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Inspiring You to Live a Fantastic Life

No. 291 Vol. 24

August 2014

Find Joy
in Discovering
Your Vocation

Selene Yu of Chevrolet
The Potters Hand
Remolded and
Reshaped Her

Why We
Shouldnt Fear
the Sacrament
of Anointing of
the Sick

JC Libiran: An Epic
Ride with the Most
Unlikely Friends
My Snatchers

The Best in the Filipino We Should Cultivate


(Why Did God Make You a Filipino?)



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(Oneness Creates Wonders)

By Bo Sanchez


No, not the blood-sucking, fang-baring, garlic-hating kind. Those
exist only in the movies.
Were talking about the ever critical, perpetually controlling, and forever complaining people in your life.
In other words the toxic people. The ones who do nothing but make your life difficult.
If your answer is a huge YES!, then this book is for you.
Lets face it. Most of the time, we hate dealing with these difficult people. The moment they enter
the premises, wed rather leave the room or even the building! just to get off their radar. But
sometimes, what we dont know is that we are difficult people as well.
In his newest book, How to Deal with Difficult People, Bo Sanchez discusses how you can protect yourself
from the vampires in your life and how to love them wisely.
It gives you a deeper understanding not only of the people
that surround you, but also yourself.
After all, YOU might be a vampire, too!
Learn how to:
Spot the Most Common Types of Vampires
Protect Yourself from a Vampire
How to Transform a Vampire
How to Transform Yourself (If Youre the Vampire!)
And many, many more!

ORDER your copies now!

CALL 725-9999 loc. 101 to 108.

GO DIGITAL! Buy the e-book at and read it straight from your gadget! Visit www.ebook.

By Bo Sanchez

Bos shirt courtesy of Elite Garments/SOLO.

n the parties that I attend, Ive noticed a common ritual that

happens around the videoke machine.Ive discovered three
stages in this ritual thats very common among Filipinos.
First, someone is cajoled to sing for the group.He first
declines adamantly, as if it was as preposterous as running
for president of the Philippines. He, in fact, points to others
who may sing better. But if for some bizarre reason, people dont
point back to him to sing, you will notice that he will go home utterly
depressed and may hang himself.
But lets say the ritual is followed and the people keep urging
him to sing. The would-be singer declines now with shy humor
inviting them to pressure him more.He says inane stuff like,Ayoko,
baka ma-discover ako. (I might be discovered.)
The second stage of this ritual is when the singer takes the
microphone, pulls from his left pocket an instrumental CD and
says,Track 1.
The third stage happens after the song.Everyone asks for an
encore no matter if his voice gives everyone a brief introductory
experience of the pains of hell.The Filipino audience is supposed
to praise him with words like,Naku, kailangang may maka-discover
sa yo!Kalinya mo si Martin Nievera! (Hey, someone should discover
you! Youre in the level of Martin Nievera!)
Let me focus on one point about this ritual this whole thing
about getting discovered.
I believe that, in real life, getting discovered by someone
else is not as important as discovering yourself.
You discover the beauty, the glory and the wonder
that is you!
Listen to a quote I got from Mike Murdock:Popularity
is when others like you.Happiness is when you like yourself.
Do you like yourself?
Do you enjoy beingyou?
Do you celebrate and throw a party because of the goodness
that God has bestowed on you from the very beginning?
Let me say this again: Dont wait to be discovered.
Pray. Be quiet. Look within yourself through Gods eyes.
Discover and be completely awed at how beautiful,
how special, how wonderful you really are.
And Id even add something more to that: Discover
how fantastic it is to be born a Filipino!
May your dreams come true,




I first got introduced to Kerygma when I was in college at UP Diliman.
There, I became an active member of the UP Christs Youth in Action
(UPCYA). I shared my faith by giving my relatives and friends copies of
Kerygma and Didache.
Now, I am a member of the Kerygma Family and I support
Shepherds Voice Radio and TV Foundation. I receive the magazines
being sent to me monthly. I still evangelize by letting the parents of my
students in my tutorial services borrow my books and magazines. Your
reading materials inspire me a lot. God loves us all!
Charmaine Rodrigo-Melgar
Tagaytay City, Cavite
I am now reading Kerygma magazine. I am a college student of
Westmead International School and I have a summer job here at
Laurel Public Market. One day, after I finished my daily routine, I
opened my drawer and saw a magazine inside. I was curious because
of the title of an article, Create Wealth Gods Way. When I read it,
I was inspired, amazed and blessed. I felt how much God loves me. I
got my cell phone and texted my friends about the message I have read.
Now, I want to look for more issues of Kerygma magazine.
Gods will is always the best.
Ma. Lorna Gabales
Sta. Maria, Laurel, Batangas
I am an avid reader of Kerygma magazine. I just wish that we will also
experience The Feast here in General Santos City.
Edgardo B. Taer
NDDU, General Santos
Its Black Saturday. I have just read your April issue with the theme,
To the Ends of the Earth. As I opened the first page to Bo Sanchezs
article, Be 100 Percent for God, I realized my limitations in life. Like
the story of Zacchaeus, I asked myself the question, Is every room in my
life open to God? Thank you for the inspiration.

My kids studied in a Catholic school, Our Lady of

Lourdes School in Quezon City, from elementary and
high school. But I regret that Kerygma magazine was
not distributed in their school. I hope Kerygma mag
will also be distributed and read at our beloved school.
I hope and pray that the Capuchin Fathers will come
across this mag by Bo Sanchez.
Malou Isanan
Quezon City
Most teenagers would probably say that reading
books and magazines is boring. But then, when I read
Kerygma magazine, it made me realize that reading
can inspire you a lot. This magazine tells us how lucky
we are to have Jesus in our lives.
Kimberly Manondo
Carcar City, Cebu
I am a subscriber of my favorite Kerygma magazine.
Every once in a while, I go down to Manila just to
attend The Feast in PICC. I wonder when we can also
have The Feast here in Baguio City?
Rics Ilao
Baguio City
Ive been a subscriber of Kerygma for almost three
years, when I was still working in St. Pauls Hospital
in Iloilo. Recently, I transferred to a State University,
but this does not end my monthly subscription in our
pastoral office. Kudos to all the staff of Kerygma for
inspiring and providing us more knowledge about our
Catholic faith.
JM of Iloilo City
Via text
Thank you, Kerygma magazine, for inspiring many
people, especially teenagers like me. Continue doing
so. God bless to all Kerygma staff.

Tristan Cabagnot

JD of Davao City
Via Text

We Want to hear from you!

Send your message via email to, through text to 0923-378-4941,
or by snail mail to The Editor at 60 Chicago St., Cubao, Quezon City, Philippines 1109.
You can also reach us through Kerygma Family. Simply log on to Or like our Facebook page and post your message
For subscription-related concerns, text or call Sarah Discutido at 0922-814-7031 or email


How do you
sufficiently honor a
man who was your
dad, your mentor,
your hero?

Rissas outfit courtesy of Elite Garments/FREEWAY.

Living by



By Rissa Singson Kawpeng

Daddys Home

here was always an anticipation, an excitement in the air, when

Daddy was arriving from a flight. Whether wed be with Mommy to
pick him up or just wait in the house, we were always excited when
Daddy came home.
His blue, airline-issued luggage would have chalk initials on it
as well as a tag that had his destination on its handle. And whenever
he opened his luggage after arriving from a trip, especially when he came from
the US, that stateside smell would emanate from within, a promise of the goodies
that were concealed under his clothes.
But more than his pasalubongs, what really excited us was his presence.
Daddys home.
While every other family had their father home after 6 p.m. every workday,
Dad was home, at best, maybe a week cumulatively every month. So you can
imagine what it means to us when hes home.
Mom is extra beautiful.
We dont do anything to irritate him. We have a mental list of good news we
want to tell him about. The house is clean.
Because we want his short stay to be as wonderful and enjoyable as possible.
Daddy lived a long and fruitful life. In the eyes of his family, he was not only
a good provider and a role model but also our superhero. One things for sure,
he was a superhero who could fly. Our best trips abroad were those when we
were on his flights. Even better were the times when the plane was fully booked
and wed get to sit on the jump seat and get a pilots view of takeoff and landing.
A superhero always defeated his enemies. Dad battled cancer three times
and won. It started with squamous cells under his tongue. Then a recurrence of
the tongue cancer, which later metastasized to the lungs. But after going through
several operations, radiation and chemotherapy as well as alternative meds
Dad was pronounced cancer-free on his 77th birthday.
He was not a religious man, but in the later years of his life, he started reading
the Bible every day and would pray.
Three days before he passed away peacefully in his sleep, he insisted on
going to Vikings Luxury Buffet Restaurant for his favorite buffet. He treated his
faithful household: his driver, cook and caregiver. He was hooked to an oxygen
tank because he could hardly breathe on his own and sat feebly in his wheelchair.
But he ate his salmon sashimi and oysters to his hearts content.
Dad took his last flight home in the wee hours of April 30, 2014. That was
also the day he married Mom 59 years ago. So it was a double celebration for us
who have yet to join them in our heavenly home one day.
Before we cremated Dad, the Air Force surprised us by sending a troop of

60 soldiers. They gave him a 21-gun salute

an honor they give to someone who
dies in active duty, a military retiree or an
honorably discharged veteran. Dad was
the latter. He had always been a hero in our
eyes. What a great tribute it was to see that
his country recognized what an honorable
man he was as well.
Dad left this earth with a bang. I
cant even begin to imagine what kind of
homecoming awaited him in heaven. One
things for sure, not even his favorite buffet
can rival the feast that the Lord has set in
his honor.
You prepare a feast for me in the
presence of my enemies. You honor me
by anointing my head with oil. My cup
overflows with blessings. (Psalm 23:5)
Email me at,
subscribe to my Facebook page or visit my website

What to Expect This Month:

They say the only thing permanent in
life is change. So why is it so difficult
when we need to change something
in ourselves? In his practical, easy-toapply style, Bo Sanchez outlines four
steps to transform your future in his
latest book entitled How to Change
Your Life in 30 Days. Available at www. in e-book and
paperback editions. Or call (02)7259999. Well deliver straight to your
home or to your gadget!


Im Sarah!

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August 2014


01 The Boss
40 Point of

2 Mailroom
6 New You
7 Real Stuff
8 Wounded

Walking with
God on Stormy
10 Dear K
12 KFam Insider
13 Feast
15 It Happened:

The Remolding
and Reshaping
by Our Potters
39 One Last Story:

An Epic Ride
with the Most
Unlikely Friends
My Snatchers



The Best in
the Filipino
We Should


3 Just Breathe
Daddys Home

33 Seasons
Find Joy in
Your Vocation
35 Catholic Soul
Sacrament of

Anointing of
the Sick

37 K Preacher
I Must

24 Through the
Valley, Beyond
the Stars
30 The Prodigal
Daughter Has


Marianne Madelaine V. Mencias, or simply Maan, has been a regular
attendee of The Feast since its Valle Verde days until it grew and moved
to PICC. She has read all of Bo Sanchezs books and is a big fan of Kerygma
magazine. She is currently serving in The Feast PICCs Singles Formation
The Feast has helped her embrace the truth that God loves us so
much and wants us to live in abundance if we only put all the aspects of
our life under His Lordship. She has experienced this firsthand in her life
as she stands in awe at how God is working in her life and helping her
achieve her biggest dreams.
Just last year, Maan launched her first book, Whats Your Lifes
Masterpiece?, which has been selling like hotcakes in bookstores around
the country. She has also launched this in some parts of the world. In this
book, she interviewed the most successful Filipinos and shared her own
journey in finding her purpose in life. Maan believes each one of us is
gifted to change the world in a positive way if we just follow the deepest

desires of our hearts and translate it into serving

She has also fulfilled her dream to be a
motivational speaker as she is being invited regularly
by schools and companies to speak and enlighten
people in finding their purpose and living a life of
Maan also heads a real estate company owned
by her family. She loves to travel and meet new
people. She also marvels in learning and listening
to children.
Her vision is to live a life of success and
significance and help others shine His Glory as well by
using her gifts in speaking and writing. Maan is proud
to say that her love for life dramatically increased
when she opened herself up to Gods love.

founder and publisher BO SANCHEZ editor-in-chief RISSA SINGSON KAWPENG managing editor TESS V. ATIENZA creative director MIKE CORTES graphics director REY DE GUZMAN assistant
chairman of the board and CEO BO SANCHEZ president HERMIE R. MORELOS vice-president for finance and administration WENG CEQUEA assistant vice-president for production RISSA SINGSON
KAWPENG sales and marketing manager JOSEPH MARTINEZ
Kerygma. A Greek word meaning Proclamation of the Gospel. It is a Catholic inspirational magazine. It aims to be an evangelistic tool to all nations, providing Scriptural,
practical and orthodox teachings to Catholics, particularly those in the Catholic Renewal, as an alternative to present-day magazines. It is also committed to fostering
the renewal and unity of the whole Christian people. Philippine copyright Shepherds Voice Publications, Inc. 2014. No part of this magazine may be reproduced without
permission. Kerygma is published monthly by Shepherds Voice Publications, Inc., whose editorial and business offices are located at 60 Chicago St., Cubao, 1109 Quezon
City. Tel. Nos.: (632) 725-9999, 411-7874, 725-1190. Fax: 727-5615. Email: Website:


Tips for



Keep a Healthy

Signs That You Might

Need EyeGlasses


ts time to have an eye exam when you notice your eyesight

changing. Here are the common symptoms associated with
vision problems:
1. Eyestrain or eye fatigue
2. Difficulty in reading or working at a computer
3. Frequent headaches
4. Difficulty seeing objects up close or at a distance (astigmatism)
5. Blurred close-up vision or presbyopia (the need for reading
glasses as we age)
6. Double vision
7. Poor distance vision or nearsightedness
8. Difficulty seeing at night
9. Seeing halos around light
10. Increased difficulty adjusting from dark to light surroundings
If you have any of the above symptoms, visit an ophthalmologist.

ts important to keep not only our bodies healthy but

also our minds. Here are practical tips for maintaining
a healthy mind:
1. Get enough rest. Sleep is responsible for
recharging our bodies. It doesnt only increase
energy; it also boosts mental health.
2. Forgive yourself. Making mistakes is a part of life.
Forgiving yourself and moving past these mistakes
keep your mind healthy. Is there a mistake or regret
that eats you? Let it go!
3. Bask in the sun. Getting some sun, especially
in the early mornings, can lift up your spirits and
prevent depression.
4. Avoid late-night watching. Watching TV and
using a computer late at night can cause depressive
symptoms, according to studies.
5. Decide not to worry. Train yourself to avoid
and choose not to worry, otherwise anxiety will
consume your mind. Ask God to help you not to
worry and He will give you the grace to do so.
6. Engage your senses. Do one task each day that
engages each of your senses: sight, touch, smell,
sound and taste. It helps you to live in the moment
and focus on the present.
7. Talk to God. Connect with God in prayer on a daily
basis. Faith in God relieves stress on ourselves.
Interact regularly with a spiritual community. Find
a group of people who are willing to love you for
who you are. Get a good support system.


Quick Health Tip

arlic, like the members of the allium family, including onions,

leeks and chives, contains flavonoids that stimulate the
production of glutathione, the tripeptide that is the livers
most potent antioxidant. Glutathione enhances the elimination of
toxins and carcinogens, helping prevent cancer.
Eating garlic lowers the risk of atherosclerosis or the hardening
of the arteries. It lowers blood pressure and reduces the risk of
blood clots, which cause incidence of stroke and heart attack. Garlic
destroys viruses and bacteria that cause infection and fights against
Alzheimers and stomach cancer. For optimum effect, eat garlic raw.


GK Enchanted Farm:
Haven for Social

Got a bright idea but no funds?

Join The Spark Project

spiring social entrepreneurs would do well to visit the GK

Enchanted Farm Village in Angat, Bulacan. The first of its
kind in Asia, it seeks to develop the countryside by providing
livelihood to help decongest cities.
There are currently about 25 social enterprises incubated at
the farm, specializing on industries such as food, social tourism and
agriculture, and capitalizing on the natural gifts of the Filipino. The
farm seeks to develop high-value crops to generate more income for
farmers. Profits go to paying farmers fair wages and sending their kids
to school.
Much remains to be done as the GK Enchanted Farm Village
University seeks to create five million jobs, which will take 25 million
Filipinos out of poverty by 2024. To do this, it seeks to create 500,000
social entrepreneurs who will employ at least 10 people each.
It also seeks to send 16,000 students to school, especially those
coming from the Angat community. These 16,000 youth who graduate
from high school need a K-12 program because they cannot afford to
go to university.
Last summer, GK Enchanted Farm Village University held camps
for kids, high school and college students, designed to inspire future
generations of leaders, social entrepreneurs and innovators by
engaging young people through fun and exciting hands-on learning
The GK Enchanted Farm Village is situated in a 34-hectare
prototype farm of Gawad Kalinga. Located an hour away from Manila,
the farm is designed to become a destination for social tourism, an
incubator for social business, and a community platform for social
The farm is an avenue for learning about the realities on the
ground beyond the classroom, where people get to interact with other
nationalities and cultures, learn about present and future issues, and
create viable solutions in partnership with the poor and innovators.
GK Enchanted Farm is envisioned to become the Disneyland for
social tourism and the Silicon Valley for social entrepreneurship.


St. Mary of the Cross MacKillop

Born and Died: January 15, 1842, Fitzroy, Victoria August 8, 1909, Sydney

ou have a great
idea that can
help people but
you do not have the
financial resources to
start it? Now, theres
a way to raise funds
online to support your
The Spark Project
helps young entrepreneurs get their great ideas off
the ground by allowing them to campaign for their
project and raise money through an online fundraising
platform. It harnesses the concept of crowdfunding or
the practice of pooling small amounts of money from
a large number of individuals using web technologies
like social media and online commerce. Supporters
receive rewards in return, such as a personalized thank
you note or a limited edition of a product.
We look for enterprisingly creative, innovative and
passion-driven projects. We sift through the projects
that apply and make sure they meet our guidelines,
says Patch Dulay, founder of The Spark Project.
The Spark Project platform is free. However, they
charge a percentage fee on top of any applicable
payment gateway fees from the total amount the
project successfully raises during the crowdfunding
Last year, we raised more than 1.3 million pesos
for 16 of our projects. Notable spark projects are the
Gouache waxed canvas camera bags, which raised
almost P200,000, double their target funding goal;
and Kawil Tours, a social enterprise in Culion, Palawan,
which raised P368,000 to fund the purchase of their
tour boat, Patch said.
For more details on how to apply, visit, http://www.


t. Mary of the Cross MacKillop is the first and only Australian saint recognized by the
Catholic Church. The Sisters of St. Joseph of the Sacred Heart was founded by St.
Mary and the Reverend Julian Tenison Woods. This congregation established many
schools and welfare institutions throughout Australia, focusing on education for the rural
During the 2008 World Youth Day in Sydney, Pope Benedict XVI prayed at her tomb,
and in 2009, he approved the Churchs recognition of a second miracle attributed to
her intercession, which is the complete and permanent healing of Kathleen Evans from
inoperable lung and secondary brain cancer. On October 17, 2010 she was canonized
during a public ceremony in St. Peters Square at the Vatican.


By Ness Pagorogon-Jordan

Ness with Sonny during their


Walking with God on Stormy Waters

n April 2013, my husband left home to be with another

woman. It was one of the most difficult days of my life,
but I held on to this verse through the stormy days of
my life: Be still and know that I am God (Psalm 26:10).
In the silence of my heart during the times I was
alone, I reflected on a lot of things. My husband and I
had it all. Our life together was almost perfect. God graciously
granted the dreams that we had for our future.
We got married at 24 years old and were able to pay for
our own wedding. Not more than a year after, we were able
to buy our own house. In 2012, we bought and paid for our
own car.
It was perfect. Everything was perfect, except for one
thing. Us.
We fought every single day. I was always the one who
started those fights because I was an angry person.
Going down the memory lane, I realized that I was
addicted to anger because I was a wounded person. I am
an adopted child and, at five years old, I was molested. To
keep myself from breaking, I held on to anger. Broken people
produce broken relationships. Hurt people hurt people. I hurt
so many people my family, my friends, my husband, and
even myself.


Going Back to Service

The times I was alone, I felt the calling to go back to
service. I was a catechist way back when I was single.
Remembering the invitation of a friend who mentioned Bo
Sanchez, I searched for videos of The Feast on the Internet.
One morning, I woke up and found myself going to The
Feast at the Philippine International Convention Center. I
didnt know where it was as I was very poor at directions,
but I prayed, Lord, I dont know where Im going, but I will
meet You today.
Sure enough, the angels went ahead before me. I found
a couple and asked if they knew where The Feast is, and
surprisingly, they accompanied me. They treated me as if
I was their friend.
Arun Gogna gave the talk that day. He recalled the story
of Peters commissioning. He was fishing that day when
Jesus walked up to him and told him to cast his net on the
other side of the boat, in order for him to catch some fish.
His message was very clear: Maybe youre at the wrong
side of the boat. Try the other side. Maybe the miracle is
waiting for you there.
I was overwhelmed by the message of the talk. I felt
God talking to me personally, saying, Welcome back

home, Ness. Ive been waiting for you for so long. I love you.
That day, I felt Gods love and compassion for me from
people I didnt even know.
The couple I met on the sidewalk were actually servants
from The Feast. They invited me to join them in the ministry.
Instantly, I felt God calling to me again.
Still in the Storm
The storm raged on even as I continued to go back to The
Feast to serve. Some days, I couldnt stand and do anything. I
couldnt eat. My body rejected everything I ate. At one point I
even asked God, Why did this happen to me? Why am I always
rejected? What do You want from me? All I ever want is to have
a family of my own.
Im an adopted child, so I thought everything I had was
merely borrowed. My family never made me feel like an
outsider. They loved and took care of me as if I was one of them.
But because I was too angry, too hurt, I failed to receive that
My mind had a lot of questions, but my heart, however,
continued to tell me to trust in God. In my prayer time, God kept
telling me, Let Me heal you.
I realize now that I needed that time of brokenness alone so
that God can make me whole again, and so that I can be ready
to build a new life with Christ. God is the missing piece in my
Even when I was on the brink of separating from my
husband, I held on to the Lord so tightly that sometimes, I
thought I would splinter if I even so much loosened my hold. I
prayed for God to grant me the wisdom, courage and guidance
I needed to save my marriage. Empowered by the Lord, I invited
my husband to come with me to The Feast for three consecutive
Sundays. If, after that, were still not OK, then we could finally go
on our separate ways.
I believe the hand of the Lord was at work, because the
series at the time was Full Tank about relationships and
loving unconditionally. After three consecutive Sundays, praise
God, my husband decided to stay.
Not everything was healed in a single day. The healing
process was long and tedious. Many times I felt like letting go,
but instead, I gave more love. Love slowly drove the anger away
in my heart. So, even though times were tough, I did not start
any fight. I focused on what good was left. I just loved.
Eventually, I noticed a change in our relationship. When
I look at my husband, I see someone screaming for help
someone who is also hungry for the love I hungered for.
On his birthday in July 2013, he invited our families to
attend The Feast. I believe it was the sign I was waiting for. He
was opening up to the Lord.
Serving God Together
As for me and my family, we will serve the Lord (Joshua 24:15).
Even before the storm had passed, I already declared that
everything in my life will be OK. I surrendered everything to
God and claimed that my husband and I will one day serve
together at The Feast.
Instead of worrying and holding on to my anger, I prayed

more. I praised God every day through worship songs.

I listened to Feast talks and watched inspiring videos
of people who went through the same problems I
had and overcame. I also sought counseling and the
guidance of spiritual mentors from The Feast and our
I had dates with God. Sometimes I would just
stare at the Blessed Sacrament and cry, but in the
end I would always surrender everything to God. I
thanked Him for the people He sent who supported
me and prayed for me. I prayed for those who hurt
me. Each time I prayed, I felt the love of God filling all
broken and blank areas in my life. I learned to forgive
and to leave the past in the mighty hands of God.
Finally, there was no more anger left only
healing and love.
Today, I am proud and happy to say that my
relationship with my family is stronger than ever. Im
thankful for the love they have given me, the love
that I almost took for granted because of I was more
focused on my anger.
I am also proud to say that my husband is now
an active member of the ministry Im serving in. The
road to healing is long, but because God is with us,
we manage to get through the toughest storm in our
marriage. His hunger for Gods Word and love is aweinspiring, especially when I see him attend our Bible
studies. His questions and reflections always ignite
meaningful discussions in our group. Finally, just this
June, he was installed as one of the lay ministers in
our parish.
Truly, in storms or high waters, the Lord is present.
We only need to trust and surrender.

The happy couple on a ministry

outing in Tagaytay



I am about to get married. My boyfriend and

I have been in a relationship for more than 10
years now. He is younger than me and he doesnt
have a regular job. We got engaged a few years
back, but my parents opposed because he
wasnt ready yet. They said he wouldnt be able
to provide for us to start a family. I was the only
one who had a regular job. A few years passed
and he has matured but he still doesnt have
regular employment.
He asked permission again from my
parents and they conceded because weve been
together for a long time. I know that my parents
only want the best for me. The announcement
of our engagement should be happy, but I know
my parents are not too thrilled about it. I love my
boyfriend and I am getting older.
Should I continue with our wedding even if
it doesnt make my parents happy?
Confused Bride-to-Be


Dear Confused Bride-to-Be,
What will make your parents really happy is to see both of you happy and successful. They have
already given their blessing because they love you and theyre taking a chance on what you want.
What you are sensing from them could be their apprehensions about the relationship because of
practical reasons. They are worried because of the employment status of your fiance. I remember a
line from a movie a long time ago: Whats more important in a marriage is not the sleeping together
at night but the waking up together in the morning... This means earning a living, providing for the
daily needs, especially when the children start coming. There are practical questions you have to
settle before tying the knot, such as, can you survive on your income? If hes unemployed, can he start
out a business or any source of income so you can carry through? Answers to these are what would
assure your parents that your marriage will work.
And may I add, when you do get married, please get married in Church. If the marriage is only
civil, then in the eyes of the Lord youre not married as you have not asked yet His blessing in the
sacrament of matrimony. It would then be equivalent to a live-in relationship, which means you
cannot receive Holy Communion because you would be guilty of adultery.
My recommendation for you is to seek financial counseling, preferably months before the
wedding so that you are clear and certain already how you can make it out. In that case, both of you,
as well as people who care for you, can be more confident about this major decision.
Ill pray for you!

Cristy Galang has been serving

San Nicolas de Tolentino Parish
for the past 10 years, building
Basic Ecclesial Communities
(BEC) and doing catechetical
work. By profession, she is a
licensed guidance counselor
and a certified counseling
psychologist. She was one of
the pioneers of the Light of
Jesus Pastoral Care Center.


I have friends who practice yoga. They say it has good physical benefits.
Is it OK for Catholics like me to practice yoga even if it is rooted in another
religion? Is it possible to separate the physical practice from the spiritual
What is the Catholic stand on practices such as Tai Chi, Reiki healing
and other Eastern practices that are based on non-Christian philosophies?
Yoga observer

Dear Yoga observer,

It is true that exercises like yoga, Tai Chi, and other practices are
rooted in Asian religions. But they offer physical exercise options
and benefits for ones well-being.
When I stayed in Japan for 15 years, I came into contact with Zen
meditation. A Jesuit had even built a house for such meditations.
This emptying of ones self by sitting like Buddha helped me a lot to
concentrate, to calm me down and become more focused on the
essentials of my Catholic faith.
This brings to mind another experience I had when I was with
Buddhist monks for three weeks in a Benedictine monastery in
Germany, where Benedictine and Buddhist monks came to know
each other and each others way of life.
I cannot forget the question of a Benedictine monk: What do
you think of Catholics using the methods of your Zen meditation
to deepen our faith?
The Buddhist monks were silent for a while and then in a
typical polite Japanese way one monk smiled and said, What
would you say if we imitate the ritual of the Mass to deepen our
religious life?
Nobody answered.
Therefore, as long as one does not accept and follow the
teachings of these religions, I dont see any problems for a Catholic
to practice it.
Fr. Rudy, SVD

When Fr. Rudy Horst came to the Philippines in 1984,

he was first assigned to the Immaculate Conception
Parish in Cubao. It was where he came in contact with
the still young Light of Jesus Family. In 1990, he moved
to Christ the King Mission Seminary, where he now
serves as head spiritual director of the seminarians
and teaches Religious Education. He also teaches Holy
Scriptures at the Maryhill School of Theology and the
Divine Word School of Theology in Tagaytay.

Email your questions to Or if you need to talk to someone, call (632) 726-4709 or 726-6728 to
contact a Light of Jesus Pastoral Care Center counselor. Pastoral counseling by telephone is 24 hours from Monday to Friday, and
8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturdays. Face-to-face pastoral counseling is by appointment. For correspondence pastoral counseling, email or go to

Or Call

(632) 725-9999

Pregnant? Confused? Abortion is not the answer. Contact Grace to Be Born at 0917-816-4700 or email reylindo.ortega@ You may also contact Pro-life Philippines at (632) 733-7027.


K Fam
By Rey E. Ortega


modest four-story building is quietly

rising in a residential area in Project
6, Quezon City. Construction began
in late April 2014 and is due for
completion sometime in April 2015.
It is an oasis of hope and love in the
midst of a bustling metropolis the new
home of He Cares Foundation, a ministry
that caters to street children.
Architect Delfin Viola supervises the
construction pro bono, together with the
Exequiel Builders, which is composed of
volunteer engineers.
Serving Street Kids Since 1996
Founded by ministry servant Joe Dean Sola
and his wife Ardis in August 1996, He Cares
Foundation (HCF) had seen about seven or
eight relocations from one site to another
over the years.
Once completed, HCF hopes to provide
shelter for a hundred children of both
genders. Taking actual care of them are
stay-in caregivers called houseparents, a
licensed social worker, and various stayout volunteers helping in tutorials, spiritual
and moral formation, medical service, and
household chores.
Voluntary donations from generous
individuals and groups help sustain
their daily operations. HCF supplements
these donations with various livelihood
businesses like barbecue making and
selling, microfinancing, production of ladies
accessories, novelty items, etc.
Food for the Body and the Soul
Every Saturday, about 400 street kids are


provided free lunch and then given some

spiritual formation. Volunteers provide
the food and the actual serving of the
HCF provides scholarships to more
than a hundred kids in elementary, high
school and college levels. It was blessed
with several college graduates, most of
whom are now gainfully employed.
Aside from those 400 kids given
weekly lunch, HCF currently takes care
of 12 boys and seven girls in its shelter
at 9 Mines St., Barangay Vasra, Project 6,
Quezon City.
But statistics dont mean much. To
put a face to those numbers, heres a real
and quite typical story of a child at
He Cares shelter.
The Story of Doming
Doming (not his real name) was living,
eating and sleeping in the sidewalks.
He got to eat only when a kindhearted
person would bother to throw him
scraps of food. He used to spend the day
roaming aimlessly in the streets, and then
sleeping wherever it was convenient
(and no cops around to pick him up).
Severely malnourished, looking
sad and totally lost, Domings plight
caught the attention of the HCF ministry
servants. They tried their best to locate
his parents or any relative. Nobody
seemed to know the boy. They estimated
that Doming was around 10 to 12 years
old as he has no idea about his age. He
didnt know who and where his parents
are, or where he came from.

When offered to stay in the shelter,

where he was told he would be able
to eat three meals a day, he declined
at first, suspicious of the motives of
the ministry servants. But after much
persistence and encouragement,
Doming finally agreed, even if on
temporary basis only.
Home at Last
At the shelter, Doming discovered
many other kids just like him
homeless with nobody else to care for
them before they entered the shelter.
But he also discovered something
else: The kids in HCF shelter were
healthy, happy and contented. And
they dont fight over food.
One day, Doming shyly asked the
staff, Kuya, puwede po ba, dito na lang
ako titira sa bahay ninyo? (Brother, can
I live permanently here in your house?)
Of course, the staff said yes! And
they welcomed him with loving hearts
and caring hands.
Doming was very happy. The
ministry servants were even happier.
And they all thanked God for the
privilege of reaching out to one more
Doming of this world.
Those who wish to donate to finish the
construction of He Cares building and
provide daily food for street kids may
deposit their donation at BPI account
1953093053 Congressional Ave. Branch,
Quezon City. Account name: He Cares
Foundation, Inc.

By Marjorie Duterte
Photos courtesy of Feast Video Team

utch Naraindes has been

attending The Feast PICC for
two years. Working for an
outdoor advertising company,
he longed to share his experience with
his coworkers, but they wouldnt go
to The Feast. Until one day, one of his
colleagues watched an episode of The
Feast on Kerygma TV and she started
talking about it in the office. Butch
invited her and other colleagues to
start a mini-Feast in their office, using
the video teachings of Bo Sanchez.
Its Purpose
Launched on September 17, 2012, The
Feast Video seeks to serve those who
cannot or do not want to go to a
live Feast and prefer to have The Feast
with an intimate group of people,
such as family members, relatives,
schoolmates, friends, colleagues and
The Feast Video gathering is just
like having The Feast in the comforts
of your own home, conference
room or in a restaurant at the most
convenient time for everyone. One
can start small and grow to at least 10
people to be officially acknowledged
as a Feast Video chapter.
A regular Feast Video session
starts with Bo Sanchez leading the
prayer and then proceeding to his
30-minute teaching talk on video.
After this, the attendees divide into
groups and share their reflections on
the talk.
The very first Feast Video
gathering was held in an office in
Mandaluyong, using only a laptop. It
has grown since then and has moved
to the Starmall with over a hundred
people attending and being led by
Karlos Zafra every Friday night.

The Feast Video:

Anytime, Anywhere



Right Where People Need It

People in the provinces also
hunger for Gods Word but dont
have Feasts in the area. They
long for teachings and the best
alternative is hold the Feast Video,
encouraged Rudy C. Mallari, Feast
builder of the Feast Video ministry.
There are now Feast videos
being held in Tuguegarao, Isabela,
Cotabato, Zamboanga and Tagum,
How to Have a Feast Video in
Your Area
If you want to bless your family,
friends and employees in a simple
click, gather at least 10 people and
hold a Feast Video, and do it weekly.
Simply register at www. and start with
a sample video. The website has a
list of talks you can choose from,
with recommended songs related
to the talks. You also have online
Connect Group that serves as a
support group. Subscription to the
teachings is P1,000 per talk series.
Downloads and payments are
done online.
After three months of holding
the Feast Video weekly, you will
become a Feast Emissary and
your group will be acknowledged
as a Feast Video chapter. These
chapters are counted as part of
the 1,000 Feasts envisioned by the
Light of Jesus Family. At present,
there are 67 Feast Video chapters
all over the world.
Bless others. Join The Feast
Video today.


Selenes confidence now comes from her deep trust in the Lord.



ave you ever tried

your hand at pottery
making? At first glance,
it seems like such an
obvious task to conduct
taking a chunk of
lumpy clay that appears useless and
meaningless, and then forming it into
something functional and artistic. The
spiritual context behind it also seems
to be just as apparent God is the
Potter and we are the clay. His are
the hands that shape us into who He
chooses us to be.
I remember reflecting upon this
analogy the first time I was exposed
to it and I found myself asking the
question, Is this really just about God
molding us into His likeness? For some
reason, the nagging answer within me
was a resounding No. There had to
be more to the parallelism than that.
Thus began my search for a deeper,
more significant connection. And so
began my personal journey to fully
seek the Lord with greater conviction
in my heart.

The Remolding and Reshaping

by Our Potters Hand

The Preparation
One of the first lessons in my pottery
making class described the critical role
of clay preparation. Wedging the clay
is a necessary step prior to molding
it. The objective is to take away and
smoothen out all the air bubbles
because if there are still bubbles
during baking, they will expand and
create cracks in the pottery. In order
to fully wedge the clay, you need
to heavily knead it, cut it and slam
it down the table. Its a strenuous
procedure and quite painful. It was
also a process that I could very well
relate to.
There was a stage in my life when
I was an individual filled with my own
air bubbles. I was a very proud person
with a list of impressive credentials
that I felt I had earned through my

By Selene L. Yu
as told to Eleanore Teo

Whether in business or personal matters, big or small, Selene takes the time to consult
God before making any decision.


own self-sufficiency. At the time, I was

working as the Chief Operating Officer of
a company that dealt in the importation
of products. To reach that rank, I naturally
assumed that I was a good leader and
that I knew what it took to be successful,
especially after graduating with a double
college degree in Psychology and Finance
and after taking up my Masters in Business
Administration in a private Ivy League
business school in the United States.
But then I fell into a crisis moment.
I failed in a manner that I would never
have expected and from a level of selfconfidence, I found myself suddenly
questioning all of my decisions and
everything that I thought I knew.
The Asian Financial Crisis hit the
economy and the peso devalued
drastically. Prior to that, I had ordered a
significant volume of products at the old
monetary rate, so when the devaluation
happened, the cost of our goods
increased while the prices committed to
our customers remained low. As a key
decision-maker in our firm, I felt that I had
to take responsibility for the situation and
it would be unfair for our clients to suffer
the consequences of our actions. So I
accepted that obligation and, to this day,
I continue to pay off the multimillion debt
that the business incurred.
I lost everything. In 1998, I tendered my
resignation. I sold all my assets, my house,
my personal investments whatever
I owned that had some semblance of
worth and I entered into what I like to
call my wilderness. This was a period of
uncertainty and a phase when I really didnt
know what to do. For someone who had
spent most of her life with a clear direction
and detailed plan, the circumstances of
being lost gave me a tremendous feeling of
vulnerability. The desolation disconnected
me from the world and I refused to see
anyone or do anything. From a very busy
daily schedule, all of a sudden, I had all the
time in the world.
So I began to read. One day, I
stumbled upon the story of King Saul, who
is depicted in the Bible as an anointed
king and accomplished ruler. Due to his
love for glory and fame, he disobeys Gods
orders and becomes increasingly jealous
of the success of David, his son-in-law. He
eventually suffers as a consequence of his
ego and takes his own life.
That proverb spoke volumes to me.
The insight that I gained and accepted was

As executive director of Chevrolet Philippines, Selene submits to her big Boss,

God Himself, to guide her in managing the company and its people.

straightforward. My pride had been my undoing. I was lost in my wilderness

not because I had been corrupt or because I had practiced anything illegal. My
sin was constantly excluding God from my career and my accomplishments
and never confiding in Him or listening for His final verdict in all the important
decisions that I had to make.
Prior to my failure, I had experienced difficult problems but rather than
turn to Him for guidance, I would always find ways to pick myself up and rely
on my own knowledge and abilities. I had never once asked Him the question,
What do I do? When that realization hit me, I slowly knelt down on both my
knees, raised my hands and asked Him to take over.
I truly believe that the trial I had to face was Gods way of humbling me,
of beating out my air bubbles, and freeing me of my pride. What followed was
a very radical change of mindset and a conversion of my heart and my spirit.
Fully prepared to face whatever intentions He had for me, I began to journey
out of my wilderness and walk in faith towards the Lord.
The Process
The second critical part of pottery making is the act of centering the clay on
wheel. If left uncentered, the clay will not be steady enough to mold properly.
It will rebel against your hand and the exterior of the final product will become
warped, uneven and unbalanced. So the key to a perfectly shaped clay pot lies
within. Similarly, it is how we must reflect upon ourselves.
When I was approached to conduct a seminar on leadership and business
success, I began to draft an outline for my talk and found something quite
interesting during the process of my research. Most of the world taught
leadership without God. Most motivational books and essays focus on the
values and manners necessary to become a great leader, but they approach it
quite often as a skill exclusive only to the human individual.
Armed with a strong, newfound conviction that true leadership success
has to be God-centered before it could be meaningful and sustainable, I began
to develop an interactive training program that I entitled the S Leadership
The letter S was a representation of the Son (making Jesus the leader
in your life), Servant, Seer, Shepherd, Steward, Spirit, Solidarity, Success and
Stress Management. It shed light on the subject in a fresh perspective and I
felt that it was a formula that I could communicate with credibility. During my
lectures, I shared my own personal experiences and how the center of my life
used to be just myself, my wealth and my status. The process of unlearning
that frame of mind had been so traumatic but the wisdom that I had gained
was invaluable. If we decide on our thinking that this is what we want to do
without consulting God or making sure this is His will for you, then two things

can happen: you may fail or you may toil in

doubt and uncertainty. But if God is the One
who leads you into that vocation, that task or
that relationship, then nothing can thwart His
The first seminar that I conducted
to different organizations, schools and
companies without spending a single cent on
marketing. The demand for such spiritually
driven leadership grew tenfold, and every time
I feared that there would not be enough funds
to push through with the program, God would
provide just the right number of attendees at
the right time for me to continue my ministry
without shouldering an expense. I had finally
found the path that He designed for me. It was
one that could positively affect the lives of
people that I came into contact with. And for
the first time in my life, I could hear Him speak
to me loud and clear.
The Final Outcome
Gaining my confidence back with the trust
that I have in the Lord, I once again entered
the corporate world and today, I am the
executive director of Chevrolet Philippines
under our new firm, The Covenant Car
Company. The name of our team has such a
significant meaning because the decision to
come together was one that we all believe was
powered by Gods will. A deep consultation
with Him was necessary before undertaking
any new projects. The people who belong to
our company share the same intrinsic value
that our actions must be guided by His Word.
It is a very different manner of managing a
business, but I am blessed to be surrounded by
competent employees and staff members who
have adopted and embraced the vision of our
I once thought that my mission in life was
to become a very successful businesswoman.
Was that wrong? No. But to me, prior to my walk
in the wilderness, that was the end goal. There
was nothing else to measure success apart
from profit and property. Now, I understand
that material success is just a means to an end.
The real objective is to beneficially touch the
lives of whomever we can reach and not just
from an economic or physical standpoint, but
in a holistic way that helps them find the Lord.
At the end of the day, we will take nothing
with us not the clothes on our back, the
house, the cars or the money. The only thing
we will take with us is our relationship with
So put God in the drivers seat and give
Him full control.



By Bo Sanchez

The Best in the Filipino
We Should Cultivate

eres my big goal in this section this month:

To make you the best Pinoy Christian in the
Through this issue, youll appreciate
why God made you a Filipino. Youll celebrate your
uniqueness. Youll glory in your magnificence.
How to do that? Well unearth Gods treasure in our
Filipino culture. Im not talking about the Yamashita
treasure. Thats mud compared to the treasure of values
that we have in our culture.
Any culture is always based on values on what
is important to us.
Thats our real treasure.
So friends, lets bring it on!


By Bo Sanchez




Why Did God Make You a Filipino?


hy were you born a Filipino?

Think about it. Why werent you born a
Nepalese? Or Pakistani? Or Mongolian? Or
American or German or French or Fijian or
Samoan or Swedish? Wouldnt it be nice to
have blue eyes?

But God must have a divine purpose for making you a Filipino.
Filipinos are a peculiar bunch of people.
Youre a Filipino if
Your catsup is made from bananas.
You turn around when you hear, Psst!
You point with your lips.
You keep plastic spoons and forks from fast-food restaurants.
When you travel, one of your luggages is a balikbayan box.
You insert H to your name Jhun and Bhoy and Dhel.
You bow and extend your two hands in front of you and say,
Excuse, excuse, when you pass between people or in front
of them.
You have an old piano that no one uses.
You cover your living room sofa with a bed sheet or blanket.
You have these hanging on your walls: Last Supper, giant
wooden spoon or fork, large wooden rosary
You have relatives whose names are repeated twice, like
Junjun and Lingling and Bengbeng.
You have a tabo (dipper) in the bathroom.
But these are just our external traits.
Whats more important are our internal traits. If youre a Filipino,
that means you have this very special combination of traits that can
be powerful strengths to bless you and fulfill Gods plan for your life.
The operative word is can. Because cultural traits are neutral.
They can be good or bad, depending on how you use them.
I repeat: God made you a Filipino for a purpose!
My big message to you: Let the Father reward you.
Lets discuss a trait thats very peculiar among Filipinos. Its called
utang na loob (debt of gratitude).
Filipinos have an ingrained attitude of gratitude. Because of our
culture, gratitude is etched in our DNA.
Thats why many Filipinos are spiritually oriented. Because our
utang na loob is first oriented towards God. We see everything as
coming from God. And we remain thankful to Him.
Now on his way to Jerusalem,Jesus traveled along the border
between Samaria and Galilee. As he was going into a village,
ten men who had leprosy met him. They stood at a distanceand
called out in a loud voice, Jesus, Master,have pity on us!
When he saw them, he said,Go, show yourselves to the
priests.And as they went, they were cleansed.
One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back,
praising Godin a loud voice.He threw himself at Jesus feet and
thanked him and he was a Samaritan.
Jesus asked,Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the
other nine?Has no one returned to give praise to God except
this foreigner?Then he said to him,Rise and go; your faith
has made you well.
Luke 17:11-19

An attitude of gratitude isnt just a nice thing

to have or something that polite people do. Nor is
it just a cute Filipino trait. Gratitude is a character
trait required in the Kingdom of God. If you plan
to live in heaven, you better have the attitude of
Filipinos are generally happy, humble and
Why? I believe its because of our attitude of

1. Gratitude Makes You Happy

Have you noticed? Every time they do a happiness
survey, out of 196 countries, the Philippines
always comes out in the top 10 happiest countries
in the world.
Why? I believe it comes from our attitude of
Let me give you a very Filipino analogy: Do
you lovetuyo (dried fish)?Especially if you have
fried rice (sinangag), chopped tomatoes, natural
vinegar spiked with chili, and you eat it with your
hands, with one knee folded in front of you, and
its raining outside.
First point: You cant eattuyoalone.
You needrice to enjoy yourtuyo.Or you
wont enjoy it. In this analogy, I compare tuyo
with Gods gifts and rice with our gratitude. In
the same way that you cant enjoy tuyo alone,
you cant enjoy Gods gifts without gratitude.Do
you know of people who are so blessed by God,
but because theyre not thankful, they cant enjoy
their blessings?
Second point: Your rice should be more than
If the tuyo is more than the rice, it simply
wont work. In the same way, to be happy, you
just need a little gift and a lot of gratitude. Many
people complain when they lack blessings.But
actually, they dont lack blessings. What they lack
is gratitude for those blessings.
Heres the truth: Unless youre happy with what
you have, youll never be happy with what youll get.
But what if you have lots of gifts?
Heres my third point: You cant eat a lot
oftuyo.All you can eat is just a little.If you eat a lot
of it, youll get sick. Your kidneys will get sick.So
what should you do if you have a lot oftuyo?Share
thetuyowith your neighbors and everyone will
be happy.Including you.
In the same way, by its very nature, you can
only consume a fixed amount of gift.You can only
consume a fixed amount of blessings.After that
fixed point, youll get sick.Blessings were designed
by God to be shared with others; keeping too much
for yourself will make you miserable.


2. Gratitude Makes You Humble

Because of gratitude, you see everything as a gift.
Everything is an undeserved, unmerited and unearned
gift. The breath inside you, the sunlight above you, the
family around you, the friends who love you, even the
material things that God lent to you. Everything in your life
is scandalous, illogical and outrageous grace.
So how can you boast? How can you have pride? How
can you look down at other people? If you have an attitude
of gratitude, you cant.
Heres the truth: Theres no such thing as a self-made
man or woman. Youre a product of a village of people
that, throughout your long journey in this planet, has
deposited, showered and contributed gifts into your life
that you didnt deserve.
I think of my own life.
I thank my mother who gave birth to me; my dad
who worked every day to put food on the table; my five
sisters who tortured me, err, I mean, who tutored me in
my homework (slip of the tongue!), my prayer group
leader who prophesied that Id preach around the world;
my professors who taught me; my friends who serve with
me; my mentors who guided me; and my audience who
are crazy enough to listen to my talks and read my words.
(I can never boast that Im a speaker or writer because
you are the ones who give me this beautiful privilege of
speaking and writing to you.)
I am who I am because of all these wonderful people.

3. Gratitude Makes You Hopeful

Remember that thoughts attract things.
Your thoughts invite the things you think about.
Because gratitude focuses on gifts of the past, youre
attracting gifts for the future. I love saying this: Gratitude
is a blessing magnet. The more thankful you are, the more
blessed you are.
Thats why gratitude makes you hopeful. You know
that the river of blessings that has been flowing into your
life will never dry up because God is that river. He is an
Eternal God. And so that river of blessings is eternal, too.
When Does Utang na Loob Become Ugly?
Utang na loob or debt of gratitude is beautiful.
But it can also be ugly.
Culture is neither good nor bad. Its neutral. Its how
you use it that makes it good or bad.
As long as utang na loob is voluntary, its terrific. But
the moment gratitude is demanded, it becomes toxic.
Sadly, Filipinos have used utang na loob as a weapon of
When gratitude is demanded, that means the gift
wasnt really a gift but a loan. The giver wasnt really a giver
but a creditor. What he gave was not a present but a prison,
not an offering but an obligation. Because he requires
payment in a future date.
There are two big reasons why you should not expect
or demand that others thank you


First Reason: Youll Get Frustrated

Remember Joseph in the Old Testament?
For years, he was in prison for a crime he didnt commit.
One day, a fellow prisoner, the former cupbearer (butler) of
the Pharaoh had a dream and he didnt know what it meant.
Joseph interpreted the dream and told him, According to this
dream, youll be set free. Not only that, youll go back to your
former job as Pharaohs cupbearer. And then he said, But when
all goes well with you, remember meand show me kindness;
mention me to Pharaohand get me out of this prison The
chief cupbearer, however, did not remember Joseph; he forgot
him. (See Genesis 40:14, 23)
Its not that people arent grateful. Most people usually
are grateful if they remember. We live in a busy world. And its
getting busier by the day.
If people are busy
Theyll forget your kindness. But be kind anyway.
Theyll forget your goodness. But be good anyway.
Theyll forget your help. But help anyway.
Theyll forget your service. But serve anyway.
Heres my point: Dont set up yourself for frustration.
Dont expect people to thank you. Dont expect people to
repay you. Dont expect people to reward you.
Postpone all these for heaven.
Second Reason: Youll Get a Lesser Reward
If people repay you, Jesus said youll end up getting a lesser
reward. He said, So when you give to the needy, do not let
your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your
giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is
done in secret, will reward you (Matthew 6:3-4).
Thats the reason why its better if you give anonymously.
If you want others to thank you or reward or repay you for your
goodness, then you lose your reward from God.
Heres the winning formula: Do your good and walk away.
Dont expect to be given awards, recognition, honor, praise or
payment, because if you do get them, you decrease your richer
reward from God Himself.
Every Sunday at The Feast, there are over a thousand
volunteers who run the entire celebration. Im not there to
thank each one of them. How I wish I could. But I cant. (Humanly
impossible to hug and thank a thousand people.) Thats why I
know they follow the formula of Do the good and walk away.
I now tell all my fellow leaders, Dont look at me for your
reward. Your recognition. Your pat in the back. Youll just be
frustrated. Ill fail you. Im busy. Im forgetful. Please look to God
because only He can satisfy the deepest longings of your soul!
Jesus also said, When you give a luncheon or dinner, do
not invite your friends, your brothers or sisters, your relatives,
or your rich neighbors; if you do, they may invite you back and
so you will be repaid. But when you give a banquet, invite the
poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed.
Although they cannot repay you, you will be repaid at the
resurrection of the righteous (Luke 14:12-14).
Admit it. When youre throwing a party and youre writing a
guest list, you always think, If I dont invite so-and-so, shell get
hurt because she invited me to her party six years ago.
I know this teaching is hard.

Perhaps youre a parent. And your kids have all but forgotten
you. They dont call as much. They dont visit as much. Not that
they dont love you. They live very busy lives. But in your lonely
nights, you still think to yourself, So this is how they repay me for
all the years of sacrifice I gave to them?
But I urge you go to God, not to your children, for your
consolation. Because God saw your sacrifice. And He will be the
one to reward your love in the fullest way possible.
Or perhaps youre working for a company that doesnt
recognize your efforts. Your boss doesnt even thank you. This
is deeply frustrating. Yet I encourage you to go to the God of
all comfort and challenge Him to reward you according to the
goodness of His heart. He will!

Get the Bigger Envelope
When I was a teenager, every Christmas, our music ministry went
caroling to raise money for our musical instruments. We wanted
to change our drum set and buy a new keyboard. In every house
we visited, wed usually receive between P500 to P3,000. That
amount was pretty huge 30-plus years ago.
One day, we sang in this gigantic house. We were excited. We
noticed that the bigger the house, the bigger the money. So our
expectations were high. The house was palatial, we figured well
receive P5,000 for the first time in our caroling career.
Imagine this scene: We were more than 20 in the choir,
singing in front of a little girl seated on a chair, with her father
and mother standing beside her. We sang four Christmas
songs, complete with four voices, plus choreography. We were
all wearing white. After the shy applause from our audience of
three, the little girl walked up to us and sheepishly handed us an
envelope, saying, So sorry, Daddy isnt home Huh? Later, we
learned that the adults beside her were actually the maid and
the gardener.
Well, at least, the little girl gave us an envelope.
We thanked them and climbed aboard our old Ford
With bated breath, we opened the envelope. What we
thought was P5,000 turned out to be P5. It wasnt even enough
to pay for the gas. Why? Because we allowed the child, not her
father, to pay us.
Let me say that again in case you missed it: We allowed the
child, not her father, to pay us.
When you do good to a person and then expect that
same person to thank you youre settling for the P5. Dont do
that. Theres a P5,000 envelope waiting for you. (Or P5 billion.)
When you do good to a person let the heavenly Father of
that person reward you.
Right now, you may be hurting. Because youve been good
to someone, but that someone hasnt been good to you. Because
someone you loved isnt loving you back. (In other words, hindi
ka crush ng crush mo.) Youve sacrificed your life for someone,
but that person has taken your sacrifice for granted.
Heres what you can do rejoice! Because that means
the Father will reward you in the biggest way possible. Gods
envelope will be much bigger on earth and in heaven.
Let me say it again: Let the Father reward you!


1. Make a list of 10 things you
are grateful for and thank God
about them.
2. Make a list of how you can be a
blessing to others.

Email me at



Karren has finally found her gold a

deep relationship with God that she wont
exchange for anything in this wolrld.

By Karren Renz Sea

Photo credits: Ariel Barrera

Through the Valley, Beyond the Stars

er aspera ad astra. It is a Latin phrase that means,

Through the hardships, to the stars. It is the battle
cry of those who went through unimaginable
trials before they claimed their victories. It is
the motto of the beleaguered, the defeated, the
It is a short yet powerful phrase that whispers, Beyond
hardships, there is hope.
I honestly couldnt relate to it.
I never had to work hard for anything. My mother, the
strongest woman I know, gave me and my sisters everything
we needed and wanted. We werent rich, but Mama made
sure that we would never want for anything. My dream to
become a Literature instructor after a few terrifying close
calls was handed to me on a silver platter. I was earning lots
of money doing something I loved, which was to teach. Back
in school, I was also one of those infuriating students who
only had to study the night (or even hours) before an exam
and would still get a flat 1.0 on my paper.
The struggle for me was never about obtaining goals. It
was all about maintaining and sustaining them. Yes, thered
be times Id be broke. Yes, thered be times that I burned the
midnight oil to get a high grade. And yes, I worked extra hard
checking papers, preparing my lessons and delivering them
to the point of losing my voice.
But looking back, I could say that I had it easy.
I was so used to being at the top, so when God brought
me down a peg or two, I broke.
But being broken, I believe, had prepared me to rise up
on a pedestal that was much lower than where I stood before.
Ironically, this low pedestal was also the closest to heaven.
This is my story.


From the Stars

I had everything. A sizeable bank account, fat paychecks, credit
cards with limits to over a hundred thousand, and a job that I
loved with all my heart and soul. I had great relationships with
friends and family, and got high grades in graduate school.
Life wasnt perfect, but each day I woke up with a smile on
my face and a heart that sang praises and thanksgiving to the
I held the world in the palm of my hands.
But everything started to slip away.
The school where I taught required that I finish my MA
studies in two years, or I had to go. When I was given a termination
notice parading as a Thank You letter, my bosses promised me
that there would be a place waiting for me right after I finished
my MA.
I held on to that promise like a lifeline. I did everything I
could to finish my graduate school courses, until finally, all that
was standing between me and my diploma were my Language
Proficiency Exam (LPE) in Japanese and my thesis.
I had never worked or studied so hard in my life. I studied
Japanese to the point of throwing random Japanese terms to
everyone I spoke with. When the day of the exam came, I was
ready. I had studied, I had prayed, I had worked hard.
I was ready to pass. I had never failed at anything before.
I failed the exam. Not once, not twice, but three times.
Through the Valley
I was probably the only student in that university who was given
three chances to take an LPE and failed.
After that, my life saw a series of failures that pushed me
deeper into the proverbial valley of the shadow of death,
because every failure meant one step farther away from my

dream. Following the advice of my mentors in graduate school, I

took up Spanish instead. While working on my foreign language
proficiency, I also began to work on my thesis. Again, so many
sleepless nights and hours at the library were spent, to make
sure I deliver and defend the best thesis possible.
My proposal was rejected. Twice.
I could only take so much failure.
I had ran to The Feast the Sunday after I got my third Im
sorry, Karren, you didnt make it call. Attending and then later
on serving at The Feast helped me gain a positive perspective.
It also moved me to action, not just on reaching my dreams, but
also in loving others.
I began to serve in the UP Campus Feast, then later on in The
Feast PICC Formation Ministry. I was so active that I was quickly
invited to become one of the core members in the ministries I
served in. More than that, I was so moved to follow God, that
when I had the calling to surrender everything to God, I did it.
I surrendered my dreams.
I surrendered my time.
I surrendered my money.
I surrendered my life.
Working for my mother in our small business would mean
going back to whats familiar, to my comfort zone. I wanted to
know what it felt to truly and fully trust in the Lord; to hold on to
no one else but Him. So instead of going back to whats familiar
and secure, I chose to wait. I knew in my heart that I was meant
to do something, to be somewhere else, so I waited on the Lord.
So there I was, with no job, no money, and nothing to do
except to wait for freelance editing projects and to serve.
Before last year, I was used to being the one who rejected
companies who wanted me to work for them. Last year, I had my
resume out on almost every publishing company and school I
could apply to, but there was nothing.
Only long, empty days, and silence.
I broke.
Back to the Stars
I gave You everything. I gave You my dreams. I gave You so much of
my time. I ministered to Your people. I gave You all my money. Why
cant You even give me a single job?
The sky that day was overcast with heavy clouds. My room
was dark and my bed was unmade. My family was out in school
or at the office. I was alone.
I had conflicting feelings I had a big house, a full stomach,
a supportive family, and a MacBook on my desk, but I had no
money, no job, bills to pay, and no direction towards a future that
had suddenly gone dark. Of course, I got mad at the Lord. I had
given Him all of me, why couldnt He give me anything in return?
All I was asking for was a single job.
Instead of rebelling against God, though, I ran out of
the house and stormed to the church to demand justice and
payment. The church was empty except for a few churchgoers
and sampaguita vendors, so it was silent, except for the sound of
my hacking sobs.
King David once poured out his miseries to God, so I did the
same that day. I cried, ranted and raved at a quiet God as the rain
continued to pour in torrents.
It was like a scene worthy of a Koreanovela or MMK episode,
only the person I was confronting was actually God.

When I was too exhausted to cry, thats when I heard it.

A small voice after the mighty storm.
Wait on the Lord. Be strong and take heart. Wait for the
After spending more time in prayer, this time with
a clearer mind, I realized that I was mad because I gave
everything and was expecting something in return. I was
impatient because I was waiting on my timing, instead of
Gods perfect timing.
So I prayed for patience, gratitude and stronger faith. I
prayed for the kind of love that gives and expects nothing
in return the kind that Jesus gave us when He chose to
die on the cross.
By the time I was done praying, the rain had stopped
and the sky had cleared.
When I went back home, I still didnt have any money. I
still had bills to pay. I still didnt have a job. But I had peace
in my heart and stronger faith in the Lord.
Wait, He said. So I did.
I continued to pray, love and serve.
I continued to give. I continued to surrender.
Back to the Stars
When God finally spoke, His voice opened a floodgate of
blessings that was both overwhelming and humbling. The
deluge of blessings I received after that dry spell overflows
up to this day.
God has not restored the amount of money I once
surrendered, but what He did not return in revenue, He
returned a thousandfold in blessings and relationships.
I am now working as the digital content editor (aka
accessible publishing specialist) of Shepherds Voice
Publications, the ministry that blesses the world through
the books and magazines it publishes.
I nurture and cherish great relationships with my coworkers, friends, co-servants and family. I enjoy a great
family home with my mother and two sisters. Were not
perfect, but we try to love and serve each other every day.
I still serve as a facilitator and worship leader in the
Feast PICC Formation Ministrys Bible studies. I still serve as
a campus missionary. Above all, I have finally surrendered
my mind and hands to God, so He now uses me to write and
edit stories and articles that bring glory to His name.
God willing, I am launching a book this month, entitled
The Lost Chronicles of Eden: Champions, the first Young Adult
novel that Shepherds Voice Publications will release.
Ex astra per aspera ad astra. From the stars, through
hardships, to the stars.
Going through that experience strengthened my
relationship with the Lord. Having nothing but Him fortified
my faith and trust in His love, blessings and provisions. I also
learned that God is a God who walks through and with us.
He is with us when we are in the stars. He is with us
when we walk through the dark valleys of our lives. And He
will walk us through until He puts us in a place where we
can best shine His light.
So just love. Serve. Give.
Then take heart and wait on the Lord.
Your mountain of blessings awaits you.


By Bo Sanchez


Oneness Creates Wonders


eres a spiritual truth: Were one.

So if you bless that other person,
youre blessing yourself. And if you
curse that other person, youre cursing
yourself. If you hurt that other person,
you hurt yourself. If you heal that other
person, you heal yourself. Thats why the Bible says,
Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you,
bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse
you (Luke 6:27).
Because in some mysterious way, were all
spiritually united!
In some parts of our country, when a Filipino
changes his home address, he doesnt just move his
furniture. Hes so attached to his home, he moves his
entire house. But the only way to make that happen is
through the wonder of oneness.
Today, Id like to show you the phenomenon of
oneness in the Bible. These guys didnt carry a house.
They carried a paralyzed man.
One day Jesus was teaching, and Pharisees
and teachers of the lawwere sitting there. They
had come from every village of Galilee and
from Judea and Jerusalem. And the power of
the Lord was with Jesus to heal the sick.Some
men came carrying a paralyzed man on a mat
and tried to take him into the house to lay him
before Jesus.When they could not find a way to
do this because of the crowd, they went up on
the roof and lowered him on his mat through
the tiles into the middle of the crowd, right in
front of Jesus.
Luke 5:17-19

What is God telling us? When were not one,

we create a mess; but when were one, we create a

Pakikisama: When Champorado and Tuyo Become
Filipinos love mixing things. Like champorado and
tuyo. Let me share with you three lessons from this
Lesson 1: Oneness Creates Wonders
Champorado and tuyo are already delicious by
themselves. But if you put them together, the
combined product becomes more delicious than the
two of them separately. When two things become
one, its not addition. Its multiplication.
Thats the wonder of oneness.
When a husband and wife are really one, and
when friends are really one, and when business
partners are really one, and when ministry teams are
really one miracles happen!
Lesson 2: Be One with People Not Like You
Champorado and tuyo are two very different things.
Why do we mix them? (Try telling a foreigner to eat a

Hersheys bar and anchovies at the same time. Yeeeeech.)

In the same way, become one with people who are like you. But
on one condition: As long as you can blend together.
That person beside you may be very different from you. His
height and size may be different. His color may be different. (As
my friend told me, During night time, you cant see me unless I
smile.) But if you blend, you can still be one.
My wife is the champorado; Im the tuyo. Shes sweet; Im salty
thats why were wonderful together.
But oneness is also multidimensional. I cannot become one
with my friend in the same way that Im one with my wife. Especially
if that friend were female. Or else my wife will kill me.
But in a lesser degree, I can become one with my friends.
Im sure you know this: In most major cities in the world
whether that be in Los Angeles or Toronto or New York you
dont have one united Filipino organization. You have many Filipino
organizations fighting for supremacy. Why? Filipino culture can
be very cliquish, very clannish. Because our oneness is very onedimensional. Were one with the Tagalogs but were not one with
the Cebuanos. Or were one with the Cebuanos but were not one
with the Ilocanos. We need to learn how to be one with people who
are not like us. We want to be like champorado and tuyo.
Can I challenge you? Be one with your family, but be one also
with the family next door. Be one with the Tagalogs, but be one also
with the Cebuanos. Be one with the Light of Jesus Family, but be one
also with Couples of Christ and El Shaddai. Be one with Christians,
but be one also with the Muslims in Mindanao.
Lesson 3: Be One with Yourself
If you want your champorado and tuyo to be delicious, you have to
be sure that each of them separately already tastes delicious. If
the champorado itself is three weeks old, a delicious tuyo wont help.
Or if the tuyo is three weeks old, a delicious champorado wont help
either. Both have to be delicious by themselves. Thats the only time
the combination will be delicious.
In the same way, you cant be one with others if youre not one
within yourself. Thats why a broken person will always produce
broken relationships wherever he goes.
Let me give you an example:
One day, Bob came up to me and said, I have a problem
with my neighbor Hey, its possible that Bobs neighbor is really
a problem. But if Bob comes to me the next day and says, I also
have a problem with my father, and the next day says, I also have a
problem with my brother-in-law, and the next day says, I also have
a problem with the boss, and the next day says, I have a problem
with my wife I assure you that Bob is the problem.
Ask yourself: Do you often experience broken relationships? If
yes, locate the brokenness in you and ask God to heal you. Unless
your brokenness gets healed, your bonds with others wont get
healed as well.
I love it when the Bible exposes the root reason for almost all
relationship conflicts: You want what you dont have, so you scheme
and kill to get it. You are jealous of what others have, but you cant
get it, so you fight and wage war to take it away from them. (See
James 4:2.)
Why are you experiencing conflicts? Youre insecure. Youre
envious. Deep down, youre dissatisfied. You want something
and others have that something so you start a war. Theres a war
outside of you because theres a war inside of you.
Heres the truth: A deeply satisfied person will avoid many useless

conflicts. Find oneness within yourself. Love yourself. Accept yourself. If you
do, youll love others easily.
By the way, if youre not one with yourself, pakisama will show its ugly
When Pakisama Becomes Abusive
Pakisama can be deadly when youre not one within yourself. Youll search
for that oneness outside of you. Because youre insecure, youll make the
groups identity and acceptance your security. Thats when the oneness of
the group becomes abusive. And your freedom is stolen from you.
Let me give you three examples.
I remember a guy who told me, Brother Bo, I only drink on days that
begin with letter T. I drink on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Today and Tomorrow. But
one day, he got sick. And his doctor told him that 40 percent of his liver is
now damaged. So he wanted to quit drinking.
Every time he met his drinking buddies, he told them, I dont want to
drink anymore But every time, they told him, Wala ka namang pakisama.
(Youre not one with us.) The reason why youre getting sick is because
youre not drinking anymore. Alcohol kills the germs in your body And so
he takes a swig, and his lifespan gets shorter and shorter.
Or imagine a teenager who wants to study because hes failing in
Math. But his friends say, Tara, gimmick tayo mamayang gabi. (Lets go out
tonight.) When he says, Sorry, I need to study, theyll say, Wala ka namang
pakisama. Others na ba kami sa yo? (Youre not one with us. Are we not close
to you anymore?) And so he leaves his books, and fails another semester.
It happens in abusive religious groups. I know of people who have lost
their identity because their religious groups are so controlling, so rigid, so
legalistic all in the name of being community.
Why do some people allow this abuse? Because theyre not one within
themselves. Theyve not yet established their inner
identity, their inner center, their inner compass, their
inner anchor, their inner oneness.
You still dont love yourself enough. But if you
do, youre ready to become one with others.
The Three Levels of Oneness
There are three levels of oneness that you can
have, based on the three kinds of individuals
that come into our lives. Because oneness
is multidimensional. (Ill be mentioning
this throughout this article, so get used
to it.)
1. Friends
The men who helped the paralytic were
Note: These were real friends.
Theyre not like the 1,659 friends you
have on Facebook.
I loved what T.D. Jakes said
about this topic, and allow me
to echo his thoughts here. I
believe you need a nucleus of
real friends for you to fulfill your
God-ordained destiny.
And the most important
criterion of real friends is that
they love you unconditionally.
That means you can bare your soul
to them your frustrations and your

depressions, your tears and your fears, your

headaches and your heartaches and they will
accept you no matter what.
Heres a litmus test of real friends: You like
being with them because you can be yourself.
Sometimes, it can be exhausting being around
people. Why? Because you always have to wear a
mask in front of them. But when youre with real
friends, you remove your mask. In other words,
you dont change your behavior in their presence.
You can relax in their company because you know
that theyll still love you no matter what they see
in you.
The problem? Many of us lack real friends.
Youre always working with people who you
nourish but who cant nourish you. You need real
friends who can encourage you when youre right
and confront you when youre wrong. You need
real friends who will stand by you when youre up
and who will stand by you when youre down.
Heres a warning: There are certain people
who will rejoice when you weep and who will
weep when you rejoice. When you get promoted,
or when you get a salary increase, or when you get
a new ministry assignment outwardly theyll
be happy, but inwardly theyll hate it. Because
they dont want you to be better than them. If you
have such people around you, put some distance
because theyre not real friends.
Thank God for your real friends. If you have
three of these real friends in your entire lifetime,
Real friends are an amazing gift from God.
And if there are friends, there are also fans
2. Fans
Unlike friends, fans are not into you. Theyre into
what you represent. Theyre into what you are for.
As long as you are for what they are for, they will
work with you.
But let me give you two more warnings.
First, if they will meet someone else that will
meet their goals quicker, easier and better, they
will walk away from you in a blink of an eye and
join that someone else.
Second, fans will act, speak and move like real
friends. They will encourage you, work with you,
and spend time with you. But dont be confused.
Theyre not friends. Im saying this because if
youre a broken person (if youre not one within
yourself ), you will mistake your fans to be friends.
After you fall in love with them, they will break
your heart, because it was never about you, but
about how your dreams help their dreams.
When you share your innermost dream to
your fans, dont be surprised that they wont be
too excited about your dream. Because theyre
not into you. They will only be passionate if your
dream brings them closer to their own dream.
When they leave you, your heart will be

broken. You thought they loved you. No, they only loved an image of you in
their minds. They loved what you represented or what you did for them. But
they didnt really love you.
The difference between friends and fans is motives. They will do exactly
the same things, but friends will do it because they care for you. Fans will do
it because they care about what you do for them.
Heres the big question: What should you do?
Fans are a reality of life.
Love your fans as fans, not friends.
Work with your fans as fans, not friends.
Be one with your fans as fans, not friends.
You need to be able to work with people who come and go in your life. You
have to love them when they come and when they go. You need to rejoice
when people come and when people go. The Lord gave and the Lord has
taken away. Blessed be the name of the Lord (Job 1:21).
Some people come into your life for a season to help you arrive at your
destiny, but they will leave. Accept that.
Dont get bitter over fans when they depart. Because they were really
supposed to depart. You cannot have a love affair with a contractual.
Yes, you can still create miracles by working with fans. But I believe that
you can only create your biggest miracles by working with real friends.
3. Foes
I wish you didnt have any. But you cant avoid them.
The friends of this paralytic wanted to bring him to Jesus. But they had
an obstacle in front of them: There was this huge crowd of people around
Think about it. The Bible doesnt say how many these friends were.
Perhaps there were four or five or seven guys. Instead of going up to the
roof, these burly men (who could carry a paralyzed guy up the roof ) could
have barreled their way into the crowd, pushed the people away by sheer
force, not minding if they stepped on toes or hurt the other sick. They could
have acted like bullies, shouting, Shoo! Get out of the way!
But they didnt. Heres a lesson: When you push towards your dream, dont
push other dreamers away. Be careful that in reaching for your mission, you
dont become a monster.
Its easy to care for your purpose without caring for the people around
your purpose. I know of some who won their flag of victory but lost all their
friends along the way. That is one miserable life.
Heres my point: There are different levels of oneness. These friends of the
paralytic were united, no doubt about it. But in a different level of oneness,
they were also united with the crowd of people that were preventing them
from reaching their dream. Each person even those who are not helping
but preventing you to reach your goals has a role to play in your life. That
role is important. Without them, you wont be who God wants you to be.
The friends of the paralytic didnt attack the crowd that was blocking
their way; they instead climbed up the roof of the house. Heres the lesson:
Dont attack, ascend! Because if you attack, you become just like the difficult
person. If you attack an enemy, you become like your enemy. But if you
ascend, youre becoming the better, bigger and brighter person.
If there are people who are against you, dont head on; head up! This
is a very important warfare strategy. Dont fight the enemy in his chosen
territory. If you do, youll be defeated. Bring the fight to another territory
where you dont have to fight at all. The best victory is when the battle wasnt
Controversial truth: You are one with your enemy! Oneness must be
multidimensional. Youre not just one with your friends and fans, but also
with your foes. Just on a different level. Jesus said, You have heard that it
was said, You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy. But I say to
you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you

may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. For

he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good,
and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. For if
you love those who love you, what reward do you
have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same?
And if you greet only your brothers, what more are
you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do
the same? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly
Father is perfect (Matthew 5:43-48).
Its easy to be one with your friends. Its easy to
be one with your fans. But God calls you to be one
with your foes. Because, at the end of the day, there
is no such thing as a foe. Everyone is your brother
and sister. Because everyone has only One Father.
Beneath the Mud
Who is the difficult person in your life? You may
have a father whos an alcoholic. Or a mother who
has deep emotional scars. Or a boss who screams
at you the whole day. Or a wife who has wild mood
swings. Or a husband who cant find a job no matter
how much he tries.
Listen: God will not waste a single hurt in your
life. He will use that hurt for your healing. He will
use that hurt to bring a great harvest in your life.
Historians say that the house roofs at the time
of Jesus were made of dried mud and manure. Those
guys had to dig through that mud and manure to
get their miracle.
Right now, you may feel that theres a lot of mud
and manure in your life. Your trials. Your problems.
Your weaknesses. Your sins. Ive got a word for you:
Beneath the mud and manure of your life, youll find
your miracle.
Dig through the dirt, the garbage, and youll
discover the fulfillment of your dreams.
Email me at


1. List down things about yourself

that make you feel special.
2. Do you have any foes in your
life lately? List down your
strategies onhow you can head
up with them.
3. Act on your strategies today.




Mai still considers herself a work in

progress but Gods grace is helping her
overcome her personal issues.

By Mai Cruz


agandang umaga, mahal na prinsesa!

(Good morning, my dear princess!)
This was the first thing I heard
every single morning that entire week
from Edmund. He was a scholar who
got into the wrong crowd and got
hooked into drugs. We shared a common living area
but had separate rooms. We were at the seventh floor
of the Philippine General Hospital (PGH), where we
were both admitted as patients. It was the private
psychiatric ward.

Fighting Depression
I was diagnosed with clinical depression in 2002, after a cousin of
mine, a neurologist, advised my parents to have me checked up
by a friend of hers who specialized in similar cases. I was 22.
It all started with a house party I hosted. My parents were
always out of town and the neighbors were used to the noise
that came from our house, day in and day out. Although I was
experimenting with drugs and was a chain smoker then, alcohol
remained to be my poison of choice.
We werent expecting my parents to come home that early.
At the exact moment they did, a fight broke out in our living
room and my dad had to throw everyone out of the house. High,
drunk and frustrated at the thought that the party ended too
soon, I attempted to attack my own father.
News about the incident reached a few of our relatives. By

then, my parents had decided to pull me out of school.

Those who were close to me knew that my life had
been spiraling out of control way before the incident
happened, which was why my cousin intervened. I
spent one week at the hospital, with no one allowed to
visit me except for immediate family members and my
best friend.
It felt like prison. We felt we were shunned from
the outside world, more so by a gate reinforced with
steel bars and guards vigilantly watching our every
move. I remember paying one of the guards to buy me
cigarettes every time he ended his shift, using money
that I stole from my moms purse each time she visited. I
even believed for a short while that the cigarettes were
the only things that kept me sane the entire time I was
there, and not the happy pills that they pumped into
my system every single day.
After a week, I was discharged from the hospital
and was advised to undergo counseling three times a
week. After only two or three sessions, my dad stopped
paying for it, dismissing it as a waste of time and money.
A few days later, my bags were packed and I was sent to
live with my brother in Bicol, where I stayed for a year
before going back to Manila to try and get a fresh start.
Living with High Expectations
I have always been the kid people loved having at
parties. The kid everyone else compared their kids
to. The favorite niece. I would belt out a song and

perform a dance number without really being forced to do it, and

I enjoyed being the center of attention. Because relatives were
always gushing about how smart I was, my parents took pride in
photocopying my report cards and showing them off to people
every quarter. I would be sent to my older cousins house to be
tutored the moment they see me struggling with a specific lesson,
simply because failure was unacceptable.
T h i n g s
changed when I
stepped into high
Mais son has become her pride and joy.
school. I was so
used to getting high
grades with very
little effort in grade
school that I wasnt
fully prepared for
that high school
brought. I started
failing my subjects
classes became a
regular after-school
activity. It was then
that I found my
passion for writing
and for art, where
I poured out all
the sadness and
frustration I felt.
By this time, I
started feeling the
big difference on
how my parents
treated me. They
didnt like the grades they saw. They saw painting, drawing and
writing as a distraction. They were very disappointed.
Drunk and Desperate
When I stepped into college, I felt the freedom that life didnt give
me the entire time I was in an exclusive Catholic school. I went
to school only to meet up with friends, and immediately left to
start drinking. I was in one relationship after another, and I got
involved with people I barely knew, as long as they gave me
the slightest hint of attention that I craved for. I would wake up
not remembering what happened the night before or how I got
home. Sometimes, I would wake up not knowing where I was.
This vicious cycle continued until I started working. Stress
was easily handled by getting drunk. When I was drunk, I forgot
everything else. I would wake up, go to work, get drunk, nurse
a hangover the entire shift once I get to work, and solve the
problem by getting drunk again. By now, I have turned into an
angry person. I would pick fights with people I got into petty
disagreements with, and I found myself being violent not only to
them, but to myself as well.
I found out I was pregnant in 2011, just when I was waiting
for the right timing to break up with my then boyfriend. Although
we tried to make it work and almost got married, things just went

I still have issues, I fully admit that,

but as Gods devoted servant and
powerful champion, I acknowledge
that I am a work in progress, and will
always be saved by His grace every
time temptation sets in.
from bad to worse. I finally broke it off after my son
turned one, a couple of months before we were set to
get married.
Turning to God
I had already been following Bo Sanchez for quite some
time then, and decided that I was ready to attend The
Feast. I found out from a family friend that there was
one in Marikina. The first time I went there, I cried.
I also cried the second time I attended praise and
worship, as well as the third time. After a month and a
half of being an attendee, I joined the music ministry
and have not stopped serving since then.
My son has become my pride and joy, and I live
for every smile that he sends my way every single day.
Being a single mom is hard and the costs are high. But
God always finds a way to somehow guide me to people
who can help me. I have found a new resolve and have
committed to finally start fulfilling my dreams. I am
doing what I have always loved, working as a content
writer and blogger.
My relationship with my family has improved
greatly, and I have gotten over my anger management
issues. I have formed a solid bond with the people I
serve with and look to them for guidance each time
I feel myself sliding back to the pits of loneliness and
depression. I have learned to stay put and wait for my
one true love instead of jumping from one relationship
to another. Most importantly, I have learned that I dont
need the attention of other people; I just need to learn
how to love myself first.
I still have issues, I fully admit that, but as
Gods devoted servant and powerful champion, I
acknowledge that I am a work in progress, and will
always be saved by His grace every time temptation
sets in.
I went back to PGH a few months ago to visit a
friends dad. Curious, I went up to the seventh floor.
What used to be the private psych ward has been
turned into a storage room, but the steel bars are
still there. I stood there, cried and thanked God for
renewing my life.




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God in Every
Stage of


Your Life

By Beth Melchor

Find Joy in Discovering Your Vocation

n our community, the announcement of a couples

engagement is always greeted with great joy. But last week,
we had the privilege of celebrating the announcement of a
young womans forthcoming consecration to a life of single
The announcement was greeted with much joy and
excitement, with loud cheers and banderitas being waved. We
celebrate all vocations and value the road to sanctity through
either marriage, the priesthood, religious life or single blessedness.
Gods Call to Everyone
God has a call for each one of us, a vocation in which we will best
be able to experience Gods love for us and to love Him in return.
Vocation comes from the Latin word, vocare, meaning call.
A vocation is what God calls us to do with our life.Everyone is
called to know, love and serve God in this life in order to enjoy life
with Him forever in heaven. Yet each one does this in a different,
individual vocation best suited to them.
We more easily pray about career decisions, or whether we
should migrate, than we do about the vocation God is calling us
to.Yet it is one of the most important decisions we can make. We
miss a great opportunity to know Gods specific plan for our lives
if we do not discern our vocation.
Prayer The Means to Discover Gods Will for Us
We discover our vocation through prayer, but it also rests on an
informed decision, greater self-knowledge, and helpful advice
from trusted friends, family and spiritual leaders. Praying about
our vocation acknowledges that our lives are a gift from God and
what we do with our lives is our gift to God. It expresses our desire
to truly live our lives for God. It expresses our trust that God has
the perfect plan for our lives and we want to embrace that plan.
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future (Jeremiah 29: 11).
When I prayed about my vocation, I was guided by St. Ignatiuss
Spiritual Exercises No.169 on making a choice of a way of life: In
every good choice, as far as it depends on us, our intention must
be simple. I must consider only the end for which I am created,

that is, for the praise of God our Lord and the salvation of
my soul. Hence, whatever I choose must help me to this
end for which I am created. I must not subject and fit the
end to the means, but the means to the end. Many first
choose marriage, which is a means, and secondarily the
service of God our Lord, which is the end.
In prayer, I admitted my personal preference to
the Lord, but I remained open to Gods call with a spirit
of self-detachment.Many fear hearing the Lords call
for their lives because they think He might call us to
something that would not bring us happiness. But that
is an oxymoron. God desires our happiness. He desires
fullness of life for each one of us. He would not call us to
anything that is less than the best for us. So, in praying
for our vocation, we are seeking Gods best for us.
I will never forget the wide smile on a
brothers face emerging from a session
with his spiritual director exclaiming,
I can best love and serve the Lord
as a married man. He had joyfully
discovered his vocation, and that it
was with a wife by his side that he
could best love and serve God.
My prayer is that all of
us would know the joy of
discovering our vocation
and know the truth of St.
John Paul IIs words: You
must never think that
you are alone in deciding
your future! And when
deciding your future, you
must not decide for yourself
Email me at bethmelchor.


By Edgardo C. De Vera

n the past, it was called extreme unction and was associated

with death. Today, it is more appropriately called the
sacrament of anointing of the sick. It is not solely for the dying
but also for the sick. It is a sacrament of healing, yet a good
number of the faithful dread it. Relatives of the ailing are,
more often than not, hesitant to call for a priest to administer
the sacrament to their loved ones due to its association with death.
Discomfort from any type of illness or pain somehow gives us
a glimpse of death. This, plus a tinge of superstition, explains why
many recoil from this sacrament, which really is not solely for the
terminally ill or those at the point of death, but also for any serious
ailment. The infirm and the aged also have sufficient reason to
receive the sacrament, whose purpose is to strengthen spiritual
health and even remission of sins should the ailing be incapable of
confession. While the healing that it brings is spiritual, occasional
cases of restoration to physical health can occur. Naturally its efficacy
depends on the faith of the recipient.
The sacrament of anointing of the sick is a sacrament of healing.
In recent years, we have witnessed a surge in popularity of healing
Masses presided over by healing priests. Either terminology is an
oxymoron since all Masses are healing and the priesthood has the
charism of healing. In some parishes, the stress is on the Mass rather
than the presider; moreover, the more appropriate term, Mass with
healing service is used. Here, the sacrament of anointing of the sick
is administered, usually post-communion, before the final blessing.
Somehow, Masses with healing service are generally more
acceptable for those who bring their infirm elderly and sick relatives
for the liturgical celebration. Conversely, the same people may be
averse to calling for a priest to administer the sacrament for their
sick loved ones at home or in the hospital. Perhaps the stigma of
death deters one from availing of the sacrament outside Masses
with healing service akin to the unease of answering that second
query, Who wants to go to heaven now? Raise your hands.
Notice the absence of raised hands, unlike the unanimous assent
to the question that preceded it. The reluctance may be due to the
superstition that raising ones hand might bring premature death, or
simply perhaps out of the banality of its overuse in the pulpit.
Fallen man is subject to the inevitable curse of sickness and death
a curse that brings fear and instills superstition to those whose
faith is weak. However, we ought to remember that Christ is the

Healer. He has conquered death and defanged sin
of its sting. Death no longer has power over him,
St. Paul says, and we are sharers of that victory, in
the life of grace and healing Christ imparts in the
Let us heed what James writes
in his Epistle: Is anyone among
you sick? He should summon the
presbyters of the Church, and
they should anoint him with oil
in the name of the Lord, and the
prayer of faith will save that sick
person, and the Lord will
raise him up. If he has
committed any sins
he will be forgiven
(James 5:14-15).


KeRygma mission PaRtneR

24th anniversary Promo

tRiP to singaPoRe
Grand Prize Trip to Singapore for Two
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2 Units 29 LG Flatscreen Television
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Heres How:
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5. Promo runs from April 2, 2014 to December 21, 2014.
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A notification letter via registered mail will be sent to winners for confirmation
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13. Per DTI-NCR Permit No. 2767 Series of 2014.


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JPaul (left) with his Muay Thai trainer.

By JPaul Hernandez

am a student of Muay Thai. I go to the gym two to three

times a week.
You might find this surprising, but whenever I am
in the gym doing my kickboxing, thats when I am most
relaxed. I get to have time for myself and I am able to
recharge myself.
In Muay Thai, there is a lot of kicking, thats why we have to
wear shorts thats specific for the sport. It is shorter than the usual
athletic shorts so that the user can move freely.
I usually wear compression shorts underneath my Muay Thai
shorts. The purpose of compression shorts is to keep ones leg
muscles warm and to prevent friction.
One week, I had a very busy schedule, but I still wanted to
do my exercise routine. I woke up early and started doing what
I needed to do I put my clothes in my bag, rode my car, and
drove to the gym. I had to keep a tight schedule because I still
had meetings to attend and some work to do.
While putting on my exercise clothes, I somehow felt that
there was something wrong with my compression shorts. I knew
for a fact that it wasnt mine, but it looked slightly similar and had
the same color as mine. So I shrugged it off and told myself, Im
sure itll be fine. When I finally wore it, I felt uncomfortable and
weird, but I didnt mind it because I had no time to spare.
My workout that day was pretty good but uncomfortable.
I was able to finish everything I needed to finish, and all my
meetings that day were good as well.
The next day, I told the people at the house what happened
to me. I described how my shorts looked like and my utter
discomfort while using it. There was a moment of silence. They
looked weird.
They finally broke the silence and laughed out loud. In
between laughs, they told me that what I wore for exercise was
definitely not compression shorts. It wasnt cycling shorts either
but a womans girdle! Wow! I was so ashamed but I could only
laugh at myself.
After that, I realized that Id been too busy and was always
in a hurry that I didnt even have the time to prudently check my

things. Most times, I was also super tired.
The experience reminded me to take smaller steps,
to slow down, and to enjoy every waking moment of my
life even if Im a busy person.
In your life right now, you might be operating on
You dont know whats happening around you
because youre just getting by and living day to day. You
might be in panic mode because there are problems
all around you. You might be anxious because bills are
piling up. Whatever your reason is, maybe life is not what
you want it to be.
The reality of life is it isnt easy. It will knock you
down and confuse you if you let it rule you.
Friends, I encourage you to take life a bit slower.
Have small victories for every task finished. Take things
one at a time and enjoy everything that happens to you,
even the traffic. Enjoy the company of your friends and
loved ones.
If you do this, your life will be better and happier. I
claim that something good is going to happen in your
JPaul Hernandez is the builder of Feast Greenhills, which happens
every Sunday, 9:30 a.m., at Greenhills Theater Mall Cinema 2.

Email JPaul at



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An Epic RIDE with the Most

Unlikely Friends my snatchers

was on my way to Makati. All was well inside the bus when,
suddenly, a group of suspicious-looking men boarded. I was
seated in the middle of the bus when they surrounded me like
piranhas. I felt I was in danger, and so I hatched an escape plan.
I sat near the drivers seat and transferred my bag in front of
me to secure my belongings.
When I stood up, my phone rang, so I answered it. After taking
the call, I returned my phone inside my bag. When I was about to get
off, a man blocked my path. Since I could not pass through him, the
people behind me were complaining that I move out of the way.
When I alighted, I checked my bag and found that it was already
open and my phone was missing.
I remembered the man who blocked my way. I noticed that he
went down ahead of me. When I saw him, I approached him with
care and kindness. Please help me because someone got my phone.
I continued to ask him for help when one of his companions
came to his rescue, trying to distract me. I saw the one who took
your phone and they went in that direction, he said. He kept on
saying that, but I stayed with them.
Eventually, the two guys confessed that they were accomplices in
stealing my phone, but that it was now with their other companions.
They said that we can only have the chance to redeem it when they
meet up with their gang that night at their headquarters in Manila.
I dont know why, but I felt inner peace. I decided to add another
adventure in my life by taking that epic ride with them to get my cell
phone back.
While we were traveling, these two men became my instant
friends. They started telling me tips on what to watch out for to
avoid being a victim of their modus operandi. They advised me to be
always alert and grounded because they are good in creating ways
to distract people and, once we are disturbed, thats when they strike
out to steal our belongings.
When we arrived at their place in Manila, they even introduced
me to their families and friends. Our conversations grew deeper as
we exchanged stories over dinner.

By JC Libiran

heard him say, Dahil mabait si Kuya, bigyan ng iPhone

yan! (Because our brother is nice, give him an iPhone!)
I did not accept it because it was a stolen phone. They
gave me back my old phone. We even agreed that the
next time our paths crossed, we will just smile at one
Four months later, I was in the Guadalupe area. I was
about to ride the bus again when someone approached
me. He asked, Kumusta ka naman? (How are you?)
When I looked at him, I saw that it was the gang
leader. With caution I replied, Mabuti naman ako. (I am
At that moment, Gods love overwhelmed me, as
I listened to his sharing. He said that the first person I
asked help from when my cell phone was stolen the
one who blocked my way has changed his profession.
He is no longer a snatcher and in fact had looked for a
regular, decent work.
God is truly merciful. He changes our hearts even
the hardened ones and puts His love in there.
JC Libiran is the campus missions director of the Light of Jesus
Family. He has written his first book, Byahe ni Juan, an insightful
collection of his adventures as a commuter. (Visit www. to get a copy.)
Email JC at

From Conversation to Conversion

I discovered that they were hungry for respect, recognition and most
especially love. They dont have decent jobs and they have families to
feed. Some have vices and they are locked up with syndicates. They
are in a rat race and they are in need of a breakthrough. That day
was a breakthrough for them because someone trusted them and
treated them as friends.
I felt a change and conversion deep inside me because that day,
I made a decision to look at all people with love and compassion just
as Jesus did when He ate with sinners.
After waiting for hours, the whole gang finally arrived and we
shared about what happened earlier. They said that I was not really
the target, but since I used my phone in public, I became an instant
target. Their leader apologized for the inconvenience they have
caused and thanked me for treating their men with respect. I even


By Bo Sanchez

I pray that you

receive your miracles
in Jesus name!
I pray that God lifts your trials, heals your
diseases, blesses your problems, and
directs you to the path He wants you to
take. I pray that God removes your fears
and gives you the courage to surrender
your burdens to Him.
So place your hand over my hand, and
lets pray with trust, together with our prayer
team of intercessors praying for you right
This page is our Point of Contact, our spiritual
Say after me
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit.
Lord, I surrender to You my worries and
anxieties. I surrender to You my needs, my
problems, my trials. I place them all in Your
big hands. And I open myself to all that You
want to give to me. On this day, I say yes to
Your love, to Your blessings, to Your healing, to
Your miracles. And Lord, specifically, I ask for
the following miracles for my life...
I believe that You answer my prayer in the
best way possible! And I thank You in advance
for the perfect answers to my prayers. I also
ask for the special intercession of Mama Mary.
I pray all this in the Name of the Father, and of
the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!


Bless the readers of Kerygma, Lord. It is no coincidence that You have allowed us to be born in
the Philippines, to grow up as Filipinos, and to die as Filipinos. We certainly have a culture thats
a mix of several cultures owing to our history as a nation. We may not be the greatest nation in
the world, and we do have a lot of healing to go through. But we are grateful to You, O Lord, for
holding our country in the palm of Your hands. Continue to heal us, Lord, and help us to become
a nation for others. Amen.
Praying for you,


Email your prayer requests

to me at bosanchez@ or write
to me at Shepherds Voice
Publications, #60 Chicago
St., Cubao, Quezon City,
Philippines 1109.

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