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University School of the Arts

Introduction to the History of Music II (Music 1AA3)


A review session for the test will take place during class on
Tuesday, January 28

Test #1 will cover all the material assigned from the course outline up to and
including William Billings: readings in the textbook, listening assignments, class
lectures and examples, etc. We will not have discussed all the material in class; I
assume that you will have done the reading on your own and assimilated its
important points and terminology. The test will be as long and as comprehensive as
time permits.

Four musical excerpts will be played during the test. Each excerpt will be played
twice. Three of the four excerpts will come from the listening assignments:

Joseph Haydn, String Quartet in C Major, op. 76, no. 3, 2nd mvt.
Haydn, Symphony No. 102 in B-flat Major, 3rd and 4th mvts. (note: you will not be
expected to distinguish between the 3rd and 4th movements of this
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Symphony No. 40 in G Minor, K. 550, 1st mvt.
Mozart, Piano Concerto in A Major, K. 488, 1st mvt.
Mozart, The Marriage of Figaro, Act I, Cosa sento
William Billings, Chester

The fourth listening excerpt will be unfamiliar and will not have been played before
in lecture. Based on what you hear, you will answer questions about the excerpt. The
excerpt will share characteristics with some of the Classical music that we have
listened to thus far.

Be familiar with the works and song titles in both the original language and English
translation (for example, The Marriage of Figaro/Le nozze di Figaro).

Follow the samples below. Some of this material will turn up on the exam so it is a
good starting point for review.

I. True/False (20 questions; 20 points; 10 minutes)
1. Sonata form contains three sections: the exposition, development, and recapitulation.
a. True
b. False

2. In the recapitulation, the themes repeat in the keys in which they were originally
presented in the exposition, usually the tonic and the dominant.
a. True
b. False

3. Mozart died in poverty.

a. True
b. False

4. Concertos were very popular during the Classical era. Their contrasts in texture and
timbre and the opportunities for virtuosic display delighted audiences.
a. True
b. False

5. The 4th movement of a Classical string quartet is generally in a slow tempo and follows
one of the following forms: sonata form, theme and variations, or ABA.
a. True
b. False

II. Multiple Choice (20 questions; 20 points; 20 minutes)
6. Which of the following instruments usually make up a string quartet?

a. 1 violin, 1 viola, 1 cello, 1 double bass

b. 1 violin, 1 viola, 1 cello, 1 harpsichord

c. 2 violins, 1 viola, 1 cello

d. 2 violins, 1 cello, 1 double bass

7. Cosa sento resembles which of the following forms?
a. Binary
b. Rounded binary
c. Rondo
d. Double-exposition concerto form
8. The sound created by multiple notes played or sung simultaneously is called:
a. Melody
b. Rhythm
c. Harmony
d. Texture

9. In O Canada, the melodic shape of the opening phrase, which sets the words of the title,
O Canada, is best described as:

a. Conjunct and mostly upward

b. Conjunct and mostly downward

c. Disjunct and mostly upward

d. Disjunct, upward, and downward

10. The following genre flourished during the Classical era:
a. Operas
b. Symphonies
c. Concertos
d. All of the above

11. What happens during the tutti exposition?

a. The soloist improvises on themes heard earlier in the movement

b. The orchestra presents themes in the tonic and in a new key area

c. The orchestra and soloist present themes in the tonic

d. The orchestra alone presents themes in the tonic
12. The portrait below is a likeness of which composer?
a. Mozart
b. Handel
c. Bach
d. Haydn

III. Listening (20 questions; 20 points; 20 minutes)
During Tuesdays review session, we will hear a listening example and answer these

(see over)

13. Identify the title:

a. Symphony No. 102 in B-flat Major, 3rd or 4th mvts.

b. Symphony No. 40 in G Minor, K. 550, 1st mvt.

c. String Quartet in C Major, op. 76, no. 3, 2nd mvt.

d. Piano Concerto in A Major, K. 488, 1st mvt.

14. Identify the composer:

a. Mozart

b. Haydn

c. Handel

d. Billings

15. Identify the genre:

a. Concerto

b. String quartet

c. Symphony

d. Sonata form

16. Identify the decade in which this piece was composed (for example, 1998 = the 1990s):

a. 1760s

b. 1770s

c. 1780s

d. 1790s

17. Identify which instruments are playing during this excerpt (pick one):

a. fortepiano only

b. strings only

c. winds (clarinets, oboes, bassoons) only

d. full orchestra

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