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Directed By :
1. Ayu Riza Setiowati


2. Citra Dwi Affinda


3. Elisa Pratiwi


4. Hernanda Budi Wicaksono


5. Lutfiyah Nur Fajriati


6. Mukhammad Mifta Khuddin


7. Sandy Ayu Puspita


8. Tiflatus Saadah


Advisor : Helmi Indra Kusuma,SS



Usaha Perjalanan Wisata 2014 | i

Agree to fulfill the assignment of English Profession Subject Diploma III
program, Department of Tourism Management, Ganesha Malang and Tourism
Academy (APARTEL) :

Have been agreed

Malang, .................... 2016

Research Tim Leader


Mukhammad Mifta Khuddin

Helmi Indra Kusuma,SS


Been Known
A Director of APARTEL Ganesha Malang

Drs. Ec. H. Abdullah.,MBA.,MM

Usaha Perjalanan Wisata 2014 | ii

The Writer say thankfully to the god who has been given the blessing and
mercy so this reasearch can be done. The writesr also say thank you to the coach
advisor who has been give the directive to our research and thank you to the group
member who have been contribute to finish this research.
The writer hope that this research can be a refrerence to do a research, can
give any advantages and increase the knowledge. The writer hope critic and
suggestion to research in the future.

Malang, May 2016


Usaha Perjalanan Wisata 2014 | iii


PAGE OF TITLE ................................................................................................... i

FORM OF AGREEMENT ................................................................................... ii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................. iii
TABLE OF CONTENT ....................................................................................... iv
ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................... 6
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................... 7
A. Background of research................................................................................ 7
B. Formulation of problem ............................................................................... 7
C. Objectives of research .................................................................................. 8
D. Significance of research ............................................................................... 8
E. The Limitation of research ........................................................................... 8
CHAPTER 2 REVIEW AND RELATED LITERATURE ............................... 9
A. Sapta Pesona ................................................................................................ 9
B. Taman rekreasi Kota (Park) ....................................................................... 10
C. Tourism ...................................................................................................... 12
D. Visitor......................................................................................................... 12
CHAPTER III METODHOLOGY OF RESEARCH ...................................... 16
A. Research Design ........................................................................................... 16
B. Subject Of Research .................................................................................... 16
C. Data Collection Metode ................................................................................ 18
D. Technique Of Data Analysis. ....................................................................... 20
CHAPTER IV FINDING AND DICUSSION .................................................. 21
A. Finding .......................................................................................................... 21

Usaha Perjalanan Wisata 2014 | iv

1. General description .................................................................................... 21

2. Area ............................................................................................................ 21
3. Accessibility............................................................................................... 21
4. Vision of Taman Rekreasi Kota Malang ................................................... 22
5. Promise of Taman Rekreasi Kota Malang ................................................. 22
6. Motto of Taman Rekreasi Kota Malang .................................................... 22
7. Mission of Taman Rekreasi Kota Malang ................................................. 22
8. Visitor Amount at 2016 .............................................................................. 22

9. Structure UPT Taman Rekreasi Kota ...................................................... 223

B. Discussion .................................................................................................... 23
1. The condition of Taman Rekreasi Kota Malang ....................................... 23
2. Questionnaire Result ................................................................................. 25
3. The government effort to increase the visitor............................................ 32
CHAPTER V CONCLUTION AND SUGGESTION ...................................... 33
A. Conclution .................................................................................................. 33
B. Sugestion .................................................................................................... 33
BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................... 35
ATTACHMENT.................................................................................................. 36

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Based on the results of this study takes the title "The Implementation of Sapta
Pesona to Increase visitors" this study aims to determine the implementation
stepping to increase visitors
The type of research is qualitative descriptive which describes the application
of stepping in the "Taman Rekreasi Kota" for data collection techniques the writer
uses the technique of direct observation and questionnaire given to some visitors in
"Taman Rekreasi Kota Malang".
Based on the results and direct observation can now that the application of the
stepping in "Taman Rekreasi Kota Malang" already implemented.
Besides the application of stepping greatly affect the number of tourist in
"Taman Rekreasi Kota Malang"
Therefore the application of stepping should be implemented on an ongoing
basis so that visitors comfortable at this place.

Keyword : Application of Sapta Pesona

Usaha Perjalanan Wisata 2014 | 6



Background of research
Taman Rekreasi Kota is one of the constituent elements of urban space, that

is very needed by the community, as an open space, understood as a Taman

Rekreasi Kota space that contains the elements of nature and view derived from
vegetation. Provided as social and recreational facilities, as well as a source of
respiratory town.
Taman Rekreasi Kota Malang, has a strategic location, close to public
facilities. Additionally in which there is a beautiful view and a collection of
interesting animals. Although almost every day in front of a crowded Taman
Rekreasi Kotafor their bird market and the merchants who sell in front of the city
recreation park.
However, recently Malang Taman Rekreasi Kota visitors on the wane, and
many collections of dead animals. Though the Taman Rekreasi Kota has
particularly many functions for people, as if managed properly.
Taman Rekreasi Kota facilities even more needs to be repaired. Interest of
the community to decrease. To this author would like to deploy an Sapta Pesona to
improve visitors
Based on the above description of the problem and direct observation, the
authors are interested in doing research. Therefore, the authors take the title "The
implementation of Sapta Pesona in Taman Rekreasi Kota to increase visitor. "
B. Formulation of problem
As for the problem in this research, include :
1. How the Condition of the Taman Rekreasi Kota in this time ?
2. How the implementation of Sapta Pesona in the Taman Rekreasi Kota?

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3. How the goverments efforts to raise the interest of visitors to the

Taman Rekreasi Kota?
C. Objectives of research
The following onjectives research, are :
1. Determine the Condition of the Taman Rekreasi Kota at this time.
2. Know the implementation Sapta Pesona in the Taman Rekreasi Kota.
3. Knowing how the goverment to increase the interesrt of visitors to the
Taman Rekreasi Kota
D. Significance of research
1. For reasearcher is researcher expected for all stages the study and the
research in get can expands perpectives and adding knowledge of
research conducted at city park people.
2. For Academic is to be a regerence for student university who want to do
research in the area tourism
3. For Goverment is the Goverment is expected to monitor, control and
evaluates the development of tourism is that if attraction are attractive
to the community it would have effect on local revenue.
4. For Stakeholder is expected to be able to preserve the management and
develop a product or available potential order to be able to attract tourist
accordance with the target expected
E. The Limitation of research
The discussion in this research will be limited by Sapta Pesona of Taman
Rekreasi Kotato increase the visitors. The informants are the visitor, the stakeholder
and the goverment.

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A. Sapta Pesona
Sapta Pesona is a term for the 7 substances development and management
of a tourist attraction in Indonesia.
The meaning of the symbol of sapta pesona is symbolized with the Sun that
shining bright as much as 7 substances such as Keamanan (Safety), Ketertiban
(Orderlines), Kebersihan (Cleanliness), Kenyamanan (Pleasure), Keindahan
(Beauty), Keramahan (Amenity), Kenangan (Memory)
The purpose of Sapta Pesona is to increase awareness and responsibility of
the society, government, stakeholder, tourism industry, and local people to bring
Sapta Pesona into their reality life.
1. Keamanan (Safety)
the visitor will be happy to visit any place if they are feel safe, peaceful,
and free from :
a. disease
b. an accident that caused by bad fasilities like the transportation,
ulitities, or bad equipment
c. disturbance by local people like the bad treatment, or the statement
that sound bad for the visitors
d. act of violence like pickpocketing, fraud, and each other.
2. Ketertiban (Orderlines)
The orderlines of a tourism is a thing that everyone want to feel. The
implementation of the orderlines are :
a. The traffic is order
b. The building is neat
c. an exellent service
d. Correct information for the visitor

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3. Kebersihan (Cleanliness)
Clean is a condition of a area that displayed circle that free from
dirty thing.
4. Kenyamanan (Pleasure)
A green environment, fresh, neat, that give the pleasure atmosphere
for the visitor.
5. Keindahan (Beauty)
The beauty is an interesting situation and atmosphere that really
good to see. Very beautiful to see in every side like the colour, move,
texture, and each other.
6. Keramahan (Amenity)
The amenity is an attitude and behaviour of a person that show
he/she familiarity, respectfull, smile and kindfull. The amenity is a one of
the service that served for the visitor. So, we must keep our amenities to the
7. Kenangan (Memory)
The memory can be form of something beautiful and pleasing. a
good memory can created with : A comfort accomodation, clean and healthy
environment, the special characteristic of a place like souvenir, or the
building shape itself.

B. Taman rekreasi Kota (Park)

Park is an area with components hard materials and soft of mutual
support each other deliberately planned and made by human beings for
refresher both indoor and outdoor. Park can be split in the natural and
artificial park. Garden often found are garden houses, neighborhood parks,
playground, theme park, botani. Park city is located in an urban environment
in an extensive scale and can anticipate impacts which inflicted by the
development of cities and can be enjoyed by all the city residents .

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The park is a fenced plot of land used for fun, excitement, and
comfort. (Laurie, 1986: 9)
The town is the site of the process of life and life or as a venue for
human activities (Setiyaningrum, Diyah, 2002: 4).
Park City is a park located in an urban environment on a large scale
and can anticipate the impacts caused by the development of the city
and can be enjoyed by all citizens.
1. Function State Parks
Various functions that can benefit the park are as follows:
a. Ecological functions
1) Park city as the guardian of the environmental quality of the city.
With the greening of the city parks can serve as:
2) Lungs of the city which produce more O2
3) Filter dust and smoke in motor vehicles, in order to minimize air
4) Soil water storage, thus preventing flood and erosion as well as
ensure the supply of groundwater.
5) Crowded city noise reduction activity
6) Environmental conservation ecosystem.

b. Social functions
1) As a social communication
2) As a means of sport, play and recreation
3) As a city landmark
4) Adding to the aesthetical value of the environment so that it
becomes the main attraction for a city

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C. Tourism
Tourism is the whole of activities, facilities and services caused by
the displacement of a person while traveling out of the residence, as well as
a brief stay at the destination of the trip, for the purpose of fun and holiday.
According to Indonesian law No. 9 of 1990 on tourism states that
tourism is the activity aimed at providing tourism services, provide or
arrange objects and attractions, businesses in tourism facilities and other
businesses related to the field
According to the book of tourism businesses page 6 states that
tourism is an activity trip for fun to visit attractions / sights, to witness
firsthand the cultural customs and other purposes (not for earning money)
with duration of more than 24 hours, so that requiring the need the main
addition to the attractions to be visited, namely transport, accommodation,
and meals.
1. Tourism definitions of some experts :
According KBBI, Tourism; ramble; Tourism is travelrelated activities for recreation.
According to Law No. 10 of 2009 on Tourism, Tourism is
"A wide variety of tourist activities and supported facilities and
services provided by local communities, fellow travelers,
government, local government and penhgusaha"
According to the WTO or the World Tourism Organization,
tourism is a human activity that travel to and stay in the area a
destination outside their everyday environment.
D. Visitor
Visitor form peoples come to pay at one place or state with various
of motivation a visit to belong in within is tourist. According International
Union of Official Travel Organization (IUOTO), visitor is every people

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come to one state or other place to remain and usually with purpose anything
except for to execute work to accept pay. Visitor is every people related to
one other state where it have place residential with motive carry out work
to get by state visited.
According U.N Confrence on Interest Travel and Tourism, make use
of technical term visitor for every people come to one state not place stay
usually for need whatever, except carry out trip salary.
1. Categories of Visitors
Visitor can to divide to be two category that is :
a. Tourist
Visitor to stay while at least during 24 hour in state visited and
purpose trip can to divide into classification as to follow :
1) Leisure, for requirement recreation, vacation, health, research,
religious and sport.
2) Business, family, conference, mission and others.
b. Exursionist
Visitor while to stay in state visited deep less time from 24 hour.
From some explanation mentioned, within this research aim with visitor is
a peoples to execute a visit to object and traction a tour, in this case Taman
Rekreasi Kota as research location.

Characteristic Visitor
Characteristic visitor discernible as two kind that is social economics characteristic and trip a tour characteristic. In this case
characteristic visitor give influence not direct about development tourism.
Unappliable directly step by step must be done just with to see characteristic
visitor, but need to see relevance with perception visitor. Visitor at object a
tour have characteristic and design visit, requirement or motive execute to

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visit in object a tour severally diffirent in this case need to be opinion for
provider tourism until in prepare product can appropriate with interest and
requirement visitor. Characteristic visitor include :

Gender to group by men and women.


Age is age responden when survey.


Town or origin area is domicil area responden.


Responden Education Level.


Responden activity Status.


Responden marriage Status.


Responden every month income.

Whereas design visitor responden form motive prominent trip is

motif or purpose prominent for execute trip mentioned include :


Aim to visit form purpose prominent execute trip a tour.


Frequency to visit is the number of visit to object a tour ever did



Friend trip is people together with responden execute trip a tour.


A long time to visit is responden produce total time during be at

object a tour.


Big disimissal is total disimissal or cost during execute trip a tour.

Basicall anyone execute trip motivation by some case, motivation

mentioned can to group be four big group as follow :

a. Physical or Physiological Motivation is motivation character physical
or physiological, inter alia for relaxation, healt, freshness taken
activity sport, relaxed etc.
b. Cultural Motivation is pretension for know culture, custom, tradition
and science of art other area included too anxiety about the various
object heritage culture.

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c. Social or Interpersonal Motivation is character social as visiting friend

and family, to visit friend a job, execute case reputed conducived
prestige, execute pilgrimage, escapee from situation boring and so on.
d. Fantasy Motivation is situation motivation that in other area anyone will
be able to be free from routine the whole day to boring and give
complacency psychological.

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A. Research Design
The type of research is qualitative desriptive, desriptive study by darmadi
(2011:7) For explained that this study is a research relating to the collecting of data
to provide an overview or offirmation of a concept that also answers the question
in connection with a research subject at this time.
Desriptive qualitative research is the studies included in qualitative research ,
wiyh the aim of the research was to reveal the facts, circumstance , phenomena ,
variables , dams occur when the research flow interpret qualitative desriptive study
and said that the data concerned with the situation
B. Subject Of Research
1. Population
Population is totality observation that be our attention. Many
observation or member one population be said size population. If we
wishing conclusion from sample about population be valid, we must visit
sample represent. We oft tempted for take member population we to make
light of. Manner this such can carry conclusion fault about population.
Procedure removal sample produce conclusion consistent very high and
very low about one characteristic population to speak refraction or
characteristic partial. To let disappearing to enable refraction or this
characteristic partial, its necessary take sample simple random or more short
again sample random. Definition the other about population is amount
totality from unit analysis in research. Whit said the other, population is :
a. Form totality elements own one or some characteristic same.
b. Collection from an individual with quality as well as criterium
already prescript.

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c. Collection from criteria about a certain will right.

In population this entitled "The Implementation Sapta Pesona in
Taman Rekreasi Kota Malang to Increase Visitors", researcher applying
Proposif Random Sampling. Proposif Random Sampling is a technique
drawing sample that based on do characteristic those set to element
population target to adapt with purpose or problem research. Take in
sample, a researcher can take sample with voluntary but must concerned
with group intended. Agree with that sampling researcher take 40
respondent from member population to included to sample with consider
criteria become sampling.
2. Sample
Sample is method use for evaluating individual from population can
produce sample representative. Derivation sample also called drawing
sample, aim to get information about 'population' with observing only just
part from the population. We do derivation sample because it is impossible
to observe whole member the population or because observation by whole
population not practical and efficient. But then, although possible do
observation whole member population and observation such not character
destructive, usually we observing whole the population based on other
opinion. Usually information wanted about population do not necessary
exact absolute. Information with small fault and computable enough can
reputed satisfy. So side exactly information the desirable, it should be
justifiable also to bring outside total energy, time and cost for to get the
information. In pull sample, we must to seek balance of between sacrifice
total, time, energy and cost with exactitude information desirable.
This research, researcher take sample with manner Proposif Random
Sampling a given based on characteristic, that characteristic applicable with
Stratified Sampling. Stratified Sample is sample formed with dividing
population on class or level. Sample made one it should be form

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representation from whole class is that every stratum have to represent

within sample, until the sample correct form image good from population
from where the sample cold drawn. In use Stratified Sample, then researcher
divide previous visitor in Taman Rekreasi Kota Malang form development
age human. Development age human form Harvey A. Tilker in
"Developmental Psychology to day"(1975) and Elizabeth B. Hurlock in
"Developmental Psychology"(1980) suggest that the whole live human
appropriate with truth development human going on since conception until
die with distribution period as follow :
a. Prenatal Period

: around 9 month

b. New Born

: 10 month - 3 old

c. Babyhood

: 4 old - 6 old

d. Early Childhood

: 7 old - 9 old

e. Later Childhood

: 10 old - 12 old

f. Puberty

: 13 old - 18 old

g. Early Adulthood

: 19 old - 39 old

h. Middle Adulthood

: 40 old - 60 old

i. Later Adulthood

: 61 old

From every class, researcher choose manner random some

member to included depth sample.
C. Data Collection Metode
Qualitative data collection techniques that can be obtained from
Observation, interviews, questionnaires, data from book, and data from web.
1. Observation Method
Method of collecting data that processed of data retrieval directly is
did by going directly to the field with analyzing and making systematic

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note about Recreational Park of Malang city and collecting datas from
a related party at the venue. There is collecting data technique that will
be on writing is observation, interview with the management of the
recreation park and distribute questionnaries to tourist who visit.
2. Interview
Interview is conversation between two people or more and be
held between speaker and interviewer. Purpose from interview is to get
information about Recreational Park of Malang city where is the
interviewer throwing a questions that related with the park. Then the
interviewer can find out about the truth of the answers given from the
3. Questionnaires
Questionnaires is instrument of data collecting or information
that to be operationalized in the form of item or question. Preparation
of the questionnaire was conducted with the hope to know variables
anything you think is important respinden. The purpose of the
questionnaire is to fix the parts that are considered less appropriate to
be applied in obtaining data on the respondents. The basis for the
restriction determining these variables is to be understood and
perceived benefits. Questionnaires can serve as devices and techniques
of data collection that contains a list of questions in the form of
4. Data from Books
Retrieving data from open is one of the qualitative data
collection techniques. In a frequently used research data coming from a
specific page of a book. Data from the book's pages can be used in data
processing together with the other data.
5. Data from Web

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Retrieving data from a web page is one of the qualitative data

collection techniques. In a frequently used research data that comes
from the pages of a website. As well as the data from the book, data
from web pages that can be used in the processing of data along with
other data.
D. Technique Of Data Analysis.
According to Miles and Huberman, there are three techniques analisisi
qualitative data: data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. This process
takes place continuously during the study, even before the data is actually collected.
1. Reduction of Data
Data reduction is one of the qualitative data analysis techniques.
Data reduction is a form of analysis that sharpens, classify, direct, dispose
of unnecessary and organizing data such that the final conclusions can be
drawn. Reduction does not need to be defined as the quantification of data.
2. Presentation of Data
Presentation of data is one of the qualitative data analysis
techniques. Presentation of data is an activity when a set of structured
information, thus giving the possibility of a conclusion. Form of
presentation of qualitative data in the form of narrative text (in the form of
field notes), matrices, graphs, and charts network.
3. Withdrawal Conclusion
Conclusion is one of the qualitative data analysis techniques.
Conclusion is the result of analysis that can be used to take action.

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A. Finding
1. General description
Taman Rekreasi Kota Malang is one of the parks in the heart of the
Malang city , a garden pick the various facilities that can be used by visitor
just as jogging track, swimming pool, a play ground for childern and others.
Additionally in this Taman Rekreasi Kota also has a diverse collection of
animals, such as various birds, bats, etc. Constructing a strategic location
that is so anyone can visit this park with ease. Each month the Taman
Rekreasi kota, be held interesting event. every Saturday or Sunday or any
other holiday. The park was crowded crowded with visitors.
2. Area
Taman Rekreasi Kota or Tarekot located right in the heart of the
city, exactly behind the City Hall Building Malang. in front of the bird
market Malang town, but it is unfortunate the Taman Rekreasi Kota close
to public facilities such as hotels and public transportation. This park was
built aiming to facilitate the wishes of the people of Malang will be a place
of recreation in the city center were adequate and affordable.
3. Accessibility
To get to the Rekreasi Kota Malang. very easy because of the
location of the park itself is located in the center of the city of Malang.
So many in transit through the city of Malang . One of the public
transport pass Rekreasi Kota Malang , the ADL ( Arjosari - Dinoyo Landungsari ) , AL ( Arjosari - Landungsari ) etc .Besides the access
road to the park, it's been pretty good. Making it easier for tourists to
this place.

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4. Vision of Taman Rekreasi Kota Malang

The realization of educational leisure Means affordable by the
5. Promise of Taman Rekreasi Kota Malang
We are determined to realize the convenience and comfort for visitors.
6. Motto of Taman Rekreasi Kota Malang
Your comfort our satisfaction.
7. Mission of Taman Rekreasi Kota Malang
a. Making Facility educative recreation
b. Making sport recreation facility.
c. Making cheap recreational facilities.
d. Making the city recreation park as a means of preservation of flora and
e. Motivate concern for the environment.
f. Improving environmental awareness, especially for children.
g. Embody the image of Malang as a prime tourist destination with high
competitiveness in the map tourism Regional.
8. Visitor amount at 2016











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9. Structure UPT Taman Rekreasi Kota Malang

B. Discussion
1. The condition of Taman Rekreasi Kota Malang
Based on the observations , the condition of taman rekreasi Kota Malang
will be described in detail and divided into several areas as follows
a. Parking area
Parking area in Taman rekreasi Kota Malang for a motorcycle can
carry about 50 motorcycles and felt safe because there are employees who
take care of the parking area . But for the car park , when a weekday is
considered to be inadequate because the parking area used to park the
school bus , Malang city tour bus and also use by owned transportation
office employees .
b. Play Ground
Playground area is a facilities given by Taman rekresi kota malang
for visitors who are used to relax and enjoy the Taman rekreasi kota

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malang .But unfortunately the state of the playground is not very well
maintained , there are several statues were broken and not repaired .
Circumstances surrounding area was also dirty , a lot of rubbish visitors
are not thrown in the trash.
c. Jogging track
Jogging track in Taman Rekreasi Kota Malang is still fairly good
because a lot of visitors who like to use the area for a jogging track
jogging with family or friends . Taman rekreasi kota Malangs head also
said that many foreign tourists who often do jogging in taman rekreasi
kota Malang.
d. Toilet
Toilet in Taman Rekreasi Kota Malang is very minimal , because
the only toilet in the pool while in the area outside the pool there is no
available toilet.
e. Swimming pool
Area Swimming Pool there are two types of pools , the first pool for
children, and the second pool for adults . The pool at the city recreation
park is quite clean . Visitors can also rent a tire for use in the pool
f. Food court
There are several food courts in the city recreation park , but only a
few stands are open . Foodcourt here to sell some Javanese typical foods
like pecel, soto, and others .
Overall , the condition of the city recreation park is still far from the
tourism object standart because of the lack of parking areas , as well as its
area is still a lot of trash , and because of this area to join the government
complex it will not be comfortable to use for tourism object.

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2. Questionnaires Result
Researchers collected data about Implementation Sapta Pesona to Taman
Rekreasi Kota Malang by distributing 40 questionnaires to visitors. The
following are the result of interview conducted research to visitors, is :
a. Is Taman Rekreasi Kota safe enough already ?
(Apakah Taman Rekreasi Kota sudah cukup aman ?)
Yes (A)

No (B)

27 responden

13 responden

From the questions above can be concluded that 68% of 27 respondents

said Taman Rekreasi Kota Malang was safe enough and be able to apply
Sapta Pesona on the environment and 32% of 13 respondents stated that
leisure parks the city is still not safe enough for visitors due to the lack of
officers in maintaining security around Taman Rekreasi Kota Malang.

b. Is Taman Rekreasi Kota clean enough already ?

(Apakah Taman Rekreasi Kota sudah cukup bersih ?)

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Yes (A)

No (B)

13 responden

27 responden

Of the questions above can be concluded that 68% of 27 respondents

said Taman Rekreasi Kota Malang is still not clean enough for the visitors
due to the lack of public awareness in disposing of waste in place has been
provided and 32% of 13 respondents stated that leisure Taman Rekreasi Kota
Malang is clean enough and be able to apply Sapta Pesona on the

c. Is Taman Rekreasi Kota cool enough already ?

(Apakah Taman Rekreasi Kota sudah cukup sejuk ?)
Yes (A)

No (B)

No Answer

29 responden

10 responden

1 responden

Usaha Perjalanan Wisata 2014 | 26

Of the questions above can be concluded that 72% of 29 respondents

said Taman Rekreasi Kota Malang is quite cool and able to apply Sapta
Pesona in environment and 32% of 10 respondents stated that Taman
Rekreasi Kota Malang yet cool enough for the visitors due to the lack of trees
when entering these attractions. In addition, there are 3% of 1 respondents
did not state whether Taman Rekreasi Kota Malang is quite cool or not.

d. Is the service of Taman Rekreasi Kota friendly enough ?

(Apakah pelayanan di Taman Rekreasi Kota sudah cukup ramah ?)
Yes (A)

No (B)

24 responden

16 responden

From the questions above can be concluded that 60% of 24 respondents

said the service in Taman Rekreasi Kota Malang friendly enough and 40%
of 16 respondents said the service in Taman Rekreasi Kota Malang still has
not friendly enough as the wishes of visitors because official give respons
not fine at the serve visitor.

e. Is Taman Rekreasi Kota beautiful enough ?

(Apakah Taman Rekreasi Kota sudah cukup indah ?)

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Yes (A)

No (B)

21 responden

19 responden

From the questions above can be concluded that 52% of 21 respondents

said Taman Rekreasi Kota Malang is quite beautiful and being able to apply
Sapta Pesona in the neighborhood and 48% of 19 respondents said Taman
Rekreasi Kota Malang is still quite beautifull for visitors because of the
arrangement of plants and objects supporters like sculpture less neatly

f. Is Taman Rekreasi Kota landscape orderly enough ?

(Apakah Taman Rekreasi Kota sudah cukup tertib ?)
Yes (A)

No (B)

26 responden

14 responden

Usaha Perjalanan Wisata 2014 | 28

from the questions above can be concluded that 65% of 26 respondents

said Taman Rekreasi Kota Malang is quite orderly and able to apply Sapta
Pesona on the enviroment and 35% of 14 respondents said recreational parks
the city is still not quite orderly for the visitors because of a lack of regulation
if the officials at Taman Rekreasi Kota Malang.

g. Has Taman Rekreasi Kota already gave any memories after you visited ?
(Sudahkah Taman Rekreasi Kota memberi kenangan setelah Anda
berkunjung ?)
Yes (A)

No (B)

22 responden

18 responden

From the questions above can be concluded that 55% of 22 respondents

said Taman Rekreasi Kota Malang has provided memories to visitors after
the visit and 35% of 18 respindents Taman Rekreasi Kota Malang still has
not given memories to visitors after a visit in because the first impression
received by visitors responded negatively and make memories negative for

h. Do you fell satisfied after visiting Taman Rekreasi Kota ?

(Apakah Anda puas setelah berkunjung di Taman Rekreasi Kota ?)

Usaha Perjalanan Wisata 2014 | 29

Yes (A)

No (B)

19 responden

21 responden

From the above questions can be concluded that 52% of 21 respondents

stated Taman Rekreasi Kota Malang still does not give satisfaction to the
visitor after the visit due to the services and facilities provided still does not
meet what is desired by visitors and 48% of 19 respondents stated Taman
Rekreasi Kota Malang has to give satisfaction to the visitor after the visit .

i. Do you want to come back here ?

(Apakah Anda berniat berkunjung kembali ?)
Yes (A)

No (B)

29 responden

11 responden

Usaha Perjalanan Wisata 2014 | 30

From the above questions can be concluded that 72% of 29 respondents

stated intention of returning visitors to visit Taman Rekreasi Kota Malang
and 28% of 11 respondents said visitors still do not intend to return visit
Taman Rekreasi Kota Malang because both services and facilities provided
are still not in accordance with what is expected by visitors.

j. Is there something to fix in Taman Rekreasi Kota ?

(Apakah ada yang harus di perbaiki di Taman Rekreasi Kota ?)
Yes (A)

No (B)

38 responden

2 responden

From the above questions can be concluded that 95% of 38 respondents

said Taman Rekreasi Kota Malang there are several things that should be
fixed so that this attraction is growing more and 5% of 2 respondents said
Taman Rekreasi Kota Malang there is anything that should be corrected due
to the availability of services provided to visitors.
After researcher dispense questionnaire to visitor and conclude from
every question to questionnaire, researcher can conclude yield from
questionnaire according to comprehensive and the yield can see by means of
diagram this underneath explain that Taman Rekreasi Kota Malang can apply
Sapta Pesona able influence increase visitor to every month.

Usaha Perjalanan Wisata 2014 | 31

3. The government effort to increase the visitor

Government to held a culture event each month so that people can see and
watch the event that held free of charge . With the culture are held, it can increase
the visitor in the Taman Rekreasi Kota Malang. In addition, the present government
of Malang city tour bus that has the end of Taman Rekreasi Kota Malang, so visitors
who enjoy the Malang city tour bus can also visit the Taman Rekreasi Kota Malang.
For development efforts , the government has no plan to build a city recreation park
unfortunate because the government is still to focus on building another city park
in the city of Malang.

Usaha Perjalanan Wisata 2014 | 32


A. Conclusion
Taman Rekreasi Kota Malang is the one of City green open space in Malang
City, as the cheapest park for the public of Malang City. Taman Rekreasi Kota
Malang is located in the central of the Malang city actually at Majapahit Street and
it's in front of Splendid Bird Market and also behind the Walikota's office. Malang's
people called it Balaikota. This object has some support facilities like jogging track,
swimming pool, playground for children, and also foodcourt. Tamam Rekreasi Kota
Malang also has fauna collection like kind of bird, bath, chicken and so on. To reach
the Taman Rekreasi Kota it's easy enough because the visitor can use their
motorcycle or public transportation that passed Taman Rekreasi Kota Malang.
According to the direct observation that have done by the writers and from
the questionaire that have been distrubuted to each visitors , it can be resumed that
Taman Rekreasi Kota Malang has been implemented Sapta Pesona to increase the
visitor and the government or stakeholder always held event each month to make
the visitor interesting with Taman Rekreas in Kota Malang. Every month it's almost
3.000 visitors come to Taman Rekresi Kota Malang.
B. Sugestion
Based on observation that have done by writers there is any advice.
For Taman Rekreasi Kota Malang such as:
1. Add the fauna collection in Taman Rekreasi Kota Malang.
2. Held some event to increase the visitor
3. Always treat and fix the infrastuctures to make the visitors
feels comfort in Taman Rekreasi Kota Malang
4. Implementing Sapta Pesona principle to increase the visitor
5. Treat the fauna to keep them healthy
6. The employees should be involve their service to the visitor

Usaha Perjalanan Wisata 2014 | 33

For The Institute

Make some assigment about research to involeve the capability and
knowledge of student.
For the other Researcher
1. This reasearch can be use as the reference to do same research other.
2. Upgrade the research quality better than before.

Usaha Perjalanan Wisata 2014 | 34

Course Material Tourism Management Departement entitled Sapta Pesona by
Teddy Surya Vimana.,Sst.Par.
Darmadi, Hamid, 2011. Metode Penelitian Pendidikan, Bandung. Alfabeta.
( in Final Assigment Ragil Kusuma Darmawan Putra )
Kusmayadi Ir. dan Ir. Endar Sugiarto, MM. 2000. Metodelogi Penelitian dalam
Bidang Kepariwisataan. Jakarta : PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama
U.E. Wardhani, dkk. (2008). Usaha Jasa PARIWISATA jilid 1. Klaten : PT.
Macanan Jaya Cemerlang.

Usaha Perjalanan Wisata 2014 | 35


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