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ER Diagram for Mall Management System: Story: 1. Each mall has a mall_id, mall_name, and mall_location.

2. Mall contains many shops where each shop has shop_id,

shop_name, shop_location, shop_owner, shop_area and each shop
falls into three categories i.e. as food shop, merchandise or
-recreational shops
3. Mall has two types of employees 1. Mall Employees 2. Shop
Employees. Mall Employees are identified by their emp_id. Mall
management also stores their emp_name, and emp_designition.
4. Shop Employees has shop_id, shopemp_id and shopemp_name
5. The administrator is a mall employee who looks towards the
functioning of the mall. The administrator has the shop_area and
shop_name of all shops in the mall and also total_emp working in
the shop.
6. If a Customer purchases an item in a shop then cust_feedback is
taken from the customer about the mall. Each Customer has to give
his cust_name, cust_mobile and feedback about the mall.

Entity-Set: The Mall Entity Set with attributes mall_id, mall_name, mall_location
The Shop Entity Set with attributes shop_id, shop_name,
shop_location, shop_owner, shop_area
The Mall_emp Entity Set with attributes emp_id, emp_name,
The Shop_emp Entity Set with attributes shop_id, shopemp_id,
The Administrator Entity Set with attributes shop_name, shop_area,

The Customer_feedback Entity Set with attributes cust_name,

cust_mobile, feedback.

Relationship-Set: Has: A mall has many things like shop, employees

IS A: An employee can work for mall or for a shop or the employee
can be a administrator.
If_purchased: Customer can give feedback of the mall if a product is
purchased by the customer.
Headed by: the mall is headed by an administrator

Key-Attributes: mall_id is a key attribute for entity Mall.

shop_id is a key attribute for entity Shops.
emp_id is a key attribute for entity Mall_emp.
shopemp_id is a key attribute for entity Shop_emp.

ER-Diagram: -

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