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In 1966 two young African-American college students, Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale
founded the Black Panther Party for self-defense while searching for answers to America's
racial problems. Although the beginning party was revolutionary, their stand was
controversial and made a lasting impact on American civil rights history.
After World War II ended, in the mid-1960s, the majority of the African American citizens
were fed up of being second-class citizens. A great number of them that lived in the South
migrated to the North and West searching for social justice and a better life. Instead, they
found discrimination in the legal system, substandard education, unemployment, and slum
Overtime it was proven that theyre peaceful protests werent having any affect. The
beginning of a major revolution started with two young black college students who attended
Merritt College in Oakland, California.
Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale were enraged by the assassination of Malcolm X, the
unjust imprisonment of Nelson Mandela, their encounter with police brutality, and other
socially unjust situations around the world. They felt that the federal government was
keeping the black community from being active participants in American life, and the local
politicians were more focused on making a quick buck than doing their jobs. They formed
the Black Panther Party for self-defense on October 15th 1966. Based on primary beliefs
influenced by Malcolm X, they accumulated a plan that they called the Ten Point Program.
From 1966-1982 the B.P.P. fought to empower the community through their program while
bringing about revolutionary change throughout American culture. They both believed that
violence might be necessary to create the change they needed and were prepared to put their
lives on the line to do what was necessary.

In the early stages of the BBP, Huey and Bobby with the help of young
volunteers aggressively implemented their Ten Point Program to stop police
brutality and to allow the citizens of the black community to achieve political
and economic control. Their demands seemed radical, but most addressed the
same concerns faced by the earlier civil rights movement: good housing, jobs,
education, and a stop to police brutality.

October 15th Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale founded the Black Panther Party
for self-defense.
Collaborate to draft the Ten Point Program.

January 1st BPP opens headquarters in Oakland.

February 21st Panthers stand up to police in protecting Betty Shabazz (Malcolm
Xs widow) and make national headlines.
April 27th First issue of Black Panther, Black Community News Service, is
May 21st BPP members show up at the state capital in Sacramento, California
barring arms.
October 28th Huey Newton pulled over by police, shooting erupts, officer killed,
Huey is arrested and charged with murder.
March 4th FBI secret memos direct officers to interfere in black community
April 4th Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is assassinated.
April 6th Shootout with police leaves one member killed and several others injured
and charged with attempt of murder.
July 15th Huey Newtons trial receives worldwide attention

January 17th Leaders of the BPP Southern California chapter are gunned down on
the UCLA campus, while at the same time there are raids at several BPP office
June J. Edgar Hoover of the FBI threatens to dismantle the Black Panther Party.
July 18th The Panthers sponsor a highly successful United Front against Fascism
Conference in Oakland.
August Newton wins an appeal and is released from prison.
August Seale is arrested
December 4th Chicago police murder BPP Leaders Fred Hampton and Mark
March Seales book, Seize The Time is published
April The Panthers receive international support from: France, Denmark, Brittan,
Belgium, Netherlands, West Germany, and Sweden
October Charges against Seale and other members of the Chicago 8 are dropped
Newton tries to persuade all African Americans to support Shirley Chisholm for
the Presidential Nomination.
March Newton publishes his autobiography, Revolutionary Suicide.
April Elaine Brown runs for Oakland City Council, while Bobby Seale runs for
the mayor of Oakland.

Huey Newton goes into exile in Cuba, and Elaine Brown assumes the role of

Newton arrested for drug possession
Newton is murdered in Oakland.
In a time where it was more popular to participate in non-violent movements, the
members of the Black Panther Party were willing to risk their lives for what they believed
in. Their stand was controversial because they were willing to use violence to meet their
goals and to meet the needs of the people. According to Bobby Seale the party wasnt
about guns it was bout empowering the black community in the face of a racist system.
Along with pushing the people to revolt, they created support programs that provided free
food to those who couldnt afford; free medical research, health clinics to provide basic
health care, and some community housing. They were so passionate about their beliefs
they were willing to put their lives on the line. Many members were thrown in jail, others
were killed by the police, and some left the country in exile.

What does the Panther mean? The nature of the panther is that he never attacks. But if
anyone attacks him or backs him into a corner the panther comes up to wipe the aggressor
or that attacker out. Huey P. Newton
Slogan: All power to all the people
Even though the Black Panther Party did not achieve their ultimate goal of cooperative
humanism, they were a major factor for social change that continues till this day. Their
organization shaped the black community, by encouraging political involvement. They
were real examples of how true social change requires sacrifice. They helped inspire
many significant historical figures that remained active early into the 21st Century. In
addition, they provided valuable community services that government officials had
ignored for generations. The Black Panther Party ultimately heightened our societys
awareness for how human civil rights are intertwined with economics and environmental

The Panthers started as small organization with a huge goal to provide for the defense
and social welfare of their communities. The African American Community also agreed
with the concept of self-determination. Most of them, however, believed that goal could
be achieved non-violently within the American Political System. The BPP eventually saw
the wisdom of this decision The Black Panther Party learned this fundamental lesson at
a tremendous cost. It should not go unheeded. Paul Alkebulan 2007

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