Assignment #1 Hints: Tags That Enclose Entire Web Site Tags (Inside The Tags)

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Assignment #1 Hints

Use one of the in-class exercises to get a starting template

include the DOCTYPE statement (see our in-class exercise for proper syntax)
<html></html> tags that enclose entire web site
Include <head></head> tags to enclose both the <meta> tag and the
<title></title> tags (inside the <html> tags)
o This is also where you will include the <link> to your external CSS file
Include <body></body> tags to hold your web site contents

Inside the <body> tags, include tags for all the elements of your web site
using our in-class exercises and the HTML Reference in SLATE for tag
examples and attributes.
o For elements that will be formatted in the same way, add a class
designation in the element opening tag (ex. <section
o For an element that will need individual formatting, add an ID
designation in the element opening tag (ex. <section id=idName>)

After you have all your elements display vertically in your browser, you then
need to start formatting:
o Create an external CSS file and create the <link> to this file in your
HTML file
o Add formatting to each element in your HTML.
Use tag reformatting for those elements where you did not think
you needed a class or ID style
For each class and ID style, add formatting in the CSS file

Once you have the HTML and CSS showing in your browser in vertical order,
you can work on positioning:
o The 3 sections that are side by side could be done using floating
(float:left;). One way is to create a class style that sets up margins,
padding, border, and width for the 3 sections. Then create an id for
each to set styles that are different (such as border radius).
Remember, the 3 sections combined (margins, paddings, borders and
width) must be less than 100%.
o After the 3 floating elements, you MUST clear the float before
displaying the <table> or the table will not display under the floating
o For the images, you will need to use fixed positioning (see our inclass example from last week). You must set the positioning to fixed
then tell the browser where.

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