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: United Nation High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)

: Luxembourg
: Syrian Refugee Crisis

History of the Issues

Syrian Civil War is an ongoing conflict which caused the largest refugees conflict so far since World War
II. This civil war caused by nationwide protests against President Bashar al-Assad's government, whose
forces responded with violent crackdowns. Until this time, over 220.000 Syrians declared dead, 4 million
Syrians have leave the country and 7.6 million others have been internally displaced. As the Host of
Syrian refugees, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, and Turkey are currently struggling to accommodate the
refugee and IDPs because of their limited budget and infrastructures. This circumstance makes the Syrian
Refugees and IDPs live in such unfortunate conditions in the hosts country. 84% of the refugees expected
to live primarily in urban areas, where they are more vulnerable to arrest and have no access for daily
necessities. They also become the victim of sexual harassment and other inhumanity actions. As a human
being, we believe that everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person, and also should act
towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. Based on this situation, Syrian refugees and IDPs needs
urgent humanitarian assistance for a better live. And UNHCR mandated to protect and support them in
their voluntary repatriation, local integration or resettlement to a third country.

Current Position and Policies to the Issue

Luxembourg is a landlocked country in Western Europe surrounded by Belgium, Germany and France.
We are a developed country, with a stable and high-income market economy and the world's highest GDP
per capita in 2014. Since we believe that everyone have the right to life and act towards one another in a
spirit of brotherhood, we are welcoming the Syrian refugee and IDPs in order live up to the humanitarian
responsibilities, but currently, Luxembourg is one of the smallest country in the world and located far
from the Syria so that we cant act as the host country. This means that the only way that we can offer is
the fund assistance for UNHCR in order to help Syrian refugee and IDPs.

Key Point of Discussion

Based on the situation on Syria, Luxembourg believes that we have to focus on several points, such as:
1. The refugees daily needs.
Currently, the refugees and IDPs have no access to their food and also their daily necessities.
2. The Refugee livelihoods
With their status as refugees and IDPs, they cant enter the workforce in the hosts country.
3. The Refugee shelter
Especially for the refugees that living outside the camp. They have no other option than to rent
house or apartment, or to stay at some unfinished buildings.
4. Sexual and Gender-based Violence (SGBV)
Caused by insecurity, limited livelihood opportunities, lack of access to formal and non-formal
education opportunities, lack of access to housing and many others.
5. Syrian Civil War itself


: United Nation High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)

: Luxembourg
: Syrian Refugee Crisis

Although we didnt have any right to take some actions regarding to the internal problem in
Syria, we still can offer some solutions regarding this situation, so that the refugees and IDPs
crisis can be over.

Potential Solutions and Goals

We believe that the most effective way to solve the problems that occur in these issues is to find
another third country that have the ability to be a host country for the refugees. Because based on the
facts, the five current hosts country cant fully provide the refugees and IDPs with their limited
resources. Then, UNHCR can lead and assist the hosts country for providing the refugees daily needs
and shelter. UNHCR can also assist the livelihood of the refugees by allowing the refugees to enter the
workforce in the hosts country with some specified regulation.
As for Sexual and Gender-based Violence issue, we believe that this mostly caused by lack of
access to formal and non-formal education opportunities. So, we believe that providing the refugees and
IDPs with educational opportunities can reduce and solve this SGBV issues.
And again, even though we didnt have any right to take some actions regarding to the Syrian
civil war, which is their internal problem, we still have to find some ways to stop this war, so the
refugees crisis can be over. And we believe the most effective way to stop this war is to interfere this war
in the name of United Nation.

Syafiqa Ulfa
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