Refugees in Houston

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Sara Garcia

Refugees in Houston
The refugee crisis in South America has increased drastically over the years, Salvadoran,
Guatemalan, Honduran and refugees are seeking asylum from the war-like violence and crime.
As a demographer, I believe the Houston area can relocate one million refugees in the Sam
Houston National Forest.
Native societies were nomadic and relied on hunting and gathering for food before
European contact. These native societies established trade between each other developed
religious beliefs and formed kin-based tribes. In 1492, when Columbus discovered the Americas
caused the tragic decline of native society. Europeans brought to the new world livestock, sugar,
and, disease. Colonization of America supported the extinction of native societies by the spread
of diseases and forced labor of natives. The best place to relocate refugees would be an area with
plenty of space and natural resources. The Sam Houston National Forest has all of these qualities
and at one point was home to Atakapan speaking groups. Some of the changes that might
accrue when our refugees resettle are cultural diffusion and environmental problems.
Survivorship curves are based on the population's age and their life expectancy, which
relates to the reproductive strategy due to the population's plan for an unpredictable environment.
Humans are adaptable and lead to a stable environment. They are for the refugee's offspring will
have a comfortable and productive life. The survivorships of South American refugees are high
due to humans reproductive strategy. The reproductive strategy of the refugee is K. They rely on
density-dependent interactions.
The theory of demographic transition describes the change of population over a period of
time. Education is believed to be one of the main characteristics of the demographic transition. In

Sara Garcia

order for our refugee camp to be successful, we will need to provide education survive. The more
educated and aware our society is greater the outcome of demographic success. Since
education has a lot to do with demographic transition, we will provide 1 million refugees with an
education system.
Exponential and sigmoidal curves effect the refugee population. The sigmoid growth
curve is a pattern in population growth in a new environment. For example, these refugees are
relocated to America, and this transition will greatly affect their population density, and cause it
to slow down. The exponential curve is when the resources provide are unlimited this is where a
population can reach its carrying capacity. To reach carrying capacity, refugees will need medical
care and education.
Houston can relocate 1 million refugees in the Sam Houston National Forest. Relocating
South American refugees will add to the diverse culture of Houston. Predicting the effects of
relocating refugees is challenging, but with the help of the demographic transition and
understanding the survivorship curves gives us a deeper understanding.

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