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Refugees in Houston


Our intended client includes non-profit organizations such

as red cross and the salvation army.

Target Consumer:

Our targeted consumers for our product are the refugees

that will be brought to America.

Design Statement:

Design Criteria:

This design is made specifically to help the refugees with

providing them with clean water. Our design will be made
with the shell of a 1-Liter bottle and inside will be a series
of materials to filter all the unhealthy particles in the water.

Easily Portable
Maximize Longevity
Must clean water
Maximize rate of water flow
Operate from chemical, physical, and biological means
Water filter must operate using chemical, physical, and
biological means

Design Constraints: budget

educational environment


water filter
clean water
Annotate bibliographies

2015 Project Lead The Way, Inc.

Environmental Sustainability Problem 3.4.1 Design Brief Template Page 1

2015 Project Lead The Way, Inc.

Environmental Sustainability Problem 3.4.1 Design Brief Template Page 2

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