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bow and arrow and other tools for


Before: Native American societies domesticated animals such as llamas and

alpacas and relied on collecting plants
and berries.

After: Europeans began trading with

the Indians such as axes and knives that
became valuable resources. In addition,
they used firearms, powder, and lead

After: Europeans brought crops and animals to the Americas. Europeans

brought horses, pigs, cattle, and sheep.
Native Americans were attracted to
horses which helped them hunt buffalo
effectively. Furthermore, they used livestock for meat, transporting, & hides.

Before: Native American societies had

diverse populations and created more
than 120 tribes.
After: When the Europeans arrived,
they brought diseases such as smallpox, influenza, and measles causing
the decline in the Indian population.
Also, diseases played an important role
in conquering empires such as the Aztec and Inca by European conquistadores.

Predictions: In regards to social changes, the refugees from Somalia will have
to adjust to new a lifestyle. This means
that they will have to learn a new language, eat different foods, and know
how to limit their resources. In terms
of religion, Somalians may continue to
practice their religion which is Islam,
however, some may encounter new religions like Christianity and could possibly convert or diffuse these religions.

Before: Native Americans practiced animism, but had many different beliefs
and myths that focused on animals,
plants, and other environmental elements.

After: One of the Europeans main

goals were spreading Christianity. They
used Christianity to control the tribes
and tried converting them, however, only some Indians accepted their religion
or rejected it.

Before: European societies built mission activities and had missionaries &
priests to evangelize individuals to
After: When Europeans arrived to the
Americas, they were able to spread
Christianity. Because of the Columbian
Exchange, Christianity became a global
religion and helped spread to the New

Before: The social structure of the Native Americans were divided into clans
and tribes. Each clan and tribe had a
chief or leader and shared a common
culture together with families.
After: After the arrival of Europeans,
Indians were captured from their
tribes and sold into slavery. Europeans
used the Indians as a labor force to

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