Discussion 3

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Based on the table above, we can see that there is a relationship between the type of water
flow and the flow rate. The water flow seen in the turbulent flow was found to be the fastest
while the water flow in the laminar stage was found to be the slowest. We also had found that
the value for the Reynolds Number is related to the type of flow of the water. In order to
calculate the Reynolds number, we first must find the velocity of the water flow. Using the
4 flow rate
( pipe diameter) from 1728 Software Systems [1], we had
managed to get the velocity. This velocity was then used to in the Reynolds number formula.
The coefficient of dynamic viscosity was taken to be 8.90 X 10 Pa. s. [3]
According to the University of Leeds [2], the Reynolds number value during laminar flow
should be less than 2000, between 2000 and 4000 for Transitional flow, and above 4000 for
the Turbulent Flow. According to Table 1.1, the Reynolds number for the first three values
are found to be 290.74, 1226.78 and 1835.76. When we compare these values with the
theoretical values, they are found to be within the range for laminar flow. This is further
proven by figure 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 as the water flow is shown to be moving in parallel to the
visualization tube meaning that it is laminar flow. Laminar flow occurs when the flow rate
and velocity of the fluid is slow. All the particles of the fluid flow parallel to the surface it
near to, in this case the surface of the visualization pipe. The particles of the water are just
sliding over each other.
According to table 1.2, the Reynolds number for the next two readings are 2535.41, and
3283.79. We then compared these values with the theoretical range of the transitional flow,
the values were found to be within the range. Figure 3.4 and 3.5 shows that the dye filament
becomes wavy showing that the fluid is in the transitional flow stage.
According to table 1.3, The Reynolds number for the next 3 readings are 4774.4, 5872.01 and
4538.14. We then compared these values with the theoretical range of turbulent flow and
found that these values are within range. Figures 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8 show that the flow rate of
the ink is very fast and it is very hard to see it.
We then continued taking readings in descending order and we managed to get accurate
values for the transitional and laminar flow.

Based on the results, we had managed to find a relationship between the flow rate of the
water and its type of flow. We had also found a relationship between the type of flow and the
value of the Reynolds number. We had also examined the laminar, transitional and the
turbulent flow and its velocity profile. As all objectives have been achieved, the experiment is
considered a success. In order to improve the results of the experiment, we suggest that the
ink used should be darker in order to clearly see the type of flow. From this experiment, we
know how to use Reynolds number to solve engineering problems. For example, using
Reynolds number, we can find out what must the flow rate in a pipe be in order to achieve a
certain type of flow.

[1] 1728.org. (2016). FLOW RATE CALCULATOR. [online] Available at:
http://www.1728.org/flowrate.htm [Accessed 26 Sep. 2016].
[2] Efm.leeds.ac.uk. (2016). Laminar and Turbulent Flow. [online] Available at:
[3] Viscosity of liquids and gases. hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu

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