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Answer Key

Unit 3 Road Trip

3D Fix the Mistake
1) poised
2) uncertainty
3) avert
4) figment
5) infamous
6) prior
7) annihilated
8) pending
9) radiant
10) canine
11) incident
12) ajar
13) saga
14) fruitless
15) citrus
3E Pick the Winner
1) prior
3) fruitless
5) annihilate
7) saga
9) radiant
3F Draw the Relationship
poised self-assured
prior ~ later
ajar ~ closed
annihilate massacre
infamous ~ well-liked
fruitless ~ successful
uncertainty doubt
radiant ~ dull

avert turn away
incident occurrence
pending forthcoming
uncertain ~ sure
figment ~ reality
infamous notorious
saga tale
prior previous
3G Understanding What You Read
1) B
2) D
3) C
4) A
5) B

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