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Favourable Rasa-Tikta, Katu Avoid-Amla & Lavan rasa.

Can eat French millet( Varai Tandul),Ragi,Satu,Old
brown rice.
Consume boiled water (Boil with ginger)
Eat-Sali lahya chivada/Jowar lahya chivada.
Take Horse gram (Kuleeth) & Green gram (Mug) kadhan
with Black pepper, black salt, garlic, ginger &
Milk is useful in cases of gouts. (Swelling of small
To eat an Apple is a good remedy. When uric acid is a
cause of this condition, apple is useful. Apple reduces
the uric acid intensity.
Lemon is useful in it. Plenty of Lemon juice prevents
saturation and accumulation of uric acid around the
joints. So it avoids repeated attacks of joint pain.
Use maximum Garlic in food as it is very useful in
Rheumatoid arthritis mat
Potato is also helps to throw out uric acid from the
Soak Almonds in water at night & eat it at morning.
Drink 1 glass of buttermilk + cumin powder+black
Dont drink cold water, drink lukewarm water always.
Eat roasted Omum (Ajwayan) + Gingelly seeds (Tila)
after meal.
Avoid new cereals, maize, Black gram, peas.
Not favourable following fruits-Banana, Custard apple,
Pineapple, Grapes, Jamun, and Jack fruit.
Curd, Paneer, Cheese, sago, sweet potato, Colocasia
(Alu) should be avoided.

Take 1 teaspoon Garlic juice +1 teaspoon Ginger

juice+Castor oil to relieve the pain.
Mix Satu & Rice flour with castor oil & make its Roti,
Eat with Ginger+Garlic+Coriander chutney & Bitter
gourd or Parwal veg.
Eat wet Turmerics pickle, Nigar seeds (Karale)

Glass of Warm water with Castor oil.
Tea with ginger, black pepper.
3- 4 almonds or 2 figs
Ragi kheer/Mug ladu
1 glass of milk

Horse gram soup -1 glass

Garlic & coconut chutney
Old Rice-1 bowl
Drumstick vegetable
Wheat chapattis.
Turmeric pickle

1 khakra
Jowar lahi peeth + buttermilk 1 glass
Mixed veg.soup or Carrot soup
Rice & Green gram Khichadi

Amla chutney

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