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IEM PI 0100


Competency Model for Oral Interview
April 2015

This Competency Model for Oral Interview is closely referenced to the UK Standard for
Professional Engineering Competence (UKSPEC), specifically on the Competence and
Commitment Standard for Chartered Engineers.
Corporate Members of IEM and Professional Engineers should demonstrate:
The theoretical knowledge to solve problems in new technologies and develop new
analytical techniques.
Successful application of the knowledge to deliver innovative products and services and/or
take technical responsibility for complex engineering system
Accountability for project, finance and personal management and managing trade-offs
between technical and socio-economic factors.
Skill sets necessary to develop other technical staff.
Effective interpersonal skills in communicating technical matters.
Personal commitment to professional standards.
This IEM Competency Model consists of eighteen Competency Elements and Standards
grouped under five Competency Categories. The Model demonstrates the underpinning
knowledge and understanding of engineering fundamentals, application abilities, leadership
and management skills, interpersonal skills, and personal commitment to the profession that
must be demonstrated in order to practice professionally. The Competency Elements are used
as the basis for assessing Applicants who apply to sit for the Professional Interview conducted
by the IEM. Applicants will be required to provide evidence of competence against each of
the eighteen Competency Elements. The evidence is to be drawn from their work experience,
specifically as they have encountered engineering problems or engaged in engineering

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IEM PI 0100


Competency Model for Oral Interview
April 2015

Use a combination of general and specialist engineering knowledge and


understanding to optimise the application of existing and emerging

Maintain and extend a sound theoretical approach in enabling the


introduction and exploitation of new and advancing technology and other

relevant developments.

PI Candidates will have progressed from the formal educational base to having the breadth
and depth of knowledge, understanding and technical skills necessary to exploit new and
developing technologies from their own and allied fields. They should be able to identify
their own personal limits, strive to extend their own technological capability and broaden
and deepen their own knowledge base through new applications and techniques.

Engage in the creative and innovative development of engineering

technology and continuous improvement systems.

PI Candidates will have the ability to use their knowledge base and experience as the basis
for the creative or innovative development of technology, products or services. They will
also use their knowledge and understanding to improve products or services.
Apply engineering knowledge related to local practices, codes, standards,







requirements; and where appropriate, apply engineering knowledge

contributed by others including suppliers,

consultants, contractors,

manufacturers, technologists, researchers and independent experts.

PI Candidates will have the ability to use local practices, codes, standards, specifications,
materials, products, environmental plans and other requirements; and where appropriate,
the engineering knowledge contributed by others including suppliers, consultants,
contractors, manufacturers, technologists, researchers and independent experts as a basis for
developing solutions appropriate to local context and requirements. Collectively, this is
referred to as local engineering knowledge.

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IEM PI 0100


Competency Model for Oral Interview
April 2015


Apply appropriate theoretical and practical methods to the analysis and

solution of engineering problems
Identify potential projects and opportunities

PI Candidates will have identified and reviewed new opportunities within their field, using
creative problem solving methodology. They have been involved with or led marketing,
tendering and specification for new products or systems; They will have devised action
plans, targets and schedules to bring projects to maturity.

Conduct appropriate research and undertake design and development of

engineering solutions.

PI Candidates will have carried out theoretical or applied research to evaluate potential
options, considering cost, resource, safety and environmental implications. They will have
produced concept and finalised engineering design, presented proposals and gained
approvals. This may involve the application of cross disciplinary techniques, technology
and unusual methods of working.

Implement design solutions, and evaluate their effectiveness.

PI Candidates will have implemented the design strategy through to final solution, and
devise and apply appropriate criteria for monitoring and evaluating progress and outcomes.
They will ensure that design performance, cost benefit and project milestones are met or
devise appropriate measures or design modifications. They will carry out a project review,
assessing the performance against the original specification, using the results to improve the
future design process and build into established procedures.

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IEM PI 0100


Competency Model for Oral Interview
April 2015

Provide technical and commercial management.


Plan for effective project implementation.

PI Candidates plan projects using an understanding of the drivers and objectives of the
business or organization involved. This requires the ability to define and agree work
objectives, estimate timescale and resource requirements, both human and material, identify
plan deviations and take necessary corrective actions.

Plan, budget, organise, direct and control tasks, people and resources.

PI Candidates, using an understanding of the drivers, objectives and work plans of the
business or organisation involved, will prioritise and manage the use of available resources.
This requires the capability to manage their personal time, and that of any staff for which
they have full project responsibility, general or project budgets, facilities and contractor
resources under their control.

Lead teams and develop staff to meet changing technical and managerial

PI Candidates will be able to demonstrate leadership whether of technical programmes,

project teams or specialist staff. They will be able to develop staff to their full potential in
an environment of technical and managerial change.

Bring about continuous improvement through quality management.

PI Candidates will be responsible for continuous improvement in productivity through

quality management using best practice methods. They direct project evaluation and make
recommendations for improvement.

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IEM PI 0100


Competency Model for Oral Interview
April 2015

Demonstrate effective interpersonal skills

Interpersonal skills are to be assessed in three areas: general communications at all levels:
presenting and discussing proposals; and people skills. These skills are of increasing
importance in modern engineering practice, and ideally a good engineer will be highly
competent in all aspects.

Communicate in English or Malay Language with other at all levels.

PI Candidates will have written and oral skills enabling communications in English or
Malay with a wide range of customers and suppliers, peers, seniors and juniors within and
outside their employing organisation at all levels. They should be able to contribute to,
chair and record meetings and discussion and exchange information with technical and nontechnical colleagues in a clear and concise manner.

Present and discuss proposals.

It is important that PI Candidates can present proposals for work programmes and projects
in a clear and authoritative manner, and be persuasive when discussing details, variations
and implementation. They should be able to prepare and deliver appropriate presentations
and manage debates with audience of either engineering or non-engineering background.

Demonstrate personal and social skills

PI Candidates will be able to create, maintain and enhance productive working relationships
and resolve conflict. They must be able to apply diversity, be non-discriminatory, confident
and flexible in dealing with new and changing interpersonal situations. They should know,
and manage their own emotions, strengths and weaknesses, and be aware of the needs and
concerns of others.

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IEM PI 0100


Competency Model for Oral Interview
April 2015

Demonstrate a personal commitment to professional standards, recognizing

obligations to society, the profession and the environment

PI Candidates must have personal integrity and a professional approach. It is therefore a

condition of registration that candidates show adequate commitment (at least level 2) to the
profession under EI, E2 and E3 below. They should demonstrate an understanding of the
need for codes of conduct and statutory requirements with regard to risks and is especially
aware of, and complies with, requirements involving the safety of the community and
protection of the environment. They should understand and accepts obligations and
responsibilities to those employing their professional services as well as the wider public

Comply with relevant codes of conduct

PI Candidates will be able to show how they comply with the rules of professional conduct
and manage their work within all relevant legislation and regulatory frameworks, including
social and employment legislation.

Manage and apply safe systems of work.

PI Candidates must be able to identity and take responsibility for their obligations for
health, safety and welfare issues. They should be able to manage systems that satisfy health,
safety and welfare requirements, and implement appropriate hazard identification and risk
management systems.

Undertake engineering activities in a way that contributes to sustainable


PI Candidates should operate and act responsibly, taking account of the need to progress
environmental, social and economic outcome simultaneously. They should also understand
and encourage stakeholder involvement in sustainable development.

Carry out continuing professional development necessary to maintain and

enhance competence in own area of practice.

PI Candidates will keep up to date in an environment of rapidly advancing technology and

organisational change. They should undertake reviews of their own development needs and
prepare action plans to meet personal and organisational objectives. They should maintain
evidence of competence development and keep a current, up to date, CPD plan.

Understand the legal matters pertaining to engineering profession and be

able to communicate with legal personnel on these issues

PI Candidates must be able to understand relevant legal matters that are related to the
engineering work and services. They must possess knowledge on overview of laws having
relevance and impact on the practice of engineering professional services. With the legal
knowledge, they should be able to communicate effectively with legal personnel on these
legal issues.

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