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Dont Be Fool while selecting Best LED Lights


Adopting to LED light saves electricity, money and extra maintenance cost too. This
happens only when you switch to High-Quality LED Lighting products only. Find out
which factors you should consider from Packaging Labels for getting best quality
Led light products from Market.
LED and CFL bulbs have revolutionized energy-efficient lighting. Even here you can
say that CFLs are a temporary solution to energy-efficient lighting, while long lasting,
durable, more efficient, eco-friendly LED lights are replacing incandescent bulbs
broadly. You can easily find out best quality Led light products in the market, simply
considering some important factors like power factor, light appearances, CRI, etc.
available on packaging labels. Get informed about such key factors in details here,
and select the best LED for the best result.

6 Factors to identify Best Quality LED lights




There are six factor you should consider to buy best quality LED light for any
1. Lumens Per Watt
2. Power Factor
3. CRI (Colour Rendering Index)
4. Colour temperature
5. Heat sink
6. Life of LED Chip

1. Lumens Per Watt

Gone are days when the strength of light bulbs was measured in watts. Actually, it is
a measure of power. In time of incandescent light bulbs, the strength for lighting was
checked by wattage rating, wherein a 100-watt lamp can put out more light
compared to a 60-watt lamp. Reason is that incandescent lamps use the same
filament material but 98% of the energy is wasted on heat and only 2% is spent on
making light. So, the only way to raise their light output is to increase the wattage. It
was our mindset to look wattage on the light packaging to know how bright it would
be. But actually, wattage rating has nothing to do with how bright the bulb is.
Newer types of bulbs consume much less power compared to old-style incandescent
light bulbs. For ex. LED light bulbs spend over 90% of their input energy on light
instead of heat.
The new unit of measurement for light bulbs is Lumens. Lumen scale describes how
much light or brightness the human eye can perceive the higher the number of
lumens, the brighter the light. For example, an average 100-watt incandescent bulb
can produce about 1,600 lumens. All modern light bulb packaging shows how many
lumens the bulb can produce.
The right way to measure efficiency of any light sources is based on how many
lumens they can produce per watt. We consider kilometers per littler to measure
fuel efficiency of the car, just like the lumens-per-watt rating to check how energy
efficient the bulb is. 9 to 12 watts LEDs can produce the same number of lumens as
standard 40- or 60-watt bulbs. So if you want to replace a 60-watt bulb, go for an LED
bulb that produces close to 800 lumens; while for a 40-watt bulb, go for 450 lumens.
One thing for sure is that lots of brands produce LED lighting products having their
own standards. You can choose the best one considering the following guidelines.




The chart indicates that as high as Lumens-per-watt of the lighting, wattage

consumption goes down. Ultimately, you can save more money with low-wattage
lighting. Lets understand clearly with practical example.
Lets take and example, your requirement for the 2BHK home lighting is 14300 total
Now, if you purchase lighting with 110 lumens-per-watt (tagged as Best Quality
Standard in the chart), you just require 130 watts power consumption
If lighting comes with 100 lumens-per-watt, you require 143 watts power
For lighting with 90 lumens-per-watt, you require 159 watts power consumption.
For lighting with 80 lumens-per-watt, you require 179 watts power consumption.
For lighting with 70 lumens-per-watt, you require 204 watts power consumption.
This is almost 56% more compared to lighting with 110 lumens-per-watt.
Here you can simply check the difference that if you opt for lighting with 70 lumensper-watt, you wattage consumption would be increased upto 56% than of lighting
with 110 Lumens-per-watt.
Lets check the real market scenario with leading brands.




Check out: Price List of Top Rated LED Bulbs

If you are really concerned about wattage consumption, then have a look at this
chart: EverReady LED Bulb offer 100 Lumens-per-watt, also Charlston GlowUp offers
90 Lumens-per-watt but SYSKA SSK-LB offers only 70 Lumens-per-watt for the same
5W power consumption.
Next important thing is that no doubt you can save a good for opting light with
higher Lumens-per-watt, but you may have to pay bit more as light offering higher
Lumens-per-watt are quite expensive. However, this would be initial investment, as
the cost will be recovered by its amazing power-efficacy in less than 2 to 4 years. So,
whenever you look for the best Led Light bulb, you should first search for the bulbs
that produce the number of lumens you want for enough brightness. Then, checkout
the lumens-per-watt rating to find the bulb that is most energy efficient.
Note: Light Packaging dont show lumens-per-watt directly, take total lumens that
shown on the packaging and divided with Wattage and the product will be lumensper-watt.

2. Power Factor
Power factor is really a vital parameter to check quality of any electrical instrument.
Power Factor is the effective ratio of real power (used power at load) to apparent
power from your meter. Intelligent buyer is who not only check wattage of any LED
Light but who also check power factor with wattage.
Lets take a real example of 2 BHK Home. Total LED wattage for 2BHK Home is
around 120-150 Watt. Lights with high lumens can luminate your room around
120watt, but if you opted for quality LED Panel light then you need to go around 180




200 watt. Lets assume general life of LED is 20,000 Hours. However there are LED
Lights available in market that give more than 50,000 hours of life warranty.
Total Wattage

Power Factor


Cost per life

















In simple example, if 7watt LED light packaging label shows 0.7 power factor then it
actually consume 10watt. In short, LED lights with power factor of 0.9 and above
are high in quality.

3. CRI (Color Rendering Index)

CRI may be new to youbut it is important one to consider if you are concerned
about the light sources ability to show object colors realistically or naturally. It
measures the effect a bulb has on the perceived color of objects based upon an ideal
or natural light source. For ex. it is indicator of how natural an objects color
appears when illuminated as blue looks blue or green; red looks red or purple; etc.
CRI is rated on a scale from 0 to 100 and only Sunlight is classified as having a CRI of
100. Colors look exactly like they should underneath a light scoring CRI of 100. So the
simple concept: the higher the CRI, the better colors will look and if the lower the
CRI, the worse colors will look.




CRI rating chart

The chart indicates that LED is second one with higher rating of CRI following
incandescent/ Halogen. However, research and development continues to improve
LED lighting up to 100.
Generally, lighting with a CRI of 85 to 90 is considered to be very good while a CRI
of 90 or greater are excellent that can be used for tasks requiring very accurate
color discrimination. You require lighting with high CRI for places like art galleries,
museums, or jewelry stores where objects are on display. And for residential
lighting, theres no need of bulbs with a very high CRI, especially in places like the
living room or the kitchen. Lighting with a CRI below 70 make colours look washed
out, and can even change the color of objects. For example, the lights you see in
highway fixtures is a very yellow light having a very low CRI that makes colors
harder to differentiate.
results of high and lower color rendering index in LED light

4. Color temperature
LEDs are available in wide colour temperature range from 2800K to 6500K as
mentioned below.
Warm white: 2700K-3500K (dusk time yellow light)
Neutral white: 4000K-4500K (bright sun light little yellow)
Cool white: 5000K-6500K (pure white, cool day light)
In LED color temperature of around 2700K to 3300K gives same colour tone
(yellowish light) as conventional incandescent or halogen lamps.
Some local companies do not describe colour temperature specifications in Kelvin,
but they simply label them with Natural White or Office White. Branded
Companies always mention actual specifications so be sure that which colour
temperature you are selecting.




Image courtesy:

Lets check real example of same picture taken under all available LED Light colour
temperature. Generally buyer choose Cool White for home and office use. Warm
white is used in restaurant and hotels.
capture same thing in different colour temperature
The colour temperature surely affects the colours of things you are seeing than
actual. So be careful while selecting colour temperature of LED light according to
your application and need.

5. Heat sink
Dont forget that for LEDs to last a long time, they need a heat sink. Thats why LED
bulbs have metal fins that go down the side, making them look different than the
classic Edison-style bulb. Heat sink dissolves any excess heat and maintains the LEDs
at best operating temperature as well gives boost in terms of life to main LED chip.

6. Life of LED Chip

At this point, LEDs really score high as its life typically ranges from 20,000 to 50,000
hours. Therefore, LEDs are idyllic for use in areas where maintenance is difficult or




long life is essential.

Still confused which brand you should select? Dont worry we have done homework
for you. Check this out: Top Indian branded LED Bulbs Compared


January26,2015 admin Information

21 thoughts on Dont Be Fool while selecting Best LED Lights

Chinmoy Banerjee

Wow !!! Really Excellent. The way you have adopted, the common Indians can
understand everything from such elaborations.


Thanks for your kind words. :)


Great information. It would be nice to do a quick comparison of the leading LED

Lamps in the marketespecially showing how high Lumens per Watt stands out in
terms of mercury in the LED to proper heat sink for longer life. Havent come
across such a comparison chart yet. A few days back, I bought Philips 14W LED (1400
Lumens), 6500K (just awesome brightness)., 80mAmp. I had 1 tornado 23W, one 20W
usual CFL lamps in my Living room. This LED had 50lumens more than one CFL but
that this LED is more than the 2 CFLs is an understatement. Only one CFL had
1100mAmp. Imagine the power consumption now (2 replaced with one of 80mAmp).
Also, the CFL had lost its brightness over the months, yearsto an extent it was
unbearable. But my concern has been if Philips is using mercury, has a proper heat




sinkone of the reason I wanted Syska. However, Syska has an awful Lumens/watt,
couldnt believe it. Need to do a bit more research and math before settling on a
brand to replace my CFLs at home :)


Hi, Samrat
Thanks for your kind reply. We also have done comparison of top branded LED
If you are choosing SYSKA then you still have to think about it, because there are
also lots of good alternatives of it.


Very useful information for comparing LED bulbs. I want to buy LED panels for my
house to be installed in false ceiling. I want good quality but not so expensive ones,
as I need 400 panels, price matter much. Kindly suggest me with that. Thanks.


Hi, Aakash
Thanks for your opinion and keep connecting with us. Sorry but you havent
mentioned your budget.
I am never happy with the results of LED Panel light. You can go with downlight as
downlights are more effective and more power saver than panel light.
1. Panel light technology waste your LED output Lumens while downlight direct
reflect it to you. So downlight has 30% higher output.
2. Due to lower out out you have to select high watt panel light compared to
3. If you are choosing higher watt then you are not smart saver in terms of
4. Most important, LED used in downlights are more effective than panel light in
terms of life.




My opinion is to go for Charlston Lights.

1. Cubie: Square LED Ceiling Down Light
2. MagicMoon: Round LED Ceiling Down Light

RST Ecoenergy Private Limited


we are offering good quality of panel lights in very resonable price with 2 years
full replacement warranty with 50000 hours of Life for more detail about our
product specification please write to us at and call to

Maximilian Quad

Useful info, but something is confusing. Regarding colour temperature, chart shows Warm White as suitable for residential lighting
(and restaurants and hotel lobbies), mid range for retail stores, supermarkets and
showrooms, and cool white for offices, hospitals, and manufacturing. Yet you go on
to say Generally buyer choose Cool White for home and office use. Warm white is
used in restaurant and hotels. This contradicts the chart with regard to home
lighting. Which then is the right choice for home lighting? Can you confirm please?


Hi, Maximilian Quad

This data is found from the survey of top manufacturers and retail shops. We
found out that most of Indian customers are going to choose Cool White for office
and home use. Nowadays people are used to modern colours and designs, so cool
white is best option for your modern interior. In cool white, all your colours seem
as same it is (original), while in true/warm white you feel the mixing of little yellow
tone and as a result the output colour will be different that original. For example,
your pure white colour painted wall seem yellowish white (Yellow tone depends on
which colour temperature you are choosing) in true or warm white.
Cool white is best for purpose of reading and work atmosphere. Warm and true
white are used for decorative purpose as well as in wooden furniture.




There is not any hard and fast rule to use cool white or warm white. But in my
opinion cool white is best for home and office for clear colour vision and


Hi Maximilian,
One other reason is that western countries are used to yellow colored lighting in
homes too and they prefer yellow\warm white actually in homes too. My reasoning
for their liking of warm white or yellow light is that they get really cold weather
and sunshine is not there all through the year. So the warm light of a lamp is like
sunlight to them.
In India we moved away to tube lights, probably to save electricity, which are
usually cool white and we stuck with the same for CFLs too. Plus we have
abundance of sunlight and we would rather see something cool rather than warm
Senthil Kumar.K


Does the THD of the LED bulb is important?. What is the normal THD of the LED
bulbs available in India.


THD is somehow similar to power-factor. Power factor corrected driver has better
There is no need to worry about THD & PF if energy consumption of your led
product is less than 15 watt. Because it costs more for small products compare to
saving of electricity.
It is hardly needed good THD(10%-25%) & PF(0.950-0.995) if energy consumption of
your led product is greater than 30 watt.




Variation of THD & PF depends on brand and watt of led bulb. However many of
them do not print THD on their product. But you can check Power Factor(PF) of this
Bad THD products produce EMI to line and affecting other product.
Bad PF products takes more energy than the real usage of this product.


Can you please do a same article for T5 28 w tube light comparison, as I cannot
afford LED bulbs. Appreciate it. I need to buy T5s based on your reply for my new
apt. Thank You.


I too have my own review site as given below:
But you have done an even better job I guess. I think you could also talk about IP
Rating and the L70 marking. These 2 points would be kind of value adds.
The Lumen Per Watt chart would do better to have Philips added to it.
Keep it going.
Senthil Kumar.K


Your site is very informativekeep up the good work. Can you please help me out. I
want to buy standard p4 LEDs with heat sink mounted. They should have very good
lumens/watt. I am based in Pune and I am starting my own business.





Superb basic and to the point information. Very useful while planning to change
home, society, office lighting, keep up the good work.


Dear surender , This is ashutosh from maharashtra we can provide LED products
like LED bulb(0.5w to 9w),tube (18w),round panel light(3w to 18w),square panel light
(3w to18w),round surface light(6w to 18w),square surface light(6w to 18w),corn
light(5 to 39w),street light(24 to 50w), celing grill light,floodlight & highbays etc with
1 year warrenty for bulb & 2 years warrenty for other product.if you any
requirement then call me we will discuss about it. Regards..ashutosh(9960001738)


LifeLite LED lights provide high quality LED Lights with high Lumen Output and
high power factor with 2 yr warranty on all the products.

harshad Bawadekar

syska led is realy high quality I ws installed syska and gt rich result heat


metal quality finishing ani thiner aal over standard is really awesome


That was explained in a lucid way. I appreciate that.

I just checked information printed on the cover of my Compact LED. There was no
mention about Power factor, CRI and Color temperature. Can you suggest some LED
brands that are transparent about the relevant information..





Philips has all the info on LED light packs.

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