Sandhivata (Arthritis)

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Favourable Rasa-Madhur, Amla & Lavan Avoid-Katu, Tikta &

Kashaya rasa.
Drink daily 1 glass lukewarm water + honey at morning
as HONEY reduces uric acid.
Eat brown & old rice, Barley, Oatmeal.
Consume boiled water (Boil with ginger)
Take Horse gram (Kuleeth) & Black gram kadhan with
Black pepper, black salt, garlic, ginger & asafoetida.
Use maximum Garlic in food as it is very useful in Joint
Amla is useful in many diseases of the joints.
Carrot expels uric acid out of the body from blood
hence it is useful in Arthritis. Drink carrot juice.
Avoid-Spicy food, vinegar, chocolate, Roasted
groundnut, Cashew nut, oily food, cold drinks.
Daily eat 1 cucumber as it is beneficial in Arthritis.
Eat leafy vegetables, Sprouted wheat.
Eat Red radish, Asparagus, Carrot, Beans, Salad leaves,
Onion, Cod liver oil.
Take ghee+sugar+Garlic powder in morning before
eating anything.
Before sleeping take 1 teaspoon castor oil with 1
teaspoon honey in lukewarm water.
Beet is useful in arthritis so eat beet koshimbir, beet
vadi, even raw beet.
Eat fenugreek seeds usal, Ladu or sprouted seeds.
Eat roasted Omum (Ajvayan) + Gingely seeds (Tila)
after meal.
Avoid new cereals, maize, Black gram, peas.
Not favourable following fruits-Banana, Custard apple,
Pineapple, Grapes, Jamun, and Jack fruit.

Curd, Paneer, Cheese, sago, sweet potato, Colocasia

(Alu) should be avoided.
Consume 1 teaspoon garlic juice +1 teaspoon
Ginger+Castor oil to relieve the pain.
Turmeric and ginger anti-inflammatory foods (use in
curries, soups, or stews).
Favourable Oily fish such as cod liver oil
supplements, tuna, salmon, and sardines.
Foods that may aggravate- Foods high in saturated fat
such as full-fat dairy, fatty meat, baked foods.


Glass of Warm water with Castor oil.
Tea with ginger, black pepper.
3- 4 almonds or 2 figs
Garden cress(Ahliva) kheer
1 glass of milk

Bottle gourd soup -1 glass

Garlic, ginger & coriander chutney
Old Rice-1 bowl
Lady finger vegetable
Wheat chapattis.
Carrot pickle

1 cucumber
apple/ grapes 1 bowl.

Lentil soup
Radish, carrot paratha
Turmeric pickle
Amla chutney

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