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and the Piano Concerto

Dr. Lara Housez
School of the Arts
McMaster University


What is a concerto?
Classical to modern instruments
Piano Concerto in A Major, 1st mvt.
Other Classical concerti

What is a concerto?
= an instrumental piece for a soloist (or sometimes
more than 1 soloist) and a larger ensemble
The concertos contrasting timbres and virtuosic
displays have delighted audiences then and now
(play Mozarts Clarinet Concerto in A Major, 2nd
Drama of contrast (timings from Mozarts Piano
Concerto in A Major)
Orchestra alone (0:00)
Soloist alone (2:04)
One supports the other (2:12 and 3:18)
Soloist and orchestra of equal importance (3:33)

Typical Structure of a Concerto

Consists of 3 contrasting movements

1st: sonata form
2nd: theme and variations, of ternary form
3rd (Tinale): sonata or rondo form
No dance movement (for ex., minuet and

Classical to modern instruments

Keyboards: harpsichord (L) to fortepiano (C) to
modern pianoforte (piano) (R)

Mozart on classical
(below): Ronald
Brautigam performs a
Mozart concerto on a
replica of a fortepiano
from Mozarts time
Mozart on modern
instruments (above):
Christian Zacharias plays
and conducts a Mozart
piano concerto from the
keyboard on a modern
grand piano

Strings: catgut to strings wound with wire

Catgut: warmer in tone than wire

Brass: mostly without valves or keys to

change pipe length; limited range; valves in
early 19th century
Mostly used as accompaniment

Percussion: mainly timpani; other

percussion added to the orchestra later


Mozart left native Salzburg for Vienna at age 25,

hoping to get a position as a court musician
In Vienna, he composed 17 piano concertos
before his death (age 35)

Piano Concerto in A Major (1786)

The 23rd out of 27 piano concertos in total
Gave Mozart the opportunity to demonstrate
his skills as performer and composer
This concerto is effortless, natural, clear, and
unforced (but highly complex)all the ideals
of the Classical era

Piano Concerto in A Major

The 1st movement features 4 principal themes:
1st: serene, homophonic, soft dynamics, mixture of
conjunct and disjunct motion, downward then upward
2nd: more agitated, homophonic, loud dynamics, upward
leaps, overall upward contour
3rd: short note values, homophonic, soft dynamics,
conjunct motion, downward contour
4th: calm, longer note values, polyphonic, soft dynamics,
downward contour then upward leaps

Double-Exposition Concerto Form

vs. Sonata Form

Other Classical Concerti

C.P.E. Bach (1714-88)
50 keyboard concertos

Johann Christian Bach (1735-1782)

Dozens of keyboard concertos

Haydn (1732-1809)
Many, including Cello Concerto in D Major,
Trumpet Concerto in E-Tlat

Mozart (1756-1791)
27 piano concertos; 5 violin concertos; 4 horn concertos; 1 bassoon
concerto; 1 concerto for Tlute and harp; concerto for 2 Pianos in E-
Tlat Major; Clarinet Concerto in A Major

For Friday
Read: pp. 215-233
Listen: CD 3, track 1 (Mozart, The Marriage
of Figaro, Act I, Cosa sento)

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