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My declaration of independence to defend my named

country, Macedonia

The dispute about Macedonia's constitutional name goes back to the

declaration of independence by the Republic of Macedonia in 1991. Greece
holds that the term Macedonia refers to the historical Kingdom of Macedon
and that its use in a neighbouring country's name would usurp an essential
part of exclusively "Greek" culture and heritage. It also contends that the
use of the name Macedonia implies territorial ambitions on a northern
Greek province that bears the same name. I think that they dont know that
we are people, with our own rights! What makes us especially proud is that
in all constituent documents of the Macedonian state, full inclusion of all
regardless of ethnic and religious affiliation is guaranteed. Being a
Macedonian implies respect for fellow citizens and inclusion of the best
from the system of values of the other. This is the power of our country and
of our national cause. To be a Macedonian is to be tolerant and to respect
the culture and customs of the others. This was true in the past, even
before Christ, as it was true in all eras and kingdoms present in this region,
so it is today. That is Macedonia!

Denis Eftimov
ID no.161085

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