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e © PE Shall oot use the influence of a (a) Salaried position 40 direct clients 40 onother Corporation or partnership or PE, liceosed Firm in Which ha has Other 7h wiaaaee| Knancial interest” W) Explain the meaning: Since PE ie hired & paid by the employsr , it 1S unethical for him 4o Introduce / direct business a and party e2ecept his company Opportunies — to Interest with 2od speciadhy it he hos Financia party: Gi) Analyse what is ethically allowed not allowed - Throughout the — eng code ib emphasizes that PE can nly Yecieve vyemuneratica Fram a single employer . - Not encourage at all or Compensation +o get additional jacome Even wlo any Fndtial inlerest, he ts not alloced direct *- Company business 4g other Companies Relevent PE codes ace’ NSPE code-of -ef}nics - Professional obligations code Ic code Sb code bb e @ AL professional eqqineer shall not convass or solicit professional employement ae tte ks make paymeot for the Wlreduction of Such employement > E to a Why uethicak canvass A “A professional enaineer Shall pot —- Solicit prosession al employment \ e Taterpretation * A registered eqginece Shall not adverse lis Service evecept = for whe parpose oF obtaining, salaried appoinmest OS permitted by Board” -ie: fe ts ber peemitied Ao hunt for business opporusities by himes himself except & salaried position approved Py the Eqgiveering Board = Why Convassings 2 advertisiog is prohibited bcs cguch behaviour is oot requiaied by aod meu be prone the board of enee t yo cause unernical conducts - - Bg EX gecatins or Faisitying Ane eapertise aol past achievements. (i) Is + ethical for PE +0 use higher Salary i and lor position 40 Ottroct = an engineer Xeon other Companies 40 join his compeny? = Accordian to NSPE code of ethics, Professional Obligations , Cid) T+ Is ethical tarong.- « -(d) Engineers Shall oot aHlempt 40 attract an enjioeer from another employor Ps false / misleading, pretenses” - Gthee related codes are 3a asd 3b - (4): “Engineers shall avoid the use of Statements Containin Q material tmisislee- miste presen tation 3 i! of fack of craig O material fact * a (ay 1 Consens aith the fore aping engineers mash advertise for pecruitment of personne!” WY) Does Ane wdgoment make cag difderence Whether or not it iS from the companies Alich Compete Similar projects } business ere Yeer company 9 ~ Eg. Objective of a Company -fS 40 hhwe cn enqiwor Som is Compedetor bes of the engiwes's good relationship aith — Ye polentio® Clients - To this case 15 it @mplience ality engiaring Codes? or dhis Can be inter preted ag te by Selise ov as pretenses = = tik ee ae views ? G3 “The questiws you read to Find ansaers to analyse. ta oOo case. Siady (R] - Awe here oe toappro priate in bis conducts of his case > _ ts ib Adequate for him to introduce his geod frend c 40 help Bin a project he is evaluatig? += Does he have He rounds , obligations oF even Tesponsibilives 40 help B Solve his ceficrency in G@eperhse ? - iF ges, are Amere more Cyppropriate Longa of grovidiacy, helps than lobo ducing, his oon frend .? - Can A dismiss Company xX bes of lack of Compe enc, aad look fe a nee contacter et dinnae Ser his =i ts he eMvically correct A 8 Gere Invitation from B as Wis appreciation helps : & his approval of bls Enginesring plaos amd “design ? -%s i Adequate for Wim to. consult A for helps To i ethicak Ser him oto invite A and C fer dinner ? ho give vaoney to thee Ts We OFbical ber him eR = Ds cane of the Gkove waters run the risk OF breachin aes 1 / 2 oS Co 2 c\- Dees he make an misconducts in accepha ND , 3 he oie from — We Giesd A offerin Pan 46 By ond an Financial ye werrels BR? a =, Te ge orecton eee et Aheous, is Fiend A, bub From anoher Friend abo is nok involued in an pork of Avo project , is ethical for hie do do a&% above ? ingor AL fr - ABET code of eduics ~ Pricipler- pe (2) 84) cst ae honest 2 impartial and servine, witn Frdelieg Abe public | Mair Employers cmd Cliewts = : 4) Su 4 (4) precios. the Professimak fechnicah Socteties oF their dasciplings ; — BBET code of emics ~ Caonons— (4) &&) @): ees Shall act 19 Professional matters Sor each employQr or Client ag dailhhel cxgjonts or trugieos and Shall avoid Conflict of inderest (6): Engmear Shab act in Such GQ Mannec : fi € enhance dhe horer, of Ake profession as 40 upho Inte ge bey cod Agpity — NSPE — Rules of Prache - 4 @) 4@) Engineer Shall disclose all known oF potential Conflicts of Mlerest tHhrat @uld mdloence or appear to wWhPtuence their Judgement bie To 6k Meir Services. GS [Engineer BT See Nspe -(2): Gi: G@): fod. -o8 etwes — Llindonaented Cannons (2) &(S) a) Perform Services only in areas C oS Horr Competence — a@) , 20) Avoid deceptive acts — Sb) Conduct hesselues lnonorabl J+ MBponsibly , Oteiaty “amd Vaso Btls So oS 4e Cnhance . Te paterction the honor | And Use fillness of he profess te, QF p_-Pe@a rena, agency B- PE © O construchon ComPaRY a worles Ser anotuc amd C - Good Svond of A Comseriney company: \) Profession ab ology ston so *®. NEPE Coded — accept outsida employercot © Enaineer Shralk oot e e ” Aetriment of heir regular work 0 a 1 outside eqginzaring \nteces+ PBefere accepting co a on i, or ae = will 9 = employenent , Thee : Prissicn ~ Ok to accept Me. Sob, \g he oars permi fom lis empleo: i OWarcsoise Wis action S uanetricel k NSPE Cdes - Pofessioncd obligation ~ (Sb) Commistus OF Sow Con tracers / accept = € Enea eer shel ae Ee directly or indivectty Alloemens Olker “parties . : = Acsordma to this point | geet Shoullnot acce pt We vaaner| from 2B. ¥ PRET (ode of esi - Cannons - (6) ”

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