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w Date: 30.09.2016 1, VASUNDHARA RASAYANS LTD. 1106 tou, dered 59 0761, OLA {ches Aner nt ain tig Pl ae 9/98 Sop i came ‘The Department of Corporate Services, Bombay Stock Exchange Limited, Floor no. 25, P.J. Tower, Dalal Street, Mumbai ~ 400001 Scrip Code: 538634 Dear Sir's, Subject:- Regulation 44(3) of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015. Details of voting results at the 29% Annual General Meeting of the Company. Pursuant to Regulation 44(9) of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015 we are submitting herewith the details regarding voting results of the business transacted at the 29% Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Equity Shareholders of the Company held on Friday, September 30%, 2016 at 11.30 AM. at the Shed No.42, Phase Il, IDA, Mallapur, Hyderabad ~ $0076, in the prescribed format showing the results of voting, Further we are enclosing the Consolidate Report of the Scrutinizer on e-voting, physical ballot forms and voting at the AGM. ‘The aove are also uplosded on the Company's website. ‘We request you to note the above and acknowledge the receipt of this letter. ‘Thanking You, Yours Faithfully For VASUNDHARA RASAYANS LIMITED Suni Kumar Jain Whole Time Director and Chief Financial Officer Encl: As Above RAKHI AGARWAL ‘Company Secretary 10, dona tg Sec, 1, ‘The Chainman of the 29 Annual General Mosting of Equity Shareholders of Ms ‘Vasundhara Rasayans Limited (the Compan”), eld on Fri, 20% September, 2016 10.00 am, atthe Phase-ll, IDA, Mallapr, Hyderabad, Telangana S00003, Dene Sir, ‘Sub: Consolidated Scrutiniers Report of E-Voting process (remote e-voting) and ‘Physical voting throwgh Ballot Form Poll at te Annual General Meeting. 1. Rakhi Agarwal, Company Secretary in Praccs, Hyderabad, was appointed as the ‘Serutnies by the Bow of Directors ofthe Company forthe purpose of e-voting proces (remote e-vting) and plysigal voting trough ballt form press (Pol) ‘a the Antal General Mecting eld on 30" September, 2016 as per the provisions of Seaton 108 ofthe Companies Ac, 2013 (the Act) read with Role 20 of the Companies (Mlanagement and Adiinicration) Rules, 2014, as amended (Rules. on the resolutions contained in dhe nace to the 29" Annual Genera Meeting (AGM) of the Equity ‘Shareholders ofthe Compary held cn 30” September, 2016 at 10.00 A.M. atthe Phase, IDA, Mallapur, Hyderabad, Telanganae 500003, 2. The Registrar and Share Transfer Aget (RTA & Service Provider), Ms, Cit Securities ‘Limited, has provided a system for recording the electronic votes of the sareboiers cn the items of Onnary Business songht to be anscted atthe Annual General Mess (AGM) of the Company. The Service Provider had setup e-veting facility on ther ‘website wi eiseeuiten sm 3. The Company ag also allowed pligsical voting through ballot Form at the Annoa! ‘General Meeting ofthe sharehollers of the Company held onthe 30° September, 2016 st 1000 A.M. for those shareholders, wo are present atthe meeting and have 0¢ opted to ote trough the e-vomg proces 4, The Bauity Shareholders holding shares 3s on 23" September, 2016 being cut date, were ented to vote 00 the reoluionsmiemoaed in the Novice of the AGAT of the Compa 5. The remote e-voting peiod remained open fom 900 AM on Tuesday, 27° September, 2016 10500 PA on Thursday, 29" September, 2016. {6 Upon conclusion ofthe e-voting pero, the e-voting votes were unblocked by me on 30 September, 2016 x around 1220 pam. in the presence of two witnesses who are notin ‘employment ofthe Company 7. At the Anal General Meeting. Physical Ballots (Poll Paper) daly filled were deposited {in ballot box kept open for voting. Upon completion, the same were unlocked in my presence 8. On completion of voting at the Meeting, the RTA & Service Provider, M's CIL Secuntes Limited provided ws wit the List of Members wo had cast thei votes, with ‘theirbolding dais and detail of vee onthe Resolution fe hve collated the votes downonded fin erating sytem and ballot fom physically atthe Annual General Metin o declare the final resus forte resolutions fomning part ‘of the Annual General Mecting Notice amd ascertained manor of shares voted "in favour" oc "against or invaldiabstained votes” herby submit Consolidated Serutnizers Report as per Section 108 ofthe Companies Act, 2013 and. Reyuinion 44 of SEBL (Lising Oblgaion and Disclosure. Requirements) Repulatioos, 2015, cxtalning the following results forthe resolution under remote e-voting, & physical voting rough allot tthe AGM as below: Item No.l: To receive, conser and adapt the Audied Balance Sheet as at 31" March, 2016 andthe Statement of Profit & Loss for the year ended 31” March, 2016 alomg with ‘the Auditors Report & Director’ Report thereon: j Ne ofimemters | Naot Votes | % of tomalnaat ——— voted | Cast | votes Cast ‘ated in fivour ofthe realdion | "21 ins "00. ‘Voted agains the resclation 0 ° o 1 ‘Absinin votes @ 0 o. 1 Total 2 Ts To0%, 1 ‘em No3: Re-Appointment of Director in place of Smt. Seema Jain (DIN: 07158382) wo retires by rotation and, eng eligible, offers himself for e-appolatztent: Nacofimembers| Neof Votes | %oftatalnaat set Cast | vont ‘Yuet our therelaion | "91 dus — | oo ‘Note pi te esiton — 0 inv Abs oes 3—t et Tal i S) ‘em Nos: Ratification of the appointment of Mis Agarwal Gupta Nokari & Rustayi Associates (Firm Regn No, 310041E) as Statutory Auditrs ofthe ompuny and tof their remuneration: Neofmenbes| Noof Vole | %oltwalnoot voted Cast ‘votes Cast 21) ioToas 100, © 0. o o 9. oma ‘em No: Appointment of Shri. Pradeep Kumar dain as Independent Director of the Company: Novofmenbers| Noof Vole | 3% oftaial woot voted ‘Cast votes Cast ‘oie four ofihe resoiaion | 31 | 1970s 100 hi ‘0 ° rs 0. o a rasa Too Item No.6: Appointment of Shri K. Naresli Kumar as Independent Director of the Company: No-ofimembes | NoofVoies | % of total neat ee tnd’ Cast | votes cast __| ‘Vorad a four ofthe reolaton| 21 Toms] 190 ‘Voted agains the rescution 0 o Taal Stan vores 0 0. 0 ‘Total a Hs 100% ‘em No.7: Change of designation of Shr. Rajesh Pokerna (DIN: 00117368) from Whole Time Director Managing Director ofthe Company with effet tm 21" Amps. Noafmenber | Neat Votes | % tial naot ‘voted Cast ‘votes Cast ‘Voie i vor ofthe reson | 21 rns 100 | Voted gaint the resolution 0. 0 Thali Asta votes 0. ® Total cy [Toor Wem Na Change of designation of Sari. Prakash Chand Jain (DIN: 0117348 from “Manazing Director to Whole Time Disecto of te Company with effect from 21" gun 216, J No. ofmembers | Nol Vowes | %bof al neot | voted. Cast ‘votes Cast ‘Voted four ofthe reolaion | 21 T0345 100 “Voted agaist the resolution o 7 o Invalid? Absnin vss 2 0. 0. Total 2 ruse To0% Nod: Revision in the remuneration of Shri. Rajesh Pokeran (DIN: 00117365), “Managing Director ofthe Company ‘Noofmembers | Not Voies | % of ol poof Cast, ‘votes Cast ia four of Tans 00. ‘Voted against heresolubo | o Invalid’ Abstxin vues =i == Total a rasa | toot ‘Hem N10: Revision inthe remuneration of Smt. Seeman (DIN 071382), Women Director of de Company. No of members | Noat Votes | % at oialnoat voted ‘Cast votes Cast | ‘Voted favour of he resol) 21 TOMS 100, ‘Voted against the resction 0 o Tali’ Abstain vous a 0 Tosh 2 TSS tem No3: ResApsitca fires lac SP. Ananth Fl (IN: 004839) ‘tot byron sbeebs hms fr reaps ‘No. ofmenbers | Nowf Votes | % of wal ao. ‘voted ‘Cast ‘votes Cast ‘Voted tvour of ie esoiion | 117 Ea) 100 [Yoted apni the solution oo a Taal Abstain votes o o 0 Toca Ts TBI “To ‘em Nout: Ratification ofthe appointment of Mis SR. Mohan & Co (Firm Regn No. (002111) as Statutory Auditors ofthe Company and (fix their remuneration: No. ofmemibers | Noaf Votes | %aftotalnoat Tie ea ee ean a] 0 [Nast be rset 2 . inva Ab Va ° ‘Teal a io Hem No.S: Appointment of Shei, A. Surya Prakash Reddy a8 Independent Director of the Company: No-ofmembers] NoofVotes | %oftuialnoat ‘Noted Cost _yotes Cast ‘Vora i fivour ofthe reliion | 112 snot 100 ‘Voted again the resolution [0 ee, ‘Absa wt 6 0 0 Total nt 730 100. ‘The electronic data and al ther relevant records relitng to the e-voting is under my safe custody and will be handed over to the Compuny Secretary for preserving safely afer the ‘Chasman considers, approves and sigs the minutes of the AGM.

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