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The Camel

Kangaroo is an animal found only in

Australia.This animal is like a rabbit,but much larger.

General classification:
Camel is a big and strong animal which is


normally seen in desert. Generally.

Kangaroos eat grass and and plants. They have

short front leg,and very strong back legs and a tail.


Kangaroo usually hops with the speed of 20-25

There are two types of camel; The first type is

The Arabian Camel.It has

km/hour.But they can jump up to 70 km/hour.

one hump on his

back.Arabian camel also called as dromedary can be

used as a means of transportation and also can be used
as food resources.The second type is Bactrian camel

Kangaroo can life about 9-18 years. Although

sometimes there are kangaroos can survive up to 28

which has two humps.It can be found in the Gobi desert

region of china,Mongolia,and Australia

The largest kangaroos are the Grey Kangaroo

and Red Kangaroo. Adult grow to length of 1.60 meters

Camel can travel in great distance through hot

and weigh over 90 kilos.

and dry deserts with little food or water. Because they

Kangaroo are marsupials. This means that the

can store their reserves food on its hump and their

female kangaroo has an external pocket on the front of

unique foot makes them easy to walk on the thick sand

her body to take its little baby of kangaroo for five

in the desert. Camelss body is able to survive in the hot


desert until 410 Celcius.

Mention the paragraph

Mention the paragraph

The type of camel
The habitat of camel
The different of Arabian and Bactrian


The function of camel
The strength of camel
True or false
1. Camel is large and strong animal it lives in the desert
2. There are three types of camel:
3. Arabian and Bactrian camel has two humps
4. The camel need much water and food to travel in

The origin country of kangaroo
The physical apperance of


The food of kangaroo
The life span of kangaroo
The meaning of Masrupial
The largest kanagroo
True or False
1. Kangaroo is carnivore
2. Kangaroo lives in Australia
3. The baby kangaroo live in its mothers pocket for five
4. The male kangaroo has a pocket in front of its body
5. There are two kinds of largest kangaroo
6. The body of kangaroo is like a mouse

long distance in hot desert

5. The function of camels hump is as food reserving of

The Dolphin

6. The camel can survive in the hot weather up to 50 0

General classification:
Dolphin is very intelligent animals. This water


mammals are able to fascinate us.These mammals live

in a group.
The Kangaroo
General classification:


There are 36 species of dolphins that have

The Komodo Dragon is about 2.8 meters long

been found.32 species are dolphins the sea is already

and weighs up to 135 kilos. It has large jaws, four short

well known by the people and 4 species are river

legs, and fivetoed feet with sharp claws. The tail is


longer than the body.

Dolphins can be very entertaining. They can

jump out of the water.Some of them can jump up to 9
meters in the air.

The Komodo Dragon is a carnivore. It eats

almost anything that it can catch, including goats, deer,
wild boars, other lizards, and carrion (dead meat that it

Although the dolphins have 100 teeth, they

dont use their teeth to eat.They use it to get fish then
they swallow the fish.They can consume fish up to 15
kg per day.They always gather in a group to hunt fish
Mention the paragraph
Dolphin live in agroup
The habitat of dolphin
The number of dolphins species
The food of dolphin
The way of dolphin in hunting the fish
The distance of Dolphin jumping out


from the water

True or false
1. Dolphin is not intelligent animal
2. Dolphin lays egg
3. Dolphin swallow the fish with its 100 teeth
4. Dolphin is an individual animal
5. The habitat of dolphin is only in the sea
6. Dolphin cant jump out from the water

Mention the paragraph

Komodo is diurnal
The reason of Komodo extinction
The habitat of Komodo
The food of komodo
The physical appearance of komodo
Komodo is the biggest lizard
True or false


1. Komodo is hot blooded animal

2. Komodo is nocturnal (active in the night) like owl
and bat
3. Komodo is in danger extinction because its life span
only 20 years
4. The body of komodo is shorter than its tail
5. Komodo is omnivore
6. Komodo only in Indonesia

The Dog
General classification:
Dog is popular animal in the world. it belongs to
The Komodo Dragon

pet animal.It is mammal family.It looks like cat,but looks

biger than cat. It does not have a mousetache.

General classification:
The Komodo Dragon is the worlds biggest
lizard. It is a reptile, a cold-blooded animal. It is diurnal,
most active during the day.
Komodo is in danger of extinction because of
habitat lost. Its life span is about 20 years.Komodo
Dragons live on islands in Indonesia, including the
island of Komodo.

Dog consists of two types.First type is cute dog
and second type is fierce dog. Cute dog usually has a
small body shape.It has soft fur and short tail.The owner
of cute dog like to give them funny or fashionable
accessories. Meanwhile, fierce dog has horible
habit.This group of dogs loves to barking when they
look stranger things around them.

Dog can be best friend for human .It will also

Chimpanzees grow about 1.6 meters tall.They

big enemy for human if they are affected by Rabies

spend the day for searching the food like,ants,termites

virus. Rabius virus will be hazardous for human.

,fruit,nuts and eggs for eat.

The favorite food of the dog is meat and bone.

It is available on pet shop.

group up to thirty animals.Male chimpanzee maries with

Mention the paragraph

The dog as popular animal in the world
The food of dog
The kind of dog
The advantage and disadvantage of dog

In chimpanzee community, consist of small


female chimpanzee.Female chimpanzee gives a birth a

baby. The baby can sit up at 5 months and stand at 6
months.After 4 years,baby separats and independent
from its mother.Chimpanzee can live in rain forest and
wet savanas.Chimpanzees often make the nest of
branches and leaves in which to sleep at night.

for human
The characteristics of fierce dog and
cute dog

True or false
1. The dangerous virus of dog is HIV
2. The dog is bigger that cat and has no mousetache.
3. Fierce dog has small body and like to bark
4. Cute dog is not fierce
5. Dog is domestic animal and it belongs to mammalian
6. The dog like consuming bone and meat

Mention the paragraph

Chimpanzee is mammalian
The height of chimpanzee
The food of chimpanzee
The growth period of baby chimpanzee
The habitat of chimpanzee
The characteristics of chimpanzee as


well as human

True or false
1. Chimpanzee is the intelligent primate
2. Chimpanzees body is covering with long black hair.
3. Chimpanzee lives in the group
4. The baby chimpanzee will live independent after 5
The Chimpanzee
General Classification:
Chimpanzee belongs to mammalian. It is a kind
of primates. Chimpanzee is curious, intelligent, social
and it like human.Chimpanzees body is covering with
long black hair.

5. Chimpanzee lives in the tree in the jungle
6. Chimpanzee is nocturnal (active in the night) like owl
and bat

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