floor, Telephone Bhavan,
Bajirao Road, Pune 411 002.
6. Opening of Tender: - Tender shall be opened on / /2012 at 15:30hrs. in the O/o Assistant General
Manager (MM-II), 3rd floor, Telephone Bhavan, Bajirao Road, Pune 411 002., in the presence of intending
tenderers or their authorised representatives on the date & time as mentioned above or on next working day
if happens to be in case of unforeseen closure of the BSNL offices. The right to accept the whole or part
thereof or to reject any tender without assigning any reason whatsoever is reserved by the Principal General
Manager, BSNL Pune
Tender document may be down loaded from the Internet
NOTE: 1.During the entire evaluation process if it is observed that the downloaded documents is
not exactly as per the original tender document and/or it is tampered / change/ altered/

modified in any way the bid will be rejected.

2. In case of any disputes arises, English version of NIT will be considered.
Assistant General Manager(MM-II),
BSNL Pune 411 002
Tel. No. 24471187

Name of Tenderer :
Signature: Stamp:

Internet copy

Tender Work-2bid

Baart saMcaar inagama ilaimaToD.

Baart sarkar ka ]pk`ma

P`aQaana mahap`baMQak ka kayaa-laya, puNao 2.

inaivada p`p~
anIavIda . pI.TI.jaI.TI
pI.TI.jaI.TI305/ip`MTIMga Toilafaona ibalsa/2014

puNao idnaak

31 07201

p`Qaana mahap`baMQak, baI.esa.ena. ela. PauNao, PauNao ijalao Wara Baart ko saupi` saW zokodaraoM sao baI.esa.ena. ela. PauNao ko
hovaI Dyau
DyauTI ip`TM IMga saaolyauSana fa^r ip`MTIMga Toilafaona ibalsa pUtI-I- ka kama krnao ko ilae samauicat P`akar sao baMd (va^va^@sa Top) inaivadaAaoM kao
AamaMi~t ikyaa jaata hO | [sa saMdBarIt inayamaaoM va saovaaSatao
Ba- maoM inaQaainaQaa-rIt
aaSatao- ka ]llaoK inaivada p`p~ maoM ikyaa jaata hO| ijanakI inaivada tknaIkI
AaOr vaaiNaijyak dRYTIsaoM svaIkayasvaIkaya- payaI jaaegaI eosao ek pa~ inaivadakarkao inaivada kI raSaI ivatrIt krnaa p`staivat hO|
ka naama AaOr .
inaivada p`p~ kI bayaanaa Qanajamaa inaivada Barnao kI inaivada Kaolanao kI
kImat $.
AMitma tarI#a tarI#a tqaa samaya
tqaa samaya
$ 1000
hovaI DyauTI ip`TM IMga saaolyauSana fa^r
23 08 014
014 23
2308 2014
ip`MTIMga Toilafaona ibalsa pUtI-I- ka kama
1125 ivaik

bajao tk
kr siht
2.inaivada p`p~aoMkI ibaI: inaivadasao saMbaQaIt AavaSyak dstavaojaaoM, Satao- va inayamaaoM ko saaqa inaivada Aavaodna, maMDla AiBayaMta (ema emaII) baI.esa.ena. ela. PauNao, 3 rI maMijala, Toilafaona Bavana, baajaIrava raoD puNao-2 ko yaha inaivada ko ilae raSaI jamaa krnao kI pavatI
idKanao pr samast kaya- idnaaoM maoM saubah 11.00 bajao sao 17.00 bajao ko baIca imalaoMgao| inaivada p`p~ao kI KrId ko saMbaMQa AavaSyak raSaI
k^Sa ka}MTr, tIsarI maMijala, saatara roaD A^DmaIna Bavana, pva-tI, puNao9 yaha saubah 11:30 sao 13:30 bajao tk BarnaI haogaI| inaivada
p`p~ kI ibaI inaivada Kaolanao ik AMitma tarI#a ko phlao ek idna baMd haogM aI|
3. Agar inaivada p`p~ [MTrnaoT sao ilayaa hao tao laoKaiQakarI, baI esa ena ela, PauNao, ko naama sao jaarI iDmaMaD D/aFT raSaI jamaa krnao kI
pavatI inaivada p`p~ (Toi@nakla baID) ko saaqa jaaoDnaa AavaSyak hOM |
4. bayaanaa Qana: ]pr ]llaoiKt k^Sa ka}TMr pr inaivada ko ilae bayaanaa Qana, laoKaiQakarI, baI esa ena ela, PauNao, ko naama sao jaarI iDmaMaD D/aFT
/ po Aa^D-r (kovala raYT/Iyat yaa SaoDyaulD baMkao ko) ko pmaoM jamaa krayaoM AaOr ]sakI pavatI inaivada ko saaqa jaaoDo| bayaanaa Qana raYT/IyIat yaa
SaoDyaulD baMkaosao jaarI ike gae bak
M gaarMTI pmaoM BaI jamaa kr sakto hOO [sa baMk gaarMTI kI vaOQata inaivada KaolanaokI tarI#a sao 6 C: mahInao
tk haonaI caaihyao|

5. inaivada jamaa krnao ko ilae: inaivada ko saamanao dSaa-[- ga[- itiqa kao daophr 3:00 bajao tk pUNa- p sao Baroo hue Aavaodna inaivada p`p~
kI saUcanaa Anausaar, maaohrbaMd ilafafo maoM Dalakr ]sapr [sa saMdBa- maoM inaivada eosaa spYT AxaraoM maoM ilaKkr ]pmaMDla
AiBayaMta (ema ema - II) baI.esa.ena. ela. PauNao, 3 rI maMijala, Toilafaona Bavana, baajaIrava raoD puNao - 2 ko kayaa-laya maoM Alaga sao
rKI ga[- inaivada poTI maoM ]pyau-@t itiqa Anausaar ]sako pUva- yaa ]sa tarIK tk daophr 3.00 bajao tk Dala doM|
6. inaivada Kaolanaa: [sa inaivada kao ]pr ]llaoiKt idna kao sahayyak mahap`baMQak (ema ema - II ) baI.esa.ena. ela. PauNao, 3 rI
maMijala, Toilafaona Bavana, baajaIrava raoD puNao - 2 ko kayaa-laya maoM [cCuk inaivada QaarakaoMkoM saamanao daophr 3:30 bajao Kaolaa jaaegaa|
inaivada Aap vaobasaaT po BaI doK sakto hO |
iTp: saMpUNa- inaivada maUlyMaakna p`iyaa ko daOrana Agar yah do#aa gayaa ik vaobasaaT sao p`aPt ikyaa huAa dstavaoja iksaI BaI trIko sao maUla inaivada dstavaoja ko
Anausaar nahIM hO AaOr yaa tao vah mandIt yaa badlaa hUAa
yaa pirvatI-tyaa saMSaaoiQat hO tao ]sa inaivada kao Aisvat ikyaa jaaegaa |

sahayyak mahap`baMQak (ema
ema ema - II )

baI esa ena ela, puNao 411 002

Toila. naM. 24471187

Name of Tenderer :
Signature: Stamp:

Internet copy

Tender Work-2bid


Dated at Pune the 31 /07/2014

No: PTG/T-305/Printing Telephone Bills/2014-15

Instructions to the bidders

a) The BSNLPune means BSNL Pune.
b) The tenderer (bidder) means the individual or firm or company who participates in this tender and submits its bid.
c) The supplier/ contractor means the individual or firm providing printing work under contract.
d) The Printing work means all the Printing work, which the supplier is required to provide to the BSNLPune under the
contract. Printing work means printing of bills, detailed of bills or any other documents a post print operation.
e) Letter Of Intent (LOI) means the written communication to the successful tenderer of the intention of the BSNLPune
to accept the tender as per the terms & conditions contained & referred there in.
f) Purchase Order /Work Order means the written order signed by the BSNLPune for the purchase of printing work/
performance of services respectively as per terms & conditions of tender finalised & accepted by the BSNL Pune.
g) The contract Price means the price payable to the supplier under the purchase order for the full & proper compliance
of his contractual obligations.
h) The records, terms & expressions not specifically defined herein or in the tender documents, shall have the same
meaning assigned to them, as the case may be. The Head notes are for guidance only & shall not affect the
interpretation or construction of any provision thereof in the tender documents.
i) Date of receipt of communication will be taken as actual date of receipt or 7 days from date of dispatch in case of
postal delivery, which ever is earlier unless specifically mentioned.
j) Any notice, order or other communication sought to be served on the contractor with reference to the contract shall,
without prejudice to any other mode of service, be deemed to have been served if delivered by hand or sent by
registered post to the office of Tenderer at site or to the tenderers head office, while any notice or order or
communication by the tenderers to be served on BSNL with reference to contract shall be validly served, if delivered
by hand or through registered post to the office of Assistant General Manager (MM-II), BSNL Pune
k) Billing Cycle means Bill Date.
2. Expenditure on tendering
The bidder shall bear all the costs associated with the preparation and submission of his bid(s). The BSNLPune, will in no
case, be responsible or liable for any cost(s), regardless of the conduct or outcome of the bidding process.
3. Tender documents :
3.1 The bidding procedure, terms & conditions of the contract & the printing work proposed to be purchased are
described in the tender documents, which comprise the following:
Sl. No.


Tender Notice
a) NIT in English
b) NIT in Hindi
Instructions to the Bidders
General Conditions of the contract
Technical Terms, Conditions and Requirement
Special Conditions
Schedule of Requirement & Specification
Schedule of Requirement & Specification
Schedule of Requirement & Specification
Prices Schedule (Proforma for quoting prices)
Proforma for declaration
Proforma for Agreement
Proforma for Agreement
Bid Form
Experience Certificate
Check list
BG format for Bid security
Letter of Authorisation

Section No.

Page No.

Section I
Section II Part - I
Section II Part - II
Section III
Section IV Part - I
Section IV Part - II
Section IV Part-III
Section V
Section VI
Section VII
Section VII
Section VIII
Section IX
Section X
Section XI

5 to 14
15 & 16
17 & 18
19 to 21
22 & 23
29 to 31
32 to 34
37 & 38

Name of Tenderer :
Signature: Stamp:

Internet copy

Tender Work-2bid


The bidder shall examine all the forms, instructions, terms & conditions and specifications in the tender
documents. The failure to furnish all information, required as per the tender documents or submission of
bids not substantially responsive to the tender document shall be at the bidders own risk & liable for
summery rejection.
4 Clarification of Tender Documents:
No request for post-bid clarifications shall be entertained.
5. Amendment to the bid documents:
5.1 The BSNLPune, for any reason, whether at its own initiative or in response to the clarification(s) sought by
the prospective bidder(s) may, at any time, prior to the last date for submission of the bids, amend the bid
documents. All such amendments shall be notified in writing or by telex or FAX to all the prospective
bidders who have purchased the tender documents. These modifications / amendments shall be binding
on all concerned.
5.2 To allow the prospective bidders reasonable time for preparing the bids after taking into account the
modifications, the BSNLPune, at its discretion, may extend the date for submission of the bids.
6. Bid Prices:
6.1 The bidder shall give the unit prices, total bid prices & other prices of the printing work it proposes to
provide under the contract as per the price schedule included in the tender documents.
The price of printing work shall be quoted in the price schedule for delivery of printing work & services at
the place mentioned in the delivery schedule inclusive of all taxes, excise duty, insurance, freight & any
other charges but excluding Service Tax which will paid by BSNL Pune on production relevant paid
receipts thereof alongwith the bills.No forms for concession/exemption sales tax, duty, octroi rebate etc.
would be issued to the tenderer.
6.2 The prices quoted by the bidder shall remain firm during the entire period of the contract & shall not be
subject to variation on any account. The bid submitted with variable prices (unless asked by BSNL PUNE)
shall be rejected as a non-responsive bid.
6.3 The unit prices shall be quoted with sufficient details to enable the BSNLPune arrive at total prices of the
printing work offered.
6.4 The rates quoted by the tenderer must be reasonable & logical. The tender can be rejected on the basis of
unreasonable & illogical rates. No negotiation will be entertained in this matter after opening of bids.
6.5 Any monetary benefit to be passed on to the tenderer as a result of any modification in any tax / taxes or
any other scheme shall not be taken into consideration.
6.6 Any increase in taxes and other statutory duties / levies after the finalisation of the tender shall be to the
contractors account. However, benefit of any decrease in these taxes / levies / duties shall be passed on to
the BSNL Pune.
6.7 If at any time during the contract (a) it comes to the notice of BSNLPune regarding reduction of price for
the same or similar equipment/service and/or (b) the prices received in a new tender for the same or similar
equipment/service are less than the prices chargeable under the contract, the BSNLPune, for the purpose of
delivery period extension, if any, will determined and intimate the new price, taking into account various
related aspects such as quantity, geographical location etc, and the date of its effect for the balance
quantity/service to the vendor. In case the vendor does not accept the new price to be made applicable
during the extended delivery period and the date of its effect, the BSNLPune shall have the right to
terminate the contract without accepting any further supplies. This termination of the contract shall be at the
risk and responsibility of the supplier and the BSNLPune reserves the right to purchase the balance
unsupplied quantity/service at the risk and cost of the defaulting vendor besides considering the forfeiture
of his performance security.
6.8 (a) The vendor while applying for extension of time for delivery of equipment/services, if any, shall have
to provide and undertaking as we have not reduced the sale price, and/or offered to sell the same or
similar equipment/service to any person/organisation including Department of Central/State Govt. or any
Central/State PSU at a price lower than the price chargeable under the contract for scheduled delivery
(b) In case undertaking as in clause (a) above is not applicable, the vendor will give the details of prices,
the name (s) of BSNLPune, quantity etc. to the BSNLPune, while applying extension of delivery period.
(BSNL HQ No. 3-2/2004-MMT/Pt.III dt. 27-1-2005 & 1-8-2005)
7 Bid Security (EMD):
7.1. The bidder shall furnish, as part of his bid, bid security (EMD) for an amounts as given in clause 1 of
Name of Tenderer :
Signature: Stamp:

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Tender Work-2bid

7.2. The security (EMD) is required to protect the BSNLPunes interests against the risk of bidders conduct,
which would warrant forfeiture of the bid security.
7.3. The Earnest Money should be paid at the cash counter through Demand Draft or Bankers cheque( pay
order), drawn in the favour of the A.O. (Cash), BSNL Pune, office of the PGMT, Pune payable at Pune.
The receipt obtained from A. O. (Cash) must be attached with bid by the tenderer. EMD may also be paid
in the form of Bank Guarantee issued by a schedule /Nationalised Bank valid up to Six months from the
date of opening of the tender .No other mode of payment of Earnest Money is acceptable.
7.4 Bidders registered with National Small Scale Industries Corporation, Govt. of India for similar items may
claim exemption from payment of cost of tender form &, EMD. The bidder shall furnish along with the
bid a certificate/documentary proof in respect of registration clearly showing its validity as on date of
opening of the bid. Such bidders should also submit their monthly turnover in support of the claim for
meeting the delivery schedule duly certified by the NSIC. Moreover, they should also produce
documentary evidence showing that the firm is registered with NSIC for the items tendered for. Failure to
comply this provision shall result in summery rejection of the bid.
II)Reservation of of 20% estimated tender quantity for NSIC registered firm/MSE within L 1+ 15% :Reservation of 20% of estimated quantity /requirement provided their quoted price is within the band of
L1 + 15%.Out of this quantity of sub target of 4.% is earmarked to be procured from SC/ST owned
eligible MSEs. In case of non availability of SC/ST owned MSEs this 4% quantity shall be offered to
other MSEs. The work is to be offered at L1 rates after tender evaluation. In case of more than one such

eligible MSE, the supplier will be shared equal.

7.5 Amount or amounts payable, if any, to the bidder or the bid security furnished by the bidder in respect of
an earlier bid, shall not be adjustable against this bid, unless specified otherwise, as a special condition by
the BSNLPune.
7.6 No other bidder (except as specified under para 7.4 above and others specifically exempted by Govt. of
India for payment of EMD) shall be exempted from the requirement of bid security.
7.7 The amount deposited as bid security shall carry no interest during the entire period it remains with BSNL
7.8 The bid security of the unsuccessful bidders(s) shall be refunded only after the successful completion of
process & finalisation of tender. To expedite refund bidders may enclose a pre-receipt with the bid.
7.9 The bid security of the successful bidder(s) will be returned upon the bidders accepting of the LOI & on
furnishing the performance Guarantee/Security deposit (S.D)
7.10 The bid security shall be forfeited:
a) if the bidder withdraws his bid during the period of bid validity ; or
b) In the case of a successful bidder, if the bidder fails to sign the contract and /or fails to furnish
performance guarantee (S.D.) in accordance to the relevant clauses of the documents(s).
c) In case of submission of incompletion bid/document alongwith the tender as per tender condition.
7.11 A bid not secured in accordance to para 7.1 and 7.3 shall be summarily rejected as a non-responsive bid.
8 Period of validity of bids:
8.1 The bid shall remain valid for 150 days after the date of opening of bid(s); a bid valid for a shorter period
shall be rejected as a non-responsive bid.
8.2 In exceptional circumstances, the BSNLPune may seek the bidders consent for extension of the period of
validity of bids. The request & the responses thereto shall be made in writing. The bid security provided, as
per clause 7 shall be suitably extended. A bidder shall however, has the right to refuse for an extension
without any risk to his bid security. A bidder conceding to the request for extension of time shall, however,
not be permitted to modify his bid.
9 Signing of Bid:
9.1. Tenderer will be required to produce attested certificate of registration issued by registrar of firm in favour
of his authority to sign on behalf of firm.
9.2. Individuals signing the bid or the other connected with the contract shall indicate their full name below
their signatures & should be stamped.
9.3. A person signing the bid form or any documents forming the part of the contract on behalf of another
person shall be deemed to be having authority to sign the documents. If however, found to be otherwise
the BSNL Pune may, without prejudice to other civil & criminal remedies, cancel the contract at the risk
& cost of such person & hold him liable for all costs & damages arising from the cancellation of the
Name of Tenderer :
Signature: Stamp:

Internet copy

Tender Work-2bid

contract including any loss which the BSNL Pune may suffer on account of execution of contract/intended
9.4. Tender form at Section VIII , except for unamended printed literature shall be signed by the person or
the persons signing the bid.
9.5. The bid shall contain no interlineations, erasures or overwriting except as necessary to correct errors made
by the bidder in which case such corrections are to be made, the entry should be clearly scored out by a
single line and encircled and fresh entry should be made. All such corrections should be authenticated
under the full signature of the person signing the tender. Any tender, which does not comply with this
requirement, shall be rejected. All conditional or incomplete tenders will be rejected.
9.6. The tender form should be filled legibly in blue ink in English or Hindi only.
Tenderers shall not stipulate any additional conditions other than those stipulated by this office in this tender
and its Sections. If any tender contains such additional conditions, which are at variance with the conditions
of this tender or are in any way ambiguous or vague or uncertain or contains any price variation clause, the
Designated Officer reserves the right to reject such tenders summarily.
11 Submission of Bid:
The bidder shall seal cello tape the envelope and
a) Bid shall be addressed to the BSNLPune by Designation at the following address:
Assistant General Manager(MM-II),
3rd Floor, Telephone Bhavan,
Bajirao Road, Pune-2
b) Out station tenders, if any, shall either be sent by registered Post /courier or delivered in person. The
responsibility for ensuring that the bids are dropped in tender box in time and at the correct address, shall
rest solely with the bidder(s). Bid received late due to postal delay shall not be considered.
c) Bids delivered in person shall be dropped by that person in the tender box kept with
Sub-divisional Engineer(MM-II),
3rd Floor, Telephone Bhavan,
Bajirao Road, Pune-2
On or before the date and time specified in NIT. The BSNLPune shall not be responsible in any way about
the bids that are delivered/dropped elsewhere and/or after the last date and time for receipt of bids.
d) The BSNLPune shall assume no responsibility for the misplacement of the bid(s) or premature opening
thereof, if the outer envelop is not sealed & marked as required.
e) Please note that this is a two bid system, therefore, Technical and Financial bids should be enclosed and
sealed in separate inner envelopes and both these envelopes be enclosed and sealed in a third bigger
envelope. The preparation of Technical and Financial bid has been explained below, which should be
followed scrupulously failing which bid is liable for summary rejection.
f) The Technical bid should contain the documents as given in Section-III, sealed in an envelope, addressed as
per 11 (a) above & superscribed as Technical bid for (Name of the tender as per NIT).
g) The financial bid should contain the proforma at Section V for Price Schedule, duly filled up, signed &
sealed by the tenderer in a separate envelope, addressed as per 11 (a) above & superscribed as Financial
Bid for (Name of the tender as per NIT).
h) Both envelopes containing Technical Bid & Financial Bids are enclosed and sealed in a bigger third
envelope, addressed to AGM (MM-II), BSNL Pune, 3rd Floor, Telephone Bhavan, Bajirao Road, Pune 2
& superscribed as Tender for (Name of the tender as per NIT) .
i) Financial Bids of only technically qualified bidders shall be opened. The date, time & venue shall be
intimated to technically qualified bidders only.
12 Last date and time for submission of bids:
a. All bids shall be received by the BSNLPune at the address specified under para 11 not later than
the date & time specified in NIT.
b. The BSNLPune may, at its discretion, extend the date & time for the submission of bids by
amending the Bid documents in which case all rights & obligations of the BSNLPune & bidders
shall be subject to the extended date & time.
c. Any bid received after the specified date & time for submission of bids shall be rejected &
returned unopened to the bidder(s).
13 Modification and withdrawal of bids.
Name of Tenderer :
Signature: Stamp:

Internet copy

Tender Work-2bid

a. The bidder(s) may modify or withdraw bid after submission provided that the written notice for
the modification(s) or withdrawal is received by the BSNLPune one hour prior to the last date &
time prescribed for submission of bid.
b. The notice for modification or withdrawal shall be prepared, sealed, marked & dispatched, as
required in the case of bid submission, strictly in accordance with provisions of clause 11. A
notice for withdrawal may also be sent by Telex / FAX but followed by a signed confirmation
copy, post marked not later than one hour before the deadline for submission of bidders.
14 Bid Opening :
a. The bids shall be opened on date and time as specified under NIT, in the presence of such
bidder(s) or their representatives who may be present. The bidder(s) or the authorised
representative(s) who are present shall sign an attendance register. The authorised
representative(s) of the bidder(s) shall submit letter(s) of authority before they are allowed to sign
the attendance register and participate in the bid opening.
b. For any bidder, not more than two (2) persons shall be allowed to attend the bid opening.
c. The bidders name, bid prices, modification etc. & any other details as the BSNLPune may
consider appropriate at his discretion will be announced at the time of opening to all the bidders.
Summery Rejection of Bid:
One or more of the following reasons/omissions will render a bid liable to summary rejection.
a) Bid received late without conclusive proof that it was actually delivered before the specified closing
b) Correction & overwriting not signed by the authorised signatory.
c) Documents asked for in Section-III not submitted.
d) Bid from a bidder who did not purchase the bid documents.
e) A bid, from an authorised distributor/dealer, not accompanied by a documentary proof establishing
distributorship/dealership, wherever applicable.
f) Conditional bid or bid received with validity for a shorter period than prescribed in clause 8.1
g) Bid in which rates have not been quoted in the manner specified in the bid form.
h) Non receipt of clarification in time.
i) Bid non-confirmative as per tender specification.
j) Influencing the Evaluation of Bids & Award of Contract:-No bidder shall attempt to influence the
BSNLPune on any matter relating to the tender(s). Any attempt to influence the BSNLPune in the
evaluation and comparison of the bid(s) and in award of the contract, shall result in summary
rejection of the bid(s) of such bidder(s).
k) Bids not prepared and sealed as per clause 11.
l) Bidders giving false information, fabricated documents, thereby concealing facts, misrepresenting &
misleading BSNL Pune.
m) Tender form as per Section VIII not duly filled in & signed.
n) Violation of any terms & conditions of tender or rules & regulations of Government of India or law.
o) BSNL Pune reserves the right to reject the bid/ bids of a tenderer/s, if the concerned tenderer/s makes
complaints against any participated bidder/ bidders of this tender or against any officer/ personnel/
authorities of BSNL Pune in any regard without any documentary proof of evidences.
Protective Clause:
The BSNLPune reserves the right to disqualify such bidders, who have not met the contractual obligations
against earlier contracts entered into with the BSNLPune or black listed by any Govt / Semi-Govt
Clarification of Bids:
In the process of examination, evaluation and comparison of bids, the BSNLPune may, if necessary ask the
bidder(s) for clarification(s) of the bid(s). The request for such clarification(s) and the response thereto shall
be in writing. In case of no response from a bidder, his bid is liable to summary rejection.
Influencing the Evaluation of Bids & Award of Contract.
No bidder shall attempt to influence the BSNLPune on any matter relating to the tender(s). Any attempt to
influence the BSNLPune in the evaluation and comparison of the bid(s) and in award of the contract, shall
result in summary rejection of the bid(s) of such bidder(s).
19 Evaluation:
19.1 To determine clause by clause compliance, the bids shall be evaluated in respect to the substantive
responsiveness or otherwise. Thereafter the evaluation shall be done for the substantively responsive bids
Name of Tenderer :
Signature: Stamp:

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Tender Work-2bid

19.2 A substantively responsive bid is one that conforms to all the terms and conditions of the Tender Documents
without printing work deviations. The bids responsiveness shall be based on the contents of the bid itself
without recourse to any extrinsic printing work.
19.3 A bid determined as substantively non-responsive shall be rejected. The bidder(s) shall not be permitted to
make corrections after opening time of bid to make such bid(s) substantively responsive.
19.4 The BSNLPune is not bound to accept the lowest or any Tender and reserves to himself the right to accept
the whole or any part of the tender and of allotting the quantities offered. The bidders shall supply the
quantities as decided by the BSNLPune at the approved rates.
19.5 The BSNLPune may waive minor non-conformance or irregularity(s) in a bid, which does not constitute a
printing work deviation, provided such a waiver does not prejudice or affect the relative ranking of the
19.6 Arithmetical error, if any shall be rectified in the following manner:
a) If there is a discrepancy between the unit price & the total price that is obtainable by multiplying the
unit price with quantity, the unit price shall prevail & the total shall be corrected accordingly.
b) It there is a discrepancy between words & figures, the amount in words shall prevail.
c) If there are errors in the calculations or rate of applicable Govt. levies, duties & taxes, the same will be
corrected by the BSNLPune.
19.7 BSNL reserves the right to finalize this tender either for each item individually or for all the items
Note: Evaluation will be done on overall cost.
20. Commercial Evaluation of Substantively Responsive Bids:
20.1 The bids previously determined to be substantively responsive, shall only be evaluated commercially and
compared in detail.
20.2 The ranking shall be based on the prices of printing work offered inclusive of all taxes, freight and insurance
etc, if any.
20.3 Prior experience in executing such jobs shall be given weightage while evaluating the offers.
20.4 Based on the merits of each case, the distribution of tendered quantity amongst the bidder(s) whose bids are
found to be technically and commercially acceptable shall be determined by the BSNLPune.
20.5 The BSNLPune shall have the sole discretion in determining the number of suppliers on whom the purchase
orders shall finally be placed. If multiple bids are accepted, the terms and conditions offered to the lowest
shall also apply to the higher bids.
20.6 The Principal General Manager, BSNL Pune, reserves the right to reject any part or whole of the tender
without assigning any reason whatsoever and is not bound to accept the lowest
21. Evaluation Criteria / Selection of Contractor:
The scope of work involves print operations as well as post print operations such as folding, stapling,
inserting into envelope etc., in the first, the printing of telephone bills inclusive of itemized STD/ISD/95
details on pre-printed stationery shall be initiated. In respect of post print operations, the tenderer shall quote
for all. Evaluation will be done based on the quantity of images projected and for post printing operations
based on projected bills.
22.Right to Vary the Quantities:
The BSNLPune reserves the right, at the time of award of contract, or during the contract period to increase
or decrease the quantity by 25% of what is specified in the schedule of quantities, without any change in unit
price or other terms and conditions. In emergent situation Quantity may vary by 50%.
23.Right to Accept/Reject Any or all Bids:
The BSNLPune is not bound to accept the lowest or any other bid and reserves the right to accept or
reject any bid, and to annul the bidding process and reject all bids, at any time prior to the award of the
contract without assigning any reason(s), whatsoever and without thereby incurring any liability towards
the affected bidder(s) on this ground.
Letter of Intent shall be issued to successful tenderer after evaluation of tender. The firm order will be
issued after the successful tenderer deposits the security deposit/performance guarantee within the
stipulated period. The TENDERER shall start rendering the service to BSNL PUNE within 2 months from
the date on which infrastructure facilities are made over to the TENDERER to start the installation of plant
and machinery. Failure to commence operation within the date will result in forfeiture of the Security
24 Agreement:
Submission of tender offer in response to this "NOTICE INVITING TENDER" will be deemed to be the
acceptance by the tenderer of all terms and conditions of the tender document. There mayor may not be a

Name of Tenderer :
Signature: Stamp:

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Tender Work-2bid

separate agreement deed, at the discretion of BSNL PUNE. The Agreement shall be governed by the Indian
Laws for the time being in force.
25.Letter Of Acceptance LOA/ Letter of Intent (LOI):
a. Before the expiry of the validity of bid, the BSNLPune shall notify the successful bidder(s), in
writing by registered letter or by FAX (to be confirmed in writing by registered letter)/ by hand
delivery, about the acceptance of the successful bid(s).
b. The bidder shall, within 7 days from of the date of receipt of communication, convey his
acceptance & shall also furnish performance security/ Security Deposit in conformity with the bid
c. Failure to comply with the requirement as above shall constitute sufficient ground for the
annulment of the acceptance of the bid and forfeiture of the bid security, in which event, the
BSNLPune shall be free to place orders on any other bidder(s) or call for fresh bids.
d. The bid security of the successful bidder(s) shall be discharged only after the performance security
(S/D) is furnished by such bidder(s).
e. The contractor may be debarred from participating in the present tender / all the future tenders of
BSNL Pune District in the event of:
Failure of successful Tenderer to pay the security deposit & or enter into the prescribed
agreement, for any earlier / present tender of BSNL Pune.
Breach of any terms & conditions of any contract with BSNL Pune.
26. Award of Contract & Issue of Purchase Order:
26.1 The BSNLPune may consider placement of a purchase order for commercial supplies on those bidder(s),
whose offers have been found technically, commercially and financially acceptable and whose
product(s) have been found proven
26,2 During the period of contract, if so desired by the BSNLPune, the supplier(s) shall visit the BSNLPune at
such place and date as may be prescribed by the BSNLPune for discussions on design(s) and progress
of the work etc.
26.3 The Purchase Order / Work order shall be placed in single/different lots by the BSNLPune during the
contract period.
27. Extension of contract period.
i. The contract shall normally be for 1 year (unless other wise specified) but BSNLPune reserves the right to
extend the contract period by 1 year with proportionate quantity beyond the period specified in the letter of
acceptance (tender), on the same rates and other terms & conditions. However, further extension beyond 1 year.
if necessary, will be on mutually agreed terms and conditions.
ii. The actual value of work may vary based on the actual requirement but generally being limited to +/- 25% of
the indicated value. In exceptional situation where the requirement is of an emergent nature and it is necessary
to ensure continued supplies from the existing vendors, the purchaser reserves he right to place repeat order up
to 100 % of the quantities of goods & services contained in the running tender / contract within a period of
twelve months from the date of acceptance of first APO in the tender at the same rate or a rate negotiated
(downwardly ) with he existing vendors considering the reasonability of rates based on prevailing market
conditions & the impact of reduction in duties & taxes etc. Exceptional situation & emergent nature should be
spelt out clearly detailing the justification as well as benefits accrued out of it and loss incurred in case this
provision is not invoked and approve by the authority competent to accord administrative and financial approval
for the procurement calculated on the basis of total procurement i. e initial and proposed add on quantity.
28. Right to Cancel the Contract.
28.1 The BSNL Pune shall have the right to cancel the contract wholly or in part in the event he is obliged to do
so on account of any decline, diminution, curtailment or stoppage of the work(s), by giving one month
28.2 The BSNLPune shall have the right to cancel the contract & forfeit S/D if subsequently it is found that the
approved contractor is a Member of Family of a Government servant.
28.3 Near relatives of all BSNL Employees either directly recruited or on deputation are prohibited from
participation in tenders and execution of works in different units of BSNL.
28.4 It is binding on every bidder to give declaration along with the tender in the prescribed proforma as per
Section VI.
Definitions : - The near relatives for this purpose are defined as:
(a) Member of a Hindu Undivided family,
(b) They are husband and wife,
Name of Tenderer :
Signature: Stamp:

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Tender Work-2bid

The one is related to the other in the manner as father, mother, son(s) & sons wife (daughter-inlaw), daughter(s) & daughters husband (son-in-law), brother(s) & brothers wife, sister(s) & sisters
husband (brother-in-law).
In case of proprietorship firm certificate will be given by the proprietor, for partnership firm certificate will
be given by all the partners and in case of limited company by all the directors of the company. Any breach
of these conditions by the company or firm or any other person, the tender/ work will be cancelled and
earnest money / security deposit will be forfeited at any stage whenever it is so noticed. BSNL will not pay
any damages to the company or firm or the concerned person. The company or firm or the person will also
be debarred for further participation in the concerned unit.
29. Every successful bidder shall also execute an agreement with the BSNLPune i.e. BSNL Pune on a non
judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100/-each as per the proforma at Section VII A & Section VII B for Nondisclosure Agreement (The cost of stamp paper to be borne by tenderer). DE (MM-II), BSNL Pune shall sign
the contract on behalf of PGM, Pune & he shall represent the BSNL Pune with reference to contract.
30.Payment :
1.1 Payment will be made as specified in Section III.
1.2 No payment shall be made for printing work that are rejected on inspection/testing.
Within the scope of the contract the BSNLPune may, at any time, by a written order to the supplier, amend
one or more of the following:
a) Specifications, where the printing work to be supplied under the contract are to be manufactured
specifically for the BSNLPune.
b) The method of packing & shipment.
c) The consignee and/or the place of delivery.
d) The service to be provided by the supplier.
32 Sub-Contracts:
a. The supplier shall not assign/transfer & sub-Contract its interests/obligations under the contract
without the prior written permission of the BSNLPune.
b. The supplier shall notify the BSNLPune in writing of all sub-contracts awarded under this contract if
not already specified in the bid. Such notification, in the original bid or later shall not relieve the
supplier from any liability or obligation under the contract.
33 Force Majeur:
33.1 If at anytime, during the continuance of this contract, the performance, in whole or in part by
party of any obligation under this contract is prevented or delayed by reasons of any war or
hostility, acts of the public enemy, civil commotion, sabotage, fires, floods, explosions,
quarantine restrictions, strikes, lockouts or act of God (Herein after referred to as events) provided notice of
happenings of any such eventuality is given by either party to the other
within 21 days from the date of
occurrence thereof, neither party shall by reason of such event be entitled to terminate this Contract, nor
shall either party have any claim for damages against the other in respect of such non-performance or delay
in performance, and deliveries under the contract shall be resumed as soon as practicable after such an
event come to an end or cease to exist, and the decision of the BSNLPune as to whether the deliveries have
been so resumed or not shall be final and conclusive. Further that if the performance in whole or part of any
obligation under this contract is prevented or delayed by reasons of any such event for a period exceeding
60 days, either party may, at its option, terminate the contract.
33.2 Provided, also that if the contract is terminated under this clause, the BSNLPune shall be at liberty to take
over from the supplier at a price to be fixed by the BSNLPune, which shall be final, all the unused,
undamaged and acceptable materials, bought out components and stores in course of manufacture which
may be in possession f the supplier at the time of such termination or such portion thereof as the
BSNLPune may deem fit, except such materials, bought out components and stores as the supplier may
with the concurrence of the BSNLPune elect to retain.
Backup Arrangement:
The tenderer shall be responsible for making necessary standby alternate arrangement to the extent of
more than
75% of the required capacity for printing of the total print volume at any time. The tenderer shall indicate
clearly their proposed plan for such arrangement and enclosed it along with their Technical bid part -A. The
tenders received without such plan shall be liable for rejection. The backup plan/site shall be inspected by BSNL,
before finalizing the contract.
34 Termination for Default.
Name of Tenderer :
Signature: Stamp:

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Tender Work-2bid

The BSNLPune by a written notice of 14 days, of default, may, without prejudice to any other remedy for
breach of contract, terminate the contract in whole or in part as the case may be;
i) If the supplier fails to deliver any or all of the printing work within the time period(s) specified in the
contract, or any extension thereof granted by the BSNLPune.
ii) If the supplier fails to perform any other obligation(s) under the contract; and
iii) If the supplier, does not remedy his failure(s) within a period of specified by BSNLPune, after the receipt of
the default notice.
b. In the event of the termination of the contract in whole or in part, the BSNLPune may procure from open
market, upon such terms and in such manner as it deems appropriate, printing work similar to those
undelivered & the supplier shall be liable for payment of such excess cost for such similar printing work.
The supplier shall, however, continue to perform the contract to the extent not terminated.
c. On the happening of any of the above circumstances, the BSNLPune, without prejudice to its other rights
under the law of the contract, may purchase the balance quantity of the printing work at the risk & cost of
supplier & book to him for the payment thereof & shall also claim a set-off of any dues payable under the
contract to the supplier against his dues under the contract or any previous contract.
35 Termination For Insolvency: The BSNLPune may at any time terminate the contract by a written notice to
supplier, without compensation, if the supplier becomes bankrupt or otherwise insolvent as declared by
competent court, provided that such termination shall not prejudice or affect any right of action or remedy
which had accrued or will accrue thereafter to the BSNLPune.
36 Arbitration
In the event of any question, dispute or difference arising under this agreement or in connection there with
(except as to matters the decision of which is specifically provided under this agreement) the same shall be
referred to sole arbitration of the PGM BSNL Pune or in case his designation is changed or office abolished
, then in such case to the sole arbitration of the officer entrusted with the function of head of BSNL Pune by
whatever designation such officer may be called (here in after referred to as the said officer) and if the PGM
or the said officer is unable or unwilling to act , as such to the sole arbitration of some other person
appointed by the PGM or the said officer.
There will be no objection to any such appointment that the arbitrator is Govt. servant, he has to deal with
the matter to which the agreement relates or that in the course of his duties as Government servant he has
expressed views, on all or any of the matters under dispute. The award of the arbitrator shall be final and
binding on the parties. In the event of such arbitrator to whom the matter is originally referred, being
transferred or vacating his office or being unable to act for any reason whatsoever, such PGM or the said
officer shall appoint another person to act as arbitrator in accordance with the terms of the agreement and
the person so appointed shall be entitled to proceed with reference from the stage at which it was left out by
his predecessors.
The arbitrator may from time to time with the consent of the parties enlarge the time for making and
publishing the award. Subject to the aforesaid The Arbitration and Reconciliation Act, 1996 and the rules
made thereunder, any modification thereof for time being in force, shall be deemed to apply to the
arbitration proceedings under this clause.
The venue of the arbitration proceedings shall be decided by the arbitrator.
Upon every & any reference as aforesaid the assessment of costs of incidental expenses in the proceeding
for the award shall be in the jurisdiction of the arbitrator.
37. Redressal of Complaint
CGMT MH Circle, O/o Chief General Manager Telecom, MH Circle, A Wing, 8th Flr.,BSNL,
Administrative Bldg., Juhu Road, Santacruz (W), Mumbai-411 054 Tel No. 26616222, Fax No. 26616777
(2) SSA Head - PGM, BSNL, Administrative Bldg., Satara Road, Pune-411009 Tel No. 020-24470101 Fax
No. 020-24210708 (3) DGM (Vig.), MH Circle, O/o Chief General Manager Telecom, A Wing, 6th Flr.,
Vigilance Section, BSNL, Administrative Bldg., Juhu Road,Santacruz (W), Mumbai-411 054 Tel No.
26616715 Fax No. 26615774 (4) DE (Vig.), Telephone Bhavan, Bajirao Road, BSNL Pune-411002 Tel No.
24451044 Fax No. 24251400
38 .Applicability of Laws :The agreement/contract shall be governed by the Indian Laws for the time being in
force and the Court at Pune will have jurisdiction to entertain any dispute(s) or clause (s) arising out of such
39 .Subject Laws & Jurisdiction:
a. The contract shall be governed by Indian Laws & the Courts at Pune will have jurisdiction to entertain any
dispute(s) or claim(s) arising out of such dispute(s).
Name of Tenderer :
Signature: Stamp:

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Tender Work-2bid

b. The purchase order (in terms of the proforma attached & to be adopted Mutates Mutants) shall, when issued
to the successful bidder, constitute the part of contract.
40.Set Off:
Any sum of money due & payable to the supplier (including security deposit refundable to him) under this
contract may be appropriated by the Purchaser/BSNL Pune & set off the same against any claim of the
Purchaser or BSNL PUNE arising out of this contract or under any contract made by the contractor with the
Purchaser and/or BSNL PUNE.
41. Performance Security (Security Deposit):
c. The supplier, within 7 days of the receipt of the letter of Intent (LOI), shall furnish performance
security for an amount of 10% of the Contract value, unless stated otherwise in LOI.
d. The proceeds of the performance security shall be payable to the BSNLPune as compensation for
any loss resulting from the suppliers failure to complete its obligations under the contract.
e. The performance security shall be in the form of a original DD/ Bankers cheque (pay order) /Bank
Guarantee issued by a Schedule/Nationalised Bank and/or in the form provided in the Tender
f. The performance security shall be discharged by the BSNLPune 3 months after completion of the
suppliers performance obligations, including warranty obligations, if any, under the contract.
g. Earnest Money Deposit of successful tender can be adjusted to towards Security Deposit if
42: In case of breach of any tender condition, delay or non-performance of work or supplies, poor quality of
work or printing work, BSNL Pune may take all or any of the following actions:
Forfeiture of EMD,
Forfeiture of SD,
Cancellation of contract,
Barring in participation of all future tenders of Pune or BSNL for a period of 3 years or more.
Sd/Assistant General Manager(MM-II)
BSNL Pune 411 002.

Name of Tenderer :
Signature: Stamp:

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Tender Work-2bid

1. Application
These conditions shall apply in all the contracts made by the BSNLPune for the procurement of printing
2. Standard
The printing works supplied under this contract shall conform to the standards mentioned in the Technical
3. Patent Rights
The supplier shall indemnify the BSNLPune against the third-party claims/ actions of infringement of patent,
trademark or industries design rights arising from use of the printing work/ services or any part thereof in
Indian Telecom Network.
4. Inspection and Testing.
4.1 The BSNLPune or its representative shall have the right to inspect paper sample for their conformity to the
specifications. Where the BSNLPune decides to conduct such tests on the premises of the Supplier or its
subcontractor(s), all reasonable facilities and assistance like Testing Instruments and other test gadgets shall
be furnished to the inspectors at no charge to the BSNLPune.
4.2 Should any inspected paper sample fail to conform to the specifications, the BSNLPune may reject them &
the supplier shall either replace the rejected samples or make alterations necessary to meet the specifications
at his own cost, before re-offering the same for further inspection.
4.3 Notwithstanding the pre-supply tests & inspections prescribed above, the printing work on receipt at
BSNLPunes premises shall also be tested (if any printing work or part thereof is found defective, the same
shall be replaced at the suppliers cost.)
4.4 If any equipment or part thereof, is found to be defective or fails to fulfil the requirements of the contract, the
BSNLPune shall give the supplier notice setting for the details of such defect(s) or failure(s) & the supplier,
shall remove the defects or replace the printing work to ensure full compliance with the requirement of the
contract forthwith & within a period specified in the report. These replacement shall be made by the supplier
free of all charges at site. Should it fail to do so, the BSNLPune shall reserve the right to reject and/or to get
the replacement, at the cost of the supplier, the whole or part of the printing work as the case may be. The
cost of all such replacement made by BSNLPune shall be deducted from any amount payable to the supplier.
The decision of the BSNLPune shall be final for considering the printing work as defective/ rejected.
4.5 Nothing in this clause shall in any way release the supplier from any warranty or other obligations under this
5. Delivery and Documents.
5.1 The printing work shall be delivered in accordance with the delivery schedule specified in Section-III.
Special Conditions para- 12.2 The printing work shall remain at the risk of the supplier until delivery has
been completed. The delivery of the printing work shall be to the ultimate consignee as given in the purchase
5.2 The delivery of the printing work shall commence & be completed within the time schedule specified in the
Section-III. It shall be the essence of the contract.
6. Incidental Services (Wherever Required)
6.1 The supplier may be required to provide any or all of the following:
On site supervision of assembly and/or start-up of the supplied printing work;
Supervision, replacement of the supplied printing work, for a period of time agreed by the
contracting parties, provided that such service shall not relieve the supplier of any warranty
obligations under this contract.
6.2 Financial obligations, if any, of the above services shall be clearly indicated in the offer, failing which it
shall be construed that these services shall be provided by the supplier(s) at its own cost.
7. Warranty:
7.1 The contractor shall warrant that printing work to be supplied shall be new & free from all defects and faults
in printing work, workmanship & manufacture & shall be of the highest grade & consistent with the
established & generally accepted standards for printing work of the type ordered & shall perform in full
conformity with the specifications. The supplier shall be responsible for any defects that may develop under
the conditions provided by the contractor & under proper use, arising from faulty printing works, inadequate
quantity of printing work to meet the printing work requirements, inadequate contact protection shall remedy
such defects at its own cost, when called upon to do so by the BSNLPune, who shall state in writing in what
Name of Tenderer :
Signature: Stamp:

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Tender Work-2bid

respect the printing work are defective/non-standard. This warranty shall survive inspection or payment for,
& acceptance of printing work, but shall expire except in respect of complaints notified prior to such date, 12
months after the printing work have been accepted.
If it becomes necessary for the supplier to replace printing work under this clause, the provisions of the
clause shall apply to the printing work replaced or until the end of the above mentioned period of twelve
months, which ever may be later. If any defect is not remedied within a specified time, the BSNLPune may
proceed to replace printing work at contractors risk and expenses, but without prejudice to any other rights,
which the BSNLPune may have against the supplier in respect of such defects.
Replacement(s) under the warranty clause shall be made by the supplier free of all charges at site including
freight, insurance and other incidental charges.
Delays In The Suppliers Performance:
Printing work under the contract shall be provided strictly in accordance with the delivery schedule specified
in the Section III Clause 12.2 or as specified in the purchase order.
Delay(s) in the performance of delivery obligations shall render the supplier liable to any or all; of the
following sanctions i.e. forfeiture of performance security(S/D), imposition of liquidated damages and/or
termination of the contract for default, and / or barring the supplier for 3 years.
If at any time during performance of the contract, the supplier should encounter conditions impending timely
delivery of the printing work, the supplier shall promptly notify the BSNLPune in writing of the full fact
about the delay, its likely duration & cause(s). As soon as practicable after receipt of the suppliers notice,
the discretion to extend the period for performance of the contract after mutual discussions, lies with the
BSNLPune i.e. BSNL Pune.
In case of delayed supplies i.e. after the expiry of scheduled delivery period, the benefits of reduction in
taxes/duties shall be passed on to the BSNLPune i.e. BSNL PUNE & no benefit that may accrue due to
increase will be permitted to the supplier(s).

Sd/Assistant General Manager(MM-II)

BSNL Pune 411 002.

Name of Tenderer :
Signature: Stamp:

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Tender Work-2bid


BSNL Pune intends to have offsite printing of telephone bills through the tender and its post
printing operations.
The scope of the tender is to provide print and post-print operations service to BSNL PUNE for printing of telephone
bills inclusive of STD/ISD details (Itemised bills) and for post-print operations on a continuous basis for a period of 1
year and extendable on the same terms for a further period of 1 year, on same terms and conditions. However,


further extension beyond 1 year. if necessary, will be on mutually agreed terms and conditions.
The required plant and machinery needed for extending such services (Including Standby Arrangement) to BSNL
PUNE shall be owned, installed and maintained by TENDERER at his premises.
The stationery paper used for printing shall be minimum of 80 GSM and good quality and approval for the quality,
shape, size etc of the Stationary shall be taken from BSNL Pune. In Pune Telephone District at present there are
nearly 4,00,000 landlines ,1,00,000 Post Paid Mobile & 20,000 CDMA Mobile working..
The requirement of BSNL Pune for such service is cyclic in nature. In Pune Telephone District at present there are
nearly 4,00,000 landlines,1 Lakh Post Paid Mobile and 20,000 CDMA Mobile connections. For bills of landlines 30%
is expected in single sheet remaining in multi sheet.. Whereas for each mobile bill there are approximately 3 sheet.
Most of bills will have 3 (Three) impressions and a ccordingly the total no of impressions worked out as under:
Three impressions.
Landline bills
1, 90,000
Mobile bills
1, 00,000
CDMA bills
------------3,10,000 bills per month




No of impressions = 3,10,000 x 3 = 9,30,000/Single impression = 80,000 x 1 = 80,000/Total impression = 10,10,000/- approx per month..
The approximate load per month will be 10,00,000 which may increase/decrease upto 10%. The billing
cycles will be as under:

Bill date
PT-by 5 th
NPT-by 8 th
NPT-DID by 8 th
ES/HBS by 1 4 th

monthly /Bi-monthly
monthly /Bi-monthly
monthly BB
monthly Corporate

No of bills


The bills of approx 3.80 lakhs connection including mobiles are issued every month. The approximately
load per month including mobile varies from 8 lakhs to 10 lakhs images which may or may not increase including
mobile. Bills for regular connections are issued on 8 th & 9 th of Every month. DID EPABX,Corporate Customers
and Heavy calling Customers and all PCOs are issued monthly.
The volume of work may be increased due to introduction of monthly bills to certain type of customers or
change in the policy of BSNL. The Number of billing cycle are also subject to increase or decrease as per the
demand of BSNL Network management & Tenderer shall comply with such needs.
The Tenderer should be capable of handling the increased print load without affecting the Print-Window timings
as mentioned in clause 12 of technical specifications mentioned in Section-IV Part I
i) The Tenderer should have two years experience in doing the similar type of work at least with reputed organizations
like DOT/MTNL/BSNL/STATE/CENTRAL GOVT./PSU organizations/ other Telecom Operators/ schecule banks.
Certificate to the effect should be enclosed along with the tender documents.
ii) The tenderer should have a sufficient technical know-how about maintenance and repair of the printing machinery
proposed or they should have a technical tie up with the manufacturer for maintenance.
Certificate to this effect should be enclosed along with the tender documents.
6) The TENDERER shall provide full proof and transparent arrangement in the system with audit trial to ensure that all
the data supplied by BSNL Pune is printed. The counter for the number of print images created by the system should
be system controlled and counter initialisation should not be possible by the Operator of TENDERER, without prior
approval of nominated officer of BSNL Pune. This point is of utmost importance since payment to the monthly claim of

Name of Tenderer :
Signature: Stamp:

Internet copy


Tender Work-2bid

TENDERER for the service rendered to BSNL Pune is based on the readings in the counter and fool-proof and
transparent arrangement shall be made by the TENDERER to the full satisfaction of BSNL Pune. The track of counter for
printing of BSNL Pune bills should be properly ensured i,e., the counter slip should contain machine number, date, time,
OMR,CMR duly tallied with the data in print file along with the file name
7. Prior experience in executing such jobs shall be given weightage while evaluating the offers.
8. The software for designing the print-image format shall be developed by TENDERER free of cost. The TENDERER is
also responsible for making the necessary changes to the software needed, to accommodate any changes to the print
image format as and when BSNL. Pune puts forth such demands free of cost.
The TENDERER is also responsible for making the necessary changes to the software needed, to
accommodate sorting /reports/summary reports as well as to any changes to the print-images as and when
BSNL Pune puts forth such demands free of cost.
The responsibility for procuring/stocking the necessary stationary and envelopes, if required, for stuffing
the printed bills shall be of TENDERER
9. BSNL Pune reserves the right to recover the cost of printing by soliciting commercial advertisements in the free space
left at appropriate position of each Customer's bill details/special messages without effecting the overall number of
pages for a particular customer. For this, TENDERER shall provide facility to scan/edit/reduce/enlarge the
advertisement printing work suitably and re-adjust print-format layout to suitably insert the commercial Ad at
appropriate slot at short notice for every billing cycle and such changes required are to be done free of cost.
10. BSNL Pune shall provide the data on cartridge, CD, Pen drive & FTP required for generation of printing-images
either separate file for main bills and STD/ISD//94 details or consolidated file of main bill including STD/ISD//94 calls
details. Processed data should be sent back Software should be provided to BSNL Pune by virtue of which BSNL
Pune should be in a position to decide the number of images to ensure the correctness of the counter of images.
11 The term of the contract is for a period of 1 year and is extendable for one year on Same Terms and

Conditions. However, further extension beyond 1 year. if necessary, will be on mutually agreed terms and
conditions. The contract can be Short closed/terminated by BSNL Pune by serving a notice of two months
12. The TENDERER shall maintain full confidentiality of the data supplied for creating print images. Under no
circumstances, the TENDERER shall divulge /reveal/share such data for the purpose other than for creating print images
for BSNL Pune. Any violating of this confidentiality clause may result in instant termination of the contract and
TENDERER shall be liable to pay Rs.1, 00,00,000/- (Rs. One Crore) towards liquidated damages, to BSNL Pune and
BSNL Pune reserve the right to black-list the TENDERER on All India basis, and resort to legal action. In addition, the
TENDERER shall indemnify BSNL Pune, from pecuniary losses inflicted on BSNL Pune, in court of law/any other
forum by subscribers/members of public in case of violation of this clause by the TENDERER. This clause shall also
attract criminal cases if any, involving the BSNL Pune and its officers/officials engaged in the process and the
TENDERER shall be held responsible ultimately for such acts of commissions and omissions. The non disclosure
agreement shall be submitted in a prescribed format as per Anne VII- B The printing data should be be purged within
two months and necessary log records should be made over to BSNL Pune on regular basis.
13 On request of BSNL Pune, duplicate bills are to be printed and made over to billing section as and when required. In
case of small request the bill images should be provided electronically with some pre printed stationery.
14 Printing data will be collected from CSMS through catridges/cd/ftp/email etc. Correctness of the data should be
confirmed within 30 minutes of receipt of the data. If no such confirmation is received it shall be assumed that the data is
correct. Conditions of window time remains same if the data is correct.
15 Any breakdown/interruption while printing is to be intimated to this office immediately.
16 After final acceptance and before issue of work order BSNL nominated committee shall visit the offsite premises to
inspect the logistics, infrastructure and other relevant conditions including clause 6 above.
17 The successful TENDERER shall also be under obligation to extend similar services to BSNL Pune at the same agreed
rate for any other adhoc / non-cyclic requirements of BSNL Pune on priority basis, as and when such requirement arise
and such request is made by BSNL Pune to TENDERER.
18 The tenderer shall have no objection to carry out the printing under supervision of the staff of BSNLPune.
19 The Principal General Manager, BSNL Pune reserves the right to modify the specifications, if considered necessary for
the due performance of the work provided it does not amount to substantial change in terms of contract. Any changes as
suggested by the tenderer due to change of technology or process which could improve the quality of product or
performance of the contract and is of mutual benefit to BSNL Pune and contractor shall also be considered during the
currency of the contract on mutually agreed terms without any cost impact to BSNL Pune.


Assistant General Manager(MM-II)

BSNL Pune 411 002.

Name of Tenderer :
Signature: Stamp:

Internet copy


Tender Work-2bid


No: PTG/T-305/Printing Telephone Bills/2014-15 Dated at Pune

31/ 07/2014

1. Name of the Tender

: Heavy Duty Printing Solutions for Printing Telephone Bills, offsite.

2. Earnest Money

: As per Page No. 1 of NIT to be paid by Pay order/Demand Draft

drawn in favour of Accounts officer (cash), BSNL Pune 9.

3. P.O /W.O placing authority

: CAO (CSMS), Pune 411 001/CAO (CMTS).

4. Paying authority
5. Delivery period

: Accounts officer (cash), BSNL Pune 9.

: Initial commencement of work within 15 days from the
date of communication of work order.
: CAO (CSMS), Pune 411 001
1 year from the date of acceptance.
: As given on page no.1 of NIT

6. Consignee
7. Tender period
8. Date of opening
9. Payment Terms
a) Bills for the work carried out will be settled monthly i.e. bills for all the works carried out during the month
will be submitted to the controlling officer. The contractor will be responsible to submit the bills prepared,
accurately & in time by observing all the formalities.
b) The contractor may use form ACE-13 to prepare his bills, but the bills prepared by him in his own forms will
be accepted, provided they comply with the following conditions:
c) TENDERER shall arrange to submit the claims on monthly basis. The bills in duplicate & triplicate prereceipted along with details of services rendered shall be preferred by the TENDERER to the Chief Accounts
Officer (CSMS), BSNL Pune or any other officer nominated by the Principal General Manager, BSNL Pune
in respect of landline telephone bills and to the CAO(CMTS), BSNL Pune or to any nominated officer, in
respect of mobile bills, by 10th of every month for the services rendered in the preceding calendar month.
d) Details of the quantity and nature of each item of work done as well as the stipulated rates are given.
e) Receipt for payment on account of work, when executed by the firm, must be signed by all the partners,
except where the contractors are described in their tender as a firm, in which case, the receipt must be signed
in the name of the firm by one of the partner, or by some other persons having authority to give effectual
receipts for the firm.
f) Copy of work order, measurement sheet duly accepted by competent authorities of A/T is to be attached.
g) Income Tax and Commercial Tax from the bill which has been passed will be deducted as tax at source under
relevant Government Rules. However if any new legislation comes into the effect for deduction of tax at
source, the deduction will be made under that legislation. Necessary income tax deduction certificate will be
issued by the accounts officer dealing the amount so deducted as tax at source at the time of payment of each
During audit or internal check if any over payment is noticed, the same can be recovered from the contractor.
10. Applicability of Laws:
The agreement shall be governed by the Indian Laws for the time being in force and the Court at Pune will
have jurisdiction to entertain any dispute(s) or clause (s) arising out of such dispute(s).
11.Essential Qualification: a)Bidder should have sufficient manpower & Two years experience of Heavy Duty
Printing Solutions for Printing Telephone Bills/Similar type of work on advanced laser technology principle
with delivery work for the reputed service organizations, like DOT/MTNL/BSNL/Central/State/PSU./Other
Telecomm Operators/Nationalised Banks/Scheduled Banks. Certificate issued by an officer not less than
Junior Administrative Grade officer regarding experience in carrying out similar type of work with BSNL,
MTNL and for other reputed organizations by respective officer in charge .as per Section X. Name ,
Address & Tele.No should be given.
b) The company should have an aggregate turn over of at least Rs. 1,04,72,000/-(1crore ,Four lacs & Seventy
Two thousand)in last 3 years in the field of printing solutions and & Certificate from Chartered Accountant
to that effect alongwith audited annual account & Financial soundness
12. The bidder should furnish the details of various equipments that he is proposing to deploy to carry out this job
as per requirement. The dimensioning details, and capabilities of the equipment should be supported with
sufficient details and literature to deliver the output in the time frame as specified, quantity of the workload
and keeping in mind the quality of the output required.
Name of Tenderer :
Signature: Stamp:

Internet copy


Tender Work-2bid

13.In case multiple vendors with same rate then the experience of the vendor will be given weightage for
selection of this work. The BSNL Pune intend to select preferably only one contractor for this job. All the
relevant experience documents should be submitted in Technical Bid only. No documents will be entertained
after opening of Bid.
Penalty Clause:
14.1In the event of failure to complete the entire print job including other post printing operations, if any, within
the print-window timings prescribed the tenderer shall be liable to pay the penalty as follows and such amount
of penalty will be deducted from any amount due from BSNL Pune or en cashed from Security Deposit /
Performance Guarantee, after allowing reasonable chance to TENDERER to set right the Service deficiencies
to the full satisfaction of the BSNL Pune.
Penalty shall be levied at Rs.1000/ for each hour of delay upto 24 hours , thereafter at Rs.15000/- for every 24
hours or part thereof of the allotted/approved time.
14.2 No. of hours/ days of delay in penalty clause will be counted from the time printing data is given and
excluding the permissible window time and the job completion report is signed by nominated consignee of
the job. A Completed job will be accepted only between 9.30 hours to 18 .00 hours on all working day of
BSNL Pune..) If job is completed on 18 hrs when post office or BSNL office, where bills delivery is to be
given are closed and in this case bills are delivered on next day 9.30 hrs. to 10.30 hrs. then time from 18 hrs.
of that day to 10.30 hrs. will be allowed as grace period. Similarly holidays will also be considered.
14.3 If for any reason printing work is held up for any billing cycle, the penalty will be levied for other
subsequent billing cycles which were delayed because of delay in a given cycle based on the timing of the
given subsequent data..
14.4 The print quality of bill should be maintained consistently and legibility, quality, proper bar coding etc
should be appropriate. Any bills are found to lacking in quality or not printed / not delivered then the contractor
has to reprint the same at his own cost in all respect, as per quantity decided by BSNL Pune.
14.5 Paper less than 76 GSM will be rejected at the cost of tenderer No payment will be made.
14.6 The Designated Officer reserves the right to waive the penalty or reduce it at the discretion, depending
upon the merits of reasons for such delay. However, this waival clause shall not be invoked, as a matter of
15 Breakdown to Machinery:
15.1 In the event of machinery failure, the TENDERER shall make alternative arrangement at their own cost and
ensure that schedules are not getting affected . BSNL Pune shall not bear such expenses incurred by the
TENDERER in all such eventualities. In the event of the TENDERER not able to extend the service , a
LIQUIDATED DAMAGE equal to the amount spent by BSNL Pune to get the work done through other
sources, shall be payable by the TENDERER to BSNL PUNE in addition to the penalty leviable under clause
(12.1) above.
15.2 The TENDERER's personnel responsible for operations of the equipment and machinery shall be stationed at
his site on regular basis to handle any contingency plans.
16 Defects:
1 6.1 The tenderer shall indemnify BSNL Pune and keep BSNL Pune harmless and indemnified against any loss,
damages and other costs that BSNL Pune may be put into or incur, directly or indirectly by reason of any
error or negligence or defect in printing or post print operations.
16.2 In the event of any discovery of error or defect due to the fault of tenderer or deficiency in quality at any time
during/after the printing and supply of telephone bills, the tenderer shall be bound, if called upon to do so, to
rectify such error or defect at his own cost and re-print the bills to the satisfaction of and within the time fixed
by the nominated officer of BSNL Pune. However, if the error,/defect was found to be of BSNL Pune the
tenderer shall be bound to re-print and supply such bills printed defectively at the same approved rates or
reduced rates on mutually agreed terms.
17 .Documents to be submitted for Bid & placed in the following order.
A) Technical Bid should contain following Documents: i. Printing Solution offered i.e. Model No. of printer with Technical details as per Section-IV Part III
ii. Infrastructure. Site plan. Power/UPS requirement - details work-sheet Check List.
iv. Original receipt issued by AO (Cash) office of the PGMT, Pune against payment of EMD.
v. List of document indicating sheet serial numbers.

Name of Tenderer :
Signature: Stamp:

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Tender Work-2bid

vi. Bid form (Section-VIII) duly filled in & signed.

vii. Power of attorney in original on stamp paper duly attested by Notary (if applicable).
viii. Valid Attested copy of document of registration of the firm from State Director of Industries /Shop Act

Licence (as applicable)

ix. List of important Customers .
x. a)Bidder should have sufficient manpower & Two years experience of Heavy duty Printing Solutions for

Printing Telephone Bills/Similar type of work on advanced laser technology principle with delivery work
for the reputed service organizations, like DOT/MTNL/BSNL/Central/State/PSU./Other Telecomm
Operators/Scheduled Banks. Certificate issued by an officer not less than Junior Administrative Grade
officer regarding experience in carrying out similar type of work with BSNL, MTNL and for other
reputed organizations by respective officer in charge .as per Section .X. Name ,Address & Tele. No
should be given.
b) The company should have an aggregate turn over of at least Rs. 1,04,72,000/-(1crore ,Four lacs &
Seventy Two thousand)in last 3 years in the field of printing solutions and & Certificate from
Chartered Accountant to that effect alongwith audited annual account & Financial soundness.
xi. Attested copy of EPF , ESI & Service Tax Registration of the firm at the time of submission of bid.& if it

is not applicable to the firm ,declaration to that effect should be attached.

xii. Attested copy of registration with Sales Tax Department/VAT authorities. (if available)
xiii. Attested copy of partnership deed (if applicable).
xiv. Attested copy of Certificate of Incorporation, Memorandum & Articles of Assn. In case of companies.
xv. Pune Local Address, telephone Numbers, FAX Numbers, if any & Site Address.
xvi. Name of the Proprietor / managing partners / dealing officers name & designation, in case of Company.
xvii. Staff position.
xviii. Declaration as per Section VI (In case of proprietorship firm certificate will be given by the proprietor,

for partnership firm certificate will be given by all the partners and in case of limited company by all the
Directors of the company).
xix. For NSIC registered companies following documents may be submitted.


Valid NSIC registration, items covered in the registration & monitory ceiling of each item.


Turn over of last one year duly certified by NSIC.

xx. Signature of Bidder /GPA holder on all pages of tender documents with Seal.
xxi. Questionnaire at Section IX duly filled & signed.
xxii. Check List duly filled & signed as per Section XI.

B) Financial Bid should contain following Documents:Price Schedule in Section -V duly filled in & signed, stamped by the bidder.

Sd/Assistant General Manager(MM-II)

BSNL Pune 411 002

Name of Tenderer :
Signature: Stamp:

Internet copy


Tender Work-2bid

No: PTG/T-305/Printing Telephone Bills/2014-15
Dated at Pune the 31/07/2014
Technical Specifications:
1. The process of printing shall be the kind that supports variable data and variable font-size, two up printing
etc., and shall be of laser/electro photography technology based. The printer resolution has to be
minimum of 300 X 300 dpi. The samples of the bills to & window envelopes be printed can be seen in
MM section. The bills shall be of 80 GSM and envelop of 70 GSM.
2. The printers should be productions grade printers. If more than one printer is offered the combined speed
of all printers should be with of 200 PPM or above (duplex). Manufacturing date of printers should be
less than three years old 01.12.2010.
3. The tenderer shall use MULTI COLOUR PRE-PRINTED STATIONERY for printing details of Front
page and the continuation pages including itemised cal details on PLANE STATIONERY on both the
4. The variable data pertaining to telephone bills shall be in single colour black. Various degree of black
shades, bold, italics and various fonts should be possible to be printed.
5. If the number of sheets to be printed for a subscriber exceeds one page it may be printed on both the
sides to make optimum use of paper, since all call detail records can be printed on both the side of the
paper sheet. As the call detail records are to be merged with main bill a certain number of call details to
be printed on the front page of the bill to minimise the additional images.
6. In the case of duplex printing, whatever details of bills including STD/ISD details are printed on both
pages, the number of pages for the purpose of commercial cost shall be reckoned as two pages and in case
print matter is occupied the front side only, it shall be counted as one page only. Electronically the
counter shall not be increased for blank pages.
7. The tenderer is however required to offset print items of routine nature such as general instructions, logos,
commercial advertisements etc., on both the pages whether the option decided is simplex or duplex (right
to use pre-printed stationary). BSNL Pune shall provide advertising printing works by means of film or
any other media, in advance before commencement of the scheduled print window timings. As both sides
of the bill are required to be pre-printed and space is reserved for customer information, commercial
advertisements etc., the bill format shall possibly undergo change during every billing cycle.
8. The printing technology shall be of the capability for support of advanced print languages such as IPDS,
POSTSCRIPT and PCL. Single colour printing is required. (Black and Shades of black). Colours will be
decided by BSNL Pune and BSNL Pune reserves the right to accommodate the commercial advertisement
as well.
9. The printing of logos, photographs (black & white or any other colour and shades of that colour),
barcodes signatures and Indian languages scripts etc., should be possible. Similarly, cutting of bills in
case of continuous stationary and stapling of multi-pages should also be included in the quote. The
barcodes shall be printed, scanned and got approved before printing the bills in the beginning for its
10. The print-Layout of the bills (Bill format) will be designed in consultation with the software group of
BSNL Pune and there should be enough flexibility to change the print layout and details at short notice of
3-4 days as per the needs of the BSNL Pune. Designing of bill format will be the responsibility of the
tenderer. If such design is not up to the satisfaction of BSNL Pune. Tenderer will bear the cost of such
designing, if it is got done by BSNL Pune through external agency. The bar coding of certain data items
is also one of the important needs on bill and details are to be worked out in consultation with software
group of BSNL Pune.
11. There should be flexibility in the print-layout to include optional messages either selectively or for all
bills of a cycle.
Name of Tenderer :
Signature: Stamp:

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Tender Work-2bid

12. The Print-Window time One Print impression means printing on one side of paper. The print window

time should be be 48 hours for printing bills more than one lakh and36 hours for printing of bills
between 50,000 to 1,00,000 and 24 hours for printing of bills below 50,000.. The print window shall
mean that at the end of 48/36/24 hours the entire job of printing images, stapling and stuffing into
envelop, bundling pin code wise and beat code wise is completed in a phased manners over the entire
print window time and at the end of print window time no job is left pending i,e,. the work shall be
carried out continuously non-stop. Window time is further inclusive of time required for reaching them
into the specified post offices in Pune. Delivery of Bills should be made as per Bill Mail Service
conditions. The print window time reckoning starts from the time the data/catridge/cd/ftp/email is made
available to the Service bureau organisation by Pune SSA and ends on delivery into the post office . The
number of billing cycles are subject increase/decrease as per the demands of the BSNL Pune and
contractor shall comply such needs. The bills has to be delivered to the designated post officer at Pune in
the presence of BSNL Pune representative with due coordination.

13. At present, franking of the envelopes is not needed. However, the TENDERER shall provide
such service to BSNL Pune" as and when needed.
Also Tenderer will provide sorting & Bundling PIN CODE wise & BEAT CODE-wise
Mobile/CDMA/Landline bills for delivery through Bill Mail Service of Postal Dept. Presently landline bills
are sorted/printed Pincodewise.. Necessary software should be developed , to satisfy Bill Mail Service
Conditions, free of Cost.
.The post-print mechanization process shall have facility to enclose newsletters and bulletins!
enclosures to all or target group of Customers (i.e. on selective basis). The speed of operation of post printing
mechanization system shall be in synchronization of the throughput of the printing system to ensure that final
print-window timings are maintained at any cost.
14. The tenderer shall be bound to make proper packing bundling PIN CODE wise arrangements alongwith
count of bills in each Carton/bag etc., as required by the Mass Mailing Section or any other postal
establishment within Pune City FOR DELIVERY THROUGH Bill Mail Service before handing over the bills
to them. A list of such pin code-wise count will be submitted at the time of delivery and a copy enclosed with
the bill.
15. Itemised STD details should be merged with print file data and print the bills with the itemised details..
16. Messages are to be printed as per the instructions / requirement of BSNL.
17. Printer may have the following Criteria:
The printer may
a. Have ability to support pre-/ post processing equipment.
b. Have ability to upgrade speed of the printers.
c. Have auto paper loading.
d. Be supporting Devnagari script/Indian Languages with the same speed.
e. Automatically print jammed pages without any loss of information.
f. Support bilingual printing.
g. May be able to work with the servers or in stand alone mode by collecting the data through electronic
media like DAT/ floppy on network
h. Be flexible to adjust to change in the bill format.
i. Be easily interfacable with current Billing Software. There should not be any need to modify the existing
billing software and existing print file being used for printing of telephone bills should be able to print
the bills.
j. Should be capable of printing BAR CODE, Signature etc.
The printer should be of production grade printer. In case of more than one printer is offered the
combined speed should be 200 PPM or above (duplex).
Sd/Assistant General Manager(MM-II)
BSNL Pune 411 002

Name of Tenderer :
Signature: Stamp:

Internet copy


Tender Work-2bid

Schedule of Requirement


Item Description

Printing First page in single colour and shades of it on

pre-printed multi colour stationary (4 colours (including
cost of Pre- printed multi colour stationery ) Per A4



Printing Continuation pages in single colour and shades

of it on plane stationery (including cost of stationary)
Per A4 image
Cost of Windows Envelope ( with multi colour preprinted logo optional) of 70 GSM
Specification-Size of window envelope is 9.5 inch (in
length) x 4.25 inch with size of window is 4.5 inch (in
length) x 1.5 inch
Corporate E stapled Bills :-Eletronically Attaching
Child Account (HBS) bills to ES parent (Main) bills and
sorting ES parent billwise ,stuffing in A$/A3 clothline
Envelopes pasting Address stickers (including Cost of
Envelopes) and delivering to the office of CAO (CSMS)

DID Main & child bills : sorting the DID child bills
on parent Account wise and forwarding to the
office CAO (CSMS) at MHS BHAVAN.
Post Print Operation
Stapling per Bill
Stuffing in to the Envelope
Cost for delivering the bills in destination Post
offices (per bill)
Printing Of Loknyayalaya Notices on green paper
legal size single colour.
Outstanding Notice A4 Size single colour







Sd/Assistant General Manager(MM-II)

BSNL Pune 411 002

Name of Tenderer :
Signature: Stamp:

Internet copy


Tender Work-2bid


Sr. No.



Printer make and date of manufacture.

Printer Model No.
Print field resolution in dpi (dots in sq. inch)
Maximum Printing speed for A4 continuous sheet in a
Operating principle (Laser/ Electrophotography)
Operating mode (duplex or simplex printing)
Printing technology:
(Whether printer supports advanced print languages
such as IPDS, POSTSCRIPT, and PCL etc.)
Whether printing system is capable of printing BAR
CODE, Signature and languages script etc.
Whether printing system is flexible to change printlayout or to give optional massages selectively, in bill.
Method used for post printing operation.
Whether printer compatible for cut-sheet or continuous
stationery or both.



(To be filled in by tenderer

Note : In case more than one printer is offered separate Section IV ,part III should be
attached in respect of each printer offered.

Signature of Supplier
Name & Designation

Name of Tenderer :
Signature: Stamp:

Internet copy


Tender Work-2bid

To be submitted
in separate
Price Bid

Name of Tenderer :
Signature: Stamp:

Internet copy


Tender Work-2bid

Price schedule (Consolidated)

No: PTG/T-305/Printing Telephone Bills/2014-15

Dated at Pune the 31/07/2014

I/we have read the tender documents thoroughly & hereby offer the price bid as detailed below for the itemise
quantitative requirements as mentioned at Section IV (Schedule of requirement & specification). The rates
quoted include all taxes, levies, octroi, tolls etc. (but excluding Service Tax).
Total Rate /Unit in Rupees
Descriptions / Specifications
in Rupees
(In words)
1)Printing First page in single colour and shades of
it on pre-printed multi colour stationary (4 colours
(including cost of Pre- printed multi colour
stationery ) Per A4 image



2)Printing Continuation pages in single colour and

shades of it on plane stationery (including cost of
stationary)Per A4 image



















3)Cost of insertion of each page of news letters/

Communications bulletins with bills
4)Cost of Windows Envelope (With multi colour preprinted logo of 70 GSM Specification-Size of window
envelope is 9.5 inch (in length) x 4.25 inch with size
of window is 4.5 inch (in length) x 1.5 inch
5) Corporate E stapled Bills :-Eletronically
Attaching Child Account (HBS) bills to ES parent
(Main) bills and sorting ES parent bill wise ,stuffing
in A4/A3 clothline Envelopes pasting Address
stickers (including Cost of Envelopes) and delivering
to the office of CAO (CSMS) at MHS BHAVAN.
6) DID Main & child bills : sorting the DID

child bills on parent Account wise and

forwarding to the office CAO (CSMS) at MHS


Post Print Operation

6.l. Stapling per bill

6.2.Cost of stuffing into the envelope
Cost for delivering the bills in destination Post
8). offices (per bill)excluding Corporate & DID (4 &
5 above)
Printing of Notices
1) Printing of Loknyayalaya Notices on green
papers legal size single colour
2) Outsting Notices A4 size single colour

Rates:- Rates shall be quoted in figures and words without any ambiguity, errors, overwritings or corrections.
In case of correction, it should be signed by Tenderer.
Declaration: I/We declare that: i)
Should this tender be accepted, I/We agree to abide by & fulfil all the terms & conditions set
forth in the tender document.
I/We agree to pay the amount of security deposit/performance bank guarantee of 10% of the
anticipated order value.

Name of Tenderer :
Signature: Stamp:

Internet copy

Note: a)


Tender Work-2bid

Evaluation will be done on overall cost.

In case multiple vendors with same rate then the experience of the vendor will be given weightage
for selection of this work. The BSNLPune intend to select preferably only one contractor for this
All the relevant experience documents should be submitted in Technical Bid only. No documents
will be entertained after opening of Bid.


Signature of Supplier
Name & Designation

Name of Tenderer :
Signature: Stamp:

Internet copy


Tender Work-2bid

Proforma for declaration by tenderer for near relatives.


.. ..S/o.r/ohereby certify that

none of my relative(s) as defined in the tender document is/ are employed in BSNL unit as per details given in
tender document. In case at any stage, it is found that the information given by me is false/ incorrect, BSNL shall
have the absolute right to take any action as deemed fit/ without prior intimation to me.

Signature & seal of tenderer

Name & full Address of the tenderer.

Name & Address

Note:-In case of proprietorship firm certificate will be given by the proprietor, for partnership firm certificate will
be given by all the partners and in case of limited company by all the Directors of the company. Any breach of
these conditions by the company or firm or any other person, the tender/ work will be cancelled and earnest
money / security deposit will be forfeited at any stage whenever it is so noticed. BSNL will not pay any damages
to the company or firm or the concerned person. The company or firm or the person will also be debarred for
further participation in the concerned unit.

Name of Tenderer :
Signature: Stamp:

Internet copy


Tender Work-2bid

Section VII- A

No: PTG/T-305/Printing Telephone Bills/2014-15

Dated at Pune the 31/07 /2014

This Deed of Agreement made on this

day of
between Principal General Manager, BSNL PUNE" Pune, (hereinafter called the BSNL PUNE which expression
shall unless be excluded by or repugnant to the context include his successors and assignees or any other officer
nominated by the Principal General Manager, BSNL PUNE" Pune, of the first part and,
having its registered office at
hereinafter called the Service Bureau Organization(SBO)(which expression shall where the context so admits,
include their successors and assignees also) of the second part.
1) Now this Deed of Agreement witnesses and the parties mutually agree as follows:
2) Whereas BSNL PUNE is desirous of hiring the services of the SBO relating to the job for Heavy duty
printing solutions for printing of Telephone Bills for BSNL Pune.
The terms and conditions are as per tender Notification No.
of Principal General Manager, BSNL PUNE" Pune, where as the SBO has agreed to render the services to the
BSNL PUNE at the rates quoted by the SBO as per their offer dated
and subsequent clarifications vide
SBO'S letter No.

3) Scope of Management:
3.1 The term of the contract is for a period of 1 year and is extendable for 1 year on same terms. and
conditions., however further extension if necessary will be on mutually agreeable terms.& conditions.
The contract can be terminated by BSNL PUNE by serving a notice of 2 months.
3.2 The BSNL PUNE shall guarantee minimum print volume of 5(five) lakhs A4 images per month. This
commitment of 5(five) lakhs images per month is not enforceable during the tender period from the date of
this agreement during which trial runs, testing and phased migration from existing printing system is planned.
The minimum guarantee is not enforceable during reasons listed in Force Major Clause ..
3.3 The requirement of BSNL Pune for such service is cyclic in nature. In Pune Telephone District at present
there are nearly 4,00,000 landlines,1 Lakh Post Paid Mobile and 20,000 CDMA Mobile connections. For bills
of landlines 30% is expected in single sheet remaining in multi sheet. Whereas for each mobile bill there are
approximately 3 sheet. The bills of approx 3.80 lakhs connection including mobiles are issued every month.
The approximately load per month including mobile varies from 8 lakhs to 10 lakhs images which may/may
not increase including mobile.Bills for regular connections are issued on 8 th & 9 th of Every month .DID
EPABX, Corporate Customers and Heavy calling Customers and all other PCOs are issued monthly.
The volume of work may be increased due to introduction of monthly bills to certain type of customers
or change in the policy of BSNL. The Number of billing cycle are also subject to increase or decrease as
per the demand of BSNL Network management & Tenderer shall comply with such needs.
The Tenderer should be capable of handling the increased print load without affecting the Print-Window
timings as mentioned in clause 12 of technical specifications mentioned in Section-IV Part I
The Tenderer should have two years experience in doing the similar type of work for reputed
organizations like DOT/MTNL/BSNL/ST ATE/CENTRAL GOVT./PSU/other telecom
operators/scheduled banks . Certificate to the effect should be enclosed along with the tender documents.
The tenderer should have a sufficient technical know-how about maintenance and repair of the printing
machinery proposed or they should have a technical tie up with the manufacturer for maintenance.
Certificate to this effect should be enclosed along with the tender documents

Name of Tenderer :
Signature: Stamp:

Internet copy


Tender Work-2bid

3.4 BSNL Pune shall provide the data cartridge CD & FTP required for generation of printing-images either
separate file for main bills and STD/ISD//94 details or consolidated file of main bill including
STD/ISD//94 calls details.
3.5 The Print-Window time One Print impression means printing on one side of paper. The print window
time should be be 48 hours for printing bills more than one lakh and36 hours for printing of bills
between 50,000 to 1,00,000 and 24 hours for printing of bills below 50,000.. The print window shall
mean that at the end of 48/36/24 hours the entire job of printing images, stapling and stuffing into
envelop, bundling pin code wise and beat code wise is completed in a phased manners over the entire
print window time and at the end of print window time no job is left pending i,e,. the work shall be
carried out continuously non-stop. Window time is further inclusive of time required for reaching them
into the specified post offices in Pune. Delivery of Bills should be made as per Bill Mail Service
conditions. The print window time reckoning starts from the time the data/catridge/cd/ftp/email is made
available to the Service bureau organisation by Pune SSA and ends on delivery into the post office . The
number of billing cycles are subject increase/decrease as per the demands of the BSNL Pune and
contractor shall comply such needs. The bills has to be delivered to the designated post officer at Pune in
the presence of BSNL Pune representative with due coordination. The number of Billing cycles are
subject to increase/ decrease as per the demands of the network management and SBO shall comply with
such needs.
3.6 The software for designing the print image format shall be developed by SBO free of cost. The printLayout of the bills (Bill format) will be designed in consultation with the software group of BSNL PUNE
and there should be enough flexibility to change the print layout and details at short notice of 3-4 days as
per the needs of the BSNL PUNE. Designing of bill format will be the responsibility of the SBO. If such
design is not up to the satisfaction of BSNL PUNE. SBO will bear the cost of such designing, if it is got
done by BSNL PUNE through external agency. The bar coding of certain data items is also one of the
important needs on bill and details are to be worked out in consultation with software group of BSNL
3.7 BSNL PUNE shall solicit commercial advertisements in the free space left at appropriate position of each
customer's bill details/special messages without affecting the overall number of pages for a particular
customer. For this, SBO shall provide facility to sort/edit/reduce/enlarge the advertisement printing work
suitably and re-adjust print format layout to suitably insert the commercial ad at appropriate slot at short
notice for every billing cycle and such changes required are to be done free of cost.
3.8 The responsibility for procuring/stocking the necessary stationery shall be SBO's.. The specifications for
the type, size and quality of the stationery required for automated handling by the SBO's machinery shall
be discussed and mutually agreed to before SBO makes such procurement. The paper for printing shall be
of minimum 80 GSM & Envelop shall be minimum 70 GSM.
3.9 The post-print mechanization process shall have facility to enclose news-letters and bulletins / enclosures
to all or target group of Customers (i.e. on selective basis). The speed of operation of post printing
mechanization system shall be in synchronization of the throughput of the printing system to ensure that
final print-window timings are maintained at any cost
3.10 The SBO shall own install and maintain the printing system in his premises The address of premises
where the SBO shall carry out the job (for BSNL) is at..
3.11 The SBO shall ensure its proper upkeep of his premises and shall not store any inflammable printing
work in the premises.
3.12 Transparency in carrying out jobs:
The SBO shall provide foolproof and transparent arrangement in the system to ensure that all the data
supplied by BSNL PUNE is printed. The counter for number of print images created by the system is also
software/system controlled and counter initialization shall not be possible/permissible by the SBO's
personnel without the prior approval of the nominated officer of the BSNL PUNE. This point is of utmost
importance since payment to the SBO's monthly claims for the service rendered to BSNL PUNE is based
on the readings in the counter and foolproof and transparent arrangement shall be made by the SBO to the
full satisfaction of BSNL PUNE.
3.13 The SBO shall maintain full confidentiality of the data supplied for creating print images. Under no
circumstances, the SBO shall divulge/reveal/share such data for the purpose other than for creating print
images for BSNL PUNE. Any violation of this confidentiality clause may result in instant termination of
the contract and SBO shall pay liquidated damages of Rs.One Crore only to BSNL PUNE and BSNL
PUNE shall reserve the right to blacklist the SBO on All India basis.
Name of Tenderer :
Signature: Stamp:

Internet copy


Tender Work-2bid

3.14 The SBO shall have support infrastructure in Pune, for maintenance of equipment proposed for
installation of the system .
The rates for the services rendered by the SBO shall be as follows:
Sr. No.

Description of job particulars

Rate in Rupees

Witnesses -


1. Signature
Name & Address

Assistant General Manager(MM-II)

BSNL Pune,
Pune 411 002.


2. Signature
Name & Address
Name, Address & Signature of the
Contractor with seal of the company

Certificate of Agreement
To whom so ever it is concern, as per the tender NIT
Dated _____________
I hereby comply all the clauses from Sr. No. 1 to 3 of above Agreement of NIT.
Signature of Tenderer with Seal.

Name of Tenderer :
Signature: Stamp:

Internet copy


Tender Work-2bid


Format of Non Disclosure Agreement

This Agreement is made as of the ------------- 2011 between BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED
(BSNL) a Government of India Enterprise, having its registered office and Corporate office at Statesman
House, 148-B, Barakhamba Road, Connaught place, New Delhi hereinafter called BSNL which expression
shall unless repugnant to the subject or the context mean and included its successors, nominees or assigns
and M/s ------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ a company
incorporated under the Indian Companies Act, 1956, and having its registered office at ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- herein after called ---------------------- which
expression shall unless repugnant to the subject or the context mean and include its successors, nominees or
Whereas in order to pursue the mutual business purpose of this particular project as specified in Exhibit
A (the Business Purpose), BSNL and M/s--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- recognize that there is a need to disclose to one another certain information, as defined in para
1 below, of each party to be used only for the Business Purpose and to protect such confidential information
from unauthorized use and disclosure.
In consideration of the other partys disclosure of such information, each party agrees as follows:

This Agreement will apply to all confidential and proprietary information disclosed by one party to
the other party, including information listed in Exhibit A attached hereto and other information
which the disclosing party identifies in writing or otherwise as confidential before or within thirty
days after disclosure to the receiving party (Confidential Information). Information consists of
certain specifications, designs, plans, drawings, software, prototypes and/or technical information,
and all copies and derivatives containing such Information, that may be disclosed to one another for
and during the Purpose, which a party considers proprietary or confidential (Information).
Information may be in any form or medium, tangible or intangible, and may be
communicated/disclosed in writing, orally, or through visual observation or by any other means to
one party (hereinafter referred to as the receiving party) by the other party (hereinafter referred to as
one disclosing party). Information shall be subject to this Agreement, if it is in tangible form, only if
clearly marked as proprietary or confidential as the case may be, when disclosed to the receiving
party or, if not in tangible form, its proprietary nature must first be announced, and it must be
reduced to writing and furnished to the receiving party within thirty(30) days of the initial disclosure.


M/s ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and BSNL hereby agreed

at during the Confidentiality Period:
a) The receiving party shall use Information only for the Purpose, shall hold Information in
confidence using the same degree of care as it normally exercises to protect its own proprietary
information, but not less than reasonable care, taking into account the nature of the Information,
and shall grant access to Information only to its employees who have a need to know, but only to
the extent necessary to carry out the business purpose of this project as defined in exhibit A,
shall cause its employees to comply with the provisions of this Agreement applicable to the
receiving party, shall reproduce Information only to the extent essential to fulfilling the Purpose,
and shall prevent disclosure of Information to third parties. The receiving party may, however,
disclose the Information to its consultants and contractors with a need to know; provided that by
doing so, the receiving party agrees to bind those consultants and contractors to terms at least as
restrictive as those stated herein, advise them of their obligations, and indemnify the disclosing
party for any breach of those obligations.
b) Upon the disclosing party's request, the receiving party shall either return to the disclosing party all
Information or shall certify to the disclosing party that all media containing Information have
been destroyed. Provided, however, that an archival copy of the Information may be retained in
Name of Tenderer :
Signature: Stamp:

Internet copy
Tender Work-2bid
the files of the receiving party's counsel, solely for the purpose of proving the contents of the
3. The foregoing restrictions on each party's use or disclosure of Information shall not apply to Information
that the receiving party can demonstrate:
a) was independently developed by or for the receiving party without reference to the Information, or was
received without restrictions; or
b) has become generally available to the public without breach of confidentiality obligations of the
receiving party; or
c) was in the receiving party's possession without restriction or was known by the receiving party without
restriction at the time of disclosure; or
is the subject of a subpoena or other legal or administrative demand for disclosure; provided,
however, that the receiving party has given the disclosing party prompt notice of such demand for
disclosure and the receiving party reasonably cooperates with the disclosing party's efforts to secure an
appropriate protective order; or
e) is disclosed with the prior consent of the disclosing party; or
was in its possession or known to it by being in its use or being recorded in its files or computers or
other recording media prior to receipt from the disclosing party and was not previously acquired by the
receiving party from the disclosing party under an obligation of confidence; or
the receiving party obtains or has available from a source other than the disclosing party without
breach by the receiving party or such source of any obligation of confidentiality or non-use towards the
disclosing party.
4. Each party agrees not to remove any of the other partys Confidential Information from the premises of
the disclosing party without the disclosing partys prior written approval. Each party agrees to exercise
extreme care in protecting the confidentiality of any Confidential Information which is removed, only
with the disclosing partys prior written approval, from the disclosing partys premises. Each party agrees
to comply with any and all terms and conditions the disclosing party may impose upon any such approved
removal, such as conditions that the removed Confidential Information and all copies must be returned by
a certain date, and that no copies are to be make off of the premises.
5. Upon the disclosing partys request, the receiving party will promptly return to the disclosing party all
tangible items containing or consisting of the disclosing partys Confidential Information all copies
6. Each party recognizes and agrees that all of the disclosing partys Confidential Information is owned
solely by the disclosing party (or its licensors) and that the unauthorized disclosure or use of such
Confidential Information would cause irreparable harm and significant injury, the degree of which may be
difficult to ascertain. Accordingly, each party agrees that the disclosing party will have the right to obtain
an immediate injunction enjoining any breach of this Agreement, as well as the right to pursue any and all
other rights and remedies available at law or in equity for such a breach.
7. Access to Information hereunder shall not preclude an individual who has seen such Information for the
purposes of this Agreement from working on future projects for the receiving party which relate to similar
subject matters, provided that such individual does not make reference to the Information and does not
copy the substance of the Information during the Confidentiality Period. Furthermore, nothing contained
herein shall be construed as imposing any restriction on the receiving party's disclosure or use of any
general learning, skills or know-how developed by the receiving party's personnel under this Agreement,
if such disclosure and use would be regarded by a person of ordinary skill in the relevant area as not
constituting a disclosure or use of the Information.
Name of Tenderer :
Signature: Stamp:

Internet copy
Tender Work-2bid
8. As between the parties, all Information shall remain the property of the disclosing party. By disclosing
Information or executing this Agreement, the disclosing party does not grant any license, explicitly or
implicitly, under any trademark, patent, copyright, mask work protection right, trade secret or any other
THE ACCURACY OR UTILITY OF SUCH INFORMATION. Execution of this Agreement and the
disclosure of Information pursuant to this Agreement does not constitute or imply any commitment,
promise, or inducement by either party to make any purchase or sale, or to enter into any additional
agreement of any kind.
1. Either partys failure to enforce any provision, right or remedy under this agreement shall not constitute a
waiver of such provision, right or remedy.
2. This Agreement will be construed in, interpreted and applied in accordance with the laws of India.
1. That in case of any dispute or differences, breach & violation relating to the terms of the Agreement.
The said matter or dispute, difference shall be referred to sole arbitration of Chairman and Managing
Director ( CMD) of BSNL or any other person appointed by him. That the award of the arbitrator shall be
final and binding on both the parties. In the event of such Arbitrator to whom the matter is originally referred
to is being transferred or vacates his office on resignation or other wise or refuses to do work or neglecting
his work or being unable to act as Arbitrator for any reasons whatsoever , the CMD BSNL shall appoint
another person to act as Arbitrator in place of out going Arbitrator and the person so appointed shall be
entitled to proceed further with the reference from the stage at which it was left by his predecessor. M/s --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- will have no Objection in any such
appointment, that arbitrator so appointed is employee of BSNL. The said Arbitrator shall act under the
Provisions of the Arbitration and conciliation Act, 1996 or any statutory modifications or reenactment there
of or any rules made thereof.
2..This Agreement and Exhibit A attached hereto constitutes the entire agreement of the parties with
respect to the parties' respective obligations in connection with Information disclosed hereunder and
supersedes all prior oral and written agreements and discussions with respect thereto. The parties can amend
or modify this Agreement only by a writing duly executed by their respective authorized representatives.
Neither party shall assign this Agreement without first securing the other party's written consent.
1. This Agreement will remain in effect for five years from the date of the last disclosure of Confidential
Information, at which time it will terminate, unless extended by the disclosing party in writing.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement by their duly authorized officers
or representatives.
M/S -----------------------------




Printed Name: _________

Printed Name:___________



Name of Tenderer :
Signature: Stamp:

Internet copy

Exhibit A

Tender Work-2bid

1. Business Purpose: Heavy Duty Printing Solutions for Printing Telephone Bills of BSNL Pune
at offsite Premises as per the Terms conditions of the tender for the specific purpose
2. Confidential Information of M/s -----------------------------------------------a. All communication/ information submitted to the BSNL relating to the proposal of M/s
_______________ for Heavy Duty Printing Solutions for Printing Telephone Bills of
BSNLPune ,marked as confidential.
3. Confidential Information of BSNL:
a. All details relating to Printing Telephone Bills of BSNLPune etc.
b. All information shared in oral or in written form by BSNL with M/s-----------------------------------------------------------------------------.
c. Any information desired by M/s ----------------------------- shall be justified for.
d. Information downloaded or taken in physical form shall be returned/ destroyed after use and not
e. Draft Technical specifications for the various projects and Tender documents for the same.
4. The confidentiality of the documents shall be maintained by the consortium partners of the
Franchisee also.

BSNL :___________________


Name of Tenderer :
Signature: Stamp:

Internet copy


Tender Work-2bid


Bid Form

The Principal General Manager,
BSNL Pune,
Telephone Bhavan, Bajirao Road,
Pune 411 002.
No: PTG/T-305/Printing Telephone Bills/2014-15

Dated at Pune the 31/07/2014

Sub: Tender for

With reference to your tender Notice No.
calling for tender on the above subject. I have read & understood the tender document thoroughly &
agree to all the terms & conditions. I / We hereby offer my / our bid as per documents submitted &
conditions as mentioned in the tender document and the rates specified in the schedule enclosed.
Should this tender be accepted either fully or in parts, I / We hereby agree to abide by and fulfil
all the terms and conditions of the contract hereafter as applicable, or in default thereof forfeit to and pay
to the BSNL Pune or his successors in office, the sum of money mentioned in the said conditions without
The sum of Rs.
(In words rupee
) is deposited by DD. towards Earnest money and DD receipt No.
is enclosed. I / We also agree to pay Security Deposit as and when called for
within 7 days.
If, I / We fail to carry out the work according to the specification given in the schedule, the entire
money (Earnest and security deposit) may be forfeited without prejudice to any other right or remedies of
the BSNL Pune or his successors in the office.
Yours faithfully
Full Address
Witness Signature

Note : Witness sign is mandatory if not signed tender is liable to be rejected.

Name of Tenderer :
Signature: Stamp:

Internet copy

h of the
the tender


Tender Work-2bid


1. Name of the tenderer/ firm--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. Name of the person submitting the tender whose photograph is affixed ---------------------------------(In case of Proprietary/Partnership firms, the tender has to be signed by Proprietor/Partners only, as the case
may be)
3. Address of the firm.


4. Tel. No. (With STD Code) -





e-mail address -------------------------------------------------------------5. Is the firm registered with any Government/ semi government undertakings If so furnish details of
registration. ______________________________________________________________________
6. Registration & incorporation particulars of the firm:





Private Limited.


Public Limited.

(Please attach attested copies of documents of registration / incorporation of your firm with the competent
authority as required by business law)
7. Name of Proprietor/Partners/Directors
8. Tenderers Bank Name___________________________________________________________

Bank address _________________________________________________________________


Tenderers current account number________________________________________________


MICR Code of the bank and the branch (9 Digit)


Permanent Income Tax number (PAN) and Income Tax circle

(Please attach a copy of PAN)


Particulars of other machines possessed by the contractor, which can help in Heavy Duty Printing
Solution, with Details of Technical Know-how

Name of Tenderer :
Signature: Stamp:

Internet copy


Tender Work-2bid


Details of Technical And Supervisory Staff:


(a) Experience in maintenance & repair of the Printing Machinery (please furnish certificate to this
(b) Whether any technical tie-up with the manufacturer for maintenance (please furnish certificate to this


Brief description of work carried out by the firm in last three years with name of clients, nature and value
of work done for each.(Please attach extra sheet if necessary) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Has the firm been black listed by any organization, if so attach the details of the same.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I/we hereby declare and undertake that the information furnished above by me is true and correct

to the best of my knowledge and at any stage in future, if it is found that the information given by me is false /
incorrect, BSNL Pune shall have the absolute right to reject my bid and forfeit my EMD / S.D as the case
may be without prejudice as per the tender terms and conditions.

Signature of Authorised Signatory
Name of the tenderer

Note:-In case of proprietorship firm QUESTIONNAIRE / TENDERERS PROFILE will be signed by

the proprietor, for partnership firm tender form will be signed by all the partners or GPA holder person
and in case of limited company by all the Directors or GPA holder personnel of the company. Any
breach of these conditions by the company or firm or any other person, the tender/ work will be
cancelled and earnest money / security deposit will be forfeited at any stage whenever it is so noticed.
BSNL will not pay any damages to the company or firm or the concerned person. The company or firm
or the person will also be debarred for further participation in the concerned unit

Name of Tenderer :
Signature: Stamp:

Internet copy


Tender Work-2bid


Experience Certificate

This is certified that M/s _______________________________________is / was

awarded the work of Heavy Duty Printing Solutions for Printing Telephone Bills /
Similar type of work on advanced laser technology principle with delivery work
during the period



Name, Signature & Seal of the

officer issuing the certificate.
Place: Date: -

Name of Tenderer :
Signature: Stamp:

Internet copy


Tender Work-2bid


Check List

Mark tick for the
documents is enclosed

A) Technical Bid should contain following Documents


Printing Solution offered i.e. Model No. of printer with Technical details as per Section-IV Part III
Infrastructure. Site plan. Power/UPS requirement - details work-sheet Check List
Original receipt issued by AO (Cash) office of the PGMT, Pune against payment of EMD
List of document indicating sheet serial numbers.
Bid form (Section-VIII) duly filled in & signed.
Power of attorney in original on Stamp paper duly attested by Notary (if applicable).
Valid Attested copy of document of registration of the firm from State Director of Industries/Shop
Act Licence (as applicable).
List of important Customers.
a)Bidder should have sufficient manpower & Two years experience of Heavy duty Printing
Solutions for Printing Telephone Bills/Similar type of work on advanced laser technology principle
with delivery work for the reputed service organizations, like
DOT/MTNL/BSNL/Central/State/PSU./OtherTelecommOperators/Nationalised /Scheduled Banks.
Certificate issued by an officer not less than Junior Administrative Grade officer regarding
experience in carrying out similar type of work with BSNL, MTNL and for other reputed
organizations by respective officer in charge .as per Section .X. Name ,Address & Tele. No should
be given.
b) The company should have an aggregate turn over of at least Rs. 1,04,72,000/-(1crore ,Four lacs
& Seventy Two thousand)in last 3 years in the field of printing solutions and & Certificate from
Chartered Accountant to that effect alongwith of audited annual account & Financial soundness
Attested copy of EPF , ESI & Service Tax Registration of the firm at the time of submission of bid.&
if it is not applicable to the firm ,declaration to that effect should be attached.
Attested copy of registration with Sales Tax Department/VAT authorities. at the time of submission
of bid.
Attested copy of partnership deed (if applicable).
Attested copy of Certificate of Incorporation, Memorandum & Articles of Assn. In case of
Pune Local Address, telephone Numbers, FAX Numbers, if any & site address
Name of the Proprietor / managing partners / dealing officers name & designation, in case of
Staff position.
Declaration as per Section VI. (In case of proprietorship firm certificate will be given by the
proprietor, for partnership firm certificate will be given by all the partners and in case of limited
company by all the Directors of the company)
For NSIC registered companies following documents may be submitted.
Valid NSIC registration, items covered in the registration & monitory ceiling of each item.
Turn over of last one year duly certified by NSIC.(If applicable)
Signature of bidder/GPA holder on all pages of tender documents with Seal.
Questionnaire at Section IX duly filled & signed.
Check List duly filled & signed as per Section XI.





B) Financial Bid should contain following Documents

Mark tick for the
documents enclosed

Price Schedule in Section-V duly filled & signed, stamped by the bidder.

NOTE: Xerox copy of documents should be attested by Gazetted Officer/ Notary only.
With Seal of the Company
Name of Tenderer :
Signature: Stamp:

Internet copy


Tender Work-2bid

Bank Guarantee specimen for EMD (BID SECURITY )

Whereas . (hereinafter called the bidder) has submitted its bid dated .. for the
supply of the tender for ...............
KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that WE . of . having our registered
office at . (hereinafter called the Bank) are bound unto BSNL Pune (hereinafter called the
BSNLPune) in the sum of . for which payment will & truly to be made of the said BSNLPune, the
Bank binds itself, its successors & assigns by these presents.

If the bidder withdraws its bid during the period of bid validity specified by the bidder on the bid form.

2. If the bidder, having been notified of the acceptance of its bid by the BSNLPune during the period
of bid validity.
a. Fails or refuses to execute the contract, if required
b. Fails or refuses to furnish _____________ performance security, in accordance with the
instructions to bidders.
We undertaken to pay to the BSNLPune up to the above amount upon receipt of its first written
demand, without the BSNLPune having to substantiate its demand, provided that in its demand, the
BSNLPune will note that the amount claimed by it is due to it owing to the occurrence of one or
both of the two conditions, specifying the occurred condition or conditions.
The guarantee will remain in force for one hundred eighty (180) days during the period of bid
validity, & any-demand in respect thereof should reach the Bank not later than the specified
NOTWITHSTANDING anything contained herein before
a) Our liability under this Bank Guarantee shall not exceed
Rs (Rupees

b) The Bank guarantee shall be valid up to

c) We are liable to pay the guaranteed amount or any part thereof under this Bank Guarantee only
and only if you serve upon us a written claim or demand on or before.
Signature of the Bank:
Signed in capacity of:
Signature of Witness
Full Address of Branch
Name of Witness

Tel. No. of Branch

Address of Witness
Fax No. of Branch

Name of Tenderer :
Signature: Stamp:

Internet copy


Tender Work-2bid

Specimen for Letter of Authorisation for attending Technical/ Financial Bid

(To be produced at the time of opening of Technical/ Financial Bid & not to be enclosed with tender
Assistant General Manager(MM-II)
Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited
Telephone Bhavan, Bajirao Road,
Subject : Authorization for attending bid opening on _________________ (date) for the tender
Following persons are hereby authorized to attend the bid opening for the tender
(bidder) in order of

mentioned above on behalf of

preference given below:
Order of


Specimen Signature



Signature of bidder (Proprietor)

With Stamp of the Firm
Personnel authorized to sign the bid
Documents on behalf of the bidder
1. Maximum of two representatives will be permitted to attend bid opening. In cases where it is
restricted to one, first preference will be allowed. Alternate representative will be permitted
when regular representatives are not able to attend.
2. Permission for entry to the hall where bids are opened may be refused in case authorization
as prescribed above is not received or produce.

Name of Tenderer :
Signature: Stamp:

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