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Now accepted by the


Dear PTE Academic Partner,
The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council (ANMAC) has included PTE Academic as an
accepted language test for nurses applying for a migration skills assessment from Friday 1 July 2016. In addition,
nurses can use PTE Academic scores for their Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA)
ANMAC approval further enhances PTE Academic's extensive recognition in Australia, which includes:

The Australian Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) for all immigration and student visa

100% of Australian universities

CPA Australia

Chartered Accountants Australia New Zealand

Institute of Public Accountants

Australian Computer Society

Australian Community Workers Association

For a full list of recognition(s), please refer:

What this means?

Why PTE?

With this recognition, PTE Academic can be used by

Fast results typically within 5

nurses, both, for registering to work or for applying to migrate to Australia. This
decision greatly enhances the option for nursing aspirants to use PTE Academic
result for professional work purposes in Australia.

business days
Flexible test dates; schedule
tests up to 24 hours in
Single 3 hour online test
Recognized by thousands of
colleges and universities

Want more information?

ANMAC Website
Refer to the ANMAC Website for the
full announcement

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