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Iodine Clock Reaction

8.P.1.3 Chemical Properties and

Name(s):_______________________ ,
_______________________ ,

Things youll need:

1. Solution A (this is given to you in a small beaker, marked A)
2. A supply of warm water (see your teacher when you need it, Ill give it to you)
3. Iodine solution (potassium iodide, chemical symbol KI, in a dropper bottle marked
4. Hydrogen Peroxide 3% (in a small beaker marked H2O2)
5. Liquid Starch (in a small beaker marked STARCH)
6. 100 ml beaker (marked B)
7. 250 ml flask (marked C)
8. 25 ml graduated cylinder
9. 10 ml graduated cylinder
Follow these and your teachers instructions. You will do this all together as a
class. READ each of the
following steps before doing ANYTHING to make sure you
understand the process.
PART 1 Making Solution B
1. Measure 5 ml of Solution A in the 10 ml graduated cylinder.
2. Pour it into the 100 ml beaker marked B. Rinse the graduated cylinder.
3. Measure 60 ml of warm water (see your teacher) and add it to Solution A in the
beaker marked B.
4. Measure 5 ml of the Iodine Solution (in the dropper bottle) using the 10 ml
graduated cylinder.
5. Watch closely and pour it into the beaker marked B.
Record your
6. Rinse the graduated cylinder. This will be referred to as Solution B. Set this aside
for now.
PART 2 Making Solution C
1. Measure 60 ml of warm water (see your teacher).
2. Pour this into the 250 ml flask (marked C).
3. Measure 15 ml of Hydrogen Peroxide 3% (H2O2) using the 25 ml graduated
4. Add this to the water in the 250 ml flask (marked C). Rinse the graduated
5. Measure 5 ml of liquid starch (in the beaker marked STARCH) using the 10 ml
graduated cylinder.
6. Watch closely and pour the liquid starch into the 250 ml flask (marked C).
Record your

7. Rinse the graduated cylinder. What you have made is Solution C.
PART 3 The Reaction (WATCH CLOSELY as you do these steps)
1. Find the clock in the room. You will need to know the exact time when you do
the next step.
2. Pour Solution B from the beaker into Solution C in the flask. Record the exact
3. WatchRecord your
***Empty and rinse the 100 ml beaker and the 250 ml flask. Make sure the
graduated cylinders are rinsed.
Read and discuss these questions with your group. Your answers should reflect your
group discussion.
1. Does this experiment represent a PHYSICAL change or a CHEMICAL change?
Explain the choice you made. What evidence do you see to support your choice?

2. Do you think there would have been a difference in the result(s) if cool water was
used instead of warm water? Make a guess as to what would happen if the
temperature were decreased. Why do you think the results would change like

3. Why did the results happen like they did? Make a reasonable hypothesis based
on your observations.

Teacher requirements for 9 sets

9 x 10 ml graduated cylinders
9 x 25 ml graduated cylinders
9 x 250 ml Erlenmeyer flasks (marked C for Solution C)
9 x 100 ml beakers (marked B for Solution B)
9 x 50 ml beakers (marked A to hold stock Solution A at each group, 25 ml in each)
9 x 25 ml+ eyedropper bottles (marked IODINE for stock KI [iodine] solution, 25 ml
solution in each)
9 x 100 ml beakers (marked H2O2 for stock supply at each station, 75 ml in each)
3 x full bottles Hydrogen Peroxide 3% (H2O2)
9 x 50 ml beakers (marked STARCH for stock supply at each station, 30 ml in each)
1 x full bottle liquid starch (Purex Sta-Flo)
500 mg Vitamin C tablets.
1000 mg/60 ml H2O
4000 mg/240 ml H2O (enough for 9 sets, 4 classes)
Dissolve in warm water to make stock solution of Solution A.

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