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Faculty of Engineering and Computing, Curtin University of Technology FLUID MECHANICS 230 il and Mechan For Chemical, -al Engineering TUTORIAL SHEET 5 (The Bernoulli Equation) (For ease of calculation, take the density of water to be 1000 kg/m* and, where necessary, air to be 1.2 kg/m. Take gravitational acceleration to have the value 9.81 m/s? and atmospheric pressure to be 1.0 x 10° N/m*) 1 A pipeline of 150 mm diameter carries water and contains a Venturi meter with a throat diameter of 75 ‘mm as shown in Fig. 1. The static pressure in the pipe just upstream of the meter is maintained at 0.4 N/mm? At very low pressures water changes phase to water vapour (it effectively ‘boils’) - this phenomenon (at ordinary temperatures) is called cavitation. In the set up of Fig. 1, itis most likely to occur where the flow speed is fastest, ie. at the throat of the Venturi meter. If the vapour pressure of water is 0.002 N/mm? then what is the greatest volumetric flow rate which can ‘occur without producing cavitation? — $1800 SL — Q mis 7 Pros 2 N fen Figure 1 Ans. 129 litres/s) 2 A 0.3 m diameter fan is supplying 2 m3/s of air to a 0.6 m diameter pipe by means of a duct shown in Fig. 2. A manometer connected across the fan indicates a pressure rise equivalent to 50 mm o water. Assuming that the circumferential component of the velocity downstream of the fan is negligible caleulate the pressure at the entry to the 0.6 m diameter pipe. [Hint: Apply the Bernoulli equation along a horizontal streamline from outside to just upstream of the fan and then, separately, from just ? 0.6m downstream of the fan to the 0.6 m diameter section] posm Figure 2 (Ans. 460 N/m® above atmospheric] 3 Water is flowing in the sprayer head shown in Fig. 3. Assuming that the How between the dises is purely radial and calculate the static heads at A,B, C and D. Note that the flow discharges to atmosphere and ignore gravitational effects, Figure 3 [Ans. At: D, Om (.e- atmospheric); C, -1.84 m; B, +0.64 m; A, 0.339 ma 4 Air is discharged to atmosphere from a pipe of large diameter through the Y-shaped outlet shown in Fig. 4, One branch leads to a jet of 50 mm diameter and the other to a jet of 25 mm diameter. As a reasonable approximation, the speed in the large diameter feed pipe ean be ignored in comparison to the speeds of the two jets and, for air, gravitational effects can be ignored Using these assumptions, calculate the mass flow rate when the manometer reads 150 mm of water by first finding the air speed of the two jets. [Ans. 0.147 kg/s] 5 Water flows under a sluice gate as shown in Fig. 5. Neglect iscous effects and assume steady flow. Vis t VITAOITT ATT TS TTT TT TT RTT Figure 5 (a) Consider a streamline from the surface of the upstream flow ro the surface of the downstream flow. Use both the Bernoulli equation and mass conservation to find the upstream flow speed and thereby show that the volumetric flow rate (per unit width) down the water channel is given by _ (200808 a (a (b)~-Repeat the exercise but this time use a streamline that follows the bed of the water channel from. upstream to downstream of the sluice gate. ‘This question shows that a sluice gate can be used to control the ow rate in a channel and how the flow rate can be estimated - by simply measuring hy and hy

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